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初中英语同义词全表初中英语同义词全表above / over 在上方 almost / nearly 几乎;差不多 also / too 也;同样 among / between 在之间 around / near(by) 在周围 arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达 autumn / fall 秋天 baby / child 孩子 bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为 begin / start 开始 below / under 在下面 beside / near, next to 在旁边;附近 big / large, great 大的 bright / sunny, shining 晴朗的 busy / working 忙碌的 centre / middle 中间 certainly / of course 当然 clever / bright 聪明的 common / usual 普通的;通常的 dear / expensive 昂贵的 difficult / hard 困难的;艰巨的 easy / simple 容易的;简单的 enjoyable / pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的 every / each 每个 fail / miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall / drop 落下 famous / well-known 著名的 fast / quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine / good, nice 好的;优的 finish / end 结束;终点 following / next 以下的 friendly / kind 友好的 game / match 比赛 glad / happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的 go / leave 离去;离开 healthy / fine, well 健康的 helpful / useful 有益的;有用的 high / tall 高的 hope / wish, want 希望;想要 house / home 家 ill / sick 生病的 journey / travel, trip 旅行;旅途 knock / hit, beat 敲打;击中;打败 know / understand 懂得;理解 laugh / smile 笑 like / enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱 line / row 排;行列 little / small 小的 loud / noisy 大声的;嘈杂的 maybe / perhaps 可能;大概 noise / sound 声音 OK / fine, all right 好吧;行 own / have, hold 拥有;持有 problem / question, puzzle 问题 pupil / student 学生 rainy / wet 下雨的;有雨的 real / true 真正的;真实的 receive / get 接受;得到 ring / call, telephone 打电话 rock / stone 岩石;石头 room / space 空间;余地 sad / unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的 say / speak, talk, tell 说话 seem / look 看似 several / some / a few 几个;若干个 shout / cry, call 叫喊 sleep / rest 睡觉;休息 stay / live 逗留;居住 street / road 街道;路 sunny / bright, clear, fine 晴朗的 take / need 需要 terribly / badly, very 非常 town / city 城镇 very / quite, rather, greatly 非常;相当 whether / if 是否 whole / total 全部;总共 zero / nothing 零初中英语反义词全表above 在上 below 在下 after 在后 before 在前 all 全部 none 全无 alone 单独地 together 一起 always 总是 sometimes 有时 answer 回答 ask 询问 answer 答案 question 问题 back 背部 front 前面 bad 坏的 good 好的 badly 恶劣地 well 很好地 begin 开始 end, finish 结束 best 最好的 worst 最坏的 better 更好的 worse 更坏的 big 大的 small, little 小的 black 黑的 white 白的 borrow 借入 lend 借给 both 两者都 neither 两者都不 break 打破 mend, repair 修理 busy 忙碌的 free 空闲的 buy 买(入) sell 卖(出) certainly 当然地 perhaps, maybe 或许;大概 cheap 便宜的 expensive, dear 昂贵的 clean 干净的 dirty 肮脏的 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 cloudy 天阴的 bright, clear, sunny 晴朗的 cold 寒冷的 hot 炎热的 come 来 go 去 cool 凉爽的 warm 温暖的 danger 危险 safety 安全 dark 黑暗的 bright, light 明亮的 day 白天 night 夜晚 dead 死的 alive, living 活的 death 死亡 life 生命 die 死去 live 活着 down 向下 up 向上 dry 干燥的 wet 潮湿的 early 早的 late 迟的 easy 容易的 difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的 empty 倒空 fill 装满 empth 空的 full 满的 entrance 入口 exit 出口 fall 落下 rise 升起 far 远的 near 近的 fine 晴朗的 cloudy, rainy 天阴的;下雨的 finish 结束 begin, start 开始 first 最初的 last 最后的 foreign 外国的 home 本国的 forget 忘记 remember 记得 from 从 to 到 give 给予 take 拿走 glad 愉快的 sad, sorry 悲伤的;难过的 good 好的 bad, ill, poor 坏的;恶劣的 great 伟大的 little, small 渺小的 happy 高兴的 unhappy, sad 难过的 hard 艰难的 easy 容易的 hard 硬的 soft 软的 hate 憎恨 love, like 热爱;喜欢 here 在这里 there 在那里 high 高的 low 低的 hold 拿住 drop 掉落 holiday 假日 weekday 工作日;平时 ill 生病的 healthy, well 健康的 in 在里面 out 在外面 inside 在里面 outside 在外面 into 到里面 out of 从里向外 kill 杀死 save 救活laugh 笑 cry 哭 leave 离开 arrive 到达 leave 离开 stay 逗留 light 明亮的 dark 黑暗的 light 轻的 heavy 重的 like 喜欢 hate 憎恨 like 与一样 unlike 与不一样 lose 丢失 find 找到 lose 失败;丢失 win 胜利;赢得 many 许多 few 很少 miss 未抓住;未赶上 catch 抓住;赶上 miss 未击中 hit 击中 more 更多的 less, fewer 更少的 most 最多的 least, fewest 最少的 move 移动 stop 停止 much 许多 little 很少 never 从未 ever 曾经 next 下一个 last 上一个 nobody 无一人 everybody 每个人 nothing 什么也没有 everything 一切 now 现在 then 当时 old 旧的 new 新的old 年老的 young 年轻的on 连续;使用中 off 离开;中断 open 打开(的) close(d) 关闭(的) over 在上 under 在下 pain 痛苦 pleasure 快乐 pass 通过;及格 fail 未通过;不及格 poor 贫穷的 rich 富裕的 pull 拉 push 推 quiet 寂静的 noisy 嘈杂的 rainy 下雨的 dry 干旱的 right 右边(的) left 左边(的) right 正确的 wrong 错误的 sad 悲伤的 glad, happy 快乐的 safe 安全的 dangerous 危险的 same 相同的 different 不同的 short 短的 long 长的 short (个子)矮的 tall (个子)高的 sleep 睡觉 wake 醒来 slow(ly) 满的(地) quick(ly), fast 快的(地) small 小的 big, large, great 大的 start 开始 end, finish 结束;停止 start 出发 reach 到达strong 强壮的 weak 虚弱的take 拿走;夺取 bring 带来 take 拿取 give 给予 teach 教(课) learn 学习 these 这些 those 那些 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 thin 薄的 thick 厚的 this 这个 that 那个 town 城镇 country 乡下 true 真实的 untrue 不真实的;假的 usual 通常的;平常的 unusual 不寻常的 whole 全体;全部 part 部分 wide 宽的 narrow 窄的 with 带有的 without 不带的 work 工作 play, rest 玩;休息 初中英语教学案例让活动更好的发挥效能 营防中学 王雅静一 教学背景: 本课为9A牛津英语教材Unit 6 Grammar中有关Reported speech 的内容。笔者把这节课的重点定为五种时态的变形。由于在8B中学生已接触了直接引语变间接引语时态不发生变化的情况,学生对人称的变化已经掌握,因而本节课只需提及,不必列为重点。二 教学思路: 本节课由呈现简笔画引入,让学生猜测图中人物的语言。再列出图中人物的原话,让学生引述。教师在学生使用间接引语中提醒他们对时态的关注。呈现完五种时态的变化形式,再附之以练习。让学生在机械操练中掌握间接引语的时态变化。为了让学生对本节课的重点内容达到熟练的程度及增强学习的趣味性,笔者又设计了“传话”和“我是小记者”两项活动。“传话”这一活动旨在口头的操练间接引语;“我是小记者”则是进行听和写的练习来巩固此语法知识。最后,由学生再次归纳直接引语变间接引语时的时态的变化。三 教学片段:(“传话”活动的开展)T: Boys and girls. Lets play a game. OK?Ss: OK.T: The game is called “Tell me what he/she said.”A student says a sentence to someone; the listener tells us what he/she said.Model: A: I am sad.B: he said he was sad.(在B同学回答完,教师将句子投影到屏幕上,让其他同学判断B同学转述的是否正确)T: You can write down your sentences first. (Wait 2 minutes for writing)S1: I am writing.S2: He said that he is writing.T: Is she right?Ss: No.T: who can help her? (教师温和的询问)Ss: He said that he was writing. (教师发现虽然在前面操练的效果不错,但在进行口头练习时,错误的频率还是很高,部分较差的学生似乎跟不上. 于是笔者先让学生把句子投影到屏幕上,在把句子读给大家听,让所有的学生有思考的时间)S3: (show the sentence on the screen) I will visit Beijing.S4: she said that she would visit Beijing.S5 (show the sentence) I went to Xuanwu Lake last week.S6: She said that she had gone to Xuanwu Lake last week.(时间状语的变形并不是笔者今天所教内容,指出错误是必然的,但该如何解释,这是笔者设计时未考虑的,因而笔者只是把正确的表述教给学生)T:Pay attention to the adverbials of time last week. We should change it into “the week before”. “Tomorrow I will tell you the reason.”(在八对学生做完此练习后,笔者让全班同学集体把这五个间接引语的句子大声朗读一遍,再次巩固直接引语改间接引语的时态变化。)T: lets say these sentences together.T and Ss: He said that he was sad. He said that he was writing. She said that she would visit Beijing. She said that she had gone to Xuanwu Lake the week before.四 教学反思:我认为,英语教学的目的主要是培养学生掌握并运用英语的能力,英语教学应该为学生创设他们喜闻乐见的合适的情境,给予他们充分的时间和空间,让他们成为学习的主人。作为一名英语教师,首先应该激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,增强学生的记忆效率,以达到最终的教学目的。如果一味地采用传统的英语教学方法讲授语言规则,让学生脱离语言环境去做大量机械、枯燥乏味的知识训练,学生学习兴趣当然不高。因而,在本堂课的中,我设计了两个活动,让学生在情景中练习间接引语,增强学习的兴趣,锻炼了口语表达能力。在活动的开展过程中,我发现活动的效能远不如自己所期望的那样。例如,在活动伊始,我过高的估计学生的听的能力。大多数学生无法在头脑中对直接引语进行转变,有的甚至对原话复述都存在困难。因此,活动的设计以及活动中出现的意外状况都需要设计者在之前进行周密思考及在课堂上的变通。现对 r如何发挥活动的效能作如下反思:(一) 设计与学生实际英语水平相当的活动。由于地域、师资和学习起始时间等因素的影响,各校各班的学生的差异相当大。因此在备课过程中,教师一定要认清学生的英语实际水平。笔者在本活动的开始时,高估了学生听得能力。在及时认识这一不足后,调整了呈现与听的顺序,让学生看了再听,再想,再反应。虽然活动也延续了下去,但听的作用似乎不大。笔者在课后与学生的交流中了解,学生只是对听到的句子时态不太明确,基本还是听得清楚的。在了解学生听的能力这一真实水平,笔者认为在布置写句子时,事先圈定每组所选用的时态,并让读句子的同学读的同时,写出句中出现的动词形式。这样保证所有学生能准确地获取信息,听也发挥了它应有的效能;同时这也保证了五种时态都能练到。(二) 重视活动中微任务的设计在任务型教学活动中,任务是无处不在的,即大任务中包含小任务,小任务中包含微任务。教师不能单纯的设计大任务,而忽视小任务,微任务的设计。正是由于它们的链接和点缀,任务才更易操作,活动的效能才能更好的发挥。本堂课中出现的一些学生在别人练习时,思想不集中,开小差的情况,正是教师忽略微任务布置的结果,让这些学生感到无事可做。笔者在课后想到,在让个别学生进行练习前,可先把全班学生分组;学生回答时,本组的学生可以补充;其他组的成员可以找错。通过小组竞赛的方式,激起每一位学生的关注。这样就保证了所有的学生都积极参与到活动中;同时也让学生感受集体荣誉感,增强他们的集体主义精神。(三) 加强活动中的即时评价评价是英语课程的重要组成部分;科学的评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障。活动中的即时评价,不仅能够活跃课堂气氛,还能激发学生自我完善的积极性,发展学生的各项能力。在课堂教学中,当一些学习存在困难的学生无法完成学习任务时,教师更应慎重对待。总之,在教学中活动能否真正的发挥好效能,是能否达到预定教学目标的重要条件。本人在今后备课过程中,应反复斟酌学生的生活环境,生活经验,学习兴趣和英语水平,努力调整教学方式,大胆取舍教学内容,力求满足不同类型和不同层次的学生的需求,让每个学生在学习英语的过程中都能感受成功,从而形成积极的学习态度。初中英语语法梳理和提高定语从句讲解试题在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!定语从句所修饰的词 叫先行词。 定语从句放在先行词后面。定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。本章只介绍限定性定语从句。引导定语从句的词有关系代词that、which、who、 which、 whose和关系副词where 、when,关系代词和关系副词是引导词, 在定语从句中担当某一成份。关系代词和关系副词的作用:先行词指物时, 关系代词用that 或which(在句中作主语或宾语)。如:China is a country which / that has a large population.The computer game which/ that he is playing is his favorite.先行词指人时, 关系代词用(who)作主语或宾语,whom (作宾语),whose (作定语),that (作主语或宾语)。 如:The man who is mending the machine has been retired.This is the policeman who/ whom they were talking about yesterday.I like the girl whose mother is an actor.注意:下列情况下关系代词只用that 而不用which 或 who。先行词是指物的不代词,如:all, little, few, much, none, anything, nothing, everything等时。如:I didnt understand the words all that he said. 2先行词由最高级、序数词以及any, very, only, all, no, just 等所修饰。如:This is the most beautiful place that I have been to .行词既包括人,也包括物。如:They always like to talk about the man and the things that they see on the road.当主句是以which 或who 开头的特殊疑问句时。如:who is the man that opened up the lab.例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!He is a friend _ can help you in time of need.A. who he B. whose C. / D. who 解析:引导词在定语从句中做主语,指人。 应选D 。The most important thing _ we should pay attention to is the first thing _ I have said.A. which, that B. that, which C. which, which D. that, that解析:先行词前有序数词, 最高级时,引导次只能用 that. 应选D.This is the only one of these books that _worth reading.Ahas B. have C. is D. are 解析:引导词that在句中作主语,代指one ,应选C。The man _ talked to you just now is my father.A. who B. he C. which D. whose解析:引导词在句中作主语指人,应选A.They thought too much about _.A. which I had said B. what I had saidC. that I had said D. I had said解析:此题引导词作在从句中作宾语,表示说话的内容,应 选B。练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!一、选择最佳答案填空:1Did you find the notebook _ Jim had given me for my birthday?A. who B. whom C. which D. whose2. Thats all _ I have seen and heard. A. which B. that C. where D. what3. Have you seen the man _ plan we were talking about _ yesterday ? A. who, them B. its, them C. whose,/ D. whose, them4.The Oscar is one of the film prizes _ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far. A. which are not B. that have not been C. that has not D. that has not been5. He never reads anything _ is not worth reading. A. that B. as C. who D. which6. The man _ coat is black is waiting at the gate. A. whos B. whose C. that D. of which7. _ cleans the classroom can go home first. A. Anyone B. those whoo C. However D. The one who8. The police caught the man _ stole my handbag. A. he B. that C. whom D. which9. The girl _ is reading under the tree _ my sister. A. which, is B. whom, was C. who , is D. who, was10. George Mallory was an English teacher _ loved climbing. A. who B. whom C. he D. which1-5 CDCBA 6-10 BDBCA初一上学期 期末总复习要点集锦Unit 1 1. 语言要点(语法、词组、句型)(1) -Nice to meet you! -Nice to meet you! - A:Thank you! B: Youre welcome. Thats OK. Thats all right.Not at all. Its a pleasure. / With pleasure. - Thats all right. (不客气。没关系。) That right. (那是对的) - A: Sorry. B:Thats all right. / Thats OK. / It doesnt matter. / Never mind. (2) Whats your name? (3) Whats her telephone number?Whats her first name?2. 人名 (1) First name: Tony, Jack, Gina, Mary, Jenny, (2) Last name ( Family Name): Green, Miller, Brown, Smith, Zhang, (3) Jack Smith: Jack is _; Smith is _.3我 你 他 她 它 你们 我们 他们/它们主格:I, you, he, she, it, you, we, they 宾格:me, you, him, her, it, you, us, them 形容词性: my,your,his,her,its,your,our,their +名词名词性:mine,yours, his,hers,its,yours,ours,theirs 1. This is _(他们)classroom, but where is ours?2. This is _(我的) classroom, but where is ours?3. This is _(我们的) classroom, but where is ours?4. Xiao Shenyang says that _(他的)job is to make people happy.5. _ (她) name is Mary Miller.6. Can you give _(我) some books?7. Can you give _(我们) some books?8. Whats _(你的) 名字? 9. What are _(他们) names? 10. Whats _(她的) telephone number?11. This book is _(她的).12. Is the pen _(他的)?13. Please give the book to _(他).14. Please give the book to _(她).15. Please give the book to _(他们).Unit 2 1. 词形变换dictionary_(复数) key _(复数) 2. 语言要点(1) Is this your pencil?(2) call at (3) computer game, lost and found case, an ID card, (4) -How do you spell it? -W-A-T-C-H.Unit 3 This is my sister. 1.词形变换this _(复数)that _(复数)2.家庭成员mother, father, parents, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, friend3.词组:Thanks for sth Thanks for doing sth4.话题作文:(1)描述Family tree(2)描述家庭成员“全家福”Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? 1.词形变化2.方位介词: in the backpack, in the drawer, on the table, on the dresser, on the bed, under the table, nearthewindow, 3. 语言要点:(1) an alarm clock.(2) taketo, bring to (3) 话题作文: 描述自己的房间或教室环境。Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?1.词形变化 watch _(单三) 2要点(1) 球类运动前_: play basketball, play volleyball, play soccer ball, play ping-pong, play tennis, 比较:乐器前_: play the guitar (2) _ you have a ping-pong ball? Yes, I _.(3) let sb +_ (4) That sounds _ (good, well) (5) 词组:play sports, have a sports collection, watch TV, watch them on TV, 3. 话题作文: 介绍自己的收藏Unit 6 Do you like bananas?1.词形变化 tomato_(复数), strawberry_(复数), health _(形容词), 2. 语言要点;(1) 可数与不可数名词 修饰可数名词:a few, many, some, a lot of, 修饰不可数名词:a little, much, some, a lot of (2) 可数名词:carrots, eggs, pears, hamburgers, tomatoes, French fries, oranges, bananas, strawgerries, apples, 不可数名词: broccoli, water, milk, bread, jucie, orange(橘子汁), 既是可数又是不可数名词:ice cream, salad, children(3) For lunch, she likes hamburgers. She has children, tomatoes for dessert. 3. 话题作文: 谈论自己或他人早餐、中餐和晚餐喜欢吃什食物。Unit 7 How much are these pants?1.购物(1) Can I help you? What can I do for you?(2) I want a sweater. I want to but a sweater. Im looking for a sweater. I need a sweater. (3) What colour do you want? What size do you want?(4) How much is it? How much are they?(5) Ill take it. Ill have it.(6) Here you are.(7) Heres the money.(8) Youre welcome.2. 数字 forty 3. 3. 话题作文; 写推销广告 (P45) (1)come and buy clothes at Huaxings great sale!(2) Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price. (3) We have for only $5. (4) For girls, we have For boys, we have(5) Anybody can afford our prices!(6) Come and see for yourself at . Store. Unit 8 When is your birthday?1. 月份:2. -When is your birthday? -Its October tenth.3. 数词: 基数词: 序数词:1st, 2nd, 3re, 4th, nine-ninth, fortyfortieth 4. 词组:an English speech contest, a Chinese Contest, music Festival, an Art Festival, school trip, baskball game, birthday party, Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie/1.词形变化 comedy _(复数), documentary _(复数), success_(形容词) _(副词) 2. 要点:(1) an action movie(2) , but (转折) (3) learn about, Chinese history, Beijing Opera,(4) exciting-excited, scaryscared, interestinginterested (5) on weekendsUnit 10 Can you play the guitar?1. 乐器前要_: play the guitar, play the piano, play the violin, play the drum, play the trumpet, 比较:play chess2. join the music club, join the art club,join the chess club, join the swimming clubjoin the English club,3. speak English 4. want + _ 5. can + _6. good well7. be good with be good at be good for8. an e-mail address 9.话题作文: “才能”与 “俱乐部”. Musicians WantedAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-66033. Unit 11 What time do you go to school?1.组与句型: What time do you go to school? go to school, get up, run, eat breakfast, take a shower, 2时刻表达法:(1) 整点:seven oclock 八点 十一点 22点 (2)半点:half past six 七点半 九点半 十二点半 (3) 不足30分:5:10 ten past five 6:10 7:20 8: 15 10:25 (4) 超过20分钟:6:40 twenty to seven(到下一点钟) 9:40 10:45 11:50 12: 55(5)翻译下列时刻(Write down the English expressions of time)two past two _ two two two_ one past one _ five to five _10:00: _ 11:15: _17:55: _21:00:_(6) 时间前介词的用法:_ the morning _ the afternoon of June 1st. _ eleven oclock _ half past eight _ Friday evening _summer _ spring_Sepetember _ 2010 _ Sunday _ December 25th总结规律: at + _ in + _; on +_3bursh _(单三), watch _(单三) go _(单三), have _(单三) do _(单三), 4. 要点 (1) Thanks for +(doing) sth (2) want to know about (3) School starts at eight oclock(4) tell sb about sth (5) He brushes his teeth and has a shower.(6) take the number 17 bus(7) get home, get to work (8) around = about 5. 话题作文: (1) My Busy Day (第一人称) 请以”My Busy Day” 为题,写一篇短文介绍你的一天。 (2) My Mothers Day (第三人称)同学们,你可曾注意到你的父母每天忙忙碌碌,辛苦操劳。请你写一篇短文介绍他们。My mothers (fathers) DayMy mother (father) is very busy, she gets up at six oclock. (3) 根据表格内容写一篇作文,介绍Jane 的一天。Time Activities6:156:307:308:009:00 Unit 12 My favourite subject is science.1.学科名称: Chinese, English , maths, history, art, P.E., music, (physics, chemistry,.)2. 描述学科的形容词 fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing, 3. 要点; (1) play with (2) be tired (3) after class(4) Hes fun. (His class is very interesting. ) 3. 话题作文P75 3a (1) 介绍学科和自己的对各学科的评价(喜欢、不喜欢) (2) 介绍一天的课程表。 (3) 询问班上一些同学最喜欢的日子,然后向全班汇报(P75, 4)NameWhats your favourite day?Why?DaveMondayBecause I have music.ScottFridayBecause I have art.Han XiaoTudesdayBecause I play volleyball. 本册总结:1. 可数名词与不可数名词:名词复数:2. 人称代词和物主代词3. 数词: 基数词和序数词4. 时间表达法5. 一般现在时态 (1) 区分两种句式:主系表主谓宾be 动词和实义动词 _ you a student? _this your sister?_ you get up at six? _ you have a soccer ball?_ you like sports? _you want to go to a movie?_ you swim? What _ your favourite subject? How _ you spell it? Where _ my pen? What food _ you like? What color _it? When _ your birthday? What time _ you get up? How much _these pants? what _ this in English?6. 情态动词can + do7. 非谓语动词: want + _ like + _ / _ can +_ let + _8. 介词: in on at 9. 话题: (1) Starter Unit 3: 颜色(2) Unit 1: 人名(Family Name, Last name) (2) Unit 2: 物品(ruler, map, eraser) (3)Unit 3: 颜色 (red, green, purple) (4) Unit 4 : 方位 (5) Unit 5 : 运动与俱乐部 (6) Unit 6: 食物与一日三餐(可数与不可数名词) Unit 7: 衣服与价格;写促销广告 Unit 8: 生日的日期、数字 Unit 9: 电影分类, 介绍喜欢的电影或演员 Unit 10: 才能与俱乐部 Unit 11: 每日活动、时刻表达法 Unir 12: 科目、谈论课程表、喜欢的科目及原因


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