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高集联校英语六年级(上)期末测试笔试部分学校: 姓名: 一、 写单词补全句子。1.I cant use_。Please give me a _ and_(叉子).2.She likes collecting_(邮票)。3.Bob is from _ .He can speak some _(法语)。4.There is a_(餐馆) near the _(广场)。二、读单词,选出不同类的一项。) 1.A. Mexico B.London C Canada) 2. A.million B thousand C kilometre) 3. A.football B basketball C flute) 4. A.bus B kite C train) 5. A.Chinatown B Big Ben C the British Museum三、单项选择、1、There is a letter _ you. A. to B. for C. with2.Do you _visit the UN building ? A to B want to C. want3.That _ nice. A to sound B sound C sounds4.I can _English. A tell B say C speak5.Can you _ my friend? A be B are C is6.I _got two friends from England. A has B have C am7.She _playing basketball. A like B likes C like to8.I can play_ violin A a B the C /9.There _some postcard on the desk. A.am B is C are10.I want to go swimming,_Ive got a cold.A and B but C or11.Jack _got any pen friends.A has B have C hasnt12.Dont _in the library. A talk B write C read13.People carry flags and sing songs on_.A Spring Festival B Dragon Boat Festival C Flag Day14.Painting is _hobby. A me B my C mine15.-_are we going? -To the park.A Where B What C How四、连词成句。1.have,stamps, got, you, any(?)_2.do, you ,do,what,on ,Flag, Day(?)_3.has, got , million ,people ,it , six (.)_4.ofen ,do, you ,clean,room ,your (?)_5.I ,to ,write ,can , pen friend ,your ( ?)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.There are five _(woman) in the room. .2._(please) to meet you !3._(dance) is my hobby.4.Dont _(talk) in the library.5.Please _(stand) up .六根据所给信息完成下列各题。(一)判断正误,正确的在括号里写T,错误的写F 。( )1.Sam is from Canada .( )2.Sam is 12 years old .( )3.Sam cant swim.(二)回答问题:4.Whats Sams hobby ?_5.Does Sam like to eat fast food?_NameSamFromHong KongAgethirteenSchoolXinhua SchoolAbilities(能力)speak English wellswim wellHobbycollecting toy carsFavourite thingeat fast food every Saturday(三)你想拥有一位笔友吗?请你以第一人称Sam 的身份,写一篇介绍自己基本情况的短文,征集一位笔友。(开头部分已给出,用到的单词见上面的)Hello !My name is Sam .Im


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