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What would you like to eat? 第一课我想吃什么?Chant along跟着唱Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?Im very hungry.我非常饿. Its already one thirth.已经一点半了.Theres a snack bar on the corner. 那个角落有一个快餐店Lets have lunch there.我们去那里吃午餐吧.Yes, lets.好的,我们去吧.What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? Id like a hamburger and an apple pie.我想吃一个汉堡包和一个苹果派.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes. Three hamburgers and five apple pies.好的.要三个汉堡包和五个苹果派.Anything to drink?喝点什么?Four Cokes and two orange juices, please要四杯可乐和两杯橙汁.For here or to go ? 在这吃还是带走? For here, please. 在这吃.Lets have fun 1 娱乐一Dondgong: Whats wrong with you?冬冬:你怎么了?Im very hungry. 蒂诺:我非常饿. Me, too. Its already one thirty.比利:我也是.已经一点半了.Oh,theres a snack bar on the corner.比利:哦,那个角落有快餐店.Lets have lunch there.我们去那里吃午餐.Yes,lets桑迪:好的,我们去吧.Hi,PO. Glad to see you here. 蒂诺:嗨,三皮奥.很高兴在这里见到你.3PO:Hi,Tino.How is it going?三皮奥:嗨,蒂诺.这是要去哪里?Just great!蒂诺:那真是太好了!PO: Im going for a snack bar. 三皮奥:我们要去快餐店.Oh, were going there.蒂诺:哦,我们去那里.Lets go together.让我们一起去吧.Lets have fun 2娱乐二What would you like to eat?桑迪:你想吃什么?Dongdong: Id like a hamburger,冬冬:我想吃一个汉堡包,some french fries, and a Coke.一些蓍条,和一杯可乐.Thats okay with me.比利:我跟你一样.Cashier: Can I help you?出纳员:我能帮你吗?Yes, please.桑迪:好的,谢谢.Id like three hamburgers, six french fries我想要三个汉堡包,六包蓍条.and five apple pies.和五个苹果派.Cashier: Anything to drink?出纳员:喝点什么?Four Cokes and two orange juices, please.桑迪:四杯可乐和两杯橙汁.Cashier: For here or to go?出纳员:在这吃还是带走?For here, please.桑迪:在这吃.Cashier: OK. Here you are. 出纳员:好的.给你. Enjoy your lunch享用你的午餐吧.Lesson 2 What do you want to be?第二课你想当什么?Chant along跟着唱What do you usually do after school? 放学后你通常做什么?I usually practice the violin.我通常练习小提琴.How about you? 你呢?I usually clean my room.我通常打扫我的房间.Sometimes I help my mom cook. 有时我帮助我妈妈做饭.I usually go swimming at the pool我通常在游泳池里游泳What do you want to be?你想当什么?I want to be a pilot. 我想当一名飞行员.I want to fly planes我想去驾驶飞机.That sounds great. 听起来很棒.I want to be an engineer.我想当一名工程师.I want to design spaceships.我想去设计宇宙飞船.Wow, thats fantastic哇,那太神奇了.Lets have fun 1娱乐一Dongdong: Whose violin is this?冬冬:这是谁的小提琴?Its Codys. 桑迪:这是科迪的.She always practices the violin after school.她总是在放学后练习小提琴.Dongdong: What do you usually do after school?冬冬:放学后你通常做什么?I usually clean my room.桑迪:我通常打扫我的房间.Sometimes I help my mom cook.有时我帮我妈妈做饭.How about you?Dongdong:桑迪:你呢?I usually go swimming at the pool.冬冬:我通常在游泳池里游泳.Do you want to be a swimmer? 桑迪:你想成为一个游泳运动员吗?Dongdong: No, I dont. 冬冬:不,我不想.Its just my hobby.这只是我的业余爱好.Lets have fun 2娱乐二What do you want to be?桑迪;你想当什么?Dongdong: I want to be a pilot冬冬:我想当一名飞行员.I want to fly planes我想去驾驶飞机.Jane: That sounds great.I want to be an engineer.简:听起来很棒.我想当一名工程师.Want do you want to do?桑迪:你想当什么?Jane: I want to design spaceships.简:我想去设计宇宙飞船.Wow, thats fantastic! 蒂诺:喔,神奇了!I never thought about my job我从来没有想过我的工作.Jane: Dont be so sad Tino. 简:不要那样难过,Were always with you.蒂诺 我们总是和你一样.Lesson Shes a vet第三课她是一个曾医Chant along跟着唱Do you have good plans for the vacation?暑假你们有好的打算吗?Yes. Im going to visit Wonder Land.有的.我打算去Wonder星球.Im going to learn Chinese.我打算去学习汉语.Thats good.那太好了.What are you going to do?你打算去做什么?Im going to go to Australia.我打算去澳大利亚.My uncle lives in Australia.我叔叔住在澳大利亚.What does your uncle do? 你叔叔是做什么?My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a vet我叔叔是一个农民,我婶婶是一个兽医.She takes care of animals.她照顾动物.What are you going to do there? 你打算去那里什么?Ill feed the animals there.我打算去给那儿的动物喂食.Lets have fun 1我们来看有趣图画一Ms.Otto: Today is the last day of our class.Ms.Otto:今天是我们上课的最后一天.I want to hear your plans for the vacation.我想听听你们暑假的打算.Ms.Otto: Do you have good plans for the vacation, Sandy?Ms.Otto:桑迪,暑假你有什么好的打算.Yes.Im going to visit Wonder Land with my family桑迪:好的.我打算和我的家人去访问 Wonder星球.Ms.Otto: Thats good.Otto:那真是太好了.What are you going to do, Jane?简,你打算做什么?Jane: Im going to learn Chinese.简:我打算学习汉语.Dongdong will help me.冬冬将会帮我.Ms.Otto: What about you, Cody? Ms.Otto:科迪,你呢?Im going to go to Australia.科迪:我打算去澳大利亚.Ms.Otto: Good for you. Ms.Otto:你们都有好打算.You all have good plans.祝你们玩得开心.Lets have fun 2我们看有趣图画二Who lives in Australia? 比利:谁住在澳大利亚. My uncle lives there.科迪:我叔叔住在那里.What does your uncle do?桑迪:你叔叔是做什么?My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a vet.科迪:我叔叔是一个农民,我婶婶是一个兽医.Jane: A vet?简:一个兽医?Yeah. She takes care of animals.科迪:是的.她照顾动物.What are you going to do there?桑迪:你去那里做什么?Ill feed the animals and go to the beach.科迪:我去喂那里的动物还去海滩.Great! Have a nice trip. 桑迪:太好了!旅行愉快You,too. See you after the vacation.科迪:你也是.暑假后见.Lesson 4 How long will you stay there?第四课你在那里呆多长时间?Chant along跟着唱Let me check my list。 让我检查一下我的单子Did you take your rain coat?你们带了你们的雨衣吗Dont worry, Mom.不要操心妈妈.I m ready to go.我都准备好了.Who has the camera? 谁带了照相机? I have the camera. 我带了照相机.Ok. Lets go to the airport.好的.我们去机场.Can I see your tickets, please? 可以出示你的票吗? OK. Here you are.爸爸:好的.给你.How long will you stay in Wonder Land?你们要在Wonder星球呆多长时间?For two weeks.呆两个星期.Are these three pieces your luggage?这三个行李是你们的吗Yes, they are. 是的,它们是.Here are your boarding passes. 给你登机牌.Thank you.谢谢.Lets have fun 娱乐一Dad: Are you ready to go? 爸爸:你准备好了吗?Not yet. Let me check my list.妈妈:还没有.我检查一下我的单子.Did you take your raincoats and umbrellas?妈妈;你们带了你们的雨衣和雨伞吗?Dont worry, Mom. 桑迪:不要担心, 妈妈.Im ready to go.我都准备好了.Oh, I forgot the camera. 蒂诺:哦,我忘了带照相机. Who has the camera?谁带了照相机?I have the camera.桑迪:我带了照相机.Dad: Ok. Lets go to the airport.爸爸:好的.我们去机场Lets have fun 2娱乐二Clerk: Good morning. 职员:早上好.Can I see your tickets, please?可以出示你的票吗?Dad: OK. Here you are爸爸:好的.给你.Clerk: How long will you stay in Wonder Land?职员:你们要在Wonder星球呆多长时间?Dad: For weeks.爸爸:呆两个星期.Clerk: Are these three pieces your luggage? 职员:这三个行李是你们的吗?Dad: Yes,they are.爸爸:是的,它们是.Clerk: OK. Here are your boarding passes职员:给你登机牌Mr.Taylor.Dad: Thank you.泰勒先生.爸爸:谢谢.Lesson Where is the gift shop?第五课礼品店在哪里?Chant along跟着唱Were in Wonder Land now. 我们现在在 Wonder星球. Its awesome!太美了!Welcome to Wonder Land.欢迎光临Wonder星球.What a surprise! I saw you in the picture.真没想到!我在照片上见过你.Ill take a picture of you. 我来跟你们照相.Thats cool!真带劲!Where is the gift shop?礼品店在哪里?Go straight two blocks and turn right.一直往前走两个街区再往右拐.You can find it on your left.在你的左边能找到它.Can you see that white building? 你能看到见那座白色的房子吗?Yes, I can.是的,我能.Its next to that building.就在那个房子的旁边.Lets have fun 1娱乐一Dad: Here we go! 爸爸:开始吧!Were in Wonder Land now.我们现在在Wonder星球.Its awesome!桑迪:太美了!Windy : Welcome to Wonder Land.温奇:欢迎光临Wonder星球.What a surprise! 比利:真没想到!I saw you in the picture.我在照片上见过你.Ill take a picture of you, 桑迪:比利,我来跟你们照相. Billy: Thats cool.比利:真带劲.Lets have fun 娱乐二Excuse me. Is there a gift shop near here? 桑迪:打扰了.这附近有礼品店吗?Man: Im sorry?Man:我不知道?Where is the gift shop?桑迪:礼品店在哪里?Man: Oh, the gift shop. Man:哦,礼品店. Go straight two blocks and turn right.一直往前走两个街区再往右拐.You can find it on your left.在你的左边能找到它.Man: Well, lets see. Man:嗯,让我们看看.Can you see that white building? 你能看到那座白色的房子吗?Yes, I can.桑迪:是的,我能.Man: Its next to that building. Man:就在那个房子的旁边Thanks a lot. .桑迪:谢谢.Lesson 6 Hows the weather in Ellia?第六课Ellia的天气怎么样?Chant along跟着唱Oh, look at those clouds! 哦,看那些云!But its going to be fine in a minute.不过一会就会晴的.Oh,I felt a drop ofrain. 哦,我淋雨了.Hows the weather in Ellia? Ellia的天气怎么样?Its warm and dry.天气既温暧又干燥.The sun is coming out! 太阳出来了!Does it rain in Ellia?Ellia下雨吗?Yes. It does.是的,会下.Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?I like summer best.我最喜欢夏天.Oh, its pouring now. 哦,现在正在下好大雨.I got very wet.我都湿透了.Lets have fun 1娱乐一Oh, look at those clouds!妈妈:哦,看那边的云!Dad: But its going to be fine in a minute.爸爸:不过一会就会晴的.Can we go out to meet Tinos friend?桑迪:我们可以出去见蒂诺的朋友吗?Yes. But dont go too far. 不过不要走得太远.妈妈:好吧. All right, Mom桑迪:好的妈妈.Oh, I felt a drop of rain.桑迪:哦,我淋到雨了.Thats okay. Its not raining very hard.比利:不要紧.雨下得也不是很大.Look! Tino likes to play in the rain.看!蒂诺喜欢在雨里玩.Windy: Hows the weather in Ellia? 温奇:Ellia的天气怎么样?Its warm and dry in the spring.比利:春天的天气既温暧又干燥.Lets have fun 2娱乐二Oh,look! The sun is coming out!桑迪:哦,看!太阳出来了!Windy: Does it rain in Ellia?温奇: Ellia下雨吗?Yes,it does. 比利:是的,会下.We have lots of rain in the winter.冬天下雨更多.Windy: Which season do you like best?温奇:你最喜欢哪个季节?I like summer best. 桑迪:我最喜欢夏天.Summer is good for swimming.夏天可以很好的游泳.Oh,its pouring now.桑迪:哦,现在正在下大雨.Lets go there and dry off.我们去那里晒干衣服.I got very wet.我都湿透了.Lesson 7 How are you feeling now?第七课你现在感觉怎么样?Lets have fun 1Chant along跟着唱How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎么样? I dont feel well.我感觉不太好.I have a slight fever. 我有点发烧. I have a runny nose.我流鼻涕.Sorry to hear that. 听到那件事我有点难过Take care of yourself.照顾自己.Wonder Land was a wonderful planet.We Wonder星球是一个很棒的行星.went to the amusement park.我们去了游乐园.It was exciting.真让人激动.We went to the museum, too. 我们还访问了博物馆.There were lots of interesting things.那里有好多有趣的事情娱乐一Dongdong: Hey, Billy! 冬冬:嗨,比利!How was your vacation?暑假过得怎么样?It was fantastic! Oh, this is for you.比利:太神奇了!哦,这是给你的.Dongdong: Wow, its a model of Wonder Land冬冬:哇,这是 Wonder星球的模型.Achoo! How are you feeling now?桑迪: Achoo!你现在感觉怎么样?I dont feel well.桑迪:我感觉不太好.Dongdong: Whats wrong with you?冬冬:你哪不舒服吗?I have a slight fever and a runny nose.桑迪:我有点发烧还流鼻涕.Dongdong: Sorry to hear that. 冬冬:听到那件事我有点难过.Take care of yourself, Sandy. 照顾自己,桑迪 Thanks.桑迪:谢谢.Lets have fun 2娱乐二Saturday, August Fine八月二十,星期六 晴天We came back here to Ellia today. 今天我们回到Ellia. Wonder星球!Wonder Land! It was a wonderful planet!多棒的行星!Tinos friend, Winky showed us all around the planet.蒂诺的朋友,温奇带我们游览了Wonder星球We went to the amusement park in Wonder Land.我们去了Wonder星球的游乐园.It was exciting. 真让人激动. We visited the museum, too.我们还访问了博物馆.There were lots of interesting things.那里有许多有趣的事情.Sometimes it rained a lot. 有时下好多的雨.I had a slight fever, 我有点发烧.But Im getting better.不过慢慢好起来了.Well, anyway, the summer vacation is over.不管怎么样,暑假结束了.Tomorrow Ill tell the class about my trip.明天我要把我这次旅行的事讲给我班同学听.


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