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2020学年人教版英语精品资料微山县期中考试八年级英语试题 注意事项:1本试题分第l卷和第2卷两部分。第一卷为选择题,45分;第二卷为非选择题,55分;共100分。考试时间为110分钟(含听力20分钟)2答第1卷前,务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。考试结束时,试题和答题卡一并收回。3第l卷每题选出答案后,都必需用28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(ABCD)涂黑, 如需改动,必需先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其他答案。4用蓝(黑)色钢笔或圆珠笔亩接将第11卷的答案写在试卷上。第1卷(选择题,共45分)一、听力选择(共15小题,计l5分) (一)请听录音中五个句子。从A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与句子内容相符的图片。(每个句子仅读一遍) (二)请听录音中五组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。 (每组对话读两遍)6What does Lucys brother plan to do? AGo climbing BGo fishing CGo hiking7How much is the bike? A$156 B$160 C$1658When did the girl go to Water City? ALast week BLast month CLast year9How was the weather in Hong Kong yesterday? ASunny BWindy CRainy10Where does this conversation most probably take place? AIn the hospital。 BIn the museum CIn the post offiee (三)请听下面两段的对话。然后从每小题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能回答所给问题的最佳答案。 (每段对话读两遍) 听第一段对话,回答第ll至12小题。11Which sport does Rose like best,swimming,football or basketball? ASwimming BFootball CBasketball12What is Jims favorite sport? AFootball BSkating CSwimming听第二段对话,完成1315小题。1 3How does the man spend his spare time? APlaying football BPlaying games CWatching TV14What does the woman think ofwatching TV? AItS interesting BIts a waste of time CIts boring15What program does the man like best on TV? AMusic BNews CFootball(注意:请同学们翻到第ll卷第四大题,继续做听力填词题。)二、语言知识运用(共两小节,计l2分)第一节:单项填空(共8小题,计4分)从每小题A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳答案16In our school, students like English,but few of them can speak Englishfluently(流利) Aa little Ba few C1iRle Dfew17一ThatS a nice pen一Yes,it isMy aunt it for my last biahday Abuy Bwill buy Chave bought Dbought18That magazine every Monday Acomes up Bcomes out Ccomes over Dcomes true19一 should we clean the library? Twice a week AHow many BHow much CHow long DHow often20They are trying what is going on around the world Alook tor Bto look for Cto find out Dfind out 21一0f the three TV programs,which one do you think is? 一I think A Bite of China is Ainteresting Binterested Cmore interesting Dthe most interesting 22Do you mind me take the book to my sister? Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto help 23一What can you expect form the new film? 一I can learn some great jokes A1earn Bto learn C1earned D1earning 第二节:完形填空(共8小题,计8分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题ABCD四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 One of Davids friends loved money very much,and l gave anything to anybodySo he became richOne day,he was walking near the river with his friends when he slipped(滑倒)and fell inHis friends ran to help himAnd one of them held out his hand and said,“ your hand,and l will pull(拉)you out”The rich mans head went under the water and then came up again, 5 he didnt give his handAgain another of his friends tried but again the 6 thing happenedThen David said,“ 7 my hand and l will pull you out!”The rich man took his hand and David pulled him 8 of the water “You dont know our friend is very well”he said to the 9 “When you say give to him,he does l0 ,but when you say take,he takes at once” 24Aalways Bnever Csometime Dnot 25ATake BGet CHold DGive 26Abut Bor Cthen Dand 27Adifferent B. same Cother Dworst 28AGet BHold CGive DTake 29Afrom Bup Cout Ddown 30A0ther Banother C. others Dones 31Asomething Bnothing Ceverything Danything三、阅读理解(共12小题,38-47题,每题l.5分,计18分)阅读下面短文,从每小题ABCD四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或句子的最佳答案。Huang Xiaoming Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming visited the panda base(据点) inSichuan provinceDuring his visit,Huang Xiaoming put on akeepers suit and tried cutting bam00,cleaning cages and feeding the pandas Huang also adopted(收养)a pair of panda twins with a gift ofone million yuanAngelina Jolie Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie can do all kinds of things onscreen(屏幕)It looks like shes good at everythin9,shooting,fighting and killingBut theres one thing she is afraid of-cookingThe 33-year-old actress says she was never able to master cookingskills“I dont cook-its the one thing I cant do!”she says。ChenLuyu Chinese hostess Chen Luvu is famous for her popular talk showShe set up an online version of her show at SSome people have gown tired of Chens show,especially her habitofconstantly asking guests,“really”But the producer ofthe showsupports Chen“Shes one of the few Chinese hosts who knows howto control her desire(欲望)to express herself and let the guests speak freely in an interview”A32Which is TRUE about Angelina Jolie? AShe is good at everythin9 BShe cant shoot well CShe cant cook by herself DShe can cook well33Why have people grown tired of Chen Luyus show according to the passage? ABecause she isnt famous for her talk show: BBecause she set up an online version of talk show CBecause she has the habit ofconstantly asking guests,“Really? DBecause she likes to explress herself34We can know from the passage that AAngelina Jolie is a shy actressBChen Luyu isnt famous anymoreCHuang Xiaoming is a kind manDAll the three stars are ChineseB MrWhite was in bed and was Wing to go to sleep when he heard the doorbell rin9He turned on the light and looked at the clockIt was half past twelve“Who carl be it at this time of night?”he wonderedHe decided to go and find outSo he got out of bed,put on his jacket and went to the doorWhen he opened the door,there was nobody there“Thats very strange,”he thoughtThen he went back to his bedroom,took off his jacket,got back into bed,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep A few minutes later he heard the doorbell ring againMrWhite jumped out of the bed very quickly and rushed(冲)to the doorHe opened it,bu again he found no one thereHe closed the door and tried not to feel too nervousThen he saw a piece of paper on the floor inside the doorHe picked it upThere were some words on it:“Now its after midnight(午夜),so its April l stHappy April Fools Day!” “Oh,it was the funny boy next door!”MrWhite smiled35MrWhite was trying to go to sleep when he heard Asomebody sing Bthe doorbell ring Cthe telepbone ring Dsomebody knock at the window36When he opened the door for the first time,he found outside the door Ano one Ba boy Chis friend Da piece ofpaper37The boy rang the doorbell because he wanted to Aborrow MrWhites clock Bask MrWhite for a piece of paper Cmake fun of MrWhite Dtell MrWhite a storyC As the Intemet is developing fast,more and more new words and phrases have beencreated in ChineseHere are some examples One of the most popular words is Dianzan,which is often used when you quite agreewith someAnother example is Renxin9When you say somebody is Renxing,you meanthat they will do whatever they likeThe phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping,which means you can complete your shopping orders before othersBut now itS widely used when you achieve(达到)your purpose in a very short timeIf you describe somebody as a Tuhao,you mean that he is very rich You can find lots of such new Chinese wordsKeep learning and you11 know moreabout Chinese culture38What does Renxing mean in English? ASomeone can complete hisher shopping orders before others BSomeone will do whatever heshe likes CHeShe is very rich DSomeone achieves hisher purpose in a very short time39What does the underlined word”purpose”mearl in Chinese? A目标 B讨论 C成功 D短语40Which of the following is Right according to the passage? ANow,fewer and fewer words and phrases have been created in Chinese BMiaosha has two meanings in Chinese CYoU can find lots of new Chinese words without learning DThe phrase Tuhao first came from online shoppin9D Helens eyes are not very good,So she wears glassesBut she doesnt wear glasseswhen she is with her friendJimWhen Jim comes to her house to take her out,she will take her glasses off,and when she gets back,she puts on the glasses One day her mother asks her,“Helen,why dont you wear glasses when you arewith Jim?He takes you to many lovely places in his car,but you cant see anything”Helen says“I look more lovely to Jim when Im not wearing my glasses and he looksbetter to me,too”41Jim comes to take Helen Ato school Bto work Cto see lovely places D.to his home42Helen doesnt wear glasses Awhen Jim is with her Bwhen she is at home Cwhen she is at school Din the evening43Which serltence is right? AHelen doesnt like Jim BHelen wants to look more lovely CJim doesnt like glasses DHelens mother knows Helen very much 答题卡请把l43题的答案填在下面的表格内。题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 答案 题号 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 答案 题号 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 答案第卷(非选择题,共55分)四、听力填表(共5小题,计5分)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,根据所听内容填写下面表格,每空一词。NameOld GreenAge 1 years oldHis habitsHe eats little 2 He also likes to 3 with othersHe doesnt think watching TV is 4 When he has a cold,he only drinks a lot of waterThen he normallyfeels 5 again1 2 3 4 5 五、单词拼写与运用(本题共15分,每小题1分,计15分)(一)根据汉语意思及所给的首字母(或汉语)提示填空,使句子内容完整。1A the man was badly ill,he still went to work2My good friend is t in music3Please open the window to let some f air in。4He is new here,n of us know him well5These hotels (服务)well6Maria won a prize in an English (竞赛)7This boy is old enough to look after (自己)8This plan was agreat (成功)(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空。9My grandmother (feed)the hens before she left home10It is necessary for us (exercise)every day11At school,Tony never (play)sports12She plans (go)to Beijing with her parents next week13The guests play a role in (decide)the winner14Time is moneyOur teachers tell us (not waste)time15Please be quiet,the baby (sleep)六、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 (本题共5分,每题l分,计5分)1当我试着做滑翔伞运动时,我感觉我像一只鸟。I I was a bird when I tried paraglidin92你为他人做的越多,你就越感到快乐。The you do for others,the you will feel3我总是比他取得更好的成绩。I always get than he does4那由你自己来决定。 Thats you to decide5当他是个孩子时,他总是准备好去尽其所能的学习。When he was a child,he always to try his best to study七、根据要求完成句子。 (本题共5分,每题l分,计5分)1They did something special on their school trip(改为一般疑问句) They special on their school trip?2He watches TV twice a week(对画线部分提问) does he watch TV a week?3Pauljumps highCaroljumps high,too (合并为一句话) Pauls jumps Caro14I think this movie is pretty_bad(对画线部分提问) do you this movie?5It is ten hoursdrive from my school to my home(对画线部分提问) is it from your school to your home?八、阅读表达(共5小题,计l0分) A fisherman lived with his wiff(妻子)in an old shack(棚屋)by the seaEach dav he caught a fish,and cooked it for his wifeOne day he caught a magic fishThe fish asked the fisherman to let him 90,and the fisherman agreedFor the rest of the day,he caught nothingWhen the fisherman got home with nothing,his wife asked what happenedHe told her about the magic fish“What did you get in return?”his wife asked“Nothin g,said the fishermanHis wife was very angryIts a magical fish,so ask something from himI hate this shackAsk the fish for a nice house,”she saidThe man didIl,t want to trouble(麻烦)the fish,but he didnt want his wife to get allgry The next day,the fisherman went to the sea and told the magic fish about his wifeswishWhen he got home,his wife was standing in front of a beautiful house For a week,she Was happy but then she started to complain(抱怨)Go back and ask for a castle(城堡),”she saidIf you dont,Ill be unhappy forever”The fisheman didnt want a castle,but he didnt want his wife to be unhappySo he wen to the sea and spoke to the fish againThis time,his wifes wish came true again Few days later,the fishermans wife said,I want to be queen(皇后)of the land,The fisherman couldnt believe it1 wont go,”he told his wifeThen l will never speak to you againshe saidThe fisherman could do nothing but speak to the fish sadlyThe fish said nothing to him and swam to the sea When the fisherman went back home,his wife was crying in front of their old shack1What did the fisherman catch one day?(no more than five words) 2What did the wife want to get at the third time?(no more than five words) 3Did the wife become a queen at last?(no more than three words) 4把画线部分句子翻译成汉语。 5给短文拟个恰当的题目。 九、书面表达(共1小题,计l5分) 假如你叫Sam,请你根据以下信息介绍你的新朋友Bill: Bill和你不一样,他留着短头发,他很瘦,个子比你高,但是性格没有你活泼。 Bill学习很努力,几乎从不玩电脑游戏,更不看肥皂剧,他认为那很无聊。他每周锻炼四次,你们经常一起打篮球。 假期他去美国看望他的叔叔,照了很多照片,很漂亮。你希望有一天你也能去美国。要求:所写内容须包括所有所给信息,可适当发挥;书写工整,语言流畅;字数70-80词。


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