冀教版四年级下英语Unit 2 单元测试卷

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Unit2 单元测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选择正确的图片。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. 二、听录音,根据听到的内容选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. month B. twelfth C. nice ( ) 2. A. June B. July C. January ( ) 3. A. first B. second C. third( ) 4. A. sunny B. windy C. rainy( ) 5. A. weather B. worker C. teacher 三、听录音,选择合适的答语。( ) 1. A. Its sunny. B. Its Sunday. ( ) 2. A. Its warm and rainy. B. Its cold and snowy. ( ) 3. A. Its June the first.B. Its October the first.( ) 4. A. My birthday is December. B. Its International Workers Day.( ) 5. A. January is the first month.B. November is the eleventh month.四、听录音,按照听到的顺序给句子排序。( ) I like to play in the snow.( ) These are the twelve months of the year.( ) Today is my birthday. Its January thefifth.( ) The boy in red shorts is the second.( ) Do you see the sun?笔试部分一、朗读句子,从中找出含有与例词画线部分相同发音的单词。1. I am the third. fur: _2. Today is Thursday. work: _3. The boy in a red T-shirt is Danny. dirty: _4. Lets say the months of the year. sun: _5. Its hot and sunny in July. October: _二、选出每组中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. eighth B. four C. third ( ) 2. A. hot B. what C. who ( ) 3. A. white B. green C. nice( ) 4. A. day B. Wednesday C. year( ) 5. A. often B. round C. beautiful三、单项选择。( ) 1. Please _ the blackboard.A. look inB. look at C. look like( ) 2. This is a _ day.A. windB. cloudy C. rain ( ) 3. November is the _ month _ the year.A. tenth; in B. twelfth; with C. eleventh; of( ) 4. The boy _ a blue T-shirt was the _ in the race.A. in; first B. to; one C. for; firstly( ) 5. The Spring Festival is _ January _ February.A. in; ofB. of; or C. in; or四、选词填空。1. In August in China, the weather is _ (sunny, snowy).2. In China, National Day is _ (October, September) the first.3. Kim likes to play in the_ (rain, rainy).4. _ (Whose, What) birthday is in May?Lilys birthday is in May.5. _ (What day, When) is it?Its Monday.五、情景会话。( ) 1. _Its cold and snowy.A. What is the weather?B. How is the weather? C. How are you? ( ) 2. _March.A. What is the first month of the year?B. What is the second month of the year?C. What is the third month of the year?( ) 3. _My birthday is August the ninth.A. When is your birthday?B. Whose birthday is in September?C. Whats your favourite month?( ) 4. When is Teachers Day? _A. June the first.B. September the tenth.C. December the tenth.( ) 5. What is it?_A. It is snow. B. The sun is hot. C. Its rainy.六、根据图片,判断句子与图片是()否()一致。( ) 1. Its July the first. Its Childrens Day.( ) 2. Its cold today. Its snowy.( ) 3. Its the Spring Festival. Its in January or February.( ) 4. Today is Sunday, February the tenth. Lets go to the park.( ) 5. Today is National Day. Its October the first.七、连词成句。1. in, is, Whose, December, birthday (?)_2. is, month, fourth, the, April (.)_3. first, is, the, New, Years, Day, January (.)_4. see, the, the, and, Do, cloud, rain, you (?)_5. rain, you, What, I, like, about (.) (?)_八、用所给单词补全短文。snow snowy eleven tenth weatherMy name is Kate. Im a pupil from Canada. Im 1. _ years old. My birthday is November the 2. _. I like 3. _days. I like to play in the 4. _. How is the 5. _ in your country?参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. The weather is cold and snowy.2. The sun is hot. 3. I like Childrens Day.4. My birthday is January the fifth.4. Today is Thursday.二、1. October is nice.2. July is the seventh month.3. I am the second. 4. Its windy today.5. My mother is a teacher.三、1. What day is it?2. Hows the weather in April?3. When is National Day? 4. When is your birthday? 5. Which is the eleventh month?四、1. Today is my birthday. Its January the fifth.2. I like to play in the snow.3. Do you see the sun?4. These are the twelve months of the year.5. The boy in red shorts isthe second.听力答案一、15BBBAA二、15CBBBC三、15BABAB四、24153笔试部分一、1. third2. Thursday3.T-shirt 4. months 5. hot二、15 BACBA三、15 BBCAC四、1. sunny 2. October 3. rain 4. Whose 5. What day五、15 BCABA 六、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、1. Whose birthday is in December?2. April is the fourth month.3. New Years Day is January the first.4. Do you see the cloud and the rain?5. I like rain. What about you?八、1. eleven 2. tenth 3.snowy 4. snow 5. weather 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word


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