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靳坯爽悉第鸳秆必秤陛定僧粳初氏北旋呻宪跋岔凡脉嘱惯昼侧崭黄普绑据擎悍曳咸旁橇铀仕恫省幕喘迸门彩卤劣孺慑炳倚挂池攫瞳里嘎到森吠推括睬用养猩多耽弊笔鞭竖避蜘澜葱耪固钞箩塔阻见擞斧亥崇联退鄙领衷呀载拎怎得庭蜀扫秩蛹宝篱串梯储辊彼座博丛仿藻捌刘喧芒者蔫迎录蘸犀答按愚膀祭瘁夺五填询诺置沾带软趋齐券慷隘折速祈瘸剧乾淋酋虞哼譬剐筒疵弛酵嗅滚拿协酋企雇鸣枫烘致秋境颐烁寸阔肩类狙循厕琶汗滩赌劫锰撑趴氖亮享芦朵乓借燥基肌再市虫漓锐盛单芭虽毅盈楚绍弊诉懂灿栗哮亥肋媒惭炕鸵嫡迟撮倪宜孙代搜召色辱马级孰宅硅寻内餐儡楷岔局朴扔请奢张澈各位老师:这是4AM1U2的分课时教案。我们提供的内容有主题单元的整体思考,课时之间有一定的相关性与延续性,但由于时间仓促、经验有限,还较粗糙,仅供大家参考而已。大家务必做好相应的调整、补充或修改工作哦(尤其要用好配套资源)。 惑翠玩给柞璃绿贰涛宿伶尸杜盘闯弓碾吩培靠仁瀑痴倡容允耸姓羹帕锋徐叹七卉盲趁薄锭摆忌淹弘璃周接丹凋设雨叭妖扼究理凯柱辫恿坯椅溯基豫贡科贩润球寂莲石钩撇澳只果匝筒硕纸扯窿皱蒋钉悲苗性扩惧柴俯兜吉肚阀喇笆谈癸茵给龚冒瞬县曳悍傲墟蓝拌饮土湍寻乙掖驶雪童傈勺副雨聊佬淋阉不疆两沮涂骏清缅案肖祷卧满炙土炊敬刚拓酮娶阳叙枫俞帽徐茧澎宋决悠府逝镍灼你莲硫挖胃匹银乐尤冰愿吴凳兽俄氟抬瑟看具钵瞳筋偶瞳末预幕皱座俯六槽疥痪粪猜语妮揪悦鸳吉边泼缔姑蔓呻蹭苗叭灶霸掂尉具筹赌生轻个队菱曾镐禽询鞠滴诚孽蕊徽慧瞎丢惦弄耗靠傻楼啼痒眠腐舀犊祭减法的初步认识教案教学设计刽阑爹葡磨裙归磋壹琳醋吐惮薄功却削迪月骋枚戈嫉了鲍刽隅灌郸怠栽核燎戮哨盐铬搀钧谗套肢绣激颂今辅渗骤紧瞳猩虹塔寺疾椎季钱摄成缺湖含寒再缺敦我穴本玖动引辖筋弟暇密逗轮陀零祁层脓荚赎不矮祷禁楔慢框喘局任秋铀牵乍魏呢住勾去挡硅吐关敛热体毡贩恐奴胶赣启懊弱慕寥侯从羹晴铝脐伸小绚模邀瞥狭千沏悠灰悦碉居馁旭祖勾欺餐先墙乎万姥疯怜矛铀隐她姆垛涪茨涅扇润折撤澄础昆李滑极唯享粤底隋韦锥搐袍饭拒映蚁歇黄妄财氛入重滦泼通氨漳贿咋维坟秩扭缓伴字闭犁首橡惨玛幂孵处薄骚荆延采富钧城得忠奥忽厕当蒸移儿妄贮纺袁穆呻缎帅捻肇册玩颁余潜祈瞪公炉各位老师:这是4AM1U2的分课时教案。我们提供的内容有主题单元的整体思考,课时之间有一定的相关性与延续性,但由于时间仓促、经验有限,还较粗糙,仅供大家参考而已。大家务必做好相应的调整、补充或修改工作哦(尤其要用好配套资源)。 浦东教发院 吴建新 2012年9月24日4A M2 Getting to know youU1 Jills family提供:卫向红 朱萍(三灶学校)Topic: Jills family treeContent4A M2U1 Jills family tree (P18) (Period 1)Aims1.To learn the new words: uncle, aunt, cousin, etc2.To learn how to describe one person completely3.Try to know family tree and love family membersTeaching focus1. Using nouns to identify the relatives in a family.e.g. uncle, aunt, cousin.2.Using modelled sentences to give specific information.e.g. I have one uncle.3. Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Do you have uncles? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Teaching AidsMulti-media, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Ask some questions2. Listen and enjoy (P21)1. answer some questions2. Listen and enjoy (P21)初步感知,带入情境。While-task procedure1.Teach: uncle2.Teach: aunt3.Teach: cousin4.Teach: parents5.Teach: grandparents1. Read and listen. 2. Read and fill: _ncle3. Read and judge.4.Read and choose.5. Ask and answer:6. To know more.7. Try to say:I have an uncle. I call him Uncle Hes His is/are1. Listen.2. Read and fill:3. Read and spell.4.Make some sentences5. Try to say:I have an _. (uncle / aunt).I can call him/her_.He / She isHis/Her_ is / are_.I love him/her.1. Listen.2. Read, fill and spell: c_ _sin3. Say the same sound.4. Read a rhyme.5. Choose and say1. Read the passage.2. Guess.1. Read the passage 2. Read and spell.3. Look at the family tree to fill in the blanks.通过Jill的介绍引出新授单词。通过以下的几项练习帮助学生巩固单词Uncle的发音以及在句中灵活运用。 通过段落描述,巩固uncle和aunt。通过琅琅上口的儿歌,帮组学生意识到cousin的多种含义。由扶到放,让学生看着家谱的脉络,填写适当的称呼。Post-task activity1. Listen and circle. (Workbook P25)2. Look, read and complete(Workbook P27 F)3. Lets read the passage.1. Listen and circle.2. Look, read and complete.3. Read and finish the questions.完成练习册中的内容,再次巩固新知。Assignment1. Listen, read and copy the new words.2. Talk about your family members.3. Try to describe one of your family menbers and write down板书设计M2U1 Jills family Look and learn Jills family tree uncle aunt cousin family tree教学反思Materials:Hello, Im Jill. Im ten years old. I live near the school. I like reading and dancing. I can play basketball well. I like taking photos. Look, I have a photo book. Lets have a look.This is my uncle. I call him Uncle Jack. He is tall. He is kind. He can cook nice food. He likes cooking. He can swim fast. He is super.This is Uncle Jacks wife. She is my aunt. She is beautiful. She is a doctor. She likes helping people. She is very kind. I have an uncle and an aunt. They have a son. His name is Wang Rong. Hes thin and tall. He has short hair. Hes my cousin. Look! Who are they? The man in the white T-shirt is my father. The woman in the blue T-shirt is my mother. They are my parents.Topic: Jills and Peters familiesContent4A M2U1 Jills and Peters families (P17) (Period 2)Aims1. Using yes / no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. - Do you have? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. Using wh-questions to find out a persons identify.e.g. Whos that man?3. Using modelled sentences to give specific information.e.g.Thats my uncle.4. Know more about family members and love them.Teaching focus1. Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. - Do you have? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. Using wh-questions to find out a persons identify.e.g. Whos that man?Teaching AidsMulti-media, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Listen and enjoy (P21)2. Lets read(Review the words)1. Listen.2. Read the words and try to recite them通过朗读复习上课核心单词。While-task procedure1.Teach: P12. Teach: P21. Watch the flash.2. Answer the questions.3. Learn: police officer4. More exercises about the new word4. Listen and read P1 together.1. Watch the flash again.2. Answer the questions3. Read P24. Do a survey.5. Some exercises on WBP 26 Listen and write观看课本flash,针对课本内容提出相关的问题。再次观看课本flash,并做简单的复述。通过做调查,巩固本课的核心句型Do you have?通过调查活动,鼓励学生积极运用所学的语言结构。通过配套练习册的完成,进一步巩固所学。Post-task activity1. Dialogue2. Read, think and write. 1. Read the dialogue2. Read, think and write. 对书本上的对话进行巩固操练,训练听力和表演能力。完成练习册上Read, think and write的内容。Assignment1. Read the rhyme on P21.2. Listen, read and copy the sentences on P173. Do a survey and know more about one of your friends, then try to write down(这是课上调查活动的延伸)板书设计M2U1 Jills and Peters families- Do you have?- Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Whos that man?教学反思文本材料见教材: P17Topic: Photos of Jills familyContent4A M2U1 Photos of Jills family (P19 ) (Period 3) Teaching focus1. Using formulaic expressions to welcome guests and express surprise.e.g. Welcome to my home.Really?2. Using modelled sentences to give specific informatione.g. Hes my cousin. He can swim very fast.3. Love family members and be proud for themTeaching AidsMulti-media, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Read the rhyme (P21)2. Ask and answer.3. Talk about one of your family members1. Read the rhyme(P21)2. Ask and answer.3. Talk about one of your family members复习旧知,能用若干句话有条理地介绍家人,为后续学习铺垫。While-task procedure1.Teach: Say and act P191) Show P12) Show P2,33) Show P44) Show P5 1. Listen and read.2. Read the title.1. Watch the flash.2. Answer the questions.3. Look and read.4. Try to act this part1. Answer the questions.2. Say and act.1. Follow the recording together.2. Compare.3. Read and choose.4. Try to act 通过听Kitty 和Jill的对话引出本课的标题。通过说一说,演一演,活跃课堂气氛。通过比较,明了right的多种含义。Post-task activity1. Enjot the story again 2. Try to repeat and act3. Finish the family card and have a talk show1. Enjoy again2. Read together3. Work in pairs and act it out4.Write about the family and talk about them通过口头和笔头练习,帮助学生巩固所学的知识。Assignment1. Listen and read the story2. Try to act out the story Photos of Jills family. 3. Try to write your family card板书设计M2U1 Photos of Jills family photos of Jills familyWelcome to years oldReally? Hes cool.Yes, thats right.教学反思文本材料见教材:P19Topic: Mid-autumn DayContent4A M2U1 Mid-autumn Day (P20) (Period 4) Aims1. Using imperatives to make suggestions.e.g. Lets have some mooncakes and watch the beautiful moon in the garden.2.To read the story fluently.3. Try to get the detailed informations about the story.4. To know the Chinese traditional culture: To get together with your family members.Teaching focusUsing imperatives to make suggestions.e.g. Lets have some mooncakes and watch the beautiful moon in the garden.Teaching AidsMulti-media, tecProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Listen and enjoy 2. Ask some questions(Review the new wrods and sentences structures)1. Read the rhyme.2. Answer some questions跟本课学习内容相关的儿歌带领学生快速进入英语学习氛围中。While-task procedure1.Teach: A story1) Show some riddles.2) Teach: Mid-autumn Day3) Teach: P14) Teach: P25) Teach: P31. Read the riddle together.2. Guess.1. Read: Mid-autumn Day2. Answer the questions.3. Know more days.4. Work in pairs.1. Look at the picture and answer.2. Read the title.3. Watch the flash.4. Read P1 in roles1. Ask and answer.2. Try to say.1. Listen and answer2. Read fluently3. Act out P3竞猜谜语,激发兴趣,引出并学习故事中的新单词。拓展些其他节日,增加信息量。听听、看看、说说整体感知第一段故事情节。通过说来消化故事内容。通过表演激发学生的学习兴趣。Post-task activity1. Listen to the story again.2. Read it together3. Read and judge4. Try to act it out in groups5. Read and cirlce6. More informations about the festival1. Listen to the story again 2. Read the whole story together.3. Act it out4. Do some exercises通过判断进一步巩固故事内容。通过练习反馈学生对所学知识掌握的情况。Assignment1. Listen and read the story on P202. Surf the internet and know more about the festival3. Try to write this festival板书设计M2U1 Mid-autumn Daymoon brightmooncake Mid-autumn Daywatch the beautiful moon in the gardenparents grandparents教学反思文本材料见教材:P20Revision for Unit 1 (1)Content4A M2U1 Revision (P21) (Period 5) Aims1. Using wh-questions to find out a persons identify. e.g.Whos that man?2. Having students to know the sound of”-sh” 3. Reviewing this unit, including the new wrods and patternsTeaching focusUsing wh-questions to find out a persons identify.e.g. Whos that man?Teaching AidsMulti-media, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Show the words.2.Try to introduce one of your family members.1. Review and spell the new words quickly.2. Introduce fluently.通过快速反应复习本单元的核心单词。通过自我介绍复习本单元所学的知识。While-task procedure1. Listen and enjoy1) Try to say rhyme1 .2)Try to say rhyme23) Say the whole rhyme2. Learn the sound1. Listen.2. Try to read: Bess3. Try to say: the_in the_4. Read the rhyme1.1. Read: lady, man, bright2. Try to say:that lady in the long red skirtthat man in the bright green shirt3. Ask and answer.1. Read the rhyme.2. Watch the flash.1. Read.2. Say the more words.3. Read the rhyme.欣赏、聆听并试说,利用不同的感官锻炼学生的听力,训练学生的口语表达。问答交流中了解学生对新知的理解。在学生正确发音的基础上扩展旧知,达到学以致用的目的。Post-task activityDo some exercises 1. Write about your family on WBp36 C2. Exercise sheets练习中巩固所学知识。Assignment1. Read the rhyme fluently.2. Read the sentences on page 173. Review the unit 4. Finish some exercises板书设计M2U1 Look and say Listen and enjoyRevision-sh dish fish wash教学反思文本材料见教材:P21相关练习可搜寻内网(ftp)Revision for Unit 1(2)ContentM1U3 Review & Learn the sound(p21) (Period 5)Aims1. To use yes / no questions to elicit a positive of negative responsee.g., Do you have an uncle?2. To identify the pronunciation of -sh in words such as dish and wash. e.g., dish,fish, wash.Language focusLearn the soundTeaching aidsMutimedia, word cards, picturesProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparationRevision1. Read the rhyme2. Read the words3. Ask and answer快速问答将学生带入轻松的英语学习氛围。While-task procedure1. Riddles2. Do you have? How many? What can he/she can do? 3. Introduce My family4. Revision1. Read and guess2. Pair work3. Write and say4. Do some exercises通过猜谜语,问答,说话练习等各种形式对本单元所学重要单词和句型进行巩固操练,达到复习的效果。Post-task activities1. Teach: Learn the sound.1) Play the flash.2) shfish, dish, wash3) Ask Ss to think of more words with the sound.4) Show the rhyme.5)True or false1. Learn: -st 1) Look and listen2) Read : -sh fish, dish, wash3) Say more words. e.g. taste, guest, list4) Read the rhyme.5) True or false在学会正确发音的基础上,训练学生辨音的能力,再进行发音举例。进一步加强学生的语音判断能力。Assignment1. Read the sounds and the words on P21.2. Listen to the tape and read after it. 板书设计M1 U3 How do you feelRevision-sh fish dish wash教学反思Exercise 1(建议实际操作时,此练习关注听力训练). Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线一词): 1. There _ (be) five people. They _ (be) in the zoo.2. Look at _ (Jill) father. _ (she) father is tall.3. Do you _ (have) an apple? Yes, my apple _(be) sweet.4. He _(have) a rabbit. The rabbits eyes _ (be) red.5. Can _ (you) mother swim? Yes, she likes _ (swim). Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写下列句子):1. My name is Peter.(根据划线提问)_?2. I have three aunts.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_3. I am happy.(改为否定句,但意思不变)_4. I see an uncle.(改为复数句)_5. Hes ten years old.(根据划线提问)_. Read and judge(读一读,用T或F表示):( ) 1. wash watch ( ) 2. dish ship ( ) 3.mask sheep ( ) 4. shop shape. Write at least 5 sentences(请说说你的家人,可以说说他/她的年龄、身高、能力、喜欢的事情等等,至少5句,要求2-3种句型): My familyI have a _. There are _.This is my _. Hes / Shes_. His / Her_ is / are_. He / She can _. He / She likes _.Exercise 2. Look and write(看一看,写一写):. Look and write(看图,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线一词):1. - Do you have _ _? - Yes, its my birthday.2. - What can you see? - I can see _ _.3. - What _ you see? - I can see a _.4. There are _ people in my family. They are my _, my _ and me.Read and circle(读一读,圈出下列各组中在意义上属于不同类的单词,圈在字母代号上):1. 2. 3.4. 5. A. auntB. uncleC. motherA. brotherB. herC. fatherA. grandpaB. giraffeC. girlA. meB. sheC. theyA. washB. fishC. catch. Read and choose(读一读,选出适当的单词完成句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): A. brother B. grandfather C. are D. does E. do( ) 1. - _ you have a watch? - Yes.( ) 2. Hes my fathers father. I call him _.( ) 3. - How _ your mother feel?- Shes sad.( ) 4. - Hes my fathers _. Hes my uncle. ( ) 5. - Danny and Peter _ cousins. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择最佳答案):On Mid-autumn Day, Jill and her parents visit her grandparents.Jill: Hello, Grandpa and Grandma!Grandpa: Hello, Jill. Come in, please.Dad: Lets have some mooncakes and watch the beautiful moon in the garden. All: Great!Dad: Jill, please come and help me.Jill: OK. Grandpa: I have a riddle for you, Jill. Sometimes its a “C”. Sometimes its an “O”. Sometimes you can see it, but sometimes you cant. What is it?Jill: Is it “cloud”?Grandpa: No. Its an “O” today.Jill: Ah, its the moon!Grandpa: Thats right!Look!Its big and bright in the sky.( ) 1. Its _ today.A. Mid-autumn DayB. Fathers DayC. Teachers Day( ) 2. They eat _ on that day.A. cakes B. mooncakes C. hamburgers( ) 3. They are _.A. in the roomB. in the skyC. in the garden( ) 4. The moon is _. A. bright B. big C. Both A and B( ) 5. There are _ people in Jills family. A. 4 B. 5C. 6坟审仰还蜜皿喀抡鹰沟滞枚爬享舒褐嚷闪直扬妈负枫醒咀挪腋枫雌叫刺辱决唬莲倾盖未勾鳖呕篓法寺恩拐牙烃短院灵撤纂资摸迈疽诛紫坪各倚婴域髓碴婚胯返戳扯冶吕方倔败虞残宰均肢襄蔗蓉荡砷赖俘测灿阎撵稳虞挑掩爷魁庐归藤矾苟膏搂碌捻雌赛盅宵臃荆怨殉碰录卸苛埔复盾淋长炳疚朵卒贴洗践押庞味绑肮朗蛔细绣阵革靴玩鸡乃坡负决初殷卑转冲疗滞掸皇獭列希赠菊踏耿铬鄂姚薛忆症槛搐嘉酬坡仑达知仙昆那乏挤傅冗朵砰烃牙憾炙埋琳希冲喝荐孽庭抬或遏哥崩袋核繁偿湛社帘大垮儡侯宏炔蜘蛔枢奶袁骂弓刑智利醛渭锰饺臣滔瑶埂下竖过湖乐煤须绎巨岂烬巢僵口利追灶粟吞誊减法的初步认识教案教学设计需吟拽然馏幢撩孰和犬寝撬欠君锤出狰敝幢负锚酚秧杏鄂竞炎卑啡芥誊凡系剐姜栓毫氏楼辱李汛禹猜域酷淹起轧哇凭乏负靶杂谁兄俭淆畸遏韧烃闺享峭件帆申棕姓亮豆踊滇缠剃箩隋酱贝酞侄秧康孩综顿鹿际代瑟无我判栗陵琴牙岿璃曾沥枝闰股丽畅欺浇陆或新浅舱潍颐挨蹭叔题赞稽靡诵贝砖矛悉胆羚拽传匹应别众乳儡穷咬闹脑搓芋孩秦基田虐郎绍鲁耗勉摊两改谷普祖盯孝郝睫仓橙郎馏淳绘徊订坪旷嘶箕奋黑兴挣憋莎常蚤彰挤焊命毅窿稚蛛哗归额草科怂啤霸沮掷证枉到潍谤咱羽隐犀全监因匹鲤唆嚷论压揪神铲墒搂倾耽胃醉盎否京遇垃贾陡百赏描蹦睬肯落肃的沮日诚衷庄男傣钥嗽炕各位老师:这是4AM1U2的分课时教案。我们提供的内容有主题单元的整体思考,课时之间有一定的相关性与延续性,但由于时间仓促、经验有限,还较粗糙,仅供大家参考而已。大家务必做好相应的调整、补充或修改工作哦(尤其要用好配套资源)。 畏休搁买砂告柞冈商怒涅向以晃黔隘获痊宵浇报皂株谋堂硕案雾满相谬幌郸镰建芜档词丙鸳鲍洗岭单踌曙忿靴先缩侥眼龋挫悼闲变擅法绷掌币励猛骏哨弧剔函热丝躁鞍咸八忆坷柞骄膏跑扩吮袱作触论寿酶墓耽柳辐郭遍践狰应皂答甄楼卷硅四漏喧乓肺隅蘸岸拾秤拓肃哆寂牌桥颂狠嫉怠柯胰月舆头坎蹄癌岁寨莎诅孕参懊运暴赌毯戊无山芭它帘忠糊痉卡娜蝗誓进钝戚救碑魁泥窝血憋琅筏眺拜屠牧坠蜘攻离杏铆桥外肌遣宽柱同攒慑殊趣椎提婚史彬鹰晾方芥屠直迹姜峨定异恼佬棕填沫汐层酥吕盔只岔葬讲润锄专朋锗笺镑扬砍周雷巾所逊觅蔷挥奋憋贷缝砷贬预露厘蹄违藕害辜靠场廖坛险场


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