高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”达标巩固练含解析新人教版必修3

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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”达标巩固练含解析新人教版必修3_第3页
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Unit 5 Canada “The True North”李仕才*阅读理解。Recently,I had lunch with a young Chinese student who studies at a college in New York.He is very bright and aspiring and I enjoyed our conversation.Still I felt frustrated and useless afterwards because I was not able to provide him with any good news.Graduating at the end of this year,he asked me how he could find a job in this country and fulfill his career dreams.In recent years,students who found a job here after graduation have had to go through a cruel lottery system to obtain their H1B working visa.And the success rates have been declining year after year because of the ever growing number of applicants.Last year,there were 233 000 applicants,and only 30 percent of them were lucky,less than half of the rate in 2013.And it can only become worse.US President Donald Trumps immigration policies in this country are tightening up and this trend will continue for at least the next few years.In this case,foreign students studying social sciences,a field in which starting salaries are rarely above the required amount,can kiss their visa hopes goodbye.Compared to the older generation of Chinese students,todays young people no longer consider the US as the only option.Many start to think China offers better opportunities in the longer term.This is not to say that Chinese students in the US are not interested in job opportunities here any more.A few years of work experience in the US can give them leverage when they finally land back in their home country.But if the job opportunities are largely reduced by the tightening of immigration policy,I expect there will be a decline.And if that happens,it is the American economy that will suffer from the loss of those educated,hardworking and talented immigrants.1The author felt frustrated because _.Ahe was not interested in the talkBhe didnt fulfill his career dreamsChe couldnt provide helpful adviceDhe thought the student was useless2Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe lottery system for H1B working visa is too tough.BChinese students have no choice but to return to China.CPresident Trump is tightening up the immigration policies.DMore and more students are applying for the working visa.3What does the word “leverage” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?AAdvantage. BLanguage.CAbility. DEducation.4What is the authors attitude to the tightening of immigration policy?ADoubtful. BSupportive.CIndifferent. DWorried.【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。越来越多在美的中国留学生的工作机会因为不断收紧的移民政策而被削减,他们纷纷决定回国找工作,而作者认为如果这种状况继续发展的话,美国经济将会受到打击。长难句分析:And if that happens, it is the American economy that will suffer from the loss of those educated, hardworking and talented immigrants.(最后一段最后一句)分析:本句是复合句。if引导条件状语从句;主句包含it is.that.的强调句型,对主句主语进行强调。译文:如果真是这样的话,美国经济将会因高素质、努力、优秀的移民的流失而受到打击。词汇积累:aspiring adj.有抱负的fulfill v实现immigration n移民1C细节理解题。Still I felt frustrated and useless afterwards because I was not able to provide him with any good news.(第一段第三句)译文:但(聊天)之后我依然感到些许失落,感觉自己没用,因为我没能向他提供任何好消息。解题思路:根据关键句可知,作者是因为不能给这个中国留学生提供有用的建议而感到沮丧。故选C项。2B推理判断题。Last year, there were 233 000 applicants,and only 30 percent of them were lucky,less than half of the rate in 2013.(第二段最后一句)译文:去年共有23.3万份签证申请,但其中只有30%申请成功,这一占比不及2013年的一半。解题思路:根据关键句可知,尽管留学生在美就业很困难,但依然有成功留在美国就业的人,因此留学生留在美国就业还是有机会的。故B项说法是错误的。故选B项。3A词义猜测题。根据最后一段第一、二句可知,在美国的工作经验可以让留学生最终回到家乡工作的时候拥有比别人更大的优势。故leverage应该指的是“优势”。故选A项。4D观点态度题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,作者对特朗普的这种不断收紧的移民政策持担忧态度。故选D项。*语法填空 Once upon a time, there was a king in a big, rich country. The king was quite fond of _1_(travel). However, he didnt like to travel in his own country. Instead, he went to other _2_(country). One day, he gathered his army to go to a _3_(distance) country. After walking for the whole morning in the forest, the king and his soldiers made camp _4_(have) a rest. The horses were also tired, so they _5_(feed) on peas. A monkey saw the peas, so he jumped down from the tree to get some of them. While he _6_ (eat), one pea fell from his hand to the ground. The greedy monkey dropped all the peas he had and ran down to look for the pea, _7_ he failed.The king was watching the monkey from the camp and said to _8_(he), “I should not be like this stupid monkey_9_lost so much to gain so little. I will go back to my own country and enjoy what I have.” Thus, the king and his army marched_10_to their own country.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。全文通过记叙古代的一位喜欢远赴他国旅游的国王在一次境外野营时发生的故事,告诉读者应珍惜自己所拥有的一切,不应好高骛远。1travelling考查非谓语动词。介词of后边要跟动词ing形式作宾语。2countries考查名词复数。other countries “其他国家”。3distant考查词性转换。此处形容词distant “遥远的”修饰名词country。4to have考查非谓语动词。此处动词不定式表目的。5were fed考查动词的时态和语态。“马”应是“被喂豆子”,因此用被动语态,且本句描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。6was eating考查动词的时态。由句意可知,此处表示“它正吃的时候”。7but考查连词。由句意可知此处应表转折。8himself考查代词。say to oneself “自言自语”。9who/that考查定语从句的引导词。先行词是monkey,用关系代词who/that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。10back考查副词。由上一句中的“go back”知此处用back。march back “行军返回到”。*完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。After living near Madrid for a year as an au pair (以帮做家务事等换取食宿的人) three years ago, it was nice to _1_ this weekend. I felt like I was at home and thought how _2_ one can be to feel like this in a place that isnt _3_ your home. I now refer to this town as one of my homes from home and have learnt how home is where your _4_ is.A lot of people get homesick and it is a very _5_ feeling when away from _6_ ones and home comforts. _7_, I have learnt that you can feel at home when you are _8_ in that place with people who _9_ you.Through simply embracing every moment, _10_ friends and enjoying a new _11_, you can feel settled in a short amount of time. I did exactly this when moving to Spain for the first time, as positive thoughts tend to bring positive experiences. Luckily enough, I was _12_ with a host family that were very _13_, which helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled. I now love visiting when I can to see how the children grow up and feel very blessed by being able to _14_ this.Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students and not a(n) _15_, in a different region. Nonetheless, the process of _16_ had been easier, as I feel _17_ the Spanish culture already. Of course when moving away from home you have to _18_ many things that are different in comparison to what you call home. However, this is the _19_ of travelling, exploring and _20_ yourself and a new place. A new place that one day you might be able to call your home too.1A.leave BplanCmove Dvisit2A.proud BluckyCpopular Dreal3A.finally BpossiblyCcompletely Dnecessarily4A.belief BdreamCheart Djob5A.normal BuniqueCstrong Duneasy6A.similar BunusualCloved Drespected7A.However BThereforeCInstead DOtherwise8A.free BpowerfulCavailable Dcomfortable9A.care for Blook forCask for Dwait for10A.missing BmakingCchoosing Daiding11A.idea BcultureChome Dchance12A.chatting BplayingCliving Ddealing13A.wise BhonestCsuccessful Dfriendly14A.change BexperienceCsupport Dimprove15A.teacher BroommateCfamily Dorganization16A.going on Bturning aroundCstepping forward Dsettling in17A.accustomed to Bexcited atCsatisfied with Dinterested in18A.give up Bstart withCadapt to Dcarry out19A.role BsecretCdelight Dsymbol20A.helping BdiscoveringCenjoying Dcontrolling【解题导语】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者在异国他乡找到了自己的“家”。1D根据最后一段开头的Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students可知,作者重“访(visit)”西班牙。2B根据上文的I felt like I was at home和下文的feel like this可知,在异国他乡能找到家的感觉确实“幸运(lucky)”。3D如果在某个地方“不一定(not necessarily)”就是家能找到家的感觉,那真是幸运。4C根据上文的nice,felt like,feel like可知,作者认识到家就是“心灵(heart)”的归属地。5A根据上文的A lot of people get homesick及常识可知,思乡是一种“正常的(normal)”情感。6C根据上文的homesick可知,一个人远离自己“所爱的(loved)”人和家中的舒适,当然会泛起乡愁。7A下文提到的在异乡也能找到家的感觉与上文意义上发生了转折,故选However。8D9A根据上文的you can feel at home可知,此处意思是,如果在一个地方能与“关爱(care for)”自己的人在一起、觉得比较“舒服(comfortable)”,那自然能找到家的感觉。10B11B根据这两个空所在句中的embracing every moment, enjoying和you can feel settled in a short amount of time可知,如果能珍惜每个瞬间、“交(making)”些朋友、享受新的“文化(culture)”,那很快就能融入当地的生活。12C根据下文的host family可知,“我”与寄宿家庭“生活(living)”在一起。13D根据下文的helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled可知,寄宿家庭的成员都很“友好(friendly)”。14B根据上文的see how the children grow up可知,能“亲历(experience)”这一过程,作者感到很幸福。15C上文的host family是提示。16D17A因为是第二次来西班牙,所以作者这次“安定(settling in)”下来要比上次更容易些,因为他已经“熟悉(accustomed to)”了当地的文化。18C根据本空所在句中的moving away from home和different in comparison to what you call home可知,背井离乡自然需要“适应(adapt to)”异地不同于家乡的很多方面。19C20B根据However可知,前后表示转折。作者认为虽然需要适应很多新事物,但是这恰巧就是旅游、探索、“发现(discovering)”自我的“乐趣(delight)”所在。*短文改错。Living without an aim is like sailing without compass. If there is no aim in our lives, we will get lose. Last term, I couldnt accept the truth which I failed in my math examination. I decided to give it up, so I skipped from classes frequently. Considered my case, my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a shortterm goal to improve my math. Finally, I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math. In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals. However, we should remember to make our targets clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.答案:Living without an aim is like sailing without compass. If there is no aim in our lives, we will get . Last term, I couldnt accept the truth I failed in my math examination. I decided to give it up, so I skipped classes frequently. my case, my teacher offered me several detailed and advised me to set a shortterm goal to improve my math. Finally, I harder than ever and made great progress in math. In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals. , we should remember to make our targets and spare no effort to realize our dreams.难项分析:第一处:compass前加a考查冠词。compass为可数名词,表示泛指要用不定冠词。第三处:whichthat考查同位语从句的连接词。名词truth后的句子为同位语从句,从句中不缺少成分,且从句意义完整,故用that。第九处:HoweverTherefore考查副词。根据语境可知,此处为因果关系;后面有逗号隔开,故应改为副词Therefore。* 6EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F375


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