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高考动词短语强化记忆(3)十一、动词 have 构成的短语动词1 have a word with sb.和某人说句话Could you spare a few minutes? I want tohave a word with2 have words with 争吵They ve had words with her about money3 have(deep)effects onX寸有(深远)影响The book has great effects on his life4 have difficulty in find difficulty in have trouble in做有困难We have find difficulty in writing the compositionWe have trouble in writing the composition.十二、动词 keep 构成的短语动词1. keep on doing sth继续或反复做某事Marx kept on studying English and using itwhen he lived in London2. keep up坚持Keep up your courage and you will succeed3. keep up with 跟上She can t keep up with others4. keep back保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留She was in deep sorrow。 but she kept backher tears5. keep away from 远离Keep children away from fire6. keep out of使不进入In the ancient time, the Great Wall was builtin order to keep enemy out of country7. keep one s word 遵守诺言I am sure you will keep your word 8. keep in touch with 与保持联系We have kept in touch with each other by writing letters 9. keep silent保持沉默He kept silent about the matter10. keep prevent stop from doing sth 制止(防止)做某事The heavy rain kept us from going out11. keep off 使远离Please keep off the gras s十三、动词knock 构成的短语动词1 knock at 敲(门、窗等)Yon should knock at the door before coming in2 knock down 撞倒They make sure the cows not knock the young trees down or eat the leave s3 knock off 撞掉下来A child ran into the street and knocked the woman off her bicycle4 knock about 连续打击碰撞,漂泊,闲逛He has knocked about all over Asia十四、动词look 构成的短语动词1 100k up抬头;查阅You may look up new word in a dictionary2 1ook out 小心Look out! The pan is on fire3 1ook into 调查We 11 further look into the matter4 1ook forward to 盼望We look forward to knowing the results of the exam5 1ook through 仔细看;浏览You have to look through the papers before you hand them 6 1ook up to 尊敬Young children should look up to old people7 1ook down upon 瞧不起The days are gone when women were looked down upon8 1ook like 看起来You look like your father 9 1ook on as(=treat/ consider/ take/ think of. . . as)把看作He looks on the computer as his friend10 1ook after 照顾When I am out, my husband looks after our baby11 1ook for 寻找What are you looking for?十五、动词make 构成的短语动词1. make a dive for 向猛冲The dog made a dive for the bon e2. make an apology to 向道歉He apologized made an apology to her3. be made up offi成Two thirds of the earth s surface is made upof vast ocean4. make up组成;化妆;打扮;补充;弥补; 编造;捏造Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the United KingdomIt took her more than one hour to make up for the partyOur losses have to be made up with more loansThe whole story is made up.5. make room for 给腾地方Would you like to make room for the old lady?6. make up one s mind 下决心I have made up my mind to work harder than before7. make up for弥补We must make up for the time wasted befor e8. make use of利用We should make full use of the books in the library9. make one s way 排除困难前进After the film ended we made our way out of cinema10. make progress步With the teachers help, I have made much progress11. make repairs修理They are making repairs in that building12. make a promise许诺言Father made a promise to buy me a new computer13. make a living 谋生He began to make a living by himself when he was ten14. make the best 0K量利用Mother didn t enjoy his job, but she made the best of it15. make for 走向,前往They set off by car and made for the nearest town16. make out 认出,理解We made out a figure in the darknes sIt s difficult to make out his ideas17. make it 成功,及时达到After hard working we made it at last 十六、动词 put 构成的短语动词1. put away放好;收起来Put the books away after reading2. put down 记下;平息 Put down the gentleman s address3. put out扑灭;出版It took the fire fighters four hours to put out the fire4. put up举起;建造;张贴;公布,投宿Many new high buildings have been put up in our city5. put up with(二stand/bear)忍受He is prepared to put up with it for the time being6. put on穿上;上演;增加We will put on the new play next month7. put off 延期;拖延The sports meet will be put off because of the bad weather8. put through完成;(打电话)把接通Can you put me through to this number?9. put forward 提出建议,拨快(钟等 )The doctor put forward a good suggestion - 3 -


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