Conservation and perfection of the tourism resources

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Conservation and perfection of the tourism resources_第1页
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Conservation and perfection of the tourism resourcesAbstract: Tourism is an activity that brings people into closer contact with the nature and environment. With proper exploitation and utilization of tourism resources it can make contributes to our environment , but in opposite if we plan and manage our tourism resources unreasonably it can also bring negative impacts. At the same time, the environment will also react to tourism, limit and influence the development of tourism. So we should take the environment protection into consideration while exploiting and utilizing the tourism resources, in order to perfect tourism resources. I will take Salzburg state as a example to interpretation and analysis this problem. Key words: environment tourism negative impacts restrictive measures conserve and perfect tourism resources Nowadays, the problems about environment become more and more serious. Especially the relationship of human action and environment change become a hot study. Tourism is an activity that brings people into closer contact with the nature and environment, so it has the protential to increase public awareness of environmental problems. Tourism can significantly contribute to enhancement of environment, provision of funds for conservation, protection of nature attractions, etc. However, without proper planing and management, it can also bring negative impacts such as destruction of vegetation, pollution of air, appearance of sewage and so on. At the same time, the environment will also react to tourism, limit and influence the development of tourism. In the twenty first century the tourism sectors emphasized the environment protection during exploiting and utilizing the tourism resources, try to perfect tourism resources.I will take Salzburg state as a example to explain how to conserve and perfect tourism resources to promote tourism development. As we all known Salzburg state is the most developed and attractive tour destination in Austria. In recent years tourism industry has a period of rapid development because of the economic growth. More and more people like to travel to Salzburg state for relax, leisure or other purpose. But because of the unreasonable exploitation and utilization of tourism resources, lead to the local environmental damage and the decrease in the number of local animals and plants.Even the local style and customs have be changed, lost their original features of this area.Some streets and scenic spots of the city in summer often overcrowded, cheek by jowl.But in the off season a lot of tourist facilities and hotels were idle ,caused the waste of tourism resources.The people who travel by bus seriously treaded on the natural landscape, threatened the survival of the rare birds.Too much of tourist facilities and resorts were built which made the beautiful sceneries and the landscape natural space gradually decreased and disappeared at last. Therefore the touristic managers in Salzburg state came up with a series of regulatory measures to help offset the negative impacts and conserve their tourism resources. There are some measures and strategies which I think are very effective and useful. For instance, controls on the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of these sites. Just like some famous tour sites in China, there will be so many people crowded during golden weeks or some other holidays. So we can also use this limit strategy in our country. But we could do a little different to carry out the limit strategy, we can make several favorable policies for our tourists. If a tourist choose other days but not golden weeks or holidays to visit some famous sites, he or she will receive a discount on his or her train ticket or entrance ticket for the sites. The favorable policy not only help tourists save money, but also decrease the pressure of the tourism resources.Also, we can extend the restrictive messures in many aspects of tourism. For traffic management, we can limit the amount of private cars into tour destination. Encourage tourists to ride bicycles or take other vehicles that are harmless to environment when they go to scenic spots. In salzburg state, the tour sectors provides some cheap and convenient vehicles in scenic spots encourage tourists to take instead of private cars. The reduce of the amount of private cars will decrease the pollution of the air and the tourism resources.About land management, the government of Salzburg state enacted strict laws to limit people to build many tourist facilities or hotels without the governments permission. They even restrict how many rooms are there in a hotel. In our country we also should carry out this measure to protect our tourism resources. Because built too much tourism facilities in scenic spots is a kind of damage behaviour for the land resources, it will also destroy the local vegetations and environment.Moreover, there are other simple measures to help us to improve our tourism. Some competitive activities about protection of the tourism resources could be held during peoples visiting. As well as advertising campaigns will be used to raise the consciousness of conservation and perfection of the tourism resource. As a result of these measures and strategies, tourism can better and faster development in the future.From the example of Salzburg state we can see that the only way to make the tourism industry sustainable development is to find proper methods to utilize and conserve the tourism resources. Take the environment protection into consideration is very important while developing tourism. In our country we also should take some positive measures to achieve the goal of conserving and perfecting our tourism resources.


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