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专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选Operating and Maintenance Manualfor Fans Type KK&KKK&K 风机的运行和维护手册Type:类型:CKPF-Job-No.:工作号:Machine-No.:设备号:Application:应用:Year of design:设计年份:Client No.: 客户号Plant:厂家:Plant Location:厂家地址:Chengdu KK&K Power Fan Co. Ltd. 成都成都 KK&K 电站风机有限公司电站风机有限公司610041 Changyi Road 12 610041 长益路 12Wuhou District Chengdu City 成都市武侯区Sichuan Province 四川省Tel. +86 Fax +86 This instruction is exclusive property of Chengdu KK&K Power Fan Co. Ltd.Availability is limited to supervisors or service personnel. Surrender to or access by third persons, as well as duplication of the plant in its entirety or in parts is prohibited. We reserve the right to claim for full reimbursement of all damages resulting form non-compliance.We must point out that these operating instructions cannot always cover every eventuality completely. Accordingly they do not free the operator from the usual responsibility when operating technical equipment also in respects of health, safety and environmental protection. It is assumed that the operation personnel has been instructed and knows how to run the plant.No claims of any kind may be derived from these operating & maintenance instructions.该说明书版权为成都 KK&K 所有。仅限管理和服务人员使用。不允许第三方使用、完全或部分拷贝该说明书。我方保留索赔权。我们需要指出这些运行操作说明书不能包括所有的不可预测的情况。因此在操作时,还应警示个人健康,安全,以及对环境的保护等。本说明书供组装、运行、维护人员认真阅读,严格遵循,风机的组装和维护工作必须由专业人员承担。操作人员需要掌握如何操作这些设备。专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选目目 录录1.1.OPERATINGOPERATING DATADATA 运行参数运行参数.61.1.PRESSURE INDICATIONS 压力指示 .61.2.OPERATING CONDITIONS 运行条件 .61.3.LIMITATIONS TO OPERATING DATA 运行参数限制 .61.4.PERFORMANCE GRAPH 性能曲线 .71.5.STARTING TORQUES AND MASS MOMENT OF INERTIA 启动力矩和转动惯量 .81.6.ACOUSTICS 声学 .82.2.DESCRIPTIONSDESCRIPTIONS 简介简介.92.1.FLUIDIC EFFECT (1-STAGE)工作原理(单级) .92.2.FLUIDIC EFFECT (2-STAGE)工作原理(双级) .92.3.DESCRIPTION OF THE FAN 风机(部件)简介 .92.3.1. STATOR COMPONENTS 静止件 .102.3.2. ROTOR (1-STAGE) 转子(单级) .112.3.3. ROTOR (2-STAGE) 转子(双级) .112.3.4. IMPELLER (1-STAGE, WITH COUNTERWEIGHTS) 叶轮(单级,带平衡锤) .112.3.5. IMPELLER (2-STAGE, WITH COUNTERWEIGHTS) 叶轮(双级,带平衡锤) .112.3.6. IMPELLER (1-STAGE, WITHOUT COUNTERWEIGHTS)叶轮(单级,不带平衡锤) .112.3.7. IMPELLER (2-STAGE, WITHOUT COUNTERWEIGHTS)叶轮(双级,不带平衡锤) .122.3.8. BLADE ADJUSTMENT 叶片调节 .122.3.9. BLADE BEARINGS 叶片轴承 .132.3.10.SHAFT (1-STAGE) 主轴(单级).132.3.11.SHAFT (2-STAGE) 主轴(双级).132.3.12.SERVOMOTOR (1-STAGE)伺服马达(单级).132.3.13.SERVOMOTOR (2-STAGE)伺服马达(双级).132.3.14.CONTROL HEAD 控制头 .132.3.15.ADJUSTING PISTON 油缸 .132.3.16.ADJUSTING DISC (1-STAGE) 调节盘(单级).142.3.17.ADJUSTING DISC (2-STAGE)调节盘(双级).142.3.18.ROTOR BEARINGS (ANTIFRICTION BEARING) 主轴承(滚动轴承).142.3.19.ROTOR BEARINGS (SLEEVE BEARING) 主轴承(滑动轴承).142.3.20.ACCESSORIES 附件 .153.3.OPERATION/OPERATION/运行运行.163.1.TECHNICAL PLANT REQUIREMENTS 技术设备要求 .163.1.1. OPERATING RANGE 工作运行区域 .163.1.2. SECURITY 安全 .173.1.3. ADJUSTMENT 调节 .193.2.PRIOR TO TEST RUN/ COMMISSIONING/ OVERHAULS 试运转前期/试运转/检查 .213.3.TEST RUN 试运行 .22专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选3.4.STARTING UP 启动 .233.5.SHUTTING DOWN 关机 .243.6.MONITORING DURING OPERATION 运行监控 .244.4.MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE 维护维护.264.1.DURING OPERATION 风机运行期间 .264.2.OIL MAINTENANCE 油系统维护 .264.3.MAINTENANCE INTERVALS & SCOPE 计划停机(检修)维护 .274.3.1. FAN 壳体 .274.3.2. IMPELLER 叶轮 .284.3.3. SERVOMOTOR 伺服马达 .294.3.4. MAIN BEARINGS 主轴承 .294.3.5. ADJUSTMENT DEVICE 调节装置 .304.4.UNSCHEDULED STOPPAGE 非计划停机维护 .304.5.WEAR DATA (ID/ FGD FAN ONLY)磨损数据(仅适用于引风机/增压风机) .315.5.ASSEMBLYASSEMBLY 组装组装.325.1.FAN 风机 .345.1.1. PREPARATION 准备 .345.1.2. CHECKS 检查 .345.1.3. ASSEMBLY 组装 .345.1.4. CONNECTIONS 连接 .355.1.5. FUNCTION TESTS 功能测试 .355.2.SEALS, PARTS SUBJECT TO WEAR 密封件和易损件的拆装 .365.3.ROTOR 转子 .365.3.1. LIFTING OFF THE HOUSING COMPONENTS 机壳部分的起吊 .365.3.2. DISCONNECTION 拆卸 .375.3.3. REMOVING ROTOR BLADES 拆卸动叶片 .385.3.4. ROTOR REMOVAL 转子的拆卸 .385.3.5. FITTING THE ROTOR 组装转子 .385.3.6. FITTING ROTOR BLADES 动叶片组装 .385.3.7. SECURING THE CONNECTIONS 连接保护 .385.3.8. FITTING THE HOUSING COMPONENTS 壳体部件的组装 .395.4.IMPELLER 叶轮 .405.4.1. REMOVAL OF ROTOR 转子拆卸 .405.4.2. BLADE-BEARING REMOVAL 叶片轴承的拆卸 .405.4.3. DISASSEMBLY OF THE ADJUSTING LEVER 曲柄的拆卸 .415.4.4. ASSEMBLY OF ADJUSTING LEVER 曲柄的组装 .415.4.5. ASSEMBLY OF BLADE BEARING 叶片轴承的组装 .425.5.ROTOR BLADES 动叶片 .455.5.1. REMOVAL 拆卸 .45专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选5.5.2. FITTING 组装 .455.6.SERVOMOTOR 伺服马达 .485.6.1. REMOVAL FROM THE IMPELLER 从叶轮上拆卸 .485.6.2. FITTING TO THE IMPELLER 组装到叶轮上 .495.7.ADJUSTING DISC (1-STAGE) 调节盘(单级) .495.7.1. DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .495.7.2. ASSEMBLY 组装 .495.8.ADJUSTING DISC (2-STAGE) 调节盘(双级) .495.8.1. DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .495.8.2. ASSEMBLY 组装 .515.9.MAIN BEARINGS (ANTIFRICTION BEARING) 主轴承(滚动轴承) .515.9.1. DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .515.9.2. ASSEMBLY 组装 .525.10.MAIN BEARING (SLEEVE BEARING) 主轴承(滑动轴承) .555.10.1.DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .555.10.2.ASSEMBLY 组装 .565.11.SHAFT SEALS 轴封: .575.11.1.DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .575.11.2.ASSEMBLY 组装 .575.12.NOTES ON THE COUPLING 联轴器提示 .595.13.HYDRAULIC ASSEMBLY SHAFT/ IMPELLER 液压组装主轴与叶轮 .595.13.1.METHOD OF OPERATION 操作方法 .595.13.2.INSTALLATION DEVICES 组装设备 .595.13.3.DISASSEMBLY 拆卸 .605.13.4.ASSEMBLY 组装 .615.14.COOLING/SEALING AIR SYSTEM (ID FAN ONLY) 冷却/密封空气系统(仅用于引风机) .645.14.1.SEALING AIR 密封空气 .645.14.2.COOLING AIR 冷却空气 .655.15.CONNECTION OF THE PIPES 管道连接 .656.6.TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTATION 运输运输.677.7.LUBRICATIONLUBRICATION 润滑润滑.687.1.GENERAL 概述 .687.2.MAIN BEARING AND SERVOMOTOR 主轴承和伺服马达用油 .687.2.1. REQUIRED PROPERTIES 要求特性 .687.2.2. OIL CARE 润滑油警示事项 .697.2.3. OIL SYSTEM 油系统 .707.2.4. OIL FILLING 注油 .707.2.5. CHANGING THE OIL 换油 .717.2.6. DOCUMENTATION OF LUBRICATION 润滑油记录文档 .72专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选7.3.BLADE BEARINGS 叶片轴承用油 .727.3.1. REQUIRED PROPERTIES 要求特性 .728.8.SPARESPARE PARTSPARTS 备件备件.748.1.STOCKS 库存 .748.1.1. AVAILABILITY 建议存储的备件 .748.1.2. WEAR, MALFUNCTIONS 磨损、故障 .748.2.ORDERING 订货 .768.3.STORAGE 贮存 .769.9.PRESERVATIONPRESERVATION 保存保存.789.1.NOTE 说明 .789.2.INTERRUPTION OF INSTALLATION 组装间歇期的防护 .789.3.STANDSTILL 停机时的防护 .799.4.PRIOR TO COMMISSIONING 试运行之前 .8110.10. MALFUNCTIONMALFUNCTION ANALYSISANALYSIS 故障分析故障分析.8210.1.VIBRATION 振动 .8210.2.BEARING TEMPERATURE 轴承温度 .8210.3.OIL TEMPERATURE 油温 .8310.4.OIL PRESSURE 油压 .8310.5.OIL CONDITION 油况 .8410.6.OIL LEVEL 油位 .8410.7.BEARING LEAKING 轴承泄漏 .8410.8.BEARING CONDITION 轴承状态 .8510.9.WEAR 磨损 .8510.10. POWER CONTROL 动力控制 .8610.11. BLADE BEARING BLOCKED 叶片轴承卡滞 .86专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选1. Operating data 运行参数运行参数1.1. Pressure indications 单位说明单位说明Pressures indicated in bar and/or mbar are gauge pressures. Pressures indicated in “abs” are absolute pressures.单位为 bar 或 mbar 的压力为表压力,单位为 abs 的压力值为绝对压力。1.2. Operating conditions 运行条件运行条件Description 描述Customers machine no.用户设备编号CKPF machine no. CKPF 设备编号Fan type 风机型号Axial fan with adjustable blades动叶可调轴流风机Fan Size 风机尺寸Dimension尺寸Fluid 介质Ambient air 当地大气压Load 负荷Design 设计Volume at 0C and 1,013 bar标态流量Nm3/minVolume at fan inlet 实际入口流量m3/sTemperature at inlet fan 入口温度CStructural design temperature设计温度CPressure at fan inlet 入口压力mbar absDensity at fan inlet 入口密度kg/m3Total pressure rise 风机全压mbarFan speed 风机转速1/minMotor speed 电机转速1/minAbsorbed power at motor coupling电机输出功率kWInstalled nominal motor power电机额定功率kWPerformance graph 性能曲线no.PG Acoustic data 声学数据no.AC Starting torques 启动扭矩no.ST Mass moment of inertia 转动惯量Kgm21.3. Limitations to operating data 运行参数限制运行参数限制DANGER !警示警示The fan or parts and all parts of the fan are specifically designed based on information supplied by the customer.If in the course of time any changes to this information take place or are planned, these should be checked with CKPF to ensure that they are permissible.风机及配件是按用户提供的参数资料进行专门选型设计的,若参数改变,应由 CKPF 检验校核以确认其可行性。专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选Motor speed Fluctuations in the power-supply frequency must not cause the speed of the drive motor to exceed the rpm figure specified in the operating data by more than 2%.电机转速 电源频率的波动导致转速的波动不能超过运行数据规定的 2%。Motor power The permissible motor power may exceed the power required at the fan shaft indicated in the operating data by max. 15%.电机功率 电动机安全的功率余量应至少大于风机运行工况下轴功率的 15%。Gas temperature The admissible gas temperature measured at the fan intake气流温度 风机入口气流温度must not exceed a maximum of C permanently 最大不能长时间超过( )may be at a maximum of . C for a short time for max. . minutes.或( )时最长不得超过( )分钟。IMPORTANT !重要重要In case of exceeding these limits please若超过上述限制要求check the fan for damage检查风机的损害and contact CKPF并联系 CKPFOperating points The fan may only be operated for brief periods with an insufficient volume flow. The limit is mentioned in the attached performance graph.运行点 风机尽量避免在不稳定区运行。此区域在特性曲线图上可以查到。IMPORTANT !重要重要Low volume operation over a longer period can cause overheat of the fan. This should be avoided.风机若长时间在低流量运行会导致过热,应避免。IMPORTANT !重要重要The fan must not be operated above the surge limit. The limit is mentioned in the attached performance graph.不允许风机在失速喘振区域运行,此区域在特性曲线图上可以查到。IMPORTANT !重要重要The operation of the fan above the surge limit strains blades, other fan parts, plant components extremely. Impacts and vibration can cause heavy damage to all parts of the fan and the plant. This should be avoided.若风机在失速喘振区域运行会导致动叶和其它机件重大损坏、撞击和振动导致更大的系统设备事故,应避免。1.4. Performance graph 性能曲线性能曲线(to be inserted here)(由此插入) 专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选1.5. Starting torques and mass moment of inertia 启动启动扭扭矩和转动惯量矩和转动惯量 (to be inserted here)(此处插入) 1.6. Acoustics 声学声学特性特性 (to be inserted here)(此处插入)专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选2. Descriptions 简介简介2.1. Fluidic effect (1-stage)工作原理(单级)工作原理(单级)On entering the direction of the flow is altered in the suction bend, accelerated by a nozzle and directed into the impeller.气流由系统管道流入风机进气箱后改变方向,经集流器收敛加速后流向叶轮。In the impeller the axially-directed flow becomes circumferential and is accelerated. The pitch angle of the rotor blades is infinitely variable during operation. The adjustment has the effect of changing the volume flow.电动机带动叶轮对气流作功,动叶的工作角度与叶栅距可无级调节,由此改变风量、风压满足工况变化需求。After the impeller the guide vanes (outlet guide-vane unit) redirect the flow in an axial direction, thus increasing the pressure (reaction-type fan). 气流由轴向运动经叶轮作功后变为螺旋运动,流出的气流经后导叶导向转为轴向流动。In the diffusor the kinetic energy is then converted into static pressure.再经扩压器,将部分动能转换成静压能,流至系统满足运行要求。2.2. Fluidic effect (2-stage)工作原理(双级)工作原理(双级)On entering the direction of the flow is altered in the suction bend, accelerated by a nozzle and directed into the impeller.气流由系统管道流入风机进气箱后改变方向,经集流器收敛加速后流向叶轮。In the impeller the axially-directed flow becomes circumferential and is accelerated. The pitch angle of the rotor blades is infinitely variable during operation. The adjustment has the effect of changing the volume flow.电动机带动叶轮对气流作功,动叶的工作角度与叶栅距可无级调节,由此可改变风量、风压满足工况变化需求。After the impeller the guide vanes (outlet guide-vane unit) redirect the flow in an axial direction, thus increasing the pressure (reaction-type fan).气流由轴向运动经叶轮作功后变为螺旋运动,流出的气流经后导叶转为轴向流动。In the second stage pressure is further increased.在第二级叶轮处压力进一步增加。The pitch angle of the rotor blades in both stages is adjusted synchronously.两级叶轮的叶片角度同时调整。In the diffusor the kinetic energy is then converted into static pressure.再经扩压器,将部分动能转换成静压能,流至系统满足运行要求。2.3. Description of the fan 风机(部件)简介风机(部件)简介Seen in the direction of the flow the 1-stage fan consists of the following components Suction bend with shaft protection tube Fan housing with flow hub Guide vane housing专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选 Rotor with bearing (in the flow hub) Diffuser从气流方向看,单级风机由以下部件组成带护轴管的进气箱带整流罩的机壳装配后导叶装配主轴承装配(在整流罩中)扩压器Seen in the direction of the flow the 2-stage fan consists of the following components Suction bend with shaft protection tube and flow hub Fan housing Rotor with bearing (in core of fan housing) Guide vane housing Diffuser从气流方向看,双级风机由以下部件组成带护轴管和整流罩的进气箱机壳装配主轴承装配(在整流罩中)后导叶装配扩压器The structure is made clear by the accompanying sectional drawing.结构详见附图。2.3.1. Stator components 定子部定子部件件Stator components are suction bend, fan housing, guide vane housing and diffusor. 定子部件分为进气箱,机壳装配,后导叶装配和扩压器。GeneralThe stator components are welded structures made of even rolled sheeting reinforced with ribs and flanges. The process of welding them together is not completed until the stage of on-site assembly.概述定子部件由焊接了加强筋板和法兰的壳体铆焊件构成,到组装时再将其焊接或组合在一起。Suction bend The suction bend has a rectangular inlet cross-section. It has an access door on the front. The base fastenings are sliding supports, when the fan expands on heating they can move on the foundation.进气箱进气箱入口截面为矩形,在前端面带人孔门,当风机热胀冷缩时,基础可适量滑动,抵消热膨胀量。Fan housing 1-stage: The fan housing is horizontally split.机壳装配 单级:中分剖分。 2-stage: The fan housing is horizontally split. The guide vanes of the first impeller stage are welded in. 双级:中分剖分。第一级叶轮的后导叶焊接。Guide vane housing1-stage: The guide vane housing is horizontally split. The guide 后导叶装配 vanes are welded in place. 单级:中分剖分,后导叶焊接。 2-stage: The stator housing is horizontally split. The guide vanes of the second impeller stage are welded in. 专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选 双级:定子壳体中分剖分,2 级后导叶焊接。Diffuser There is a door in the diffusor core permitting access from the discharge pipe.扩压器 芯筒带人孔门,允许人从出口管路进入其中。2.3.2. Rotor (1-stage)转子(单级)转子(单级)The rotor consists of the impeller, the shaft and the servomotor. The shaft has a pin to engage with the coupling hub. 单级风机的转子包括叶轮、主轴、伺服马达。主轴通过键与联轴器轮毂联接。2.3.3. Rotor (2-stage) 转子(双级)转子(双级)The rotor consists of the impeller, the shaft, the servomotor and the adjusting rod with adjusting disc. The first-stage impeller has a drive disc for the coupling hub. 双级风机的转子包括叶轮、主轴、伺服马达、带调节盘的芯轴。第一级叶轮由驱动盘(中介环)和联轴器连接。2.3.4. Impeller (1-stage, with counterweights) 叶轮(单级,带平衡锤)叶轮(单级,带平衡锤)The impeller is overhung. The impeller hub is a welded structure. The forged body accommodates the blade bearings. It is connected to the shaft with a hub disc. The hub disc is attached to the shaft with a taper press fit.叶轮为悬臂式、焊接件。叶片轴承组装在叶轮毂体内,叶轮毂通过毂盘与主轴联接,毂盘由圆锥面过盈配合联接固定到主轴上。The restoring moments of the blades are generated by the rotating mass of the blading and the air forces. For a partial compensation of the restoring moments compensating weights are attached to the blade shaft which generates a moment reacting to the restoring moment of the blades. 叶片回复力矩由叶片的旋转质量和气体压力产生。作为回复力矩的部分补偿,组装在叶片轴上的平衡锤能产生一个力矩来抵消叶片产生的回复力矩。2.3.5. Impeller (2-stage, with counterweights) 叶轮(双级,带平衡锤)叶轮(双级,带平衡锤)The impeller is overhung. The impeller hubs are welded structures. The blade bearings fit into the forged carriers. They are connected with the shaft by hub discs. The hub discs are fixed to the shaft with a taper press fit. 叶轮为悬臂式、焊接件。叶片轴承组装在叶轮毂体内,叶轮毂通过毂盘与主轴联接,毂盘由圆锥面过盈配合联接固定到主轴上。The restoring moments of the blades are generated by the rotating mass of the blading and the air forces. For a partial compensation of the restoring moments compensating weights are attached to the blade shaft which generate a moment reacting to the restoring moment of the blades. 叶片回复力矩由叶片的旋转质量和气体压力产生。作为回复力矩的部分补偿,组装在叶片轴上的平衡锤能产生一个力矩来抵消叶片产生的回复力矩。2.3.6. Impeller (1-stage, without counterweights)叶轮(单级,不带平衡锤)叶轮(单级,不带平衡锤)The impeller is overhung. The impeller hub is forged. It is connected to the shaft by a hub disc. The hub disc is fixed to the shaft with a conical press fit. The blade bearings fit into the impeller hub.叶轮为悬臂式,轮毂为锻(铸)件。轮毂通过毂盘与主轴连接。毂盘由过盈圆锥面连接配合固定到主轴上。叶片轴承组装在叶轮毂体内。专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选2.3.7. Impeller (2-stage, without counterweights)叶轮(双级,不带平衡锤)叶轮(双级,不带平衡锤)The impeller is overhung. The impeller hubs are forged. They are connected to the shaft by hub discs. The hub discs are fixed to the shaft with a conical press fit. The blade bearings fit into the impeller hubs.叶轮为悬臂式,轮毂为锻(铸)件。轮毂通过毂盘与主轴连接。毂盘由圆锥面过盈配合联接固定到主轴上。叶片轴承组装在轮毂体内。2.3.8. Blade adjustment 叶片调节叶片调节The rotor blades are adjusted during operation (pitch control) by an oil hydraulic servomotor which is flanged to the impeller and rotates with same. The servomotor mainly consists of cylinder, piston, guide spindle and control elements. 动叶片在运行中可通过液压伺服马达来控制调节(节距控制)。伺服马达通过法兰连接在叶轮上,跟随叶轮同步转动。伺服马达主要包括缸体、活塞、导轴及控制阀。When adjusting the blades the axial movement of the servomotor piston is converted into rotation via the adjusting levers of the pivoted blade shafts. The blades can thus be adjusted variably. The respective blade angle can be seen locally on the graduated plate.调节叶片角度时,伺服马达活塞的轴向运动通过曲柄带动叶片轴转动,变成旋转运动。叶片由此调节角度。叶片角度可以通过表盘读出。To initiate the blade movement the control bush which does not rotate with the impeller is moved axially. The force required therefore is minimal. This adjusting movement is activated from outside by the control system via rods (assy. actuator). The adjusting piston and thus the adjusting disc follow each control bush movement. The adjusting disc transfers the adjusting piston movement as rotation to the blade shafts via sliding blocks and levers. 叶片动作时,未跟随叶轮转动的控制阀套作轴向移动。因此只需要较小的力量。调节移动时通过外部的执行装置(电动执行器)来操作的。控制阀套移动时活塞和调节盘跟随移动。调节盘将活塞的移动通过滑块和曲柄转换成叶片轴的旋转运动。Adjust the control system such that there is no constant opening and closing of the blades around a load point set at the fan. Badly damped control systems cause constantly small movements of the blade adjusting system, which should be avoided as they affect the service life of the blade bearings.由于风机运行过程中各个工况点所需的叶片开度各不相同,所以需要调节叶片角度。应避免严重阻尼的控制系统引起叶片调节系统持续的小运动,防止由此造成的轴承寿命降低。The control oil supplied by the oil supply unit is supplied via the control slide at a constant pressure. The pressures to be set are specified by CKPF. 油站提供恒定压力的控制油,通过控制阀的滑动来实现。油压由 CKPF 确定。This hydraulic adjusting device and the oil supply unit form a closed system. When the oil supply is interrupted the blade angle set before the interruption is maintained if the adjusting pulse is interlocked by the control oil pressure. The adjusting system will not be damaged. 液压调节装置和供油系统为封闭回路系统。当供油受阻时,控制油压使得控制信号互锁,叶片角度设置将维持受阻前状态。IMPORTANT!重要重要The blades may only be actuated when a control oil pressure has built up. 仅当控制油压已经建立后,才能开启叶片。2.3.9. Blade bearings叶片轴承叶片轴承The blade bearings absorb the centrifugal and aerodynamic forces of the rotor blades and the adjustment forces. 叶片轴承承受叶片离心力和气动力以及调节力。专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选The blade bearing has an axial grooved ball-bearing race to absorb the centrifugal force and a (radial) grooved ball-bearing race to absorb the adjustment force. These bearings are permanently lubricated with oil and sealed with O-rings.叶片轴承的轴向推力球轴承可承受叶片离心力,径向球轴承可承受叶片调节力,叶片轴承注油后可持久润滑,由 O 型密封圈密封。The blade bearing also has self-lubricating bearing bushes to absorb aerodynamic forces.自润滑轴套可承载气动力。2.3.10.Shaft (1-stage) 主轴(单级)主轴(单级)The forged shaft carries the coupling hub and the impeller. 主轴两端分别支撑联轴器和叶轮。2.3.11.Shaft (2-stage) 主轴(双级)主轴(双级) The forged shaft carries the two impellers. There is a hole in it for the adjusting rod.主轴上承载 2 个叶轮,带一个组装定位芯轴的孔。2.3.12.Servomotor (1-stage)伺服马达(单级)伺服马达(单级)The servomotor produces the power to adjust the rotor blades. It mounted on the impeller and rotates with it. Its principal components are the control head, the cylinder, the double-action adjusting piston and the adjusting disc. 伺服马达提供调节叶片的作用力。固定在叶轮上并随叶轮一起转动。主要部件为控制头,缸体,双向动作调节活塞和调节盘。2.3.13.Servomotor (2-stage)伺服马达(双级)伺服马达(双级)The servomotor generates the force with which the rotor blades are adjusted. It is fitted to the second-stage impeller and rotates with it. Its principal components are the control head, the cylinder, the double-action adjusting piston and the adjusting disc.伺服马达提供调节叶片的作用力。固定在第二级叶轮上并随叶轮一起转动。主要部件为控制头,缸体,双向动作调节活塞和调节盘。2.3.14.Control head 控制头控制头The lines which supply the servomotor with control oil are connected to the control head. The rotor-blade control is operated by an actuator outside the fan via a control rod. The non-rotating control bush on the relay valve is axially displaced. Pressurised oil impinges on one side or other of the adjusting piston.控制头与控制油管相连,由风机外部的执行控制装置通过一推拉杆来操纵不旋转的阀套作轴向前后移动。2.3.15.Adjusting piston 油缸油缸The adjusting piston operates on the slave-piston principle, executing a stroke in the same direction and of the same magnitude as the control head. The adjustment force is transmitted to the adjusting disc by means of the guide spindle.控制头使压力油(通过阀芯油道)分别进入油缸的后腔或前腔,油缸内油压使活塞随同控制头-实现方向和行程相同的位移(略滞后),把调节力通过导轴传递给调节盘,执行动叶片的开大与关小。专业 专心 专注专业资料 参考首选2.3.16.Adjusting disc (1-stage) 调节盘(单级)调节盘(单级)The adjusting disc rotates with the rotor. It has a snap ring groove the sliding blocks. The sliding blocks on the blade-shaft levers engage with the


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