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The Susta in able Developme nt GoalsThe Susta in ableDevelopme ntGoals ( SDGs), also called Global Goalsare a proposed set of targetsrelat ingtofuture intern ati onaldevelopme nt.They are toGoals oncethose expire at thediscussed atthe Un itedreplacethe Mille nn iumDevelopme ntend of 2O15.The SDGs were first formally Nati ons Conference on Susta in ableDevelopment held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012 (Rio+20).On 19 July 2014, the UN General Assembly's Open Working Group onSusta in ableDevelopme ntGoals (OWG) forwarded a proposal for the SDGsto the Assembly. The proposal contained 17 goals with 169 targetscoveri ng a broad range of susta in abledevelopme ntissues. Thesein cludedending poverty and hun ger,improv ing health and educati on,making cities more susta in able,combati ng climatecha nge,andprotecting oceans and forests. On 4 December 2014, the UN GeneralAssembly accepted theSecretary-Ge neral'sSyn thesisReport whichstated that the age nda for the post-2015 SDG process would be basedon the OWG proposals.Backgro undUp to 2015, the developme nt age nda was cen tered on the Mille nniumestablishedfollowi ngDevelopmentGoals (MDGs), which were officiallytheMille nn iumSummit of the Un ited Nati onsin 2000.The MDGsen capsulated eight globally agreedgoals in the areas ofpovertyalleviati on, educati on, gen der equality and empowerme nt of wome n, child and mater nal health, en viro nmen tal susta in ability, reduc inga globalpartnershipHIV/AIDS and communicablediseases, and building for developme nt.The MDGs were supposed to be achieved by 2015, so a further processwas n eeded to agree and develop developme nt goals from 2015-2030.Discussi on on the post-2015 framework for intern atio nal developme ntbegan well in advanee. Formal debate concerning the SDGs first occurredat the 2012 Uni ted Nati ons co nference in Rio de Jan eiro. The 192 UNmember states agreed at the Rio+20 summit to start a process of desig ningsusta in abledevelopme ntgoals, which are “ action -orie nted, con cise and easy to com mun icate, limited in nu mber, aspirati on al,global in n ature and uni versally applicable to all coun tries whiletak ingintoacco untdiffere ntn ati onalrealities,capacitiesandlevelsofdevelopme ntandrespect ingn atio nalpoliciesandprioritiesThe Rio+20 outcomedocument,“ The FutureWe Want” , called for the goalsto be integrated into the UN' s post-2015 Development Agenda.This in cluded the follow ing goals:1.E nd poverty in all its forms everywhere.End hunger,achieve food security and improvednutritionand promotesusta in able agriculture.En sure healthy lives and promote well-be ing for all at all ages.En sure in clusive and equitable quality educati on and promotelife longlearning opport un ities for all.5.Achieve gen der equality and empower all wome n and girls.En sure availabilityand susta in ableman ageme nt of water and san itati onfor all.En sureaccess to affordable, reliable,susta in ableand moder nen ergyfor all.Promote susta in ed, in clusive and susta in able econo mic growth, fulland productive employme nt and dece nt work for all.Build resilie nt in frastructure, promote in clusive and susta in ablein dustrializati on and foster inno vatio n.10.Reduce in equality with in and among coun tries.Make cities and huma n settleme ntsin clusive,safe,resilie ntandsusta in able.En sure susta in able con sumpti on and product ion patter ns.Take urge nt action to combat climate cha nge and its impacts.Con serve and susta in ably use the ocea ns, seas and marine resourcesfor susta in able developme nt.15.Protect,restore and promotesusta in ableuse of terrestrialecosystems,susta in ably man age forests, combatdesertificati on, andhalt and reverse land degradatio n and halt biodiversity loss.Promote peaceful and in clusive societies for susta in abledevelopme nt,provide access to justice for all and build effective, acco un table and in clusive in stituti ons at all levels.17.Stre ngthe n the means of impleme ntati on and revitalize the global partn ership for susta in able developme nt.(wikipedia)


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