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初一英语期末考试模拟试卷及答案初一英语期末考试模拟试卷及答案详解(二)满分0分,考试时间100分钟题号听力部分笔试部分总得分得分听力部分(20分). 听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1. Q: hat od are they takin abou?A. . C ( )2Wtlangage(语言)caLida sa?. hinse. B. Egish. C. ech.( )3.Wat Marias sistes faoe ftva?.Srig Fstiva. Md-utun estiv hstas.( ). Q:hat t oes Helens brtheret p onSunday mrin?A. . C.( ). hrwere e twspakers?A Ate post offc. B. I h shp C. At home听句子,选择与其意思相同或相似的句子。(5分).Whtshap is ur rest?B. hih is your favorie season?t the age of twelve, couldn swim.D. Whts wrnwth you?E. Wht you thn of he weaterin Biing?1 _ 2. _ 3._4._ 5. _.听对话,根据其内容完成下面短文。(5分)Oneday I wan t gtote East 1 ,but do know the ay.So Iask apcema. The policentls m to o ag hestt, nake th trning nthe 3 dwalk n. e as teparkis in 4 f meait sabut 5 nuts walk. I thahi for elpgme anfind the lace easiy._ 2._3. _ 4_ 5. _听短文,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1.I winter it s vry_ol B warmC cold( )2.We ned _ watrin wnter.A. havy B lit C. oo( ).vrysesn is ie. like _.Aprng B.em all . fal( )4The eath n sumer _ muchA. chnes B d nt cang dos no g( )5.We _ eav sweater iprng.A.tae f B take on Cut n笔试部分(100分) 单项选择。(5分)( )1.Lucy an iy_Chia ntek. A. is visitB arevistingC visitD. visits( ). How doyou go to work? I usually go to work _.ya arB. in arC.on a carD. bcars( ). Ms fish my homewrk w? No,yu _.A may not.mtntC.ct D. need( )4 They each _ aCDin hei bs. A. have. asC. isD.are( )5. It iagod ti _. A siB. to sig sini.sag( )6. theswr _ hqustion, lease. A. B.withC.tD. for( ). _ do you go fr apnic? Once amnt. Hw on. How many ieC How otnD. Ho many time( ) _ il you sta in Amica?About two monthsA. oany. ow ofC. wlonD. ow( )9.he good a _.A. rea.readingC. to eadD. read( )10. M, I mgoing o Ann s paty thisevein._.A Why ntHaveagodtimeC. Com back rD.Goodie( )11I gin Haai with my aunt his ot for mholday._!A.Haagod timeB. Bs wis tothemC. Than y very uD. ItsOK( )1. Ecue me,whch is the way o thest office?Sor.Im nehre._.A. No at allB. BduckC. ank you al hesD.Thakyu( )1. Woulyou ko gofopicncwitus? _, ut Im too uy.A , I cant. d iC. es,Id loveto.Wh o( )14. eo liks _,but he en ike _ w.A hie; hikingB. hkes;hikigC. hiing; to hieD. hking; hng( )15 h lwer smel_. wllB.badl. dD. muc wel完形填空。(10分)Oneda there wasan argumnt (争论) between heind andhe n. “ mch than yo,”sa te wid“No, ontagree wihyou!”sadthe . Wilehey er guig,theysawaman 2 aon the a He is aring a eav coat Thesn t the win, “No, let 3 seewho canmaketh matke 4 his coat.he wewill know wo is troger”irsthe w tried. t ego bw vry hr. t lew 5 had tht hemanpulld (拉)o aron hm. ewin ws 6 with h man.Theni d to the sn,“Now, is your 7 ” The sn sare t 8 n t .Snt gtvry 9 ! Th an oo off hi oat. The agment sover W know th 1 was stronger now.( )1. tron B.trngy.stroer()2A wlkingB. walkC. walk()3.A weB ourC.us()4.A. p B on C.off().A. notso. uch()6A saB happy.angy()7.A.wayB.turC. trn().A. shines shneC. hining()9. otB. terC. otet()10.A.windB. suC. mn.阅读理解。(15分)()n y, Mr. Sith wtto a dinner pary.H w wering very oldclotes. ecaintoh rom. Bueoe in terodidnt oo atim. Thy idn ask him tosit t the tbl ean happ. Bu he sai nthingrSihwent om uckl and u n(穿上) h est cthe.He wnt bck tohe pat. Eene in th roo stod upnoe im The gae him good ood to ea.Mr. Smittok offhis coat,andput i on thefo dai, “Et, coat!”Thther peopl were upsed and asked, “Wat are yu doin? Why doyo do tha?”M Smt ansered, “I aasig my cat to ea food henI wor ol clothe,yuidntlk atm. Yo didnt sk m to si down owI amwearin ths ielohs. Adyou giveme good food ow I see,you give the od to my coa, no e.”()1.ne day,Mr. mith went to_.Aa bitdayryB.a inn paryC.an EnlaryD.aovie()2. Wnecme int therom, th eople didt ook a him. Why?A.Becae he peopl dd akhim o come.B.ecause Mr. Smith worel cohes.cau M Smith ditsay eloto temirst.D.Because t ws ight, they didnt se hi.()3.Wy did heo hom quily?ABause heidnwantto sta r.B.ecause he ent homeforhs best cloth.C.Becaue tepeope here akedi olaeBcauseh ddnt lik e food thre()4 What he ang of “surried” Chine?A.高兴的B.不满的C感到奇怪的D生气的()5 Wih stemetis right?A.A prn in goo clotes shuld t god foo.A oodcot shoud t goodod.CWe atudg(判断)aan by his clthes.D.r. Smih is stupid(愚蠢的).(B)e dy aChines unwet to study Enish iEnglnd.His fami me is Sn. Iti thesam as the word “sun”. Egd i contryith bad weatherIt ioft cudyor msty, irains nw nd gain. Ste peopl ther t get mch sushine in e whole ear. When th Chinese suentwnt oLondon, atall Eglish policman ith large facopnedhs asstto exame(检查) . Thplicem was interested to fid theChinesename “sun” in th passport. He thouh ias proounced ut like te Ensh wd“un”,so ad to th Cis stden, “se your naeis sunou e wanted here.”Th Chines tuetwsgealyrprse. B after a momnt the polcman began to mile, “Mr. Sun, youve brougsunshne to nglad! o e dotwnt outoa”根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.The Chine tuens family name ispronoc justlie he lishword “sn”.()2.Lonn, th cataofEngnd, is clle “he isty city”. ()3.In London, tallEnglmnwit re ee eamidthe Cinesetentspassrt.()4.Ticea in Lodon was intested i the Che name “sn”. ()5Mr Sn was allyto ring snhne to nland.()I w veycl. tsnoed evilyand lew ver srongly. t ws not a gdnght o go ouBt avi hato lkme rm wrk“In b wamer,” hethough, “ wer y cotbkwads”Hetok of hi coat and putito bakwas.“Thats ch ette”He thugh and wake o. About ten nutes ltr a car hit him Th driver tped i caand go outf . He ran elp Daid.Soa oice ar rivd The liemn ranto look t id. “Imad hdad.”Theplcemantold the drivr.heriver couldnbeievei.“e caned.”H red,“I did no touc him.Look at my c The is o a markn .”“He dad.”Th policeman sid g.“ t understand it.”he driversaid,“s soon as I hi him. I an to hl him. Hewas lying o thad, bt e as bething nd heews olod.”“Did ou tch him?” policman aed.“Ys,”The drived,“but I onlyturnhis head roundheht ay”Not:. bakardsad.反方向地2. mrk n.印记3. ld n.血ea tepassge andanswer te follwing question.(阅读短文,回答问题。)1 W was avd wlin in sch ad weath?_2 Hoid David make hmslfwarmr?_.3. id teder run t help ai?_.Wha idthe olicman sa gain?_. Who killed Dvid?_. 词汇。(15分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(8分)1. at ithe _ li in Beijig?2. Histry is myfaorite s _.3. Thestunts shouldr_ so Eglish ords every morng.4. Fall h_esn.5. _ te 5th sCritmasDay in westncunries.6. riaca p _ baltathe birthday pat.7. y sang and dancedhaply ad ral e _ themselves8. Therwil beaheayswti eving,an he t _ il fallbelowzer.(B) 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(分)1. Poy cant _ _(计算出) at roblems.2. He fet very tird eauseh _ _ (熬夜) l night.3. It _(多云) tod?4. Teyadehe crds _ _(手工).5. Look! They e _ _ _(划船) over ee.6. Hs sitr gesshoping _ _ _(每周两次).7. I be it _ _(一定) fun. 句型转换。(0分)1 Tereiomericein the bg. (改为否定句) There_ _ in h bg. Chiln fte have god timen Childrensay. (改为同义句)Childrn ofte _ o hildns Da. It starts May, ango on oJly (改为同义句) It _ from ay o July.4. h wreso he mothe wic a month. (对划线部分提问) _ doeshe wrie t hr mothr?5 Youd ttero to Fuhou by tran. (改为否定句) o _ _ _ _to Fzhou b train6. I ik apple.Ilke bnans, to.(合并句子) I lke appls _ _ bnana. 补全对话。(0分)A. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。A: By the way, why did you call me?B: How long did you stay there?C: Would you like to come to my birthday party?D: Whats up?E: How was your trip?F: Where did you go?A: Hllo! a Ipek to Bil?B: Speaking!: Hi, ill! is is JnpeakigB: Hello! A: called yo yesterday, bt boy answerd etelepone. 2 B:Iwnt t h World on Watr (水上世界) th my aets.A: Raly? .B:It wa grat saw he olphin show (海豚表演).It s erywodeful.: Tha sounds ineretng.B: 4 .A: O, theay after torrw wll bemy brtd. 5 B: Yes, I'd love to.Tanks lo.: Your wlcome._2._3 _4._ _. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选出正确的单词或短语补全对话。celebrate, dance, Sure, Id love to, perform, There isMichael: Hi,Jane. a party nthmsi hal tonigh, would you lke to coe?n: 2 , wa kin f prtisit?Mic: Yos te Ne Year i comig, hld a patyto 3 iJane: That sunds ctig. at ime ds it start?Michae:Half pastix, y te ay, old ouliketo soeting athe party?Jne: I a 5 aet, s that OK?Michal: Sure, ts get!1._2._ _4. _5 _. 综合填空。(0分)Ter are fou seasoinyer: spring, umer, flln ier. In spring, he weatr i wrm. I good eason or (ik).This s a 2 (hoe)seaon. Summer 3 (cme)after sprng. I svey h. Thechdrn li t go 4 (si).t otenrinsand sometimes t ns 5 (ha) nfll it s co.ts a ood ie 6 (o)hiking The frer are buy 7 (arvst) Th (leaf)fa from the trees.nter is very co eao inte earThe win blows 9 (tron) ometms itows, ad we can mae (snwman).1._2. _3. _4. _5. _6._7. _9. _10 _.书面表达。(15分)以M Favorite Festiva为题写一篇6个字左右的小短文My Favoit Festival_听力材料.1 W: What etival doyu have n Chnai tumn?M: W hav id-auumnDay Itis he timefr failis tget tgeher And e eat mocaes oha day.2. : Linda, ct you pea ngli?W: e, I .3W:Maria, whtsyou aort festal?M:O coure thprg Festivali Chna,bt mister ies Christma bst.4. M: elen, wht tme des yor bher get up on unda orning?W: Hgets up at hal pas eih on Sundayrnn5. W:Cayo posthe lettero me,Tm?I am busy withte hoewoM: K, Mohr. Ii g tothe po oficths ftemoon.1o is he wathr in ejig?2.ich season o lke bet?3. couldntswim he Iws twelve.4Wht th matter ithyo?5.Wtste shae ofyour resent?.W:se m. How caI to theEatrk, please?M:Well, goalong the street, and ae te sondurnngon the right.Thn wa on. o ll sethe pakn frot of ou.W: How long wl it wae to wa there?: Is au twtymiutes walk.W: Tanks a loM:Your wlcome. My countr hs al fou easos: iter, spng,summr andfall. e gils wa different coth n eah eo.Its er cold inwintr, we eed eay sweater and wool kits. lik srng.We take ff ur hevy coas a weaters the. n in we wer ligh(单薄的)irt The weahroten cagei sprig. snot too hot anditsnot to cod. Isummerw pt on lit lothigWe ned cool cloing. The wte dont chng much s alway ho. Its ool n fall Th weathe otencnges Girls ear light cas and swetes thevery sason i nice. I ike teal.参考答案听力部分.15 A C B C .5B CD A.1.Park2secon.riht.frnt5.went.15 A A笔试部分.1.B net we表示 “下一周”,现在进行时态可以表示将来的计划,又因Luy andil作主语,谓语动词要用复数,故选.B 乘小汽车要说by car 或 in a car3D回答must引导的一般疑问句;其否定形式要用nednt。因为mstnt表示禁止,不允许,而needt表示不必,没有必要. 注意这里ach是同位语,hy是主语5.B It s a goodime to do sth.是固定句型结构C固定搭配be anwer tothtin这个问题的答案,故选C7. ho g意为“多长时间”,how my times意为“多少次”,hw often意为“多长时间一次”,本句的回答是“一个月一次”,故选8. 根据回答aut wo mnth是一段时间,故用Hoog提问B be od t后面只能接名词或动词的ing形式10.B 是一种祝福用语11A 根据句意是希望对方过得愉快1. 由前面对话知,问话人没有得到帮助,但出于礼貌应说Thank youall te sae.1.C“Would yu like”是征求某人的意见或同意。回答应是“es,Idloeo.”故选C14. lk doig sth表示喜欢这项活动,lie too sh.表示喜欢去做15.C sell在句中作系动词,接形容词作表语,el作形容词为“味道好”,所以选C .C much修饰形容词比较级2. sesb. d/insh. 看见某人做正在做某事3C let是动词,动词后用宾格4.C ake off意为“脱衣服”5.B so+adj.+tha 如此以致于6.C be angry ith b. 意为对某人生气7.B ts oest 轮到某人了8B tart todo st.开始去做某事.A ot在此是系动词,后面接adj.构成系表结构。dj.在此句中应该用原级10.B 根据短文意思得知()1.B从短文第一句可知Mr Sith是专程来参加一个晚餐聚会的 2B 因为Mr. mih穿着旧衣服 3.B 从短文第二段第一句中我们知道Mr. Smt回家穿最好的衣服 4.C 动词“surpis”加ed 变成形容词的用法 .C 我们不能只靠外貌衣着来判断一个人,故选C (B) 15 F T FT F (C)1. He hadto hoefmok. 2 He pt on his cot backward. 3.Ys, e di. 4.“H s dea”He wadad.5. Te dre did.()1weather2ubjct.recite4.vs5Decme6.perform7enoed8tmpertur(B)1.workout2taye up3.l4.by and.rowi aboa6ti aek7.must b.1.sn anrice 2.enjoy themselv 3.asts 4How of 5.had bett not go 6. well a .A.15 DF AC B. 1.Thris 2.Sue,Id love t .celebrt4.erfo 5.dance.1.kg 2.hopefl es .siming 5eaily 6.to go 7harvestng 8.eves 9.srong 10.owmen. y FavoritestvalMy favori festival is Spri Fetivl.Itusall oes nlateJauary or Fbrury Beoe he pring Feival,the Cee peope uall give ehusesa general eanng and buy ne lohe fo ilren. te t day of the old yea,hereisa ig family dinnr A mebs fthe family g out to isit tei tives andfiens othe fs ay oftenew yer.


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