外研版英语五下一起Module6 Unit1PPT课件1

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外研版英语五下一起Module6 Unit1PPT课件1_第1页
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外研版英语五下一起Module6 Unit1PPT课件1_第3页
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LondonLondon StonehengeStonehenge 巨石阵位于英格兰威尔特郡的巨石阵位于英格兰威尔特郡的Salisbury平原,距首都平原,距首都伦敦伦敦120多公里。约建于公元前多公里。约建于公元前2300年,其主体由几十年,其主体由几十块巨大的石柱组成。块巨大的石柱组成。 这些石柱排成几个完整的同心圆。这些石柱排成几个完整的同心圆。 Why did people build this?Why did people build this? buildbuild is in _.is in _. Its a very old place. Its _ Its a very old place. Its _ years old.years old. You can see _.You can see _. They are _.They are _. Some stones are _others.Some stones are _others. Its a _.Its a _. England England 5000 5000 lots of very big stones lots of very big stones in a circle in a circle on top ofon top of mystery mystery Were going to Were going to see Stonehenge!see Stonehenge! When are Amy and Lingling When are Amy and Lingling going to see Stonehenge?going to see Stonehenge? How will they get there?How will they get there? On Saturday.On Saturday. By car.By car. It will take three hours.It will take three hours. What will they see?What will they see? Theyll see lots of very big stones.Theyll see lots of very big stones. It takes . to do .It takes . to do . 做某事花费某人多少时间 It takes me 1 hour to do homework.It takes me 1 hour to do homework. It will take us 5 hours to go to Shanghai.It will take us 5 hours to go to Shanghai. It will take .It will take . On Saturday, Lingling and Amy are going to see _.Its a very _ place. Its _ years old. They will get there by _. It will take _. Theyll see _. They are in a _. Some stones are _ others. No one knows why people built this. Its a _. A:Where are we going? A:What will we see/do? A:How will we get there? B: Were going to B: Well B: Well get there 2. Do you want to know more about Stonehenge? Try to get the information on internet. 1.Draw and talk about Stonehenge.


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