山东省枣庄市第四十二中学九年级英语全册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第1课时)》教案 人教新目标版

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山东省枣庄市第四十二中学九年级英语全册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第1课时)》教案 人教新目标版_第1页
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山东省枣庄市第四十二中学九年级英语全册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第1课时)》教案 人教新目标版_第2页
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山东省枣庄市第四十二中学九年级英语全册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第1课时)》教案 人教新目标版_第3页
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单元题目 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Period 1 WordsTeaching aims: Train studentsabilities of listening, reading and mastering the words on Page156-157 by having them listen to tapes, work in pairs and ask the teacher for help.设计意图:明确目标,教学单词的过程与方法Step I Read the words on Page 156-1571. Have students try to read the words by themselves and find out the ones they cant pronounce and then write them down.2. Let the students work in groups to learn the new words they cant pronounce each other, and then write down the ones they all cant pronounce.3. Ask the students to write down they all cant read on the blackboard. And then ask the students who can read to teach. The teacher teaches the ones that all the students cant read.4. Let the students read after the tape.5. Get the students to read by themselves again, and then ask some students to read in front of class. Make sure most students can read the words correctly.设计意图:活动设计以学生的学为中心,通过学生的自学学习,小组合作的方式学习,教师以点播为主,充分体现了学生在课堂中的主体性,教师的主导性。Step II Learn to remember these phrases1. soft music 轻音乐,柔和的音乐;soft lighting 柔和的灯光2. make sb. tense 使某人感到紧张3. stressed out 紧张的4. have fun with sb. 和玩的很愉快5. hard seats 硬座位6. scientific studies科学研究7. so many+可数名词的复数 太多8. join a clean-up campaign 参加大扫除运动9. keep out the sun 阻挡阳光10. pros and cons 赞成与反对的理由11. aim at 瞄准12. for instance=for example例如13. have saleshave a sale 降价销售14. the quality of the product 产品质量15. at other times 在另一些时候 ; at times=sometimes 有时候16. be confusing and misleading令人困惑, 令人误解17. lead sb to do 引导使某人干18. feel guilty 感到愧疚19. tell the truth 说实话20. would like to do 想愿意干某事21. lead to sth 导致,引导,通向22. start with=begin with 以开始 to start with 首先23. have different tastes 有不同的品味设计意图:集中讲解重点短语的意思,并引导学生用所学短语造句,有利于学生记忆掌握。Step III Consolidation of words1. Have the students check if they remember all the words by working in pairs and check each other.2. If they cant, they can open the books and read them again. Then dictate them. 设计意图:让学生自查自究单词掌握情况,利用助学默写,调动了每个同学的积极性,效果会更好。Step IV当堂检测.根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。1. Almost all the stores in our town dont l_ the prices of their goods(商品).2. Loud music makes me feel t_ .3. In the modern world, a_ is everywhere. A person can see over 100 ads a day.4. Many ads are aimed s_ at teenagers, so you have to be careful.5. I think hes telling the t_ , for he is an honest man.6. Whenever I tell a lie(谎话), I always feel g_ .7. I dont like the clothes my mother gets me because we have different t_.8. At times, an ad can l_ you to buy something you dont need at all. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. The students are _ (confuse) about the _ (confuse) problem.2. Do you know any (science) ways of learning English?3. Sunglasses are used for (keep) out the sun.4. That made me (annoy) with myself .5. I hate ads because most of them are (mislead).6. My father was (surprise) to hear the news.7. I felt (embarrass) at the party because I didnt know anyone there.8. They also have to know how (embarrass) money.Keys:I: 1.list 2.tense 3.advertising 4. specifically 5.truth 6.guilty 7.tastes 8. leadII: 1 confused confusing 2. scientific 3 keeping 4. annoyed 5 misleading 6 surprised. 7. embarrassed 8.to make亮点:1.本节课单词的学习通过学生自主学习、合作探究,教师引导点播的方式,把单词学习的时间还给了学生,便于学生掌握。2.单词记忆形式多样。丰富的单词记忆方式,使学生不会感到枯燥无味,能以积极的态度进行记忆。3.以学生的学为主,教师只负责答疑解惑,学习效果的检查,充分体现了课堂教学以学生的学为主体,教师的教为主导的课堂教学新理念。3


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