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试卷代号:2204中央广播电视大学20082009学年度第一学期“开放专科期末考试第一部分 交际用语(10分) 15小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)1. -( A ) - My mother is retired. My father is a manager. A. What do your parents do? B. Where are your parents? C. What are your parents doing right now?2. - What time does the train leave? ( C ) A. On Tuesday. B. In the morning. C. At half past five3. - Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please? ( A ) A. You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket. B. You get off outside the supermarket. C. Id like to see them.4. - What does your sister look like? ( B ) A. She likes singing. B. Shes tall and wears glasses. C. She looks depressed.5. - Would you like to go with us? ( A ) A. Id love to. B. I would like. C. Its fine to go. 第二部分 词汇与结构(40分)625小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分)6. John is C only accountant in my sons company. A.a B. an C. the 7. There B four children in the picture. A. is B. are C. have 8. We often have B supper at home. A. us B. our C. ours9. B Chris worried about the presentation last week? A. Is B. Was C. Were10. I sometimes go to the pub A Friday. A. on B. in C. at11. London is A capital of Britain, and it is great city, too. A. the, a B. a, the C. a,a12. Have you got B cream, please? A. some B. any C./13. Lily and Lucy are C a picture-book in their room. A. looking B. watching C. Its fine to go14. I have two brothers. One is a driver, C is a policeman. A. one B. other C. the other 15.- B is the man near the bank? Oh, he is Tom. A. What B. Who C. How16. Which is B , the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? A. a bit long B. longer C. more long17. Im sorry shes not in. Would you like to C a message? A. keep B. rest C. leave 18. He goes to work A foot but comes back home taxi. A. on, by B. by, on C. by, by 19. My aunt A for her friends at home. A. enjoys cooking B. enjoys to cook C. enjoy cooking20. B does the flat cost a month? A. How many B. How much C. How about21. Rose is C than Frank. A. very easy-going B. much easy-going C. much more easy-going22. He is a good student. He B early. A. come always B. always comes C. always come23.- I like documentaries on TV. - So B I. A. am B. do C. have24. I C buy any wine. A. need B. dont need C. dont need to 25. When A for London? A. is she flying B. she flies C. she is going to fly第三部分 阅读理解(20分)2630小题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出厂个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1stJuly. I would like to apply for the post of Technology Sales Representative in your company. I am 28 years old and I am a graduate from Dangston University. I have a degree inBusiness Technology. I am working currently as a secretary in Polymer Ltd. In my currentjob I am responsible for arranging the presentations of the Technology Sales Representativesto foreign clients. I enjoy working in Business Technology, but I am now looking for theopportunity to develop my own skills and to be a Technology Sales Representative myself. Iam interested in travelling and I am keen to use my language skills in your foreigncompanies. I speak French and German fluently. I am happy to live abroad for my work. I am available for interview at any time in the next two weeks because I am on holiday.I am sending my c. v. with this letter. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jane Simson 26. Jane Simson is a graduate from ( B ) A. New Jersey University B. Dangston University C. German University 27. What would Jane like to apply for? ( A ) A. The post of Technology Sales Representative. B. The manager of Technology Sales Representative. C. The worker of Technology Sales Representative. 28. What does Jane like very much? ( C ) A. She enjoys working in Medicine Technology. B. She enjoys working in Computer Technology. C. She enjoys working in Business Technology. 29. Jane is good at speaking ( B ) A. English and German B. French and German C. German and Chinese 30. Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks? ( A ) A. Because she wants to get the job. B. Because she wants to be a representative in that company. C. Because she is on holiday.3135小题:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right)、错误 (Wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(Doesnt say),并在答题纸上写出所选的字 It is Sunday morning. Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen. She is cooking the Sundaydinner. On Sunday the Browns (布朗一家) have their big meal in the middle of the day. Onother days, dinner is in the evening. All the family are at home on Sunday, and they canhave their meal together. Mr Brown doesnt go to office on Sunday. He is working in the garden. He enjoysworking in the garden. He grows vegetables and flowers. He brings the vegetables to thekitchen and Mrs Brown cooks them. The kitchen is clean. There are many cupboards (碗柜)on the wall. Mrs Brown is a good cook. She enjoys cooking. Her family enjoy her cooking(饭菜). 31. The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday. ( B ) A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say. 32. Mr Brown has a big family. ( C ) A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say. 33. Mr Brown doesnt go to work on Sunday.( A ) A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say. 34. Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday. ( A ) A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say. 35. The family enjoy Mrs Browns cooking. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say. 第四部分 翻译(30分) 3640小题:根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整,并将答案写在答题纸上。 36She workS in insurance(在保险行业工作) 37You cant park in front Of the Office building(在办公楼前) 38Can l use the phone in the hall? Im afraid not (恐怕不能)Thatsafaxmachineluseforwork 39. What would yOu 1ike to drink (想喝点什么),wineorbeer? 40YouneedtO reduce(your)temperature (退烧),肋youshouldtakesomeaspirins 4145小题:将下列句子翻译成汉语,并将答案写在答题纸上。 41He is not very tall and wears glasses他个子不太高,带着眼镜。 42She doesnt like borrowing things from others她不喜欢向别人借东西。 43Can l go to have lunch before 12 Oclock? 十二点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗? 44I think the area is too dirty and too noisy and the flats too far from the tube我觉得这个区太脏、太吵,而且那房子离地铁也太远。 45It takes about forty minutes tO get from the airport tO the city center by taxi从机场到市中心,坐出租车大约需要四十分钟试卷代号:2205中央广播电视大学2011-2 012学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B 1- Do you like your job? - lm a nurse. (B) ARight BWrong 2*- When did he go to America? - Two years ago. (A) ARight BWrong 3.- How do you like the film? - Its very good.I like it. (A) ARight BWrong 4.- How often do you go swimming? - About twice a week. (A) ARight BWrong 5.- You ordered some fish, didnt you? - No, thank you. (B) ARight BWrong6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 basketball when he was young. 6. He loved_ B _ Adoing Bplaying Cgoing 7.I have to go now.I have to pick_ C _my son from school. Ain Bwith Cup 8. The child was named A _ his grandfather. A. after B. in C. to 9. A: This skirt is - B - small for you. B: No. I think its big_ . A. enough, too B. too, enough C. too, yet 10. They are building a bridge B - . the river. A. through B. across C. in11. Are you familiar - A -_ the bus and subway lines in Beijing? A. with B. in C. about12. He _ B _ me he was leaving on Wednesday. A. said B. told C. tell 13. _ A _it is raining, she decides not to work in the garden A.Because B. Although C. Before 14. As a news reporter, James - A -. many places in the world. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to 15. Who is the _ B _ man standing over there? A. thin, tall B. tall, thin C. thin,short16. When I was sitting in a traffic jam, the car - B - dowm A. was breaking B. broke C. break 17. We_ A _ in a small village in the countryside. Now we all live in cities. Aused to live Blive Clived 18. She _B_answer my phone call yesterday. Adoesnt Bdidnt Cwasnt 19.I_A a car if l won the lottery. Awould buy Bwill buy Cbought 20. She be over forty. She must be in her twenties. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt 21. Table tennis is_pular sport in this country. Amore Bthe most Cthe best22.Jenny,_ was a hardworking student, was killed in the traffic accident. A- who Bthat C 23.I didnt go_C_ in the summer.I stayed at home. A. somewhere B.everywhere Canywhere 24. With his help, you will have_A_to worry about. Anothing Bsomething Canywhere25.I_C_table tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the New Year. A. will play B.have played Cplay26-30小题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。26. She forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What针对划线部分提问) What did she forget about yesterday? 27. Im tall and thin. My brother is too.(用so改写句子) Im tall and thin and so is my brother.28.“I cant find my notebook, she said.(改为间接引语) She said she couldnt find her notebook.29. It was very hot.I couldnt open the window.(用but将两句连成一句) It was very hot but I couldnt open the window. 30. His neighbour heard them. They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句)His neighbour heard them damaging the flat.31-35题:阅读下列短文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选 的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分) Police officer: Good afternoon, sir. Tim: Oh, hello. Come in please, officer. Police officer: thank you, sir. When was this discovered? Tim: At about 2.30. My neighbour, Mr Timson, was disturbed by a noise. He came downstairs. He saw them leaving. Then he phoned me and later phoned you. Police officer: Can I talk to Mr Timson? Yes. Hes waiting upstairs now. Tim: Police officer: Thank you, and is there much damage? Well, the window at the back is smashed, this study door is damaged Tim: and the lock over there on the front door is broken. Police officer: We think we know who did this, sir. Tim: Really? Thats quick. Police ofbcer: Well, it looks like the work of Larry Hipkin. Hes a local builders labourer. He does jobs like this in the afternoon in this district instead of his building work. He has an accomplice - Jim Grundy. We need some evidence and I think this will be very good evidence, especially as your neighbour saw them leaving. 1 will take some photographs and check for fingerprints. Dont touch anything, please. Then I-ll take a statement from you and your neighbour, if I may, please. Tim: Yes, thats fine. Please go ahead. IU make a cup of tea. Do you want one? Police officer: Yes, please, sir. Two sugars, please. 31. Mr Timson came downstairs because_. A. he heard some noise B. he wanted to leave his house C. he saw some strange men 32. Which of the following was NOT damaged? A. The window. B.The chair. CThe study door. 33. Larry often steals things_. C A. in the morning B.in the evening Cin the afternoon 34. The police will first ._一 A. take some photos B. talk to the neighbour Carrest Larry 35. The police officer would like to_. A. have a cup of coffee B. have a cup of tea with two spoons of sugar Ceat something sweet36-40小题:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right)还是错误( Wrong)并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分)Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.Xiaoyan: Yes,I am. Ive been to the tennis club. Ive had a tennis lesson.Tim: How did you manage?Xiaoyan: Not too badly. Ive never played tennis before.Tim: Dont you play tennis in China?,Xiaoyan: No. We dont play much. Ive played table tennis a lot.I play quite well, but Ive never tried tennis.Mary: Would you like a drink?Xiaoyan: Yes, please. Could I have a fruit juice, please? Have you eaten yet?Mary: No. We havent.Xiaoyan: I had a sandwich before I played, but Im very hungry now. Id like to eat.Tim: Lets go to Francos. 36. Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson. ARight BWrong 37. She has had a lesson at a tennis club. ARight BWrong 38. She has played a lot of tennis in China. ARight BWrong 39. She has eaten a hamburger before she played. ARight BWrong 40. Mary and Tim havent eaten yet. ARight BWrong41-45题:英译汉。将下列英文句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上。41. Do you take after your mother or father? 你像你的母亲还是父亲?42. He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他以前每个周日都打篮球。43. He studies in a umversity west of Beijing. 他在北京西郊的一所大学读书。44. When I finish travelling,I am going to get a job in a bank. 旅行结束后,我打算在银行找份工作做。 45. One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games. 奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育赛事之一。


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