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English Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-1Period1DesignerAim1) Learn to say: music, sport, dogs, spiders, frogs, kites, cars, caps, cats, butterflies, rats, best friends.2) Learn to use: he/she likes (books).3) Learn to sing the song.Important PointSing the song.Difficult PointHe/she likes (books)Teaching AidsTape recorder Pictures of the words.PlanningThoughtsAfter the studying, the pupils will be able to sing a song, listen to information about three girls and find out their names.ProcedureAdjustmentStep1. Warming up1) Greet with Ss warmly.2) Lead Ss talk something about their winter vocation in simple English.3) Sing a song of “Body Rock”.Step2. New content1) Listen to the song.2) Using the TPR techniques described in the opening units of this book, introduce or revise the key words in the song: he/she likes music, sport, dogs, spiders, frogs, kites, cars, caps, cats, butterflies, rats, best friends.3) Teach the words:T: Do you like music?(Try to sing some songs they feel very familial )T: Do you like sports?(Do the actions: ski, run )T: I like cartoon very much. “Cats and Dogs” “Spiders”. Do you like them?Teach the other words by miming the actions and voices.4) Teach the sentence pattern.T: OH, I like music. He likes music, too. Do you like sport?Let Ss retell the others answer by the sentence “He/She likes ”5) Following the instructions given in the introduction and ask the pupils to listen to the song.6) Sing the song.7) Do the exercise. They have to put a blue circle around the things that Linda likes and a red circles around the things that Terry likes.Step3. Listening exercise1) Ask the pupils to listen to the tape, then them to write the names of the characters under the pictures.2) Play a rhythm game with partners.Cross out the new words, it couldnt be sang but clap.It is not a problem if not all the pupils can remember the new words immediately.These words can be revised again after they have listen to the song and looked at the pictures.Make sure they understand it and then ask them to sing it. Writing On the BoardReflection On TeachingEnglish Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-2Period1DesignerAim1) After the studying, the pupils will learn to use:He/She has got a .2) After the studying, the pupils will read cross-cultural information about children in Great Britain.3) After studying, the pupils can introduce their friends like these texts.Important PointHow to introduce their friends.Difficult PointTalking about ones friend.Teaching AidsPicturesPlanningThoughts1) Enable the pupils to understand: he/she, his/her.2) Reading cross-cultural information about children in great Britain.ProcedureAdjustmentStep1. Warming up1. Greet with Ss warmly.2. Review the words by the pictures.3. Listen and sing the song. Play a rhythm game between groups.Step2. Presentation1. Talk about the children in the photograph with the pupils. 1) Introduce the new friends to Ss.2) Encourage Ss to interview their new friends. T: Whats your name? Where are you from? How old are you?Whens your birthday? Do you like ?Whats your favorite ?2. Let the pupils look at the photograph and the texts for 2 or 3 minutes, then ask them some questions in English to check how much they have understood.Questions: 1) How old is Ann?2) What does Eve like?3) When does Jimmys birthday?4) Whats Anjalis favorite sport?5) Which group is Barbaras favorite group?6) What can Barbara do?3. Check the answers and listen to the text.Step3. Practice1. Play a game. 1) Read the texts to the pupils (at least twice) and asks the pupils to remember. 2) Close their books and give them some information about one of the children in the photograph, for example, She likes books and sport. He is 9.or His favorite group is The Fireballs. Guess who it is.2. Open their books and look at the texts. Ask someone to read each text, and then read in groups.Step4. Task Ask the pupils to describe one of your friends according to these texts.Tell them that the children all come from Britain and they all like playing and making new friends.Ss must concentrate on the text and try to remember as many details as possible.Writing On the BoardReflection On TeachingEnglish Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-3Period1DesignerAimAfter the studying, the pupils will learn to understand:Can you come to my place this afternoon?Sorry, Im going to Dianas place.Whats the matter? So what?Come on over to Diana place.Dont be silly. We can play together.Important PointWhats the matter? Dont be silly.Difficult PointDecoding meaning from the text in a story.Teaching AidsTape recorder PlanningThoughts1) After the studying, the pupils can decode meaning from the text in a story.2) Encourage the pupils to act this story and tell they were all friends.ProcedureAdjustmentStep1 Free talk1) T: Hello! (Lily)S1: Hello! Miss Zeng. (Ask her to sing the song or ask her some questions. If she cant do it, I can use “Whats the matter?” )2) T: Can you come to my place after class?S1: Sure. / Sorry.(Practice several times with different Ss)ProcedureAdjustmentStep2 Presentation Practice1. Show the photocopy the story without the words. Then ask the pupils to make up their own stories in groups.2. Then ask each group to show their own stories. Encourage them tell in English.3. Listen to the tape and look at their books.T: Ive a story with these pictures, too. Now, listen carefully.4. After the listening, teach the difficult sentences and practice by replace.5. Ask the pupils to read the story along. Then they can ask any questions they dont know. (Teacher answers the questions.)6. Teacher leads to read the story.Step3 Practice1. Listen again and imitate the tones. 2. Discuss in groups.3. Show time. Act the story.Writing On the BoardReflection On TeachingEnglish Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-4Period1DesignerAim1) After the studying, the pupils can talk about ones best friend2) After the studying, the pupils can write a short descriptive text about ones best friend.3) After the studying, the pupils can do language puzzle.Important PointHow to write a short descriptive text about ones best friend.Difficult PointWrite a short descriptive text.Teaching AidsExercise booksPlanningThoughts Enable the pupils to write a short descriptive text.ProcedureAdjustmentStep1 Warming upAsk a group to act the story.Step2 Presentation 1. Tell them about my own best friend, using the information in the book as the guideline.My best friends name is . Shes years old.Her favorite color is . Her favorite food is Her birthday is in. She has got a .This exercise is quite complicated, so it is a good idea to explain it and ask one or two pupils to do it first and then revise it in later lessons. ProcedureAdjustment2. Show Ss three pictures of girls. Let them find out which one is my best friend.3. Ask Ss to introduce their best friends as I do.4. Read the text and tell pupils to do the same. Then ask them to draw Johns best friend according to what they have just read. The pupils can use this text as a guideline for their own text.5. Some of the pupils may write funny or strange texts. You should encourage this and you could even tell them before they start. You can write a serious text or a funny one.6. Put one of the sentences together for the pupils and read it without explaining any of the details.Step3 Practice1. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to put the jigsaw puzzle together and when they have finished ask them how they did it.2. Complete the exercise in part 8.3. Check the answers.This will give the pupils time to learn the structures and vocabulary properly and all the pupils will have the opportunity to talk about their best friend.Writing On the BoardReflection On TeachingEnglish Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-5Period1DesignerAim1) Doing a language puzzle.2) Reading instructions and making a friendship band.Important PointIt isnt important for the pupils to learn all the vocabulary and use it immediatelyDifficult PointIt could be interesting for pupils to look at the explanation in the book and then find a name for the friendship band in their own language.Teaching AidsRibbons, scissors, sticky tapePlanningThoughtsEnable the pupils interestProcedureAdjustmentStep1. Free talkAsk the pupils to introduce themselves or their friends.Step2.Language puzzlePut one of the sentences together for the pupils and read it without explaining any of the details. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to put the jigsaw puzzle together and when they have finished ask them how they did it.ProcedureAdjustmentStep3. Make a friendship band.1) You should have all the materials already prepared on your desk. If there is enough space, the pupils can stand around your desk to watch.2) It could be interesting for pupils to look at the explanation in the book and then find a name for the friendship band in their own language. You can point out to them that when you translate from one language to another, there are often3) Several different ways of translating the words and the translation need not always be literal one. Make the band and at the same time tell the pupils what you are doing.4) Repeat each sentence two or three times. Once you have finished and before the pupils start to make their own bands, read the instructions in the book with them and then tell them to work individually or in pairs. It isnt important for the pupils to learn all the vocabulary and use it immediately, to understand the words in context.While they are working you could let them listen to some songs in English.Writing On the BoardReflection On TeachingEnglish Teaching PlanTitleUnit6-6 FriendsPeriod1DesignerAim1) Understand: complete the dialogue.2) The pupils can make a friendship band.Important PointTalk about your friendsDifficult PointHow to make a friendship bandTeaching Aids1.tape 2.recorder 3.realiasPlanningThoughtsArise the pupils loving their friends and get along well with each other.ProcedureAdjustmentStep1 Warming-up 1. Greetings.T: Hello! How are you today, children? Who is on duty today?S: What day is today?Hows the weather today?Whos your best friend?2. Sing the song “my best friends” all together.3. Free conversation: Do you love your friends?Talk about your best friend in class: My best friend/friendsStep2 PresentationProcedureAdjustment1. Do the exercise on P.65 (12).a. Read and write the numbers according to the story.b. Check the answers.c. Read them aloud.2. Learn the new words: scissors, ribbon, different, sticky tape, fold, make a knotStep3 Practice1. Make the friendship band according to the recipe.2. Give it to a friend of yours.3.Work in groups:a. How to read Johns text?b. Read it one by one.c. Write your own friend by this way, and ask others try to read it.4. Read the text all together by groups.5. Write down the text.Step4 ConsolidationExercise and homeworkWriting On the BoardReflection On TeachingUnit6 FriendsFold the ribbon in half.Make a knot.Make a plait.Tie a knot in the end.


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