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剑桥少儿英语一级第一学期测试题(1-8单元)姓名:班级:听力:笔试:总分:听力部分一, Listen and choose.听录音,并在听到的图片下打。(10分)1, ( ) ( ) ( )2, ( ) ( ) ( ) 3, ( ) ( ) ( ) 4, blue ( ) black ( ) brown ( )5, ( ) ( ) ( )6, ( ) ( ) ( )7, ( ) ( ) ( ) 8, ( ) ( ) ( )9, ( ) ( ) ( )10, ( ) ( ) ( )1二,Listen and write.听录音写字母。(10分)三,Listen and circle.圈出你所听到的句子。(10分)1.A:Thisismybag. B:Thisismynewbook.2.A:whatsthis? B:What is it?3.A:Icanseeacar. B:I can see a cat.4.A:Whatsinthehat? B:Whatsonthetablenow?5.A:Ilikebananas. B:Idontlikepeaches.四,Listen and color.听音涂色。(10分)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 五,Listen and answer. 听录音,回答问题。(10分)( )1.- Hello ,your name,please?-_A I like dogs. B. I am Sam. C.He is Sam.( )2.-Whats this,Mr.Li?-_ A.I want some apples. B. My name is Li Ming. C. Its a goat.( )3.-Would you like an apple? -_ A. I want some bananas. B. Yes,please. C.Me too.( )4.-Whats in my bag?-_A.Its a pen. B. She is Pat. C.Id like one. ( ) 5.What can you hear?A.I can see a book. B.I can hear a car. C. OK.2笔试部分一,Lookandwrite.看图片,读句子,写“Yes”或“No”。(10分)1.Thisisaduck._ 2,I can see a sheep._ 3.Iwantsomeoranges._ 4,Hes got 3 eyes._ 5,This is my new pen._ 6,It is a house._ 7,We can see with our eyes._ 8,I like apples._ 9,Its a long tail._ 10,Whats on the table now? A clock. _ 二,Look,readandwrite.看图,选词填空。(10)1.Thisisa_.(turtle,cat) 2.Icanseetwo_.(cars,pens)3.Ilike_.(pineapples,pears) 4.This is a_.(flower,frog) 5 Hes got 2 _.(ears,nose) 3三,read and match.连线。(10分)1.bag 2,frog3,ball 4,arm5,lemon 6,giraffe7,eraser 8,hat9,pineapple 10,chairThis is a monster.Hes got _ eye,_hands,_ears and_legs.四,1)Look and write.看图填空。(5分) 2)read and draw.读句子画图。(5分) This is a monster.Hes got 3 eyes,4 hands, 4 ears And 3 legs.五,读一读给下面单词分类(每组三个) 。(10分) body(身体部位):_ _ _.fruit(水果):_ _ _ _.Animals(蔬菜):_ _ _.lemon fish sheep eye bananaapple hand hair tomato grapes4


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