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第26卷第5期山东建筑大学学报Vol. 26 No. 52011 年 10 月JOURNAL OF SHANDONG JIANZHU UNIVERSITYOct. 2011文章编号"673 - 7644(2011)05 - 0466 - 05济南地域文化与景观特色塑造的途径与方法徐艳芳,王志远付飞营3(1.山东建筑大学艺术学院,山东济南250101 ;2.山东建筑大学齐鲁建筑文化与景观艺术研究基地,山东济 南250101 ;3.山东建筑大学土木工程学院,山东济南250101)摘要:城市地域文化与象观特色塑造是在城市景观设计中传承保护历史文脉、延续和重塑地域特色景观的重要 内容和前提。文章通过对济南地域文化与城市景观待色的分析,结合济南市的泉城路、芙蓉街一曲水亭街片区 改造和泉城广场、“东荷西柳”体育馆的建设设计及“老别墅”、凤凰公馆的迁移重建实例,提出了修复城市历史 地段、保护城市历史中心、利用地域文化元素、提取地域文化符号和保护古老建筑等五种S3造具有地域文化特 色的城市景观方法。关词:地域文化;城市景观;特色塑造中图分类号:TU984文献标识码:AJinan regional culture and the ways of landscape feature shapingXU Yan-fang1 2, WANG Zhi-yuan1 2, FU Fei-ying3(1. School of Art, Shandong Jianxhu University Jinan 2501019 China; 2. Qilu Building Culture and Landscape Art Re- aearch Base .Shandong Jianzhu University Jinan 250101,China;3 School of Civil Engineering,Shandong Jianzhu Uni- ver»ity rJin«n 250101 ,Chinn)Abstract: Urban regional culture and landscape feature shaping are important content and premise of heritage and protection of historical context, continuity and reshaping of regional landscape with characteristics in urban landscape design The article makes an analysis of Jinan regional culture and land scape features and puts forward five ways of shaping urban landscape with regional and cultural characteristics ,including historical district reparation, historical city center protection t regional and cultural element utilization t regional and cultural symbol extraction, and old building protection by taking transformation of Jinan Quancheng Road and FurongQushuiting Area, construction and design of Spring City Square and Jinan Olympic Stadium, migration and reconstruction of the u old house" and the Phoenix Mansion as examples.Key words:regional culture;urban landscape;feature shaping的课题,西方国家很早就开展了此方面的研究(3)。 0 引言18世纪下半叶英国风景画造园运动是地域主义景观思想的始端。20世纪20年代,西方风景园林 “地域文化与景观特色塑造”并不是一个全新界提出了“新地域主义”理论,它着眼于特定的地 域文化,致力于萃取地域文化的本质,使景观与所处 收稿日期;2011 -09-15 墓金项目:国家社会科学基金项H(ll BH062)作者简介淼艳芳(1979 -),女,山东新泽人讲师,碘士 主耍从事景观建筑及规划设计研.E-mail: xyfJ979


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