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课时提能练(十)必修2Module 4Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop ArtsA:知识层面. 语境语法填空()用所给词的适当形式填空The art 1.exhibition (exhibit) held in the museum is a 2.delightful (delight) surprise to me. Picassos pictures are on display. Picasso was born to be a 3.painter (paint). When very young, he was good at 4.observation (observe), curious about the whole world. His paintings more than just reflect 5.reality (real)They offer us a view of life from different angles. Instead of sticking to the 6.traditional (tradition) styles of painting, Picasso kept trying new techniques, which were applied to ensure his artistic 7.expression (express) of his works. In fact, his 8.adoption (adopt) of new artistic styles has a profound effect on modern art.()填入一个单词Tom was fond 1.of reading and he knew many stories through a series 2.of books. He often shared these stories with other children. Because 3.of this, those children gradually developed 4.an interest in reading, too. Sometimes they got together and took turns telling interesting things they had read. Now Tom has succeeded his father 5.as manager of a large company, but he never gives 6.up reading. When he is away on business, his flight may be put 7.off for some reason. During the time of waiting, he will take out a book to read.根据提示补全句子1我认为必须采取措施来阻止空气被污染,不是吗?(反意疑问句)I think that something has to be done to stop the air from being polluted, doesnt_it?2他忍受不了在酷热中工作好几个小时。(stand)He cant_stand_working in the heat for several hours.3当他路过时,注意到一个陌生人正在敲门。(observe)When he passed by, he observed_a_strange_man_knocking at the door.4她一坐在钢琴旁就精神起来。(alive)She only came_alive when she sat down at the piano.5他们不得不轮流照看病人。(take turns)They had to take_turns_looking/to_look_after the patients.B:能力层面.阅读理解For art,the year 2114 will be one full of events.In May of that year in Berlin,the philosopher and artist Jonathon Keats “century cameras”cameras with a 100yearlong exposure (曝光) time will be brought back from hiding places around the city to have their results developed and exhibited.Six months after that,the Future Library in Oslo,Norway,will open its doors for the first time,presenting 100 books printed on the wood of trees planted in the distant past of 2014.As Katie Paterson,the creator of the Future Library,puts it,“Future Library is an artwork for future generations.” These projects,more than a century in the making,are part of a new wave of “slow art” intended to push viewers and participants to think beyond their own lifetimes.They aim to challenge todays shortterm thinking and the brief attention spans of modern consumers,forcing people into considering works more deliberately.In their way,too,they are fighting against modern culturenot just regarding money,but also the way in which artistic worth is measured by attention.In a similar fashion,every April on Slow Art Day,visitors are encouraged to stare at five works of art for 10 minutes at a time a tough task for the average museum visitors,who typically spend less than 30 seconds on each piece of art.Like the Future Library,the “century cameras” are very much a project for cities,since its in cities that time runs fastest and the pace of life is fastest.“Since I started living in a city,Ive somehow been quite disconnected,” Anne Beate Hovind,the Future Library project manager,who described how working on the library drew her back to the pace of life she knew when she was growing up on a farm in her youth,told The Atlantic magazine.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了慢艺术的相关内容,其鼓励人们慢慢欣赏艺术作品。1What will NOT happen in 2114 according to the first paragraph?AA camera which was produced 100 years ago will be exhibited.BThe Future Library will be open to the public for the first time.CPhotos with a 100yearlong exposure will be developed and exhibited.DBooks printed on the wood of trees planted in 2014 will be displayed.A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“cameras with a 100yearlong exposure(曝光) time.to have their results developed and exhibited”可知,要展览的是相机拍摄的照片,而不是相机,故选A。2What can we learn about peoples attitude towards works of art at nowadays?AThey spend little time on works.BThey pay more attention to works.CThey spend much money on works.DThey stare at works for 10 minutes at a time.A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“visitors are encouraged to stare at five works of art for 10 minutes at a timea tough task for the average museum visitors,who typically spend less than 30 seconds on each piece of art”可推知,在当今社会,人们在欣赏艺术作品时花费的时间很少,故选A。3What is the purpose of the wave of slow art?ATo advocate creating works of art slowly.BTo protect works of art from being damaged.CTo promote works of art for modern culture.DTo encourage people to consider works more deliberately.D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句以及第三句中的“forcing people into considering works more deliberately”可知,这些项目是新一轮“慢艺术”浪潮的一部分,旨在鼓励人们更加从容不迫地注视这些艺术作品。故选D。4How does Anne Beate Hovind feel about the city life?AIts discouraging. BIts awful.CIts busy. DIts developed.C推理判断题。根据尾段第一句以及Anne Beate Hovind所说的话“Since I started living in a city,Ive somehow been quite disconnected”可知,在城市里,时间过得最快,生活节奏最快,Anne Beate Hovind感觉自己跟不上节奏,由此可推知,Anne Beate Hovind认为城市生活是忙碌的,故选C。.阅读七选五An adult has an average of 50,000 thoughts every day.However,most of the time great ideas come when your brain is in the“diffused mode(扩散模式)”,like when youre bathing in the shower. 1 This is when our minds are the most relaxed and connect different neural pathways(神经通路)to come up with brand new ideas.The problem is that because our brains are so relaxed,theres no intention to mark down ideas that come along.Remember the creative idea you came up with in the shower? Of course you cant remember it because you didnt take the time to write it down.However,in todays race against time,we just cant spare an extra moment to write down the ideas that constantly pass through our heads. 2 We think that if the thought is that important,well remember it later and put it into action.But we dont. 3 _ For this,you need to keep recording tools within reach.However,dont set out your notebook and pen directly in front of you,or else youre no longer in the“diffused mode”and thoughts arent freely flowing.But you want the notebook to be close enough. 4 Now that you have the ideas written down,you need to reinforce(加强)the ideas to turn them into something bigger. 5 During these times you can remove some of the less useful ideas,organize them,and start developing the potentially successful ones.ADont be too focused on a single idea.BCreative ideas come to us during this state of mind.CSome people may think that its even a waste of time.DYou should go over your ideas around three times a week.EIts easy to fall into the trap of immediately organizing your thoughts.FIn this way,when the thoughts come to you,it takes little effort to write them down.GThus,write down the great idea no matter how confident you are about your memory.【语篇解读】一个成年人每天平均有50 000种想法;而大多数情况下,当大脑处于扩散模式时会产生好点子;本文主要介绍了我们应该如何将我们在大脑的扩散模式下得到的好点子记下来并付诸实施。1B根据空后一句表述的这就是我们大脑最放松且能想到很多全新的主意的时候可知,空处应是与时间和创新想法相关的表述,结合选项可知,B项与此处匹配,故选B。2C前一句是说人们不能腾出额外的时间来记下这些想法;空后一句是说我们认为如果这个想法如此重要,我们之后就会记得,并付诸实施,但实际上我们并不记得,由此可知C项符合语境。3G根据上文表述的我们之后并不记得一闪而过的想法可知,不管你对自己的记忆力多有自信,你都应该把那个好想法记下来,故选G。4F空前一句表述你想让笔记本离你足够近,空处应该讲的是这样做的目的和作用,故选F。5D本句为承上启下句,根据空后一句中的“During these times”可推知,空处应是与times相关的内容,故选D,且D项中的“go over your ideas”与空前一句中的“reinforce(加强)the ideas”相呼应。.语法填空Most of us hold the view 1. the worlds oldest color is black or dark grey.However,scientists have discovered that bright pink is the oldest known color.They looked at 1.1 billionyearold rocks deep beneath the Sahara Desert. 2. (make)powder from the rocks,then they found a bright pink color.Dr Nur Gueneli 3. came from the Australian National University led the research.She said it 4. (produce)by ancient organisms(有机体)that lived in the old ocean.At that time,tiny organisms were 5. largest life forms on the earth.Dr Gueneli said her first 6. (react)was complete amazement.She said her team thought the rock powder might turn black in their experiments.Instead,it turned pink.Another researcher said,“Dr Gueneli came into my office and 7. (show)this bright pink material,sayingLook at this.It turned out to be a real color,1.1 billion years old”The rocks could contain other colors,from a blood red to a deep purple.Gueneli accounted 8. the importance of her findings.She said,“Imagine you could find a fossilized dinosaur skin that still has 9. (it)original colorgreen or blue.That is 10. (actual)the type of discovery that weve made.”【语篇解读】大部分人认为世界上最古老的颜色是黑色或者深灰色,但是令人意外的是,研究证明,已知的最古老的颜色是亮粉色。1that考查同位语从句。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,空处引导的从句解释说明the view,作同位语,空处在句子中不作句子成分,仅起到连接作用,应填that。 2Having made考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处和句子谓语 found之间没有连词,故此处应是动词的非谓语形式。此外,动词make和句子主语they构成逻辑上的主谓关系,并发生在谓语found之前,故用现在分词的完成时形式。【易错点拨】本题考生易忽略动词make和谓语found之间的先后关系,直接填现在分词making。3who/that考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰表示人的先行词Dr Nur Gueneli,所以填who或that。4was produced考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处为从句的谓语,且与句中被动语态符号by和从句主语it以及主句中said的时态呼应,故用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词用was,所以填was produced。5the考查冠词。largest是形容词最高级形式,应用定冠词修饰,所以填the。6reaction考查名词。分析句子结构可知,空处被形容词性物主代词her以及序数词first修饰,故用名词形式,所以填reaction。7showed考查动词的时态。分析句子结构可知,空处和谓语came并列,所以填showed。8for考查介词。account for“说明,解释”是固定用法,符合语境,所以填介词for。9its考查代词。分析句子结构可知,空处作定语,修饰名词color,所以填形容词性物主代词its。10actually考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰be动词is,应用副词形式,在句子中作状语,所以填actually。


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