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2007届高考写作系列指导材料(一)词汇和句型汇编路线图、位置图1.opposite to sp. is sp. 在的对面是2.be (not)far away from 离很远,不远3.take you straight to sp. (汽车)把你直接带到4.west of the village is 村子西边是5.a main road leading straight to 直接通到的一条主干道6.on the left/right 在左边,在右边7.on one side,on the other side 在一边,在另一边8.Behind/In front of sp. is sp. 在后面是,在前面是9aaae out of your home and go straight ahead along 走出家门沿着路径直向前走10.turn left/right at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左/右转11.It is an hours ride from your home to our school. 从你家到我们学校乘车是一小时的路程 It is an hours ride/walk away to sp. 到某地去乘车/走路是一小时的路程远12.walk ahead until you reach 一直向前走直到你到达13.on the third floor 在第三层14.a building of three storeys/a three-storey building 一幢三层的大楼15.be located in/be situated in 位于16.be/lie in the north (south,west,east)of 位于的北部讨论、图表数据类1、The way sb. do(es) sth. changed a lot from(年)to(年) 从年到年人们做事的方式改变了很多。2、The number/The rate of(年)doubled that of(年) 年的数字是年数字数字的双倍The number/ The rate of whodropped/fell/reduced by (下降了)/to(下降到)人的数字下降了/下降到 grew/increased/rose by(上升了)to(上升到) 人的数字增长了/增长到The number/The amount ofhas dropped from 的数字已从1990年的下降到1999年的(数字)in 1990 to(数字)in 1990to(数字)in 19993、A spend twice as much time/money on sth. as B A花在上的时间/金钱是B的两倍The number of the people whowas ten times 人的数目是年的十倍。as large as in(年) 4、The figures show that 这些数字显示5、generally speaking 一般说来,大体说来6、on the whole 从整体来看7、the most striking contrast 最鲜明的对比8、on the contrary 相反的是9、A would like to do sth.while B wants to do sth. A想而B想10、take up15% of ones time/30 minutes 占用某人15%的时间/30分钟11、Chart 1 shows that 表1显示As is shown on Chart 2, 正如表2所显示的那样12、As is shown in the above diagram/table/picture 正如上面的表格/图片所展示的那样13、Its(high)time that sb.did sth. 该是干的时候了Its (high)time that sb.should do sth.14、讨论类书面表达常用的的三段论模式:议题:Recently we have discussed whetherhad a heated discussion about whether Or:Yesterday we made a survey about观点: Some people think it is right t do /agree with this idea70% of the students /people自己的看法:In my opinion, /As for me,I think, /Personally, 15.go online 上网 surf the Internet 网上冲浪16.learn the latest information at home and abroad 获取国内外的最新消息17.make our life colourful and varied 让生活多彩多样18.in and around our school 校内外19.build many factory(正:factories),school(正:schools), 建立(注意名词的单复数形式)restaurant(正:restaurants),hospital(正:hospitals)20.bring sth. to sb. 给sb.带来sth. cause sth.(trouble,loss)to sb. 给sb.招来21.draw/attract ones attention 吸引sb的注意力22.in conclusion/in brief/in a word (总结时)总之/简而言之/总而言之23.The reason are listed as follows 原因如下24.give students too much homework 留给学生太多的作业 leave a message for sb. 给sb.留给口信25.teach sb. a lesson 给sb.上一堂课 teach sb.to do sth. 教sb.干sth.26.explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事27.write a letter saying 写信说28.agree with this idea/the opinion/the decision 同意这个主意/观点/决定 agree to this plan/arrangement 同意这个计划/安排 agree to do sth. 同意干某事 allow sb. to do sth. 同意/准许某人干某事29.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁可干也不愿意干某事30.be afraid to do sth. 不敢干某事 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕干某事31.do ones bit for New China 为新中国尽一己之力32.put ones heart into ones study 集中精力学习33.meanwhile(adv.)in the meantime 与此同时34.The students/those who are for/against it think 赞成/反对的人认为35.training class 培训班36.have a private teacher 请家教37.be weak in 在方面弱 do well in 在很好38.whetherall depends 是否那要视情况来定39.be short of 短缺40.Its every citizens duty to do sth. 干某事是每个公民的责任41.be supposed to do sth. 应该干某事42.achieve success 取得成功43.be burnded with 承担,负担44.cut down the expenses on 削减的开支健康状况及看病治疗1.be in good shape 身材好2.be in good/poor health 身体(不)健康3.be in good condition 身体(状态)好4.feel well(weak,terrible,sick) 身体好5.have got a high/slight fever 发高烧/有点儿发烧 have a slight/bad cold 有点儿感冒/重感冒6.have got a pain in ones throat/leg/back 嗓子疼7.take ones temperature 量体温8.take one or two pills twice a day 一天两次,一次一到两粒9.be good for ones health 对某人身体有好处10.Its nothing serious. 没什么大不了的11.stay in bed until 呆在床上直到12.save ones life 救某人的命13.take deep breath 做个深呼吸14.take this medicine 吃这种药活动、旅游1.spend/in ones spare time 度过/在某人的闲暇时间2.go out for a visit 出去参观 go for an outing 出去郊游 go out for a picnic 出去野炊3.see the sunrise 看日出 enjoy the sights of 享受 地方的风光4.take part in various/out of class activities 参加各种各样的课余活动 take computer lessons 选修电脑课5.play chess/cards 下棋,打牌6.play the piano/violin/guitar 弹钢琴/拉小提琴/弹吉他7.do some reading 进行阅读8.ride ones bike with sb. to sp. 和某人骑车去某地9.go to the cinema 去看电影10.feel relaxed 感到轻松11.There are good programmes on TV at weekend. 周末电视上有许多节目12.We are enjoying a change from our busy life 我们想从繁忙的城市生活中变个花样in the city13.get everything ready for 为做好一切准备14.take a bus/train/a flight to sp. 乘 去某地15.on the morning of May 6th. 在五月六日的早上16.There are several reading rooms on the third floor. 在三楼有几个阅览室17.do research on 研究 18.gather at the school gate 在学校门口集中19.sign up for it at the students Union 在学生会报名20.take /make notes 记笔记21.be strict with sb. in sth. 在某方面对某人严厉 be kind/friendly to sb. 对某人和善/友好22.on the beach 在海滩 on the playground 在操场上23.a summer camp 夏令营 go camping 去野营24.go hunting 去打猎 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间 on New Years Eve 在除夕夜 in the Spring Festival 在春节 on May Day 在五一节25.one morning 一天早上26.cigarette end 烟头27aaapete in a contest 参加比赛28.give a concert 听音乐会29.congratulate sb. on sth. /congratulations to sb on sth. 祝贺某人30.wash dishes 洗盘子31.at the floor/top of the mountain 在山脚下/山顶上32.on holiday 在休假 in honor of 为了纪念33.in praise of 为了表扬某人34.receive an invitation telling/asking 收到一份请贴告诉/叫某人35.tell a joke/story 说笑话,讲故事 play a joke on 跟某人开玩笑36.play with sb. 与某人玩37.make a journey to sp. 旅行到某地38.attend a lecture 听关于的讲座39.in need of help 需要帮助40.put up a notice saying 张贴通知说41.the Summer Palace/the Great Wall 颐和园/长城42.pick flowers 摘花 pick up a wallet 捡起一个钱包43.a relay race 一个接力赛44.Books are available to students. sb.可得到求职信、推荐信1.learn in a newspaper that 从一份报纸上了解2.be admitted to Beijing University 被北大录取3.graduate from 从毕业4.work as a tourist guide/secretary/tyist 当过一个导游/秘书/打字员5.be equalified for/be fit for 有资格做/适合做6.have much experience 有许多经验7.Ill appreciate it if you accept me as 假如你接受我做,我会非常感谢你8.Please call me at 以(电话号码/位置)给我打电话9.Looking forward to receiving your letter. 盼望收到你的来信10.fill in a form 填写表格介绍城市、村庄、家乡:1.You are welcome to visit it. 欢迎你来参观2.be/lie in the north of/be on the Changjiang River. 位于的北边/位于长江之滨3.It faces the Pacific Ocean on the east 东临太平洋4.have a history of 有一段多长的历史5.have a population of 有多少人口6.cover an area of 占地多少7.a country with a population/history/area of 一个具有人口/历史/面积的国家8.It is convenient for you to visit 你参观非常方便9.many places of interest 许多名胜10.cultural relics and historic sports 文物古迹11.be famous for/as 因为而闻名/作为而闻名12.with the development of 随着的发展13.take on a new look 呈现一副新面貌14.in the past few years 在过去的几年里15.be rich in natural resources 富含自然资源16.in rush hours 在高峰期17.bring sth. under control 控制人物介绍、叙事类1.at the age of 在多大岁数时2.be active in 在很积极3.be born in a peasants family 出生于一个农民家庭4.set/break/keep a world record 创/破/保持一个世界纪录5.in ones childhood 在某人的童年时期6.the foreign language department 外语系7.in ones twenties/fifties/nineties 在某人二十/五十/九十多岁的时候8.a key figure 一个关键人物9.make friends with 与某人交朋友10.have a gift/talent for 有的天赋11.get full marks 得满分12.the minister of foreign affairs 外交部长13.make sb._(无冠词)monitor of 让某人当的班长14.wear a pair of glasses 带一副眼镜15.be patient with 对某人有耐心16.be strict with sb. in sth. 对某人要求严格17.attend/go to university 上大学18.be admitted to a university 考上大学19.be fond of/care for 喜欢20.be crazy about 对着迷21.be curious about 对好奇22.be addicted to doing sth. 干上瘾23.adapt to/adjust to sth. 适应24.much to ones surprise 令sb大为惊讶的是25. It was not long before sb did sth. 不久sb. 干了sth. It was +一段时间before sb did sth. 多长时间之后sb干了sth. It will be +一段时间before sb does sth. 多长时间之后sb将干sth. It is/has been +一段时间+since 从句 自以来是多长时间26.It is believed/thought that 人们认为 Sb. find(s) it easy/difficult to do sth. 某人发觉干某事容易/困难 It happens that 碰巧 Its important /necessary/strange that sb. should do sth. 干某事是重要的/必要的/奇怪的27.be getting on well with my study 学习进展得非常好 be getting on well with my classmates 和同学相处得非常好28.receive a doctors degree 取得一个博士学位 win the first prize 获头等奖take the first place 取得第一名29.succeed in sth./doing sth. 成功地干某事/在成功了 fail in doing sth. 在方面失败了 fail to do sth. 未能干某事30.major in 主修31.He has the best record in history. 他的成绩最棒32.Those who want to take part should sign up before 提纲:截止日期:10月3日Oct. 3rd in the auditorium. 报名地点:学校礼堂33.In order to improve our spoken English,the 提纲:目的:提高口语studentsUnion will hold a contest on Nov,2nd 时间:11月2日in the teaching building. 地点:教学楼34.scold/blame sb. for sth./doing 因责备某人 praise sb. for 因而表扬某人 thank sb. for 因而感谢某人 speak ill of sb. 说某人的坏话 speak/think highly of sb. 高度赞扬某人35.like to be with students 喜欢和学生呆在一起36.we think of/refer to him as 我们认为他37.offer to do sth. 主动表示要干某事38.do sth. as usual 象往常一样干39.regret doing 后悔干过某事40.make up ones mind(s)to do sth. 决定干某事41.see/hea sb. doing sth. 看到/听到某人正在干某事42.catch sight of 看到43.take notice of 注意到44.long for sth./long to do sth. 渴望干某事 have a strong desire to do sth.45aaae across problems/difficulties 碰到问题困难46.learn from sb. 向某人学习47.leave todays work for tomorrow 把今天的工作留到明天去做48.devote ones spare time to serving others 把某人的闲暇时间花到上在书面表达中学生易错的单词:therefore因此 otherwise否则 strict严厉的 meanwhile同时 especially尤其 honest诚实的 industry工业 agriculture农业honesty(n.)诚实 experience经验 experiment实验 difference差异electricity电 behaviour行为 difficult(adj.)困难的 present展示atmosphere氛围 difficulty(n.)困难 tiredness疲劳 care(n.)关心magazine杂志 illness疾病 influence影响 lab实验室assistant助手 similar相似的 poverty(n.)贫穷 librarian图书管理员cook 厨师 library图书馆 convenient方便的 typewriter打字机,打字员亲爱的同学们,如你发觉更多的易错单词,请摘录如下:_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!7 / 7


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