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外文翻译毕业论文(设计)题目:大学教室自动排课系统开发二级学院:信息工程学院 专业年级:计算机科学与技术专业2010级专接本姓名: 指导教师: 英文原文:University classroom Automated Course Scheduling SystemWith the continuous development of Chinas educational thing an industry, curriculum design problem to a large extent on the impact on the improvement of teaching quality in schools. In recent years, government investment in education is also increased year by year, showing the importance of education. In order to ensure the quality of teaching, the school should develop a strict and reasonable and standardized curriculum, curriculum development process is very complex and onerous.In universities, teaching is the main way for students. Whether it is a small early or university, or accounted for the major part rely on teachers to teach to learn, which is the main way for students. The beginning of the semester, the school will give each hair a curriculum, student teachers are in accordance with curriculum planning. A curriculum to print out very simple, but want to arrange courses compact qualified management personnel is the need of great toil. The beginning of the new semester before school management should organize teaching programs, teaching programs teaching mission statement, and then combined with the teaching plans and tasks to the curriculum. This arrangement of the process is arduous and critical, because the instruction scheduling process, not only a lot of tedious data processing, as well as critical thinking, mental, need to fill out and print a large number of forms. Timetable of the essence of the teaching resources, teacher, teaching and learning activities of students to arrange your time and space to ensure that teaching and learning activities in a planned and orderly conduct.Therefore, in a series of management arrangement of the curriculum is the most basic and most complex is also the core work. Its main task is to arrange a time to the course, allocated classroom, at the same time to ensure that no conflict (the so-called conflict is the same class or the same teacher was arranged at the same time two or more courses, or the same classroom at the same time arranged courses, etc.). To ensure the rational allocation of teaching resources of time and space and methodical premise of teaching order, the arrangements of the curriculum but also to ensure the quality of teaching, such as mathematics, English and other required courses as possible in the morning, try not to arrange weekend afternoon; two of the same course times lectures intervals in a day or more as far as possible, to ensure that students have plenty of jobs, digestion time. In addition, there are many details, such as courses of the same class as far as possible in the same classroom or not far from the classroom to avoid recess time large-scale, long-distance movement of persons and so on. In the case of teaching deepening of reform and enrollment increases every year, do limited teaching resources allocation scheduling is of positive significance.Curriculum arrangement of a large scale, complex and constantly changing during the execution of constraints, it is difficult to automate. Timetable for the many schools to rely on the Academic Affairs Division administrator empirically by hand, which generally takes a lot of time and effort, and tune in the beginning of each semester class, change class is also the Academic Affairs Division must be additional workload. To make optimal use of resources of all kinds, should be considered when the factors involved in the whole school down, and all aspects of the Timetable, the limited capacity of the human brain to process the data, it is error-prone, once the error will disrupt the normal order of teaching in teaching accident. Therefore, based entirely in the hand-arranging management has been far can not meet the requirements of the new situation, which requires a more practical Course Scheduling System enables the school curriculum and choreography work to achieve the characteristics of the automated, efficient and humane. Should be how to implement such a system has become a teaching managers and technical experts faced a vexing problem, this is also a research focus.Course Scheduling problem is related to the classes, teachers, classrooms, and other factors in decision-making optimization problems, but also the combination of the typical problems in the planning. Automated Course Scheduling System, the algorithm used to deal with the Course Scheduling Problem at the core of looking for such an effective algorithm is quite difficult due to the complexity of the course timetabling problem. This article topics from the Automated Course Scheduling Algorithm for solving the problem.21st century, the rapid development of IT, computer Timetable slowly replaced manual Timetable, the invention of this technology greatly reduces the workload management, and computer Timetable assessment of the contribution of teachers teaching in schools,optimizing students learning process, school leadership decision-making is more reasonable and, most importantly, is conducive to improving the quality of school teaching.中文翻译:大学教室自动排课系统开发随着我国教育事业的不断发展,课程编排问题在很大的程度上影响着学校教学质量的提高。近些年来,政府对教育事业的投入也是逐年加大,可见对教育事业的重视。为了保证教学的质量,学校应该制定出严密合理和规范的课程安排,课程的编制过程是十分复杂和繁重的。在高校中,教学是培养学生的主要途径。不管是小初高还是大学,靠老师教课来学习还是占主要的部分,这是培养学生的主要途径。在学期开始的时候,学校都会给每人发一张课程表,学生还有老师都是按照课程表来进行计划。一张课程表打印出来十分简单,但是想把课程安排的紧凑合格,管理人员是需要下很大苦工的。新学期开始前学校的管理人员都要整理教学计划,根据教学计划下教学任务书,然后结合教学计划和任务开始编排课程。这个编排过程是繁重而关键的,因为在这些教学调度过程中,不仅有大量繁琐的数据整理工作,还有严谨思维的脑力劳动,需要填写并打印大量的表格。排课的实质是为老师、学生的教学活动合理安排时间上和空间上的教学资源,以保证教学活动有计划有秩序地进行。因此在一系列的管理工作中,课表的编排是最基础、最复杂同时也是最核心的工作。其主要任务是给课程安排时间、分配教室,同时要保证没有冲突发生(所谓冲突就是同一个班或同一老师在同一时间内被安排了两个或多门课程,或为同一教室在同一时间内安排了多门课程等情况)。在保证教学资源时间空间的合理分配以及教学秩序有条不紊的前提下,课表的安排也要保证教学质量,例如数学、英语等必修课程尽量安排在上午,尽量不要安排在周末的下午;同一课程的两次讲课的间隔尽量在一天以上,以保证学生有充足的作业、消化时间。除此以外还有许多细节问题,例如同一个班的课程尽量安排在同一个教室或相距不远的教室里,避免课间休息时间内出现大规模、长距离的人员流动等等。在教学改革不断深化,招生人数逐年增加的情况下,做好有限教学资源的分配调度工作是有积极意义的。课表编排具有规模大、约束条件复杂以及执行过程中不断变化等特点,难以实现自动化。目前很多学校的排课工作还只能靠教务科的管理员凭经验手工完成,这一般需要花费大量的时间和精力,而且每学期初的调课、换课也是教务科必须的额外工作负担。要想使各类资源优化利用,排课时需考虑涉及全校上上下下、方方面面的因素,而人脑处理数据的能力有限,很容易出错,一旦出错就会打乱正常的教学秩序导致教学事故。所以,完全以手工为主的排课管理已远不能适应新形势的要求,这就需要有一个较为实用的排课系统使学校课表编排工作能够实现自动化、高效化、人性化等特点。应该如何实现这样的系统已成为教学管理人员和技术专家共同面对的一个令人困扰的难题,这也是当前研究的热点。排课问题是涉及班级、教师、教室等因素的决策优化问题,也是组合规划中的典型问题。在自动排课系统中,处理排课问题所用的算法处于核心地位,由于排课问题本身的复杂性,寻找这样一个有效算法还是有相当的难度。本文课题来源于自动排课问题的求解算法研究。21世纪以来,信息技术突飞猛进,计算机排课慢慢取代了手工排课,这一技术的发明大大减轻了管理人员的工作量,而且采用计算机排课有利于学校对老师教学贡献的评估,有利于优化学生的学习过程,也有利于学校领导决策更合理化,最为重要的是有利于学校教学质量的提高。4


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