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八年级第一次月考同学们,现在进入初中学习英语已有一段时间,你的英语一定很棒了,让我们来展示一下自己的英语吧!同学们,动笔吧!记得在答题过程中一定要仔细审题,冷静作答。愿你们在答题中有一种快乐的心绪漾动,老师也期待着和你一起体验成功的喜悦!祝你取得优异成绩! Good luck! 笔试部分一单项选择(15分)( )1.I think there will be_ peopleand_ pollution.A.fewer, many B.less, fewer C.more, less D.less, fewer( )2. My teacher gave us_ on how to learn English well. A. some advice B. any advice C. some advices D. an advice ( )3.There are _ _ young trees on the hill.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred of D.hundreds of( )4. While the alien _ the museum, the boy called the TV station . A. visiting B. was visiting C. visited D. visit ( )5. I have no money . He doesnt have any money ,_ . A. either B. too C. also D. but ( )6. will you fly to Hongkong ? In three weeks . A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How old ( )7.There_a sports meeting in our school next week.A. will holdB. will have C. is going to be D. is going( )8. Do you think it is difficult _? A. study English well B. studies English well C. studying English well D. to study English well( )7. I dont think its good to copy others homework. You should _ it. A. get over B. get on C. get up D. get off( )8. Could you _ me how to _ it in Chinese? A. say; speakB. speak; say C. tell; sayD. say; tell( )9. In English, she is _ writing than listening. A. better atB. better inC. good atD. best in ( )10. I finished my _ exam last week. A. end of year B. end of years C. end-of years D. end-of-year( )11. - The earth goes round the sun. - What did he say? I couldnt hear him. - _.A. He says the earth goes round the sun. B. He said the earth goes round the sun.C: He said the earth went round the sun. D. He says the earth went round the sun.( )12. The news amazed us. We were all _ at the _ news. A. amazed; amazedB. amazing; amazedC. amaze; amazing D. amazed; amazing( )13. Look! The cat _from the tree. It_ the tree just now. A. is jumping down; climbed B. is jumping down; climbing C. jumps down; climbing D. jumps down; climbed( )14. I hope all of you are in good _. A. healthy B. healthier C. health D.more healthy ( )15.-May I watch TV for a while? -No, you _ . You have to finish your homework first.A.shouldnt B. Neednt C.mustnt D.wont 二完形填空(10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 It was a dark night. I was ready to go to bed when I heard a knock on my window.“Who is there?” I shouted. Suddenly I saw a 16 at the window. It looked like an alien! I felt very 17 . I ran to my bed and pulled my blanket (毯子) over my head. I started to shout for my parents, but there was no 18 . Then I remembered that _19 were at a costume party (化妆舞会). I looked out from my blanket, but it was too dark to see 20 . Then I heard the sound of footsteps. They were getting 21 . It was 12 midnight. I went back to my bed and tried to sleep, 22 I could not. I was afraid. Time 23 one oclock, two oclock, three oclock, four oclock Then I finally 24 . The next morning when I saw my father, I told him about what happened and he started to 25 . He told me that he had dressed up as an alien for the party and they didnt get home until midnight.Today, I still laugh when I think about it.( ) 16. A. photoB. noteC. footstepD. face ( ) 17. A. happyB. scaredC. excitedD. tired ( ) 18. A. helpB. answerC. problemD. way ( ) 19. A. weB. theyC. heD. she ( ) 20. A. anythingB. nothingC. something D. everything ( ) 21. A. longer and longerB.farther and farther C. louder and louder D.bigger and bigger ( ) 22. A. butB. andC. soD. for ( ) 23. A. endedB. droppedC. climbedD. passed( ) 24. A. woke upB. gave upC.fell asleep D.came along ( ) 25. A. cryB. shoutC. pretendD. laugh 三阅读理解(30分) ATV PROGRAMMES Channel 1 Channel 2 18:00 Around China18:30 Childrens programme19:00 News19:30 Weather report19:40 Around the world20:10 TV play: Sisters21:00 English for today21:15 Popular music21:55 Talk show 17:45 Computers today18:10 Foreign arts18:30 “Modern English”19:00 Animal world19:25 In Asia20:20 Sports21:00 Sports player: Yao Ming21:45 English news22:05 On TV next week 26. If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be _. A. TV play B. SportsC. TV play: Yao MingD. Talk show27. The programme of _ will let you know much about western countries. A. SistersB. Around China C. Around the worldD. In Asia28. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best programme for you is _. A. at 19:40 on Channel 1 B. at 19:00 on Channel 2 C. at 18:30 on Channel 2 D. at 21:15 on Channel 129. “Modern English”is a programme that _.A. lets you know something about classroomB. tells you something about studentsC. lets you know something about school lifeD. teacher you English30. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _ on TV next week.A. news B. programmesC. people D. places BThe car was invented (发明) just a century ago. You may know all kinds of cars names, but many people dont know who was the inventor of the first car. The first car was invented not by a German, but by an American. His name was Henry Ford. Henry was born in a poor family. He was the eldest of six children. When he was a boy, he became interested in mending watches and machines. When he was twelve years old, his mother died. Soon he had to work in a machine shop for two dollars and fifty cents a week. In the evenings he repaired watches for another dollar a week. The hard life made him strong and able.At that time there was another interest in the life of the young ford. He dreamed(梦想) to make a machine. It could run without a horse, so named “horseless carriage.” He over-came(克服) a lot of difficulties and in April 1893, the “horseless carriage” was finally finished. It was the first car.Later Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company(福特汽车公司). He was really the first inventor of the car in the world.( ) 31. Who really invented the car first? _.A. A German B. An American C. Frenchman D. Japanese( ) 32. From this story we can know the car was invented_.A. more than 100 years ago B. less than 100 years agoC. just 100 years ago D. 50 years ago( ) 33. Henry Ford must have_.A. five brothers and sisters B. six brothers and sistersC. five younger brothers D. three brothers( )34. How many dollars did young Ford earn(挣) every week? _.A. 2.5 dollars B. 3.5 dollars C. 3 dollars D. 4 dollars( ) 35. Which is not true? _.A. He repaired watches in the evenings for funB. He enjoyed repairing watches and machines when he was very young.C. He met with a lot of difficulties in the invention.D. The first car was invented in 1893. CDear Mom,I dont think you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up , but I would like to have a good time,too. You never think about fun things for me to do like music and sports. Two days ago, when I was watching a football game on TV , you asked me to stop and do my homework. After finishing my homework, still I wasnt allowed (允许) to read my football magazines. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough, but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some music CDs, and put them in my bag so that you wouldnt see them. I told you I had to do my homework first. I know it was wrong to lie (说谎)to you, but you told me that Dad would talk to me later. Mom, I didnt quite like what you did to me! I really love you, Mom, but I hope you wont be so hard on me. Love,David( )36. Davids mother wants him _ when he grows up. A. to be a teacher B. to find a good job C. to work in a big city D. to become a football player( )37. _ is probably Davids favorite sport. A. Football B. Volleyball C. Basketball D. Baseball( )38. Davids mother asked him _ . A. to watch TV B. to play sports C. to play computer games D. to study all the time( )39. David put the music CDs in the bag because _ .A. he didnt like them B. he wouldnt like his mother to find themC. he played them many times D. there was something wrong with them( )40. From the letter we know _ .A. David lives a very happy lifeB. David hates his motherC. David wishes to study all the timeD.Davids mom is very hard on him四根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)41. There are many new_(建筑物) in our city.42. She lives in a big house _(单独的),but she doesnt feel _ _(寂寞的).43. I always _ _(感觉紧张)when I get the envelope from school. 44. He is _ (被期望)to come back home by 10:00 p.m.45. They finished all the work by _ (他们自己) last night.46.When the UFO arrived,he was in the _(浴室).47.You can imagine how _(奇怪的) it was!48.When they _ (返回)to the dormitories , they found someone had been in.49.The Peking University _(毕业) first went there as a volunteer.50.There wont be _(较少) free time in 200 years.五句型转换。(5分)51.There will be less free time. (改为否定句)_ _ _ less free time.52.The dictionary cost me 88 yuan.(改为同义句) I _ 88 yuan _ the dictionary.53.Tom was riding a bike when the UFO landed.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ when the the UFO landed ?54.I am having a party for Lana.He said.(合并为同一句) He said he _ _ a party for Lana.六选词填空(5分)Difficult, easy, true, in, at, companies, seePredicting the future can be_55_. There are many famous predictions that never came _56_. Before 1929, there was no sound_57_ movies. The head of one of the biggest _58_movies in the United States predicted that no one would want to_59_ actors talk .Of course, he was wrong!七任务型阅读(10分)Peter was an inventor. His job was to invent new things, and he worked when he had an idea. His workroom was in his house, so he could work whenever he wanted to. Sometimes he worked seven days a week and sometimes he didnt work for days. He did all his work right at home, but he left the house to go to meetings sometimes.Peter usually got up at about five o clock. He made some tea and started to work at six. He drank tea all dayhe couldnt work without itbut he didnt eat anything until in the evening.First, Peter cleaned the workroom and turned on the answer-phone because he couldnt talk to people when he had an idea. Then he started to work. He usually had a rest after two or three hours, but he didnt leave the workroom. He did something different to help him relax. Sometimes he did some exercise, and sometimes he listened to music. He usually stopped working at about nine o clock in the evening. He thought about his work most of the time, even when he was out. He was interested in what was around him and he liked looking for new ideas and new problems to solve.阅读短文,完成句子60. Peter was an _. 61. Peter did his work at home, but he left his house to have _ sometimes.62. When he was working at daytime he didnt _ anything until in the evening.63. He _ the answer-phone because he couldnt talk to others.64. To relax, he often did some exercise and _ in his workroom.十、书面表达。 (共15分) 你的好朋友Mark一个月前随父母到美国上学了。到那后,他几乎没有什么好朋友,学习成绩也有所下降,他感到很有压力,心情也很烦闷。请你给他写信,为他提几条建议,帮他提高学习成绩,并尽快和现在的同学成为好朋友。 注:1.字数:80字左右; 2.信的开头已给出。 Dear Mark,I am sorry to hear that. In fact, there are a lot of things you could do. _ Yours,Ben


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