四川省泸州市龙马潭区七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science练习 新版人教新目标版

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四川省泸州市龙马潭区七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science练习 新版人教新目标版_第1页
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四川省泸州市龙马潭区七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science练习 新版人教新目标版_第2页
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四川省泸州市龙马潭区七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science练习 新版人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.一、按要求填空。 1. My favorite s_ is science. 2. Linda likes art and music because they are r_ 3. Kunming is a big c_ in China. 4. Miss Liu is my math t_. 5. My favorite s _ is music. 6.English is _(Mike) favorite subject.二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Homework makes me _(tire).2.Music is very _(interest).3.My father is _(real)busy today.4._(Steven)favorite day is Friday.5.Im sure you like some _(subject).I like math and English.三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. _ does she like music? Because she thinks it is relaxing. A. What B. When C. Why D. How( ) 2. Sarahs favorite _ is Friday because she has music. A. day B. time C. week D. month( ) 3.Whats your mothers favorite color? _ favorite color is _. A. She; red B. Her; blue C. She; bananas D. Her; math( ) 4. _ is your art teacher? Mrs Zhang. A. Who B. What C. When D. Where( ) 5.What _does he like best Football. A. food B. subject C. color D. sport四、句型转换。1.He likes English because its interesting.(对划线部分提问) 2.Jims favorite subject is science. (同义句) Jim _ science _.3.Her favorite subject is art. (同义句) _is_ her subject? 4.His favorite football player is Beckham.(对划线部分提问) _ his _ football player?5.Her mothers favorite color is blue.(对划线部分提问) 6. Mr Chen is our P.E teacher.(对划线部分提问) _ is _ P.E teacher?7. I like math because its interesting.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you like math?8.He likes some subjects.(改一般疑问句) 9.Mike has P.E.on Thursday.(对划线部分提问) 10.Our teacher is very strict.(改否定句) 五、根据对情景,在空白处填入合适的单词。A: Hi, Alice! What is your favorite 1 ?B: My favorite? I 2 history. Its interesting.A: Interesting? Its boring. P.E. is my 3 . Mr. Green 4 a good teacher. 5 your history teacher?B: Mr. Brown. Hes very funny.A: When do you have 6 ?B: I have history 7 Tuesday and Thursday.A: You dont have history on Monday, Wednesday or Friday?B: No, I 8 math.A: Is Mrs. Black your math 9 ?B: Yes, she is. Math is difficult. I dont like it. 10 Mrs. Black is a good teacher.1._2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _六、书面表达以My favorite subject为题写一篇短文。短文必须包含以下内容:1.Whats your favorite subject?2.Why do you like it?3.When do you have your favorite subject? My Favorite SubjectUnit9一、1. subject 2. relaxing3. city4.subject s 5.Mikes二、1.tired 2.interesting 3.really 4.Stevens 5.subjects三. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5. D四、1.Why does he like English?2. Likes best3.Art favorite4. Whos favorite5. What is her mothers favourite color?6. Who our7.Why do8. Does he like any subjects?9. When does Mike have P.E?10. Our teacher is not strict at all . 五.1.subject 2.like 3.favorite 4.is 5.Whos 6.history 7.on 8.have 9.teacher 10.But 六、略 我国经济发展进入新常态,需要转变经济发展方式,改变粗放式增长模式,不断优化经济结构,实现经济健康可持续发展进区域协调发展,推进新型城镇化,推动城乡发展一体化因:我国经济发展还面临区域发展不平衡、城镇化水平不高、城乡发展不平衡不协调等现实挑战。


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