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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上N1班期末英语试卷 姓名 分数I英汉词组对译 (20% )1. 困难的 2. 立即,马上 3. 属于 4. 不及格,失败 5. 贵的 6. 笨的7. 礼物 7. 付得起9. 除之外 10. 付得起11. conductor _ 12. tramp_13. passenger _ 14. impossible_15. deposit _ 16. instalment_17. ticket_ 18. intelligent_19. dictionary_ 20. sour_ 21. get off 22. knock at the door 23. too.to 24. arrive at II. 按要求写出下列各词。(10 分) 1.many _(比较级) 2. catch_(过去分词) 3. cheap_(反义词) 4. difficult_(反义词) 5. large_(比较级) 6. small_(比较级) 7.good _(最较级) 8. heavy_(比较级)9. hot _(比较级) 10.fat_(最较级)III根据要求进行句型转换。(10%)1. He read his book last week. (变成一般疑问句)2. We swam across the river yesterday. (变成否定句)3. How long have you lived here? (用完整的句子回答)4. We have breakfast at half past seven. (把主语变成第三人称单数,注意动词)5. I must go to the butchers too. (把主语变成第三人称复数)IV. 用适当的介词填空。(10%)1. I painted the room_1998.2. What do you usually do _Sundays?3. He got up _six oclock yesterday4. The dentist is very busy _the movement5. Do you often read newspapers _ your grandmother? 6. The cats are running _the wall. 7. Look at the picture of a clock _ page 80.8. I am sure there is no one _ home.9. My birthday is _May 21st.10. Pick up all the things. Dont leave anything _ the floor.11. Whose is this house? Does it belong _ you?12. I left a suitcase on the train _ London.13. This case doesnt belong _ me.14. Ive just arrived _ Scotland.15. The English and Maths papers werent easy enough _ me.16. He sat there and looked it _ three hours.17. This is the largest dress _ the shop.18. You must get _ the bus.19. Everyone is _ the garden.20. I want _ paint this room.V 选择最佳答案(20%)1. I looked for my pen _, but I couldnt find it _.a. everywhere, everywhere b. everywhere, anywhere c. somewhere, nowhere 2. He has invited me _ his birthday party. a. to b. for c. in3. John looked _ the window in order to find if there was _ at home.a. through, someone b. into, anyone c. through, anyone4. Everybody _ in the garden. They _ all sitting under the tree. -Shes _ school.a. is, are b. is, were c. are, are5. I will have a lot of things _ this evening. a. doing b. of doing c. to do6. I dont give him _ homework yesterday. I knew he had _ time after class. a. any, no b. some, no c. some, some7. The handbag doesnt suit me, and I dont like the color, _. a. too b. neither c. either d. also8. He is late again today, but she was _ yesterday. a. late b. later c. latest9. Mary works hard. Her brother works harder, _. a. too b. neither c. either d. also10. I think playing computer games is not _. a. interested b. interesting c. interest11. This car is _ that one. It is _ car in our shop. a. cheaper than, cheapest b. cheaper then, the cheapest c. cheaper than, the cheapest.12. Sue _ a bat. a. have b. plays c. playing13. She has a Chinese cat. She _ an American cat. a. dont have b. doesnt has c. doesnt have14. They _ many clubs at school. a. have b. has c. there are15. Ill be back _. a. in a hours time b. in an hours time c. in an hours time16. Are you afraid _ dogs? a. of b. that c. with17. The doctor says that he needs _ X-ray. a. some b. an c. a 18. They _ better go now, or they will miss the train. a. have b. are having c. had 19. _ he _ any help? a. Doesneed b. Doesneeded c. Is .needs20. Can we buy it _ instalment? a. in b. on c. at d. through21. This book is Toms, _ is new. A. my B. mine C. I D. mys 22. The book doesnt belong _. A. to mine B. to my C. to me D. for me 23. Please give that _ me.A. in B. to C. on D. for 24. We must do our homework _ once. A. at B. in C. for D. to25. He always _ at six in the morning. A. get up B. got up C. gets up D. gets out26. She often helps her _ housework.A. does. B. did C. doing D. do27. He _ that he is drinking his tea. A. say B. says C. said D. saying 28. I hope you _ well. A. are all B. all are C. are every D. every are29. He doesnt do his homework, _?A. do he B. doesnt he C. does he D. dont he30. She can dance very well, _?A. cant she. B. can she C. does she D. doesnt she31.The English papers werent easy _ him.A. at B. to C. for D. in 32. The questions were _ difficult for me _ answer.A. enough, to B. very, to C. much, to D. too, to33. Is your brother old _ to go to school?A. too B. enough C. very D. quite 34. The teacher tells us _ in the street. A. to not play B. dont play C. doesnt play D. not to play35. Look! Who _ on the playground?A. running B. is running C. ran D. run36. My father is _ than my mother.A. tall B. taller C. more taller D. very tall37. He is _ student in our class.A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest 38. He doesnt like playing computer games, _.A. too B. either C. as well D. to 39. This box is as _ as that one. A. bigger B. big C. biggest D. the biggest 40. She is the tallest _ all.A. in B. for C. of D. on VI. 完成下列反意疑问句(10分)。1. She often gets up early, _?2. He cant finish all his homework for one hour, _?3. They didnt have classes yesterday, _?4. They are not playing computer games, _?5. You wont play football with him, _?6. They will write to me, _?7. Lucy and Lily havent been to New York, _?8. These tourists come from Japan, _?9. Your father was a doctor, _?10. They had a good time at the party last night, _?VII. 补全对话(5分) A. I left a suitcase _ the train to London. B. Is this _ case? A. _, thats not mine. B. What _ this one? A. Let me _ it. Oh, its mine.VIII. 把各句中的错误改正。(5分)1. This box is got a label. 2. He goes to London last week. 3. The book doesnt belong to mine. 4. He cant fly a kite, cant he? 5. You have better go to school by bike. X. 阅读短文并回答问题。(10%) Passage 1Many children like monkeys, but they dont like bears or lions because they are dangerous. When they go to the zoo, they often go to see the monkeys first. They like to see baby monkeys sitting on their mothers shoulders. Monkeys are childrens best friends. Children like to play with them. Monkeys are very quick. They often run here and there, up and down. Sometimes they make faces. Sometimes they put up their hands and want to get bananas from the people who are watching them in the zoo.1. What kind of animals do children like?_. 2. Do you like bears or lions? Why not?_. 3. What do children like to see first?_.4. Are monkeys childrens best friends?_.5. Do monkeys like to make faces?_.Passage 2: Baby giraffe Born Twiga is a small giraffe. She was born in a zoo in Beijing yesterday. She is 175 centimeters tall and weighs 50 kilograms. She is very cute. She is smaller than many baby giraffes. Most giraffe babies are taller and heavier. Twigas mother is not worried. Twiga drinks milk and eats small trees. Today she is bigger than yesterday!Giraffes come from Africa. Twigas name is from Africa, too. Many people in Africa speak Swahili. Twiga is Swahili for “giraffe”.6. The article is mainly talking about _.A)     a baby giraffes mother B)      twigaC)     most giraffe babies D)     Africa 7. How tall is twiga? A) 175 centimeters B) 175 meters C) 50 centimeters D) 50 kilograms8. What does twiga eat and drink?A)     She eats big trees and drinks juice.B)      She eats flowers and drinks juice.C)     She drinks milk.D)     She eats small trees and drinks milk.9. What does “Twiga” mean?A)     Swahili B)      GiraffeC)     Tree D)     Africa10. Which of the following is not true?A)     Twigas name is from Africa.B)      Twiga was born I Taiwan.C)     Twiga is cute and small.D)     Twiga is bigger than many giraffe babies.专心-专注-专业


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