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2004年宝安区高一英语基础知识暨技能竞赛 (时间:8:00-10:00) 2004.6 注意:答案写在答题卷上,只交答题卷 、汉译英(40个单词,每个0.5分,共20分)1 精力、能量_2、矿物、矿石 _ 3、消化、领会_4、游行、行进_ 5、象征、符号_6、斗争、冲突_7、荣誉_ 8.目的、意图_ 9、创造力_10、商业的、贸易的_ 11.敬礼 _ 12、庆典 _13. 尊敬、尊重_ 14.邀请、邀请书_ 15. 宿舍 _16.认出、识别_ 17.法郎_ 18.宝贵的、贵重的_19.肯定的、积极的_ 20 质量、品质_ 21.优点、有利条件_22.舒适、安慰_ 23.不必要的_ 24.鼓舞、感动_ 25.钦佩、赞美_ 26.大方的、慷慨的_ 27.后悔_ 28.毕业、毕业典礼_ 29.出口_ 30.进口_ 31.技术的_32.发现(n)_33.智慧、学识_ 34.实际的、实用的_35.幽默的_36.痛苦的、苦的_ 37.想象力_ 38.国籍_39.传统_40.少数_ .英译汉(30个,每个0.5分,共15分)1. nutrition_2.calcium_3. vegetarian_4. yoghurt_5.eco-food_ 6. refuel_7. recipe_ 8. bacon_ 9. holy_ 10. destruction_11. ancestor_ 12. principle_13. skeleton_ 14.mysterious_15. mosquito_16. alien_ 17interpretation_18.shampoo_19.personality_20. incredible_21.thundercloud_22.frame_23. application_24.disadvantage_25. activist_26. painkiller_27. conclusion_28. tense_29. optimistic_30. autograph_. 完成句子(50句,每个0.5分,共25分)1. He is so s_(瞌睡的)that he cant put his heart into study.2. I cant make a c_(选择)about whether I will go or not.3. This factory makes many new p_(产品)every year.4. What he said caused a heated a_(辩论、争论)5. My mother will p_(可能地)leave for British next week.6. He n_(点头)and said that he was interested in playing football.7. What a l_(可爱的)pet!8. My friend has e_(赚得)much money from the business.9. The novel,written by an American a_(作家),is very famous.10. Please go to c_(安慰)Mary,for she failed to pass the exam.11. In the morning there was a l_(闪电)following a heavy rain.12. Your mobile has no power and please c_(充电)it.13. It was p_(证明)that all the people were misunderstood.14. We should f_(拴紧)seatbelt while driving.15. My teacher is a very qualitied teacher without d_(怀疑)16. Tom is the most d_(不诚实的)boy in his class.17. There are more c_(冠军)in China than in India.18. Shenzhen is e_(非常地、极其地)fantastic and clean.19. I dont enjoy being b_(打扰).20. If you go to Cambridge University to study, you can get a lot of s_(奖学金)with your hard work.21. His house is s_(包围)by many trees and flowers.22. The climate in Shenzhen is much m_(温和)than in Chongqin.23. There are many nice h_(海港)in Australia.24. I like to go c_(宿营)outside.25. I will attend two important c_(会议)26. We should master the t_(技巧)of watering the flowers.27. The p_(总产量)of this factory reached to 10,000 million yuan last year.28. The good teaching m_(方法)are very popular with the students.29. My grandfather works on g_(园林工作)in Dalian.30. This dialogue is just a g_(向导、指引),please make up your own dialogue.31. All the rubbish and waste materials have been r_(移走)。32. At present, our living c_(条件)are becoming better and better.33. Please fetch some c_(粉笔)for the teacher.34. I i_(打算)to come,but I had an unexpected guest at that time.35. It is c_(确定的)that they must have missed the plane.36. Look! That class is full of l_(笑声)。37. He has an a_(方言)in speaking English.38. My mother is a t_(典型的)housewife.39. My teacher often a_(赏识)my skills in drawing.40. D_(追溯至)back the eighteenth century, I found people wore skirts.41. At first everyone dared not speak,after a while he broke the s_(沉默)42. F_(幸运地),I got 100 marks in English.43. I was still c_(困惑)about what he said.44. All the tourists like to buy many s_(纪念品)in places of interest.45. Shenzhen has a strong a_(吸引)to the tourists.46. The old c_(文明)of China is worth treasuring.47. We shouldnt destroy the environment of c_(保护)area.48. The wall is c_(雕刻)very perfectly.49. Study is e_( 无止境的)50. He has got a lot of a_(成就、功绩).完成短文,填写单词或词组(20空,每个0.5分,共10分)( 1 )The Chinese government has recently decided to develop c_(中心的)and western China. The government will pay special attention to its t_(交通). Some highways and railways will be built. To p_(保护) the nature, farmers will return farmland to forest. Also,measures should be taken to p_(防止)pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be made full use of. To m_(适应)the need of the development,all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in. We have every reason to believe that the development will be a great s_(成功). As a result of the great project,China will be s_(一定)achieve better and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life.(2) John and mary are neighbours. John is _ _ _ _(与关系好)mary. John enjoys a_(娱乐活动)very much. He often plays music very loudly in his house. While Mary likes studying at home. To a_(避免)being d_( 打扰)by the noises, she often closes all the windows and puts her whole heart into her study. And she never scolds John. She _ _ _ _ (甘心忍受)the heat in the house and the noises made by John. But one day, John _ _(盛装)himself and had a big party with his friends until after midnight. Mary couldnt sleep, so the next day she had to _ _( 求助于)the community to take measures to stop those who affect otheres from making big noises late into the night.改错,每一句都有一个单词或词组错误,请更正(20个,10分) 1There is a plenty of snow on the ground. 1._ 2. Many people are there and you ought not go again. 2._ 3. The Window to the World is a thame park. 3._ 4. Dont play a trick with her.She is so honest. 4._ 5. At Christmas, I will call in my old teacher. 5._ 6. He plays Chinese Majiang at day and night. 6._ 7. They went to college successful last July. 7._ 8. The climete in Shenzhen is much cooler than in Chongqing. 8._ 9. A valcano broke out in Japan last November 9._10. The goods in this food company are shiped to America. 10._11. We can depend onto our collective strength to slove this problem. 11_12. Actualy, he is very interested in driving very fast. 12._13. We should make a use of every chance to win this match. 13._14. Please put your bowls and basins in orders. 14._15. Going to enjoy the view of the sea is a very good amusment. 15._16. A quarrel occured in his famaly, which made me unbelievable.16._17. The African people used to give thanks to their harvest. 17._18. We must do as much as we can make our community better. 18._19. Create a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture.19._20. She married with a very rich man at the end of last year. 20._.完形填空:(30%,每小题1.5分) Over years of study,Paco has discovered that people act in predicatable(可预测的)ways when they are shopping. Successfully shops adapt(使适应)themselves to these habits. For example,people tend to 1 to the right when they enter a building. That is why many shops have their entrances on the 2 . Also,people speed up when they enter shops and need space to 3 down. That is why there is often (an) 4 space just inside a shop door giving people a 5 to make themselves at home. Men and women shop in different ways. Men like to decide what they want 6 they shop. Then they go straight out and get it without buying anything else. Seventy-five per cent of men who try clothes on buy them 7 away. Only 35 per cent of women do the 8 . Men also 9 not to talk to shop assistant. Women enjoy the shopping 10 more. They will shop first and decide what they want later,trying different things out 11 the way. Women also like to 12 their time. A shopping try that takes a man and a woman one hour will take two women three hours. Paco suggests that shops provide “nurseries”for 13 , with video games and a TV turned to a sports channel. The women can then shop in 14 while the men play. According to Paco, these differences can 15 back to the “hunter-gatherer” period of human history. Men were hunters. They focused on searching 16 and then killing them. Women 17 wild vegetables and fruits. They needed to be 18 , to talk to each other and to cover as much ground as possible. Every modern city has its shopping area. And the shops are 19 of modern,hi-tech goods. But the people shopping are 20 in the same way that their ancestors did forty thousands years ago.1. A. lead B. stick C. turn D. join 2. A. right B. left C. side D. way3. A. slow B. go C. look D. put4. A. empty B. useful C. standing D. living5. A. lesson B. spirit C. picture D. chance6. A. after B. before C. when D. if7. A. far B. out C. straight D.from8. A. same B. thing C. shopping D. wrong9.A. continue B. decide C. prefer D. admit10. A. goods B. places C. equpitment(设备) D. experience11. A.along B. beyond C. of D. in 12. A. spend B. care C. break D. take13. A. women B.men C. children D. customers14. A. silence B. peace C. time D. common15. A.date B. come C. get D. fight16. A. lions B.humans C. animals D. comrades17. A. cut B. planted C. gathered D. watered18. A. patient B. tender C. skilled D. useful19. A. proud B. fond C. afraid D. full20. A.buying B. selling C. wondering D. behaving .阅读理解(30%。每小题2分) ( A )The Travel Collection Book online or call 01306 744311_Shangri-la Hotel, Kathmandu: Departure Date: PriceCentral hotel with prize- 22,24 Jan 2004 $599From $ 599 winning landscaped garden. 27 Jan 2004 $ 699Himalayan Range of bars&restaurants. 3 Feb 2004 $ 799Kingdom of Nepal Special offer: 50% off drinks at the main bar To book, select yourShangri-la Hotel, Pokhara: preferred departure dateGardens with mountain views, 4 nights kathmandu & bars, restaurants. Shuttle bus Included: Scheduled flights. 7 3 nights Pokhara into Pokhara town. Incl. tour of nights accommodation withPokhara and boat ride on the breakfast,Transters.Holidays may be Phewa Lake. Not included: Nepal visaextended at extra cost. Both hotels have a swimming (obtainable on arrival). Localpool and a gym. Rooms: departure tax. Optional insurance. Airconditioned/headed,minibar, Booking conditionsTV,hairdryer,bath/shower. Apply.1. How much is the cheapest trip in Nepal? A. $ 599 B. $ 499 C. $699 D .$7992. They can swim at the Shangri-La Hotel _. A. only in Pokhara B. only in Kathmandu A. both in Pokhara and in Kathmandu D. neither in in Pokhara nor in Kathmandu3. If someone wants to set out around the Spring Festival(January 21 is the Spring Festival eve), which departure date should he choose? A. 27 Jan 2004 B. 22.24 Jan 2004 C. 3 Feb 2004 D. 5 Feb,20044.All meals should be paid except_A. lunches B. dinners C. afternoon tea D. breakfast5.When you are at the countrys airport, _A. you can get the visa for Nepal B. you should not pay your departure taxC. you should not pay the booking condition applyD. you can get a return flight ticket to Nepal. (B ) A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called divide-the division of the world into the info(information)rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this coming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital(数字的) divide(划分). These are reasons to be optimistic. There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As theInternet becomes more and more commercialized(商业化的), it is in the internet of business to universalize access-after all, the more people online, the more potential(潜力) customers there are. More and more governments, afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade (十年)or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may be more powerful tool for fighting against world poverty(贫困)that weve ever had. Of course, the use of the Internet isnt the only way to defeat poverty. And the Internet is the only tool we have. But it has great potentialTo take advantage of this tool, some 一improverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial(反殖民地的) prejudices(偏见)with respect to foreign investment(投资). Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion (侵略)their sovereignty(主权) might well study the history of infrastructure(the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didnt have the capital to do so. And that is why Americas Second Wave infrastructure-including roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment. The English , the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britains former colony. They finished them. Immigrant(移民的)Americans built them. Guess who owns them now? The Americans. I believe the same thing would be true in places like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter. The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off youre going to be. That doesnt mean lying down and becoming fooled, or letting foreign corporations(公司)run uncontrolled. But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom(电讯)infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet. 6Digital divide is something_ A. getting worse because of the Internet B. the rich countries are responsible(负责) for C. the world must guard against D. considered positive today7. Governments attach importance to the Internet because it _ A. offers economic potentials B. can bring foreign funds(资金) C. can soon wipe out world (消除)poverty D. connects people all over the world8. The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify (证明.正当的)the policy of _.A. providing financial(财政)support overseas B.preventing foreign capitals controlC.building industrial infrastructure(基础结构) D.accepting foreign investment(投资)9. It seems that now a countrys economy depends much on _A.w ell-developed it is electronicallyB.whether it is prejudiced against immigrants(移民)C.whether it adopts(采用)Americas industrial pattern(样本)D.how much control it has over foreign corporations(合作)10. The writer implies that Internet is_A.not popular with all over the world B.very useful C.criticized by some experts D.used in improverished (C )The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not, things that lead to happiness involve(涉及) some pain.As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的)brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious(宗教)commitment(承当的义务),self-improvement. Ask a single man why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing (明显的)features(特征)。 Couples with infant(未成年)children are lucky to get a whole nights sleep or a three-day vacation. I dont know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild. Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can really increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those nice clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy (嫉妒): we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.11. According to the author, a single man resists marriage chiefly because_A. he is not willing to take on family responsibilities(责任)B. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single C. he finds more fun in dating than in marriage D. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement12. Raising children, in the authors opinion, is _A. a moral duty B. a thankless job C. a rewarding task D. a source of inevitable pain13. From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from _ A. hatred (恨) B. misunderstanding C. prejudice(偏见) D. ignorance(无知)14To understand what true happiness is one must_A. have as much fun as possible during ones lifetime B. make every effort to liberate oneself from pain C. put up with (忍受)pain under all situations D. be able to tell happiness from fun15. What is the author trying to tell us? A. Happiness often goes hand in hand with painB. One must know how to get happiness C. It is important to make commitments. D. It is pain that leads to happiness.改错(10%),请按高考格式更正错误Hank was now out of working,so he had some1._difficulty in supporting his large family.He had2._often visited Mr.Baker on Sundays,told him abouthis troubles and asked for two and three pounds,3._One day,before telling Mr.Baker a long story of 4._his troubles,Hank asked for five pounds.Mr.Baker,5._a man with a kind heart,found difficult to refuse6._the money,though he himself was poor.Then hesaid,“I dont understand your difficulties,Hank. 7._I will like to help you,but Im not going to give 8._you five pounds this time.Ill borrow you the money, 9_and you may give it up to me next


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