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导学案9A Unit1 Know yourself Period 1 Comic strip 日期_班级_ 姓名 _ 学习目标1、朗读并记忆P141 (6)-(7) 单词及短语。2、了解并记忆使用描述人物个性的形容词。3、使用描述人物个性的形容词简单介绍自己及熟悉的人的个性及工作。 重难点1、记忆描述人物个性的形容词。2、用以上的形容词谈论自己及熟悉人的个性及工作。 自主预习 1、翻译书中的短语及句子。1.它说 _ 2. 使他们感觉良好_ 3.与别人分享东西_ 4. 吃光_ 5.使保持井然有序_ 6. 炫耀_7.耐心的足以做某事 _ 8. 语法规则_ 9.想出_ 10. 变得容易生气_ 11.成为一个好的会计_ 12.对好奇_13.既不也不_ 14.整天不讲话_2拓展提升两个都_ 两个都不_neither.nor“.既不也不”可连句子不同成分,连主语时采取就近原则。主语:Neither you nor I_(be) right .谓语:He neither_(drink) nor _(smoke).宾语:He likes _.他既不喜欢英语,也不喜欢汉语。表语:The weather in Australia is _.既不太热也不太冷enough(形)足够多的水_(副)足以做某事_可用so.that(如此以至于)替换e.g. 他大的足以上学。He _go to school . He_ that_ go to school .当堂反馈 I. 根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。1. Linda is such a _(有耐心的) person that she never gets angry easily.2. Tom is _ (精力充沛的) enough to play basketball for hours every day.3. Linda does best in English in our class. But she is very _ (谦虚的).4. My new neighbour Elsa is _ (好奇的) about everything.5. Lets take the problems in a different _(顺序).II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Millie is very _ (organize). She can plan everything well by herself.2. Amy hurried to leave home without _ (say) goodbye to anyone.3. His generous personality makes him feel good _ (share) things with others.4. Amy often has _ (create) ideas. What job is suitable for her?5. Neither of the twins _(like) football.III. 单项选择1. Scientists are trying their best to _ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.A. come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give up2. - Can you see the notice there? - Yes, it _ “No Smoking Here”.A. says B. writes C. reads D. Speaks3. - The summer holiday is on the way. Well have more freedom. - _. But we should learn to manage ourselves.A. Id love to B. I agree with you C. Im afraid I wont D. Id like4. My physics teacher is _ to spend much time _ things to us.A. patient enough; explain B. enough patient; explaining C. patient enough; explaining D. enough patient; explain5. - Who is the most modest boy in your class? - Daniel. He never _ in public.A. gets off B. takes off C. shows off D. turns off6. - _ you _ my cake?-Yes, Ive _ finished it.A. Have; eaten out; just B. Have; eaten up; yetC. Did; eat up; already D. Did; eat out; yet7. - How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day? - Well, _ this sweater _ that one is fit for her. Theyre too big. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also8. -Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? -_, thanks. I am not hungry. I only need some water.A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. AllIV. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 他已经早饭吃光了。 He _ his breakfast.2.Amy 总是把她的东西放得有条不紊。 Amy always _.3. 父母和我都不认为我能做一名好的会计。 _4. 吴老师足够耐心给我们重复语法规则 Mr Wu is _.5. 对我来说整天工作不说话是可怕的。 Its _.导学案9A Unit1 Know yourself Period 2 Reading 1 日期_班级_ 姓名 _ 学习目标1. Learn something about the different people2.To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context 重难点How to talk about jobs and personalities with some new expressions. 自主预习 一、重点短语:1、一位天生的艺术家_ 2、 因而留下深刻印象_3、 赢得的高度赞扬 _ 4、搜索更好的东西 _5、(它)本身 _ 6、与某人共事_7、放弃当会计的工作_ 8、既不也不_9、销售部_ 10、日复一日与数字打交道_11、总经理_ 12、落后_13领先_ 14、与乐意做某事_15、接受新的挑战_ 16、任何时候_ 3、 拓展提升either “也”,用否定句末; either.or . (要么要么) 用法同于neithernor.,连接主语时采用就近原则。如:她不喜欢英语,我不也喜欢。She doesnt like English, I doesnt like English ,_ .要么你对,要么我对._you _I _right .你要么待在家里,要么就出去。You can_. 当堂反馈 一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1、I am _(impress)by what he does for me.2、My brother has _(win) more prizes than me.3、He likes to play alone and always takes part in class _(active)4、The old man gave up _ (smoke) in the end.5、I am ready _ (take) on my challenge.6、Paul is organized. He is good at_ (plan) things.二、单项选择 ( )1.-Its too hard for me to be a trailwarker(徒步义行者) 。 -Never _. Believe in yourself .A Put up B.give up C. hurry up D. look up( )2.- Would you lend me a pen ? -Of course . Here are two and you can take _of them . A both B all C any D either( )3.Liu Hao, wait a minute . I have _to tell you .A .nothing important B. important nothing C. something important D. important something( )4._Bill _Tom will go there , because one of them must stay at home .A Neither ; nor B Either ; or C Both ; and D Not only ; but also三、翻译。1在100米赛跑中,李雷落在了后面。Li Lei _in the_.2. 他的小说得到了高度赞扬。His novel _ .3. 一个活跃的人总是喜欢参加不同的活动。An active person always enjoys_4. Su Ning 很害羞,但她的作品极具有说服力。Su Ning is very shy, but _.5. 她的绘画给你留下深刻印象了吗?Did she _you _ her drawing?四、阅读An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子)over her head and she did not want to take it off . The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !”Then the captain came. He said,“Madam,I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky,and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide.So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I dont like planes and I am never going to fly again. But Ill say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and your wife keep your plane very clean!”( )1. An old lady had _ . A. glasses B. a blanket over her headC. a coat D. a basket( )2. A. She didnt want to _ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it( ) 3. _ spoke to her .A. The air hostess B. The man next to her C. her husband D. one of her friends( )4. The old lady had never been _ before .A. abroadB. home C. on a plane D. in hospital( ) 5. The woman didnt like planes and she was never going _ . A. to fly again B. to travel C. to go abroad D. to go home导学案9A Unit1 Know yourself Period 3 Reading 2 日期_班级_ 姓名 _ 学习目标1. Students can master some difficult and useful expressions by the end of the lesson.2. Students know the passage better. 重难点How to master some difficult and useful expressions easily. 自主预习 通过阅读你能译出下列短语吗?1. 首席工程师_ 2. 失之毫厘,谬以千里 3. 没有能力做某事 4. great fun 5. 注重每个细节_ 6. 其中一个成员_ _ 7. 公司总经理_8. 无论怎么细心都不为过_ _ 9.不但而且_10. 乐意做某事 _ 11. 做手术_ 13. 把时间致力于工作_ 拓展延伸Care : 细心的(形)_(副)_粗心的(形)_(副)_ 粗心(名)_照看_小心做某事_小心火烛_粗心不仅对我们自己,而且对病人都将是一个灾难。_will be a disaster_(Line 35)当堂反馈 一、单词拼写 1、They dont let me watch TV , they think some programs are not_(suit)for me . 2. Please pay attention to (take)care of this baby.3. They are (先驱)in modern medical practice.4. Now the house is so expensive that we cant afford_(buy) a house .5. Toms father was very angry about his (care).6. Please pay a_ to your handwriting!7. The high-speed railway c _Shanghai with Beijing now.二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Its dangerous to walk across the street carelessly. Youre right. We cant be _ careful while crossing the street.A. soB. veryC. tooD. more( ) 2._he _she is studying Chinese culture now . They find it rich and amazing . A Both ; and B . Not only ; but also C . Either ; or D . Neither ; nor ( ) 3.Do you think your personality _your job ?A . is suitable for B . is willing to C . is ready to D . is as good as ( )4. -When are you going to Beijing for holiday ? -I havent decided. _this_Sunday _next Sunday is OK . A Both ; and B . Not only ; but also C . Either ; or D . Neither ; nor 三、完成下列句子。1. 现在我们买不起房子。We _ the house.2.我长大后要么成为一位电脑工程师,要么成为一位总经理。I will become _ when I grow up .4. 注重每个细节是很有必要的。Its necessary _ _ _ _ every detail.5.他的工作总是按高标准要求。He always works _ _ _.四、阅读理解, 回答下列问题Only One Move Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your greatest strength. There was a 10-year-old boy, whose left arm was b 1 and was cut off. He decides to learn judo(柔道)。 His teacher was an old Chinese judo expert. The boy learned q 2 . After three months, he had learned only one move. He asked his teacher to teach him m 3 moves. The teacher told him that this was a 4 he would need. Soon after, the boy entered a g 5 , where he quickly advanced (晋级) to the final, where his opponent(对手) was bigger and more experienced, the boy seemed to be over-matched. A 6 a long match, the opponent seemed to lose concentration. Quickly, the boy took the advantage(优势) and b 7 the opponent. On the ride home, the boy asked his teacher, “ How could I w 8 with only one move?” The teacher replied,“ You have learned one of the most difficult moves in all of judo. And the o_9_ defense against (防御) that move for your opponent is to catch your l 10 arm. ”导学案9A Unit1 Know yourself Period 4 Grammer 日期_班级_ 姓名 _一、连词定义: 用来连接词、短语或句子的词。 e.g. I study English and Chinese. Does he work at school or in the hospital? I get up early, but my brother gets up late. 连词词组: eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, bothand, (as well as)二、连词分类:并列连词从属连词连词:and, but, or, so, (for)that,whether, if, unless, while / when, until, because,so that, sothat, even if, asas though/ although等三、用法 1.并列连词 - 连接具有并列关系的词,短语或句子。 常见的有:(1)表并列关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor,as well as(也,和)等。(2)表选择关系的or, eitheror等。(3)表转折关系的but, however等。(4)表因果关系的for, so等。 考点一:and (“和,并且”) 与 or (“否则”)1)改错: They sat down and talk about something. They started to dance and sang. I saw two men sitting behind and ate there.我们可以得出:“and” 连接平行结构。 2)翻译: 我喜欢英语和数学。 我不喜欢英语和数学。我们也可以得出:(1)肯定句中用“and” 表“和”;(2)否定句中用“or”表“和” 用 “and” 或“or” 填空: Study hard, _ your math will be better. = Study hard, _ your math will be worse. 我们也可以得出:(3)“and”意为“这样,那么”; (4) “or” 意为 “否则” 。表转折的连词but 和however: e.g. (他努力工作,但以失败告终。) He worked hard, _ he failed at last. He worked hard. _, he failed at last.区别: but 后没有逗号,直接连接分句; however 后有逗号相隔,可放句末。改错 : (1)Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.改为:(2)“Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.”改为:由此我们知道: although/though和but; because 和 so 等关联词都不能同时使用。考点一:either A or B “或者A或者B”neither A nor B “既不A也不B”not only A but also B “不仅A而且B”【连接主语 时,谓语“就近原则”】Either you or I _ going to the party.(或者你或者我将去晚会。)Neither I nor he _ seen the movie.(我和他都没有看过这部电影。)Not only you but also he _ French.(不但你而且他也讲法语。) 2. 从属连词-用来引导从句。常见的从属连词有:(1)引导时间状语从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。(2)引导条件状语从句的if, unless等。(3)引导原因状语从句的because, as, since等。(4)引导目的状语从句的so that, in order that等。(5)引导让步状语从句的though, although, even if等。(6)引导结果状语从句的so that, sothat, suchthat等。(7)引导比较状语从句的than, asas等。(8)引导宾语从句的that, if , whether等“when” 和 “while”Mr. White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street. =_ Mr. White was taking a shower,the UFO landed on the street. A. where B. while C. when D. whetherwhen引导的状语从句的动作多为短暂性动词,也为可延续性动词;但while只能是延续性动词。notuntil/ till 直到才;till 直到为止如:翻译:我会到你回来时才睡觉。I wont go to bed until/ till you come back.我会一直工作到你回来。I will work till you come back.so that:为了; 所以,结果He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy music during the trip.A. because B. so that C. whenHe got up early so that he could catch the early bus.他起早是为了赶上早班车。(表目的)He got up early so that he caught the early bus.他起早,结果赶上了早班车。(表结果)sothat 如此以致He got up so early that he caught the early bus.一、情境对话 :用what; that; if; as soon as; when; but; so; because; and; so that; neithernor填空Funny Husband (H) & Wife (W) about ShoppingH:“What are we going to do, my dear?” W: “Go shopping.”H:“We can do nothing _shopping.”W:“In fact, _ you _ I like shopping.”H: “Why must you do the things _ you dont like?” W: “_ my skirts are out of style, _ I want to buy a new one.”W:(In the clothing shop.)I dont know_ they fit(适合) me. ”H: “I dont know _you really like. Just go inside and try them on.”H:(对seller笑笑) “Can you talk to me for a few minutes?” S:Why?H:Because _ my wife sees (that) I am talking to other ladies, she will be angry at once and leave.S: “Then why do you let her go?”H: “I want to leave _ I wont pay for them.”二、完成下列选择题.( ) 1. Mary likes music_Tom is found of sports. A. and B. but C. both A and B( ) 2. I failed again, _ I wont give up. A. and B. but C. so( ) 3. This is my first lesson, _ I dont know your names. A. and B. but C. so( ) 4. Which do you like better, apples, _ pears? A. and B. but C. or( ) 5. Now we have no time _ money. A. so B. and C. or( ) 6. Try your best _ youll make more progress. A. and B. but C. or( ) 7. Dont lose heart, _ youll lose all. A. and B. so C. or( ) 8. Its getting warmer _ warmer. A. and B. but C. or( ) 9. He or the twins _ the USA. A. comes from B. come from C. is from( ) 10. Not Tom but I _ going to give the talk. A. am B. is C. are( ) 11. Although I have passed the exam, _ I am not pleased with the result. A. and B. but C. /( ) 12. Both Peter and I _ going to Guangzhou. A. are B. is C. am( ) 13. Either apples or rice _ Ok. I am hungry. A. are B. is C. /( ) 14. Neither I nor my parents _ to tell you the truth. A. wants B. want C. is going to( ) 15. Not only I but also Jane _ sure that well win. A. is B. are C. am( ) 16. Ill tell your father the truth as soon as he _ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. arrives at( ) 17. We dont know if he _ us for the picnic. Ill call you if he _. A. joins; comes B. will join; comes C. will join; will come( ) 18. Nobody knows when the windows _. But Ill tell you when I _ the answer. A. broke; find out B. broken; will find out C. were broken; find out( ) 19. You wont understand until you _ him. A. meet B. meeting C. will meet( ) 20. You will fail in English _ you work hard. A. because B. unless C. if( ) 21. Just because we are young, _ we should work even harder. A. so B. / C. but( ) 22. It has been seven years since he _ here. A. left B. leaves C. leave导学案9A Unit1 Know yourself Period 5 Integrated skills 日期_班级_ 姓名 _ 学习目标1.从书面和口语形式中了解生肖、星座与性格的关系2. 学会谈论一个人的性格 重难点如何从听力材料中捕捉信息,生肖、星座与性格的关系 自主预习 翻译词组。1 十二星座_6.西方国家_2 有相似的性格_ 7.生在兔年的人_3 取决于 _ 8对感兴趣_4 被分成_9.据说_5 总共_ 10.实际上_11.信任他们_12. .按照固定的顺序出现_ 提高拓展 1. 辨析 alive , live , living , lively 四个词都可作形容词, 但用法不同:(1) alive 意为_, 作表语, 可指人, 可指物 。(2) living 意为_, 主要作定语,常放名词前,有时也可放名词后。有时也作表语(3) live 意为“活着的”, 可作定语,放名词前,一般不修饰人。(4) lively 意为“生动的、活泼的”,用作表语或定语, 可修饰人或物Many butterflies(蝴蝶) are still_after the long winter days . Now the forest is_ . A, lively , lively B. alive , alive C. alive , lively D .lively , alive2. believe 动词, 意为“相信, 认为”Believe in 后接名词或代词, 表对某人的信任,对真理、主张、宗教的信仰,意为“信任;信奉;相信”我相信他。 I _ him .哪些人信奉上帝。 Those people _God . 当堂反馈 一、根据句意和中文提示写出句子。1. In Chinese Lunar_ (日历),there are 12 animal signs.2. Millie has some pictures of the 12 star_ (星座)on the Internet.3. After half an hour ,his mother_ (出现).4. I think his mother is very_ (实际).Everyone agrees with me.5. They _ (代表)the prices for different qualities.6. It is you who _(塑造)your life and your future.7. His trousers are _(相似的)to mine.8. People _(划分)a week into seven days many years ago.9. We can read some books about star signs just for_(乐趣).二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look! Those pictures on the wall are in a _(fix)order.2. Everyone should be_(live)to express his opinions when we discuss the problems.3. Some people believe that people_(born)in the same star sign have similar personalities.4. Now, China has become a _ (power)countr


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