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CONFIDENTIAL Frequently Used Template Conceptual Template June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion. 1 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 2X2 CUBED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 2 2X2 TOWER Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 3 5PS MARKETING Place Price Product Package Positioning promotion Product offering Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 4 Strategy Skills Systems Staff Shared values Structure Style 7S Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 5 ARROW 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 6 CUBES1 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 7 CUBES2 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 8 CUBES3 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 9 Text Text Text Text CUTOUT 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 10 New entrant Suppliers Industry competitors Buyers Substitutes FORCES AT WORK Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 11 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text JOINT Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 12 Text Text Text Text LEVEL SEPARATE 4 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 13 Text Text Text LINEAR A 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 14 Text Text Text Text LINEAR B 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 15 Text Text Text LINEAR C 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 16 Text Text Text LINEAR D 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 17 Text Text Text Text LINEAR E 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 18 Text Text Text LINEAR G 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 19 Text Text LINEAR I 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 20 Text Text Text Text LINEAR J 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 21 Text LINEAR N 3D Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 22 Text Text Text LINEAR P 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 23 LINEAR Q 3D Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 24 Text Text LINEAR Q 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 25 Plan Implement Support LINKS 3 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 26 PERSPECTIVE 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 27 PROPELLER 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 28 RINGS 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 29 Text SCALE Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 30 Text Text SCALES Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 31 Text Text Text Text Text Text SIZES IN Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 32 SPIRAL1 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 33 Spiral Brakes Tube in tube SPIRAL2 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 34 Text Text Text Text SPOTLIGHT Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 35 Text Text Text Text Text Text STAIRCASE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 36 STARS 3D Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 37 Text Text WIRE CUBES Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 38 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text ARROWS Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 39 LEVEL 1 Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 40 LEVEL 2 Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 41 LEVEL 3 Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 42 LEVEL 4 Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 43 LEVEL 5 Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 44 LEVEL 6 Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 45 FLOW 2 Text Header Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 46 Text FLOW 2 TITLE Text Header Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 47 FLOW 3 Text Header Header Text Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 48 Text FLOW 3 TITLE Text Header Header Text Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 49 FLOW 4 Text Header Header Text Header Header Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 50 Text FLOW 4 TITLE Text Header Header Text Header Header Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 51 FLOW 5 Text Header Header Text Header Header Header Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 52 Text FLOW 5 TITLE Text Header Header Text Header Header Header Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 53 FLOW 6 Text Text Header Header Header Header Header Text Text Text Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 54 Text FLOW 6 TITLE Text Text Header Header Header Header Header Text Text Text Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 55 BLADES Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 56 BOX Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 57 BOX Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 58 CYCLE 1 Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 59 CYCLE 2 Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 60 CYCLE 3 Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 61 CYCLE 4 Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 62 CYCLE 5 Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 63 CYCLE 6 Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 64 CYCLE 7 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 65 CYCLE 8 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 66 Text INCOMING Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 67 RIBBON Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 68 RING Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 69 UPON 2 Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 70 CONTINUOUS Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 71 CUTOUT Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 72 LINEAR A Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 73 LINEAR B Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 74 LINEAR C Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 75 LINEAR D Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 76 LINEAR E Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 77 LINEAR F Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 78 LINEAR G Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 79 LINEAR H Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 80 LINEAR I Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 81 LINEAR J Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 82 LINEAR K Text Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 83 LINEAR N Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 84 LINEAR P Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 85 LINEAR Q Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 86 PROPELLER Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 87 STEP 5 Text Text Text Text Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 88 Text Text Text Text 2 ON 1 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 89 Text Text Text Text Text Text AGAINST Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 90 Text Text Text Text Text AT WORK Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 91 Text Text COUPLED HORIZ Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 92 Text Text COUPLED VERT Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 93 Text Text Text Text FOCUSED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 94 New entrant Suppliers Industry competitors Buyers Substitutes FORCES AT WORK Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 95 Text Text Text PARALLEL Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 96 Text Text Text Text SPLIT Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 97 Text SURROUND Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 98 Text Text TWISTED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 99 Text Text UP & AWAY Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 100 Text Text UP & DOWN Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 101 The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention, and symbolic actions The people in the organization, considered in terms of corporate demographics, not individual personalities The organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization and common to most of its members The processes and procedures through which things get done from day to day A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition Capabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary people Staff Systems Style Shared Values Structure Skills Strategy 2S-5S Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 102 Customer Clients Distributors Competitors Suppliers 3CS TRIANGLE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 103 Skills Shared values Strategy Staff Structure Systems Style A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition The organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated The people in the organization, considered in terms of corporate demographics, not individual personalities The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention and symbolic actions The processes and procedures through which things get done from day-to-day Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization and common to most of its members Capabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary people 3S-4S Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 104 Style Structure Staff Strategy Systems Skills Shared values The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention and symbolic actions Capabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary people Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization and common to most of its members The processes and and procedures through which things get done from day-to-day The organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated The people in the organization, considered in terms of corporate demographics, not individual personalities A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition 7S Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 105 Competitive position Low Medium High Product/market attractiveness Low Medium High BUSS PORTFOLIO Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 106 Change vision Chief Executive Leadership groups Down the line External constitution Commitment Conviction Courage Capability Individual activity Enabling devices CHANGE BOARD Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 107 Delta P Vision and Leadership Organizational Infrastructure Performance Measurement People Development Communications Problem Solving Process Client managers (particularly middle management) have skill to lead program implementation Change in actual behavior Action plans sufficient to achieve goals Agreement on objectives by line management Management of high- involvement process Implementation or near implementation of required structure and systems Flow of 2-way communications Peoples understanding, belief and contribution to act on vision and action plans Accurate measurement of action and results Clear accountabilities Early wins Visible demonstration of new vision and values by client leadership DELTA P Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 108 Natural owner Relative ability to extract value Low Medium Value-creation potential in business unit High Corporate center skills Business unit linkages Taxation/ valuation differences Industry attractiveness Competitive position Restructuring/rationalization opportunities “One of the pack” Retain and give top priority Retain and give priority Retain and manage for code or liquidate Probably divest Divest Divest or liquidate MACS Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 109 Business Strategy Manufacturing Strategy Configuration Systems Research Focus Labor Policy Product Design Make vs. Buy Organization Process Design MANUFACTURING STRATEGY Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 110 Restructuring framework 1 5 4 3 2 PENTAGON Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 111 Benefit Price Competitive disadvantage Competitive advantage PRICE BENEFIT Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 112 Appraise performance and prospects Develop strategy Redesign pivotal jobs Design the skill building process Assess change readiness Top down action programs Bottom up action programs 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 SMILE CHART Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 113 3. Create and pursue a unique advantage 2. Resegment the market to create a niche 4. Exploit unique advantage industrywide 1. Do more and better of the same When to compete STRAT GAMEBOARD Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 114 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Value system Strategic manage- ment Externally orientated planning Forecast based planning Budget planning Meet budget and schedule Predict the future Think strategically Create the future STRAT MANAGE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 115 Selling margin Contribution Sales Selling rate Sales Available selling time Effectiveness Contribution Available selling time Productivity Contribution Total selling costs Efficiency Available selling time Total selling costs Utilization Available selling time Total sales time Support intensity Support costs Total selling costs Support leverage Total sales time Support costs TREE PRODUCTIVITY Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 116 Maximize shareholder value Grow through cultural initiative Redeploy assets Improve core business performance Grow through acquisition and/or merger Adopt sound financing approach VALUE CREATION Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 117 Real Perceived Clients relative ability to extract value Corporate center skills Linkages between business units Financial ownership fit Industry restructure Internal controller Shared resources Transfer of capability Vertical integration Differences in tax position Existence of non-cases objectives Inefficiencies in financial markets Difference in valuation technique VALUE SOURCES Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 118 GANTT10 Header Text Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 119 GANTT15 Header Text # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 120 Text Text VENN 2 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 121 Text Text Text VENN 3 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source CONFIDENTIAL Frequently Used Template Data Driven Template June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion. 123 050100150200250300350199619971998199920002001Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 AREA Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 124 5040302010Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 BAR Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 125 50403020105040302010Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure BAR 2 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 126 40302010550403025155550453025Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 BAR BUTTED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 127 504030201023254565964323232323Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 000 000 000 000 000 Series Series BAR STACKED Series Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 128 504030204550607080901020304050Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 000 000 000 000 000 100%= Series Series BAR STACKED 100% Series Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 129 0100200300400500600700050100150200250Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Label 6 BUBBLE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 130 2030405060Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 COLUMN Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 131 20304567762030456776Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure COLUMN 2 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 132 203040506040506070405060708030Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 COLUMN BUTTED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 133 2030405060202020202020304050202020253020Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Series Series Series Series 000 000 000 000 000 COLUMN STACKED Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 134 3035405060303540202020151020102015101010Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Series Series Series Series 100%= 000 000 000 000 000 COLUMN STACKED 100% Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 135 201510104520203030Title Unit of measure Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Title Unit of measure 100% = 000 Series Series Series Series Label 1 COMBO PIE SEGMENT COLUMN Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 136 050100150200250300050100150200Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 COST CURVE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 137 10304570851001501760204060801001201401601802001990199119921993199419951996199701002003004005006007008009001,000Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure DUAL COLUMN LINE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 138 0204060801001201401601802001990199119921993199419951996199701002003004005006007008009001,000Title Unit of measure Title Unit of measure DUAL LINE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 139 010020030040050060019901991199219931994199519961997Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 LINE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 140 4520151010Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 PIE Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 141 45201510104520151010Title Unit of measure Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Title Unit of measure Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 PIE 2 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 142 05010015020025019901991199219931994199519961997RANGE HIGH LOW Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 143 050100150200250300050100150200SCATTER X & Y Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 144 WATERFALL BAR 25456550185Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 145 WATERFALL COLUMN 2020208020Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source CONFIDENTIAL Frequently Used Template Named Objects Template June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion. 147 ARROWS Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 148 DISCLAIMERS CLIENT This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. Unit of measure * Footnote Source: Source 149 DISCLAIMERS INTERNAL This report contains information that is confidential and proprietary to McKinsey & Company and is solely for the use of McKinsey & Company personnel. No pa


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