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Module 7Summer in Los Angeles单词闯关1.重量(n.) _(v.)重量有;重 _2名单;清单(n.) _ 3发疯的;荒唐的(adj.) _ 4.短裤(n.) _ 5太阳镜;墨镜(n.) _ 6总的;全部的(adj.) _7护照(n.) _短语互译1.为做准备 _2列清单 _3在的结尾;在的末端 _4支付的费用;为付款 _5确信;确保 _6.had better do sth. _7by the way _8have a great time _9too much _10total weight _连词成句1.making, my, trip, Im, things, for, a list of(我正在列一个我旅行用的物品清单。)_2crazy, it, dont, what, sounds, but, to, know, I, take(听起来很荒唐,但我不知道带什么。)_3.forget, passport, by the way, your, dont, to, take(顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。)_4please, send, to, write, me, photos, and, some, me (请给我写信并给我寄一些照片!)_1at the end of 在的结尾;在的末端观察 Im leaving at the end of July and Im going to stay there for four weeks.我将于七月底出发,并且要在那里待四周。探究 at the end of 意为“在的结尾;在的末端”。辨析 at the end of, by the end of与in the endat the end of后接地点或时间, 意为“在的结尾;在的末端”。 by the end of后接时间, 意为“到末”,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。by the end of后接将来的时间, 句子用一般将来时或将来完成时; by the end of后接过去的时间,句子用过去完成时。in the end意为“最后;终于”, 相当于finally或at last。 Are there any exams at the end of this term? 这个学期末有考试吗?By the end of next month, I will finish reading this book. 到下个月末, 我将读完这本书。The writers novel came out in the end. 这位作家的小说终于出版了。活学活用1用适当的介词填空(1)There is a church _ the end of the street. (2)_ the end of this week, I will finish most of the work. (3)Im sure youll get there _ the end. 2 shortsn. 用复数 短裤观察 I have bought a pair of shorts. 我买了一条短裤。探究 “一条短裤”表达为a pair of shorts。 成双成对的东西常以复数形式出现,例如:trousers(裤子), sunglasses(太阳镜)等。当这些词被pair修饰时,谓语动词的数要与pair的数保持一致。2This pair of shorts _ mine. Yours _ on the bed. Ais; areBare; be Care; are Dis; is3weigh v. 重量有;重观察 Your bag mustnt weigh too much. 你的包一定不要太重。Youd better ask the travel company about the total weight for all your bags.你最好问一下旅游公司你所有包的总重量。探究 weigh作及物动词,意为“称的重量”;作不及物动词,意为“重”。I often weigh myself. 我经常称体重。How much does your child weigh? 你的孩子有多重?拓展 weigh的名词形式为weight,weight的常用短语: put on weight 长胖;增加体重lose weight 减肥by weight 按体重计算lift weights 举重3用weigh的适当形式填空(1)The meat _ five pounds.(2)2017泰州What a pity! Sue lost the game because the _ (weigh) of her shoes made it difficult for her to run fast.(3)2016淮安Dick decided to lose _ by eating less and doing more exercise.1Well, it sounds crazy, but I dont know what to take. 唉,那听起来很荒唐,但我不知道带什么。探究 (1)crazy 作形容词,意为“发疯的;荒唐的”。常用短语:go crazy发疯; be crazy about 对着迷。Dont go crazy and spend all your money. 别发疯把你所有的钱都花光。(2)what to take是“特殊疑问词动词不定式”构成的名词性不定式短语,在此句中,what引导的不定式短语作dont know的宾语。拓展 除了what以外,how, who, which, when, where等特殊疑问词也都可以与动词不定式连用,常在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。When to start has not been decided. 何时动身还未定。As teenagers, we are supposed to learn how to look after ourselves. 作为青少年,我们应该学会如何照顾自己。The question is where to go. 问题是去哪里。活学活用1(1)单项填空2017宿迁The girl students are discussing _ the walls in the classroom.Awhat to paint colour Bto paint what colourCwhich colour to paint Dto paint which colour(2)根据汉语意思完成句子特德对足球很着迷。Ted is _ _ football.2Im leaving at the end of July and Im going to stay there for four weeks. 我将于七月底出发,并且要在那里待四周。探究 该句中的“Im leaving”是现在进行时结构表示将来的动作。在英语中,表示按计划即将发生的动作,一些表示位置移动的动词如go, leave, arrive, start等可用现在进行时结构表示将来的动作。He is leaving for Hong Kong next week.他下周将动身去香港。2My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?Im sorry I cant. Im _(leave for) London tomorrow morning.3Is 200 dollars enough?200美元够吗?探究 表示金钱、时间、重量或路程的名词作主语时,通常把它看成一个整体概念,即使它在形式上是复数,谓语动词也用单数形式。Three months has passed since you left.自从你离开,已经过去三个月了。3.How much is the pair of trousers?Fifty dollars _ enough.AisBareCam Dwas4What else? 还要准备其他的吗?探究 else作形容词或副词,意为“此外,其他的(地)”。else常用来修饰疑问词或由any,every,some,no和body, one, thing, where构成的不定代词,且else位于其后。Does anyone else know about it?还有别的人知道这件事吗?辨析 else与other词条位置用法else作后置定语疑问词/不定代词elseother作前置定语other名词复数4(1)I can see tigers, pandas, monkeys and _ animals in the zoo.Aother some Bsome otherCelse some Dsome else(2)_ do you often go on vacation?I often go to Beijing.AWhat else BWhat otherCWhere other DWhere else5Youd better ask the travel company 你最好询问一下旅游公司探究 had better do sth.意为“_”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表达一种愿望,没有人称和数的变化。Youd better write it down.你最好把它写下来。拓展 had better do sth.的否定形式是“had better not do sth.”,意为“_”。Youd better not sing here.你最好不要在这里唱歌。5(1)单项填空2016宜宾Its getting dark. Youd better _ out by yourself. Its dangerous.Anot goBnot to goCto go(2)根据汉语意思完成句子你最好不要熬夜,这样才能保持健康。You _ _ not stay up late, so you can _ _6 Oh, by the way, dont forget to take your passport.噢,顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。探究 by the way意为“_”。在此句中为插入语,用于转入与刚才说的主题无关的事。拓展(1)on the wayto地点名词地点副词,意为“在去的路上”。She is on the way to school. 她在上学的路上。He is on the way home. 他在回家的路上。(2)in the way 意为“挡道”。(3)in a/one way 意为“在某种程度上;在某点上”。He is good in a way. 从某方面看,他挺好的。(4)in this way意为“用这种方式”。6(1)顺便问问,你在什么地方见过我的书吗?_ _ _, have you seen my books anywhere?(2)在回家的路上,汤姆买了一本杂志。Tom bought a magazine _ _ _ home.(3)2016黄冈有些父母认为孩子们的爱好会妨碍他们的学业。Some parents think that childrens hobbies can get _ _ _ of their schoolwork. 第13课时分层训练 Unit .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1An elephant can _ (重) over 6,000 kilogrammes.2His idea sounds a bit _ (荒唐的), but it might work. 3Do you know the man with _ (墨镜)? Sorry, I dont know. 4The_ (总的) number of the girl students in our class is twenty. 5Whats that in your hand, Uncle? Its my _ (护照). Ill go to England next week. 6Do you like this pair of _ (裤子)?Yes, I like it very much.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空trousers, by the way, too much, weigh, pay for, at the end of, prepare for, had better, write to, make a list1.I have_ homework to do today, so I cant go out with you.2She has got a pen pal, Peter, in England. She often _ him in English.3Ill buy you that book this evening. _, are you getting along well with your new classmates? 4A new school is built _ the street.5It seems to rain today. You _ take an umbrella.6The students are _ the finalexam now. 7The young man is wearing a white shirt and black _8He is a serious man and he often _ of things to do every day. 9Lucy is very fat and she is trying to lose _ now. 10John has already_ the meal before we leave the restaurant.()1.Where _ my pair of glasses, Mum?Your glasses _ on your nose!Aare; is Bare; areCis; is Dis; are()2.2016常德 Fifty yuan _ enough.Ais Bam Care()3._ December, 2016, David raised 120,000 yuan for the poor students in Sichuan.AAt the end of BBy the endCIn the end of DIn the end ()4.Summer holiday is coming! But I dont know _How about London?Awhat to do Bwhere to goCwhen to go Dhow to do()5.How much did you _ for the pen? Five yuan. Its a bit expensive.Acost Btake Cpay Dbuy ()6.Youd better _ computer games for a long time.Ano playing Bnot to playCnot play Ddont play()7.2017眉山Im sorry, Miss Green. I left my maths book at home.It doesnt matter. Please remember _ it here tomorrow.Ataking Bto takeCbringing Dto bring()8.2017永州Tony, come on _ well miss the World Cup.Aso BandCor Dbut()9.2017武汉I dont like reading _ watching TV. What about you?I dont like reading all day, _ I like watching TV news.Aand; or Band; andCor; and Dor; but()10.Well travel to Hainan next week._AGood luck BHave a great timeCThank you DThe same to you.按要求完成下列各题1We are preparing for tomorrows English test. (改为同义句)We are _ _ for tomorrows English test.2The new pen cost me 5 yuan.(改为同义句) I _ 5 yuan _ the new pen.3Dont forget to take your air ticket with you before you get on the plane.(改为同义句)_ _ take your air ticket with you before you get on the plane.42017乐山It will be 20 years since Hong Kong returned to China on July 1, 1997. (对画线部分提问)_ _ years will it be since Hong Kong returned to China on July 1, 1997?5Could you please tell me where I can buy some flowers?(改为同义句)Could you please tell me where _ _ some flowers?6What else is on the table?(改为同义句) _ _ _ are on the table?. 2016海南补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项A: Hi, Cindy! Long time no see.B: Hi, John! Yes. 1._ A: How long did you stay there?B: For a week.A: 2._ B: It was great. I visited many places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.A: 3._ B: Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.A: Did you take any pictures with them?B: 4._ I took pictures with Micky Mouse and Donald Duck.A: Wow! Wonderful! 5._ B: If you do, youll certainly enjoy yourself.AOf course I did.BI hope to go there one day.CHave a good trip!DWhen did you go there?EHow was your trip?FI went to Shanghai on vacation last month.GWere there many people in Disneyland?.阅读理解Summer Vacation Kids &TeensEvening ClassesChildren need never be bored again. Our Summer Vacation Kids &Teens course will keep them excited all summer. The kids can enjoy themselves and make new friends while they are learning the language. With three hours language learning per day, Summer Vacation Kids &Teens will improve the kids language skills. 5 days study in the classroom2 short toursHomestay with local familiesEvening classes are good for students who want to improve their English without taking part in a fulltime course. Twice weekly classes offer the perfect chance to improve reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar. We provide tea, coffee, biscuits and a welcoming environment to make learning in the evening a pleasure.Monday and Wednesday6:00 pm8:00 pm Advanced(高级的)level()1.The passages are both about _. Alearning problemsBvacation tripsClanguage learningDtrip planning()2.The summer course will offer _ classroom language learning. A5 days B4 daysC6 days D3 days()3.If a person goes to the evening classes, he can _. Amake new friends thereBpractise his grammar moreCstay with an English familyDsell something in class()4.From the second ad, we can infer that the classes are for _. Anative English speakersBnonnative English speakersCthe Chinese kidsDthe English kids详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1weight; weigh2.list3.crazy4shorts5.sunglasses6.total7passport短语互译1prepare for2make a list3at the end of4pay for5make sure6最好做某事7顺便说一下8玩得开心9太多10总重量连词成句1Im making a list of things for my trip.2It sounds crazy, but I dont know what to take.3By the way, dont forget to take your passport.4Please write to me and send me some photos!【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1(1)at(2)By(3)in 2Ashorts为复数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;表示“一条短裤”用“a pair of shorts”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;第二个句子的主语是yours,即“your shorts”,故谓语动词用复数形式。3(1)weighs(2)weight(3)weight句型透视1(1)C(2)crazy about2leaving for3A4(1)B(2)D5最好做某事最好不要做某事(1)A(2)had better; stay healthy 6顺便说一下;顺便提一下(1)By the way(2)on his way(3)in the way【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.weigh2. crazy3. sunglasses4. total5. passport6.trousers.1.too much2writes to3By the way4at the end of5had better6preparing for7. trousers8. makes a list9. weight10. paid for课后巩固提升.15DAABC610CDCDB.1.getting ready2paid; for/spent; on3Remember to4How many5to buy6What other things.15FEGAB.14CABB11


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