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Unit 1, Lesson ATrack1-1-1A. listen to three people from the pen pals website. Match the name of the speaker with his or her interest:Fiona: Hi, Im Fiona. Im from Sydney, Australia. Im 19, and a student at the University of Canberra. Im majoring in computer science. When Im not studying, I like going to the movies.Miguel: Hi, Im Miguel. Im from Mexico City. Im 28 and Im a math teacher. In my free time, I like playing soccer with my fiends.Hiromi: Hi, Im Hiromi, and Im from Tokyo. Im 24, and Im a graphic artist. When I have some free time, I usually work on a comic book Im creating. The main characters name is Damen.Track1-1-2B. listen again. Answer the questions about the people. Check the correct box.Track1-1-3B. Mariana and Danny live in the same apartment building. Are they meeting for the first time? Listen to their conversation. Mariana: Hi. My name is Mariana. Im in apartment 201.Danny: Hi, Mariana. Im Danny. Im in 302. Its nice to meet you.Mariana: Nice to meet you, too.Danny: So, are you a student, Mariana?Mariana: yeah, I study music at NYU.Danny: Thats interesting.Mariana: What do you do, Danny? Danny: Im a student at Hunter College. I also work in an art gallery.Track1-1-4C. Listen again. Practice the conversation. Then practice with your information.Track 1-1-5C. Listen to Dan describing himself and Dayanne describing her friend. Pay attention to the expressions used for describing people. Then describe yourself to your partner.1. My name is Dan and Im from the United States. Im 28 years old and work at a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. Im pretty tall. Im about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes.2. I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. Hes tall, dark hair, brown eyes, but hes thin and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular. Track 1-1-OL-1A. Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box.Josh: Hello?Emily: Hi, Josh? Its Emily.Josh: Hi Em. Are you at the airport with Uncle Tim?Emily: Yes, Im here, but I dont see Uncle Tim. Tell me again what does he look like?Josh: Hes tall, and hes in his 30s. He has long brown hair.Emily: OKJosh: Oh, and he wears glasses.Emily: No, I dont see himTrack 1-1-OL-2B. Listen again. Emily is looking for a man. What does he look like? Circle the correct answers.Track 1-1OL-3C. Listen again. Who is the man? Check the correct picture. What is different about him now?Josh: Hello?Emily: Hi, Josh? Its Emily.Josh: Hi Em. Are you at the airport with Uncle Tim?Emily: Yes, Im here. But I dont see Uncle Tim. Tell me again -what does he look like?Josh: Hes tall, and hes in his 30s. He has long brown hair.Emily: OKJosh: Oh, and he wears glasses.Emily: No, I dont see himUncle Tim: Hi, Excuse me are you Emily?Emily: Yes Uncle Tim?Uncle Tim: Hi, Emily. How are you?Emily: Fine! Wow, Uncle Tim, you look different! Josh Josh are you there? Uncle Tim is here. He has short, blond hair now. He looks like Brad Pitt! Track 1-1-OL-4A. Listen to the description of a family photo. Then drag the names from the box and drop them on the right person.Emilio is in his fifties. He is tall about 182 cm. He is average weight. He has brown eyes. He has short, curly, gray hair.Kathy is in her forties. She is short. She is slim. She has blue eyes. She has long, straight, blond hair.Michael is young. He is tall. He is average weight. He has dark, brown eyes. He has short, curly, blond hair.Alexis and Ashley are twins. They are young. They are average height. They are slim. Alexis has blue eyes, but Ashley has green eyes. They both have long, curly, red hair.Track 1-1-OL5B. Now listen to these people introducing themselves. Then answer the questions asked.1. Im Carrie Brown from New York. Im an art student and I like listening to music and playing basketball.2. Hello, everyone. My name is Ann Andrews. I come from Wellington, New Zealand. Im a teacher and I like shopping and hanging out with friends.3. Hi, Im Julia Sanchez. Im a reporter from Lima, Peru. I like surfing and blogging.4. My name is Charles Horton. I live in Boston, USA. Im a chef. In my spare time, I like painting and traveling.5. Im George Simmel from Berlin, Germany. Im a fashion designer. I like watching films and jogging very much.6. My name is Kevin Smith. I come from Sydney, Australia. I like cooking and reading detective stories. Im a finance manager.Track 1-1-OL-6A. Look at the picture and listen to the e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Mr. Ryder.Dear Mr. Peters,Please meet Mr. James Ryder at the airport station at 11:00 tomorrow. His flight is UA238 from Los Angeles. He is a tall man in his sixties with gray hair, and he wears big glasses. His meeting with the Marketing Department is at 4:00. Thank you.Kyra GreeneMarketing DepartmentTrack 1-1OL-7B. Listen to another e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Tom.Gina-HELP! Can you meet my friend Tom at the airport tomorrow? My car has big problems and I cant drive it. Tom is coming on flight KX661 from Denver at 11:00. Hes average height and kind of thin, with long blond hair and a mustache. Thanks a million!ChrisTrack 1-1-OL8A. Now listen to the passage. Do you think Andrew Barn is happy being a celebrity double?Celebrity doublesA group of teenagers is standing outside a hair salon in Manchester, England. Many of them have cameras and are looking in the salon window. Then want to see soccer player David Beckham. A man in the salon looks like Beckham (he has blond hair and Beckhams good looks). But the man in the salon isnt the famous soccer player. Hes Andrew Barn- a twenty-twoyearold hairdresser.Barn isnt surprised by the teenagers. People often stop him on the street and want to take his picture. Barn is a hairdresser, but the also makes money as a Beckham double. Barn travels all over Europe as David Beckham. Newspapers often take his photo. Its an exciting life for the hairdresser from Manchester.Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. The most popular celebrity doubles look like famous athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspaper ads.Why do people want to look like a celebrity? An Anna Kournikova double in the U.S. says, I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy.”Tack 1-1-OL-9B. Listen again. Then circle True or False. If a sentence is false, make it true.Unit 1, Lesson BGlobal ViewpointsNick: My name is Nick Raducanu. Im 23 years old and Im from the United States. I speak English and I also speak French.Woo Sung: My name is Woo Sung. Im from Seoul, Korea. I am 20 years old and Im a student. I speak English, Korean, and French.Natalie: My names Natalie Danglade. Im 25 years old. I live in the United States and Im a reporter at a television.Dayanne: My name is Dayanne Leal. I am from Brazil and my first language is Portuguese. Im not very tall and also Im not very skinny. I have brown eyes and short brown hair. Dan: My name is Dan and Im from the United States. Im 28 years old and I work at a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. Im petty tall. Im about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes.Kevin: My name is Kevin Truong. Im 24 years old. I have short black hair, brown eyes, and an athletic build. I have a sister named Sabrina. She is short, muscular, and tan.Dayanne: I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. Hes tall, dark hair, brown eyes, but hes thin and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular.Woo Sung: I dont really look like my parents. They re both short and Im tall. I do look like my sister. Shes tall and thin like me.Natalie: My daughter has curly black hair, shes short, light-skinned, and shes really cute.City LivingSun-hees favorite cousinSun-hee: Of course Ill pick you up, Jung-Yoon. Youre my favorite cousin. Great. Ill see you at the bus station at 3:00. Have a great trip! Bye. (phone rings) Hello? Professor Albee: Sun-hee, its Professor Albee at NYU. Sun-hee: Oh, hi Professor Albee. How are you? Professor Albee: Fine, thanks. Ms. Leska is sick today. She has a class from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Can you teach her class? Sun-hee: Oh, sorry. My cousin is visiting this week from Seattle, and he arrives today at 3:00. Professor Albee: Oh, I see. Gee, I dont know what to do. Sun-hee: Well . . . wait. Listen, my roommate Tara can go to the bus station and meet my cousin. Ms. Leska always helps me. Professor Albee: Thats great! Thanks a lot. See you at 1:30. Sun-hee: Bye. Professor Albee: Bye. Tara: Sure, Sun-hee. Id love to meet your cousin. So what does he look like? Sun-hee: Well, hes in his 30s. Tara: OK. Sun-hee: And hes about average height-56”. And hes pretty heavy set. Tara: Uh-huh. Sun-hee: And he has really long black hair and brown eyes. Tara: OK. So, does he speak English? Sun-hee: Yes, he does. Oh, and I almost forgot: he wears really big glasses. Tara: Got it. Sun-hee: Thanks so much for doing this for me. Tara: Hey, what are friends for? Sun-hee: Oh wow! Im really late! Ill meet you back here at 4:30 with my cousin. Tara: Sure, no problem. Sun-hee: Bye. Sun-hee: Jung-Yoon! Oh my gosh! Jung-Yoon: Sun-hee! Sun-hee: Wow. You look so different. Youre so thin!Jung-Yoon: I eat healthier food now. And I go to the gym every daySun-hee: Good for you! Hey, where are your glasses?Jung-Yoon: Contact lenses.Sun-hee: Oh, and your hair? Its so short. It looks good on you. You look great!Jung-Yoon: hey, thanks!Sun-hee: (to Tara) How did you find him? He looks so different now.Tara: (holding sign saying “Sun hee Parks cousin”) Ta-dah!Track 1-1-OL-10Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.Sun-hee makes plans to meet her cousin at the bus station. Then her co-worker calls and asks Sun-hee to teach a class. Sun-hee agrees to teach the class. She asks Tara to meet her cousin. She tells Tara what her cousin looks like. Sun-hee says that he cousin looks very different. Sun-hee asks Tara. “How did you find him?” Tara laughs and she shows Sun-hee a sign that says “Sun-hee Parks cousin.”Unit 2 Lesson ATrack 1-2-1A. Listen to the three conversations. Hows the weather? Check the correct pictures.Conversation 1 Man: Mary, are you ready to go?Woman: Gogo where?Man: To the beach. Its too hot to be in inside today.Woman: Too late. A bad thunderstorm is here. Look out the window. Its raining.Man: Oh, youre right. Now what do we do?Conversation 2Woman: Hey, Charlie. Are you okay?Man: No, not really. This weather makes me feel down.Woman: Oh, I know. January is a terrible month sometimes. I have an idea. Lets go for a walk.Man: In the snow? No, thanks.Woman: But its not snowing now. Its freezing, but at least its clear and sunny.Man: Oh, OK. Let me get my jacket.Conversation 3Man: Mom, can I use the car?Woman: The car?Man: Yeah, Im going to the movies.Woman: Why dont you walk to the theater? Its close, and its a lovely autumn evening.Man: Its too cold and windy to walk, Mom.Woman: Sorry, dear. Your dad has the car.Man: Oh, Well, maybe Ill watch a movie on TV instead.Track1-2-2B. Listen again. Do the people go outside or stay inside? Check the boxes.Track 1-2-3B. Read the conversation and listen. What does Juliet suggest taking to San Francisco? Why? Juliet: Are you packing for your trip, Kyle?Kyle: Yes See? I have T-shirts, shorts, and my sandals.Juliet: For San Francisco?Kyle: Yeah. Whats wrong? Its July.Juliet: I know, but its often foggy and cold there in the summer.Kyle: Really?Juliet: Yeah. You should take some sweaters and long pants, too.Kyle: Oh, okay. There are some in my closet.Track 1-2-4C. Listen to two people giving advice about visiting their countries. Then suggest a trip within China to your partner.1. When visiting Brazil you should bring your bathing suit and your sun lotion and definitely visit the beaches in Brazil because they are beautiful.2. In Argentina, you should visit lguazu Falls and the glaciers in the south of the country. You should also watch a tango performance and in a restaurant you should order Argentine beef. It is delicious!Track 1-2-OL-1A. Listen to these three conversations. What is each person doing? Circle the correct answer.Conversation 1Man: next, please!Woman: Hi, heres my ticket.Man: And where are you going today, Ms. Gregory?Woman: Berlin.Man: May I see your passport, please?Woman: sure, here your are.Man: And how many suitcases do you have?Woman: Just one.Conversation 2Man: Too bad its our last day in New York. Theres a lot to see.Woman: I know. But at least were here at the Statue of Liberty. Isnt it beautiful?Man: Yeah, it is. Hey, we need a photo. Excuse me?Man 2: Yes?Man: Can you take our picture, please?Man 2: Sure.Conversation 3 Woman: Welcome to the Ritz Carlton, Shanghai.Man: Thank you. My name is Ian Walters. I have a room for myself and my wife.Woman: Okay. Can I see a credit card and ID, please?Man: Of course. Heres my card and my passport. Woman: Thank you. Here are your keys, Mr. Walters. Enjoy your stay.Track 1-2-OL-2B. Listen again. Complete the sentences with the correct city.Track 1-2-OL-3A. Listen to some travel tips for Thailand. How many tips are mentioned?Travel tips for ThailandThailand is a nice country in Southeast Asia, with something for every visitor. There is a lot for you to discover there. But before you go, you should make a plan to help you be better prepared. Here are some tips.Firstly, the weather in Thailand is hot and humid all year, so you should pack sunglasses, T-shirts, and sandals with you. Secondly, you should buy your plane ticket early. Thailand is a very popular place for a vacation, and the planes are very full. Thirdly, the traffic in this country is very bad and people drive really fast, so you should rent a car. Another tip is that you should drink a lot of water and juice to stay cool. Finally, and this is a very important tip, you shouldnt take photos outside in afternoon. Its too sunny and bright! Remember these tips and youll have a great time there. Have fun in Thailand!Track 1-2-OL-5A. Listen to the first part of a talk about the weather in some vacation spots. Then fill in the chart with information you hear. For each place, write the best time for a vacation and the reason.Watch the Weather!Most people plan their vacations very carefully. They think a lot about plane tickets, passports, and hotel reservations. But they often forget about one important thing the weather. You should learn about the right time to visit your vacation spot. Here is some information to help you plan your next vacation.Italy. The weather is sunny all year, but its sometimes cold in winter. April and May are warm and beautiful. From June to September, its very hot.Australia. Summer here is from December to April. It sometimes rains, but the weather is usually very good. In winter, it snows a little in some places, but most of Australia isnt very cold.Track 1-2-OL-6B. Now listen to the second part of the talk. Then fill in the rest of the chart with information you hear.Hong Kong, China. The Weather is hot and very humid here a lot of the year. In July and August, its sometimes very windy, and there are bad storms. October and November are warm and not so humid, but in December and January, it gets very chilly sometimes.Germany. From November to April, the weather is cold, cloudy, and snowy. In spring its warm, but theres a lot of rain, July and August are usually warm and sunny.India. You shouldnt travel to India from June to September. There is a lot of rain everywhere. From November to April, after the rainy season, the weather is nice and cool. In April and May, it often gets very hot.Track 1-2-OL-7A. Study the pictures of these items. Then listen to the passage. How are these five things related to each other?In Tokyo, its an envelope with $850,000 in cash. At Floridas Disney World, its a glass eye. At a hotel in England, its a goat and a false leg. How are all of these things similar? They are unusual things that people leave in hotel rooms, in airports, and on city streets. Irish Martino works in the Lost and Found Center at an airport in a U.S. city. “Sure, we find the usual stuffcell phones, keys, sunglasses and wallets,” she says. “But people also forget some weird things at the airport, too.” What does Ms. Martino find? A womans false teeth in the bathroom. A mannequin in an airport waiting area. “How do you forget those things?” Martino wonders. Nobuo Hasuda works for the Lost and Found Center in downtown Tokyo. The Center has almost 800,000 items. Three hundred thousand of them are umbrellas! There are also many other thingsjewelry and briefcases, snowshoes and musical instruments. Mr. Hasuda keeps the lost items for six months and two weeks. After this time, the finder can take the item. This is good luck for some people. Remember the envelope in Tokyo with $850,000? The owner did not claim it. Now the money belongs to the finder!Track 1-2-OL-8B. Listen again. Then complete each sentence with the correct word or number.Unit 2, Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints The weather Jennifer: In my hometown its usually hot and sunny, but sometimes it rains.Dan: I grew up in central Texas where the weather is very hot. There are a lot of rainstorms, and in the wintertime it gets into the 40s and 50s.Dayanne: In Brazil we basically have two seasonssummer and winter. In the summer its very, very hot. But in the winter its not so cold. But we do have some rain sometimes.Alyssa : Where I live the weather changes throughout the year. There are four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring. I dont like the winter very much because I dont like to be cold.Daniel: In Jamaica its pretty warm year round. Theres a rainy month September. My favorite season is winter because I like winter sports, which is strange because Im from Jamaica.What should I do?Dayanne: When visiting Brazil you should bring your bathing suit and your sun lotion and definitely visit the beaches in Brazil because they are beautiful.Dan: If you come to Texas you should visit San Antonio where the Alamo is located because its a historical site.Jennifer: When you visit Florida you should bring a swimming suit, sun block, and a beach towel. You should also bring lots of shorts and T-shirts. And you should visit the Everglades where you can see alligators.Alejandra: In Argentina, you should visit lguazu Falls and the glaciers in the south of the country. You should also watch a tango performance and in a restaurant you should order Argentine beef. It is delicious!City LivingAnother souvenir?Mike: Roberto, why are you bringing a sweater to Mexico City? Its summer there, so its really hot, right?Roberto: Its usually hot in the day but sometimes at night it gets chilly.Mike: Oh. Well, what about the business suit? Isnt it a vacation?Roberto: Yes and no. I have a big meeting on Tuesday, so Im bringing the suit. But after Tuesday, its vacation time!Mike: Who are all the gifts for?Roberto: Oh, my family lives in Mexico City so Im bringing them some souvenirs from New York.Mike: And, who


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