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大学英语新四级考试综合训练2012版参考答案(绿皮书)听力2009.611-20 DCBBD DCABA 21-30 CBCDA ABDCA 31-35 DACDB 36.concentrated 37. information 38. depends 39.straight40. row 41. suspected 42. phenomenon 43. efficiently44 our second rule of learning is this: it is better to study fairly briefly but often45 Lets say youre trying to learn some new and rather difficult English vocabulary using a stack of cards46 The answer is: it is better to space out the presentations of the word you are to learn2008.1211-20 DACCD BABAD 21-30 DCBCA ADBCB 31-35 CDBCA36 trend 37 phenomenon 38 scene 39 offenses 40 murder 41 particularly 42 explosion 43 associated44 changing national borders, greater economic growth, and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong. 45 are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history. 46 failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems. 2006.1211-20 BCACD BDADC 21-30.BADBA CBDCD 31-35. ABBDA36. natural 37. usage 38. exception 39. particular40. reference 41. essays 42. colleagues 43. personal44. What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite45. but to a stranger, I probably would say would you mind closing the door?46. There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.2006.6 11-20AACDCABBBC 21-30DDCBA DABAC31-35BCDBA36 future 37 trained 38 admire 39 schedule 40 considerate 41 waste 42 visible 43 necessarily44 something that is simply there around them, not something they can use45 the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of American cultural product46 spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture2005.12 1-10. ACDAC BACBD 11-20. DAABC ACBBD 2005.6 1-10 DCBDA ACBCD 11-20 DABCA BBACB2005.1 1-10 .DAACB DCBCA S1. quality S2. investigated S3. value S4. familiarS5. recommend S6. perhaps S7. additional S8. Equivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use.S9. Similarly, it is smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily into a pocket or a handbag.S10. The only problem was slight awkwardness in loading the film. 03.121-10 ABADC BDBCD 11-20 CABCB DACAB03.91-10 DACBC ABCBA 11-20 DCCDC A DA DB02.12 1-10 BDDBA DBACBS1. mysterious S2. coupled S3. ruining S4. percentS5. species S6. ensure S7. averageS8. When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem.S9. True, some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but its vital we find a rational way of fishingS10. Before every ocean becomes a dead sea, it would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce02.6 1-10 DAACB CADDA 11-20 CACBB CABCD阅读09.6 57-61 ADDAB 62-66 BCBAC08.1257-61 CBADB 62-66 BDBAC08. 6 57-61 D C A B B 62-66 A C B DD07. 12 57-61 A D B D C 62-66 BACA D07. 6 57-61 D B C B A 62-66 B A C D C06.12 57-61.C B D A B 62-66 C A D B C06.6新 57-61 DCABC 62-66 DBCAD06.6老 21-25 A D C B C 26-30 D A C D B31-35 A C D A C 36-40 B A D B C05.12 21-25 C B B A D 26-30 A B D D A31-35 B D B A C 36-40 C B D B A05.6 21-25 C A B C A 26-30 B D D A C31-35 B D C B A 36-40 B A C D C 05.1 11-15 A D C B A 16-20 C B D C D21-25 D B D A C 26-30 B B B C D03.12 21-25 D B C C A 26-30 D B A D C31-35 B B D C A 36-40 C A D B C03.921-25 B C D D C 26-30 C B A A D 31-35 B B A D B 36-40 A B C D C03.621-25 C B B A A 26-30 B D D C A31-35 D A C A D 36-40 B A C A D02.1211-15 A C B D A 16-20 A B D B D 21-25 D C C B A 26-30 A C D D B02. 621-25 C A A D C 26-30 B D C A B31-35 B A C D A 36-40 B B C A D02.1 11-15 ACADC 16-20 ACBBC21-25 BBCDA 26-30 DBBAD01.611-15 CBABD 16-20 ACBAC21-25 DACCB 26-30 DDABA01.111-15 ACBDC 16-20 BDDCA21-25 BACBC 26-30 DABDC00.651-55 BCACB 56-60 DCABD61-65 BADCD 66-70 ABCAD简答题2002.6S1.Parents have greater influence than school.S2. They are established well at the age of six.S3. subject such as science.S4. They were warned by educators not to educate their children.S5. teach reading at home 2003.6S1. great personal charm.S2. desirable and essentialS3. weakness and immaturity (1) wrong (2).S4. a bit of an actorS5. By self- discipline and self - training.S6. methods by which the subjects can best be taught.S7. the learners to whom the subjects are to be taught.S8. full and active co-operation 2003.9S1. a fast route to wealth S2. money S3. a wreath of olive leaves / olive wreath S4. professional S5. barred S6. He gave up running forever./ Giving up running forever. S7. Ski equipment and fast food S8. (1) hotel (2) medal symbols, TV rights, souvenirs, food and drinks2005.6S1. Both of them are in common with sportsmanshipS2. a sportsmanS3. To obey the law.S4. qualifiedS5. A game hog.S6. movingS7. To wet their hands.S8. They should know the identity of the target.快读1. 0612 1. N 2. N 3. Y 4. N 5. Y 6. Y 7. NG 8. move forward 9. looking back 10 the more you get back 2. 07. 121.C 2.B 3.D 4 A 5.D 6.B 7. C8. changes in the visa process9. take their knowledge and skills back home10. strengthen the nation3. 08.061. A 2. D 3.B 4. C 5. A 6.B 7. C8.quite homogeneous but small9. relationships with consumers10. the appropriate media4. 08.121. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D8. challenged9. can be proud of10. stay silent5. 09.61. A. He just wouldnt look her in the eye。2. C cultural ignorance3. B Increasing understanding of people of other cultures。4. B A personnel training company。5. D he must get rid of his gender bias6. C It helped him make fair decisions。7. A He told him to get the dates right。8. embarrassed9. inclusiveness10. differences and similarities完形填空1. 67-76 A.BDCB . C.DADB 77-86 CA.BC D ACBDA 2. 67-76 ADCBD ABCAB 77-86 DACCA CDCAB3 1-10 CABDD ACBDC 11-20 AADCB DCABB4. 67-76 CBDBA CADBC 77-86 DBCAD BACCA5. 1-10 ADABD CBABD 11-20 ACDCB ADBCA6. 1-10 ACDAB CDCBD 11-20 CAADB CBDAC7. 1-10 ABBDA CCDBA 11-20 ABDAD DCCAC8. 1-10 CDAAD BDACB 11-20 CDDBC ACBDA改错1参考答案 1. of safest the 2. medicines medicine(or: drug) 3. suffered suffering 4. if though(or: although) 5. between among 6. is are 7. number deal(or: amount,quantity) 8. in to 9. down / 10. and but2参考答案 1. days days 2. in against 3. have cut been 4. grow grows 5. is are 6. and or 7. in with 8. our their 9. in 1970s the 10. starved starving3参考答案 1. hang hung 2. from of 3. that which 4. lamps were 5. sent send 6. it itself 7. as like 8. revolved revolving 9. however whatever 10. being / 4 参考答案 1They It 2of for 3that those 4of from 5that contains it 6writing written 7like unlike 8likely alike 9if unless 10lowly low5 参考答案 1unnecessary necessary 2will would 3for as 4where which(or: that) 5like as 6developed undeveloped(or: underdeveloped) 7despite although 8by on 9like as 10more less6 参考答案 1. in there which (or: 把第二个in where) 2as than 3So But 4about / 5you they 6like as 7takes gives 8differ distinguish 9since while (or: whereas) 10harmful harmless7 参考答案 1. the / (第一个)2dusty dust 3across at it 4melts melted 5have some been 6thinner thicker 7different similar 8used using 9By With 10spend take 8 参考答案 1than to 2Be So 3they it 4by at 5possible impossible 6was / 7on / 8ship, the 9second first 10while where翻译1. keeping up with the rest of the class.2. will you be able to positively influence them 3. neither will they4. Not until he had accomplished the task5. neednt have borrowed it from the bank.6. something was done/some measures were taken7. would not have finished so early8. didnt take any measures9. If only we hadnt spent so much money10. would not have been caught by the rain11. had followed my instructions12. could have made a good salary.13. shall have left for14. had interrupted me15. will be doing/conducting the experiment16. As long as you set a goal for yourself17. no matter what kind it is / whatever it is18. Compared with the place where I grew up19. which is no more than five minutes from the nearest beachno more than+数字(或名词)仅仅,只不过20. in case you spot the new carpet21. until it was accidentally found by a doctor 22. before we find the cure for cancer23.shocked at what he had heard24. What many people do not realize25. What most parents are concerned about 26. it is because she is too inexperienced27. cant have been cleaned28. the less likely you catch a cold29. remembering all my life 30. had to be operated manually31. is often a very time-consuming job32. overcame it/got over it33. was wrongly accused/charged34. being sent abroad35. are being developed36. such fine weather37.psychological satisfactions38. Language in the abstract39. forgive childrens ignorance 40 consider the quality of humans sleep.41 one field of our cooperation.42 decided/decides to quit the match.43 contact us at the following address.44. none of us expected the chairman to turn up45. responsible for the traffic accident.46. an art as it is a science47. to have no access48. to students being late for49. ranges/varies from 50 cents to $450. to reserve a table 51. busy preparing for52. in the way 53. caught him cheating me54. We all sympathized with55. his son took over the business56. has a strong influence on 57. than stayed in New York58. attempts to escape being fined59. resort to force(“resort to sth” 诉诸;求助于;依靠)60. for fear that he should be recognized61. not so much a writer62. Believe it or not63. may just as well stay at home “may /might (just)as well do sth.”做-倒也无妨;只好做(某事)64. Which is especially true of developed countries65. play indispensable roles66. Taking all these factors into account 67. lose contact with 68. is on the rise69. full of ups and downs / happiness and sorrow70. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad71. substitute honey for sugar “substitute A(for B)或substitute B(with/by A)或substitute for sb/sth.”(用-)代替;取代72. should adapt himself to73. to hearing your story again74. laid/put emphasis on75. Yielding to / Submitting to the temptation of money (“yield to sth”被-所替代;为-所取代) 76. take advantage of the warm weather77. broke through its bank78. live up to my parents expectations(“live up to ones expectations ”实现某人的愿望)79. took delight in80. at the expenses of his health (“at the expense of sb.or sth”在牺牲(或)损害-的情况下)81. fall back upon/on us(fall back on sb/sth “求助于;借助于;转而依靠)82. Your dreams will fall through.(“fall through”落空;失败;成为泡影)83. her tears gave way to smiles(“give way to sth.”被-所代替)84. go after fame and wealth85. hand over his business to his son(“hand sb/sth.-over to sb.”把某事物/某人正式交给某人)86. In (the) light of the changes in the international situation(“in the light of sth”.考虑到;鉴于)87. dispose of waste properly(“dispose of.”处置)88. make up for her stupidity89. at the mercy of the waves(“at the mercy of sb./sth” 任-处置;对-无能为力;任由-摆布)90. Now that we have finished the course91. It is widely believed92.can be applied to the research and development of new technology93.There must be something wrong/there must be some errors/problems94. at your convenience.95. difficulty (in) catching up with his classmates96. more likely to put on weight97. closely relative to the lack of exercise98. decided to start their own business 99. gave up the pursuit of knowledge.100. keep pace with the growing demands of consumers


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