剑桥六年级下英语Mary's diary (Part 2,3)

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剑桥六年级下英语Mary's diary (Part 2,3)_第1页
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剑桥六年级下英语Mary's diary (Part 2,3)_第2页
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教 案 设 计课 题Unit 3 Marys diary p 2&3教学目的与要求Read two diaries of Mary, and then answer the questions.教学重难点Read the diaries and answer the questions.课型与方法New Lesson课 时第 2 课时 ( 18 )教学过程 ( Recorder、IQ board )Step1Warming up.一、Greeting二、Read the text on page20.Step 2Presentation.一、Part 2 Read and say why Mary was sad. 1. Read the diary by themselves firstly. 2. Exercise True or false: 1) Mary wrote this diary on a cloudy day. ( ) 2) She isnt good at maths. ( ) 3) She did five sums, but she only got four right. ( ) 4) Maths is not difficult for Peter. ( ) 5) Peter is going to help Mary. ( )3. Check the answer, 4. Match game:give-gave get-got feel-felt 5. Read the diary after recorder. 6. Talk about: Why was Mary sad? What will Mary do? 7. Check the answer. And learn that from Mary:When we are not good at something, we shouldnt be afraid of it.We should work harder and harder.二、Part3 Read and say what Mary dreamed about.1. Read the second diary by themselves firstly. 2. Exercise. True or false. 1) Mary visited the old castle on 19 August. ( ) 2) Mary visited the castle with her aunt. ( ) 3) Mary thinks there is a ghost in the tower. ( ) 4) The ghost likes eating ice cream. ( ) 5) Mary dreamed that the ghost ate Sams ice cream.( ) 3. Check the answer. 4. Match game: have-had visit-visited dream-dreamed love-loved eat-ate 5. Read the diary after recorder. 6. Talk aboutWhat did Mary dream about? 7. Check the answer.Step 3Consolidation.一、Read two diaries loudly.二、T let Ss understand the format of diary.1.Its different with the format of letter.2.Date is on the left. Weather is on the right.BDUnit 3 Marys diary Diary1 give-gave get-got feel-feltDiary2 have-had visit-visited dream-dreamed love-loved eat-ate课后记与作业记载: 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word


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