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Unit 1 Good habits教案教学目标:( 1)知识目标:A. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组:brush my teethwash my facecomb my hairfinish my homeworkpack my schoolbaghang up my clothesonce a day twice a daythree times a weekB. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:1) When do you ? I at six thirty in the morning .2) How often do you ? I once/ twice a day .3) How often does he/she ? He once /twice a day4) What do you do in the morning/ evening?First, I get up early. Next, I comb my hair and wash my face. Then, I put on my clothes. After that,I eat breakfast.( 2)能力目标:围绕询问日常起居的话题,是学生能够熟练使用How often 句型,并能用表次序的副词来描述连续的动作。( 3)情感目标:教育学生培养好习惯能成就一生,同时在学习过程中学习别人的长处。教学重点和难点:1 . brush my teethcomb my hairpack my schoolbagonce a day twice a day2 How often do you ?How often does he/sheHe / Shewash my facefinish my homeworkhang up my clothesthree times a weekIonce ( twice)a day.once/twice a day /week.3. First Next Then After that教学过程:Part A:Step 1:1) Play a guessing game: 叫一个学生到前面, 老师用英语耳语: 起床, 吃早餐, 上学, 上床, 睡觉等,该学生做动作,其他学生用英语猜出。get up have breakfast go to school go to bed2) Asking & answering:What time is it?It s o clock.Step 2:1) teaching the new phrases with the cardsbrush my teethwash my face comb my hairfinish my homework pack my schoolbag hang up my clothes2) Set up a situation: Koko is going to stay at your home. She wants to know:Koko: When do you get up, A?Sa: I get up at o clock.K: Oh, that s early.(repeat twice)K: How about you, B?Sb: I get up at o clock.K: Oh, that s late. (repeat twice)Part B1Step 1:1) Set up a situation to lead to: Koko wants to know:K: Do you brush your teeth in the morning, Sa?Sa: Yes, I do.K: Do you brush you teeth in the evening?Sa: Yes, I do.(No, I don t)K: Oh, you brush your teeth twice (once) a day.( Repeat three times.)2) Teach, explain and make sentences with the phrases :3/day-three times a day5/a week-five times a week3) Introduce the drill:Koko goes on with the question: How often do you brush your teeth, B?Koko 指着表格自问自答: Look, you brush your teeth once /twice a day.Part B2&B3Step 1:Free talk: What time do you get up?How often do you?Who s Student of the year in your class? (repeat and explain it)Step 2:1) Show the flash card Student of the year on the board2) Write in the morning / in the evening on the board and draw a line between the two phrases.Then ask the pupil who is Student of the year in the class:T: What do you do in the morning?S: I get up , brush my teeth, wash my face ,comb my hair and go to school.3) Report and write First,Next Then After that4) Ask the pupil to say it ag ain with the words First,Next AftThenat 5) Go on with the question: What do you do in the evening?(Tell him/her to say with the words Fi rst Next Then, After that, )Homework:1. Listen and read Part A2. Make sentences with usually and then according to the 6 small pictures on page 1.3. Listen to Part B1 and read the part. Finish the dialogue in Part B14. Make a plan about how to train good habits and carry it on continuously.5. 6.


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