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精品教案最佳问题解决方案九年级上英语九年级第二单元第一课时Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. The first period (Section A 1a2c)兴蒙学校 付立国 联系电话: 15153928591 【教学目标】知识目标1. Key Vocabularyused to,be interested in 2. Key sentencesMario, you used to be short, didnt you? Yes, I did. Did you use to play the piano? No, I didnt.能力目标1. Talk about what you used to be like. 2. Talk about the things that you used to do. 情感目标Enable the students to deal with changes correctly. 【重点难点】重点:The structure “used to ”and its negative and interrogative forms.难点:Talk about the changes between the past and now. 【教学过程】I. 复习热身1. Talk about some pictures on the screen using the adjectives in pairs. (eg. tall/short, thin/heavy, long/short hair, beautiful/cool etc)2. Can you think of any other words? Fill in the chart with words to describe peoples appearance and personalities. (1a) For example:appearance:small; tall; short; thin; heavy; beautiful; ugly; scary; cute; long hair; short hair; straight hair; curly hair; brown hair; black hair; medium height; a medium build; good looking; brown hair; handsome; pretty; bold beard.personalities:shy; serious; friendly; funny; outgoing; easygoing ; unfriendly; smart; clever; generous; moody ; interesting; cute; intelligent; quiet.II. 感知体验 1. T: As time goes on, we are changing every day. For example, we are growing taller and our hair longer and longer day by day. Our appearances, personalities, etc. change with the growing years. Now think about your changes in the past years. Heres a very useful expression to help you express yourself. Show the following expression to the students. Pay attention to the pronunciation.used to be + adj: 过去常常是(现在已非如此)used to + v: 过去常常做(现在已非如此)T: Its very easy to put the expression in use. Look at the following examples. Show the following examples and ask the students to read it repeatedly. 1. She used to be short. Now she is tall. 2. Tom used to be better. 3. We used to swim every day when we were children. 4. He didnt used to do it, did he?5. You usednt to make that mistake6. Used you to play basketball?7. His brother used to live in Pingyi, usednt he?8. There used to be some trees in this field, usednt there?2. Look at the Grammar Focus, then talk about the using of “used to” in groups. (通过观察比较,学生会发现一些规律,如:只能用来表示过去时态,强调整过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。因此,这个短语的内涵是今昔对比。无人称和数的变化,一般疑问句把used提前或用助动词did +use to do sth,变否定句在used的后面加not或变为didnt use to.变反义疑问句时用usednt或加助动词didnt)3. 做同步学习P11中的第二题.4. Make some sentences about their changes in the past years. Read their results. Change their information after class, then write something about their partner.III. 强化巩固1. Ask the students to read the instructions and sentences in 1b first, then listen to the recording between Bob and his friends. T: How time flies! Bob and his friends havent seen each other for four years. Now they see each other again on a sunny day. Look at the picture on Page 10. What changes can we find about his friends?S1: They all grow taller than before. They all used to be shorter. S2: Tinas hair is longer now. But she used to have short hair. S3: Amy used to be short and she used to have curly air. But she is tall and has straight hair now!T: Good guesses! Now listen to the dialogue between them. They all changed a lot. Will Bob feel surprised? Play the recording for the first time. T: For the first time, listen and find out how does Bob feel about his friends changes?2. Check and discuss the answers with the students, reminding the students of the intonation of Bob in the recording. Then ask the students to listen for the second time. T: For the second listening, please pay attention to the changes of his friends. You may write down the key words you hear. Play the recording for the second time. Then ask them to fill in the blanks and check the answers with them. IV. 实践应用1. Ask the students to do the listening work. T: Next you will hear some other words used to describe peoples appearances and personalities. Listen and check the words you hear. Play the recording. Then check the answers. T: Listen again and fill in the blanks in the dialogue with the words you hear. Play the recording again, then check the answers. 3. Read it in pairs for two minutes, try to make their new conversations.Sample dialogue:S1: Hi, over here. Dont you remember me?S2: Oh, sorry. I cant remember now.S1: Im Jessie. We were in the same class when we studied in Nanshan Primary School. S2: Oh, I got it. Jessie, you used to really short, didnt you?S1: Yeah. I wasnt very tall. S2: No, you werent. but you were always happy. Wait a minute! Did you used to play basketball after school?S1: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in playing volleyball. I play volleyball and Im on the volleyball team. S2: Wow! People sure change. V. 总结反馈1. T: In this period, we mainly learned “used to” questions and “used to” statements.Show the following to the students. Ask them to read the example sentences. used to Did+ use to do” didnt use to do e.g. (1) He used to be quiet.(2) They used to play soccer.(3) Did you use to play computer games? Yes, I did.(4) Did she use to have short hair? No, she didnt. 2. Do some exercises(用所给词的适当形式填空)(1) He used to _ _ (play) the piano.(2) I used to _ _ (be) interested in _ _ (play) basketball.(3) Mr Lin is used to _ _ (walk) because he doesnt have a car.(4)The Greens used to _ _ (live) in China, so they are used to _ _ (eat) Chinese dishes.(5) Wood is used to _ _ (make) paper.答案:1. play 2. be; playing 3. walking 4. living; eating 5. make本题主要考查used to do sth(过去常常干某事), be used to doing sth(习惯于干某事)与be used to do sth(被用来干某事)的区别。VI. 作业布置1. Ask them to write a short passage about the change of themselves or about their friends. 2. And pre-read 3a on Page 12. Talk about what they used to be afraid of.【教后反思】 【课时达标】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He used to (be) short. 2. I used to (have) long hair. 3. What did his friends used to (look) like? 4. He is always afraid of (go) shopping. 5. I used to be afraid to (have) milk. 二、单项选择。1. Jim used to tall. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2. Lucy is afraid of . A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sings 3. Are you afraid to ? A. dance B. dancing C. to dance D. dances 4. Mario, you used to be short, didnt you? A. Yes, I didnt. B. No, I did C. Yes, I did. D. No, he didnt. 5. Lets talk about . A. what you used to be like B. what did you used to be like C. how you used to be like D. how you use to be like 6. I used to like math, but now I English better tham math. A. likes B. like C. liking D. to like 7. You really outgoing, didnt you? A. use to be B. are used to be C. are used to D. used to be 8. I like playing basketball and Im the basketball team. A. on B. at C. into D. for 三、根据所给汉语完成英语句子。1. 我过去害怕蛇。 I afraid of the snake. 2. 你过去常常看电视,是吗? You used , you? 3. 他的爸爸过去是什么样子? What his father to ?4. 他过去常常放学后去踢球。 He play soccer after school. 5. 她过去留直发。 She straight hair. 6. 你过去弹钢琴吗? you play the piano? 7. 我现在对体育更感兴趣。 I am sports. 答案:一、1. be 2. have 3. look 4. going 5. have 二、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A 三、1. used to be 2. to watch TV, didnt 3. did, use, look like 4. used to 5. used to have 6. Did, use to 7. more interested in 5


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