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Exercise 1I. Translation.1. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) registered trademark(2) commission agent(3) market quotation(4) Drawee(5) Arbitral award(6) Consignee(7) Warehouse to warehouse clause(8) entertain a claim(9) Sweating & Heating Risks(10) shipping container2. Translate the following into English.(1)独家代理(2)招标(3)货到后凭单付款(4)外汇支出(5)贸易平衡(6)收货人(7)委托销售(8)储备金(9)关税协定(10)保险范围II. Choose the best choice.1. The goods arrived _.a. in a good conditionb. in good conditionsc. in good conditiond. in the good condition2. We have lodged a claim _ ABC & Co. _ the quality of the goods shipped _ M. V. “Peace”.a. with, on, perb. against, on, inc. on, for, as perd. to, for, per3. We will do our best to _ shipment.a. complyb. makec. expedited. do4. The shipment time is March or April at our _ and the goods will be shipped in one _.a. choice, shipmentb. option, lotc. decision, cargod. choice, consignment5. It is our hope that, after proving our ability to dispose of large quantities, you will appoint us as an _.a. sell agentb. selling agencyc. sale agencyd. exclusive agent6. We would like to know on what terms you are willing to _ an agency agreement.a. comeb. concludec. arranged. do7. This offer is firm, subject to your reply _ us before May 30.a. reachesb. arrivesc. arrived. reaching8. Our clients prefers small _.a. packerb. packingc. packaged. packaging9. As soon as new supplies come in, we shall be glad to _ your order.a. entertainb. sendc. maked. accept10. The company that _ the lowest price and most favorable terms will win the contract.a. quotesb. sendsc. acceptsd. bids11. Please see to it that the _ is suitable for a long sea voyage.a. packingb. packagec. packd. packed12. We shall be pleased to send you the necessary information _ our machine tools according to request.a. onb. aboutc. ofd. in13. In addition to this order, please send us _ 25 tons.a. anotherb. otherc. the otherd. /14.We are _ a loss to understand why we havent heard from you.a. in b. byc. atd. of 15. The introduction of containers in transport greatly _ carriage of goods.a. facilitateb. speedsc. facilitatesd. economizes 16.We look forward to _ the goods in the fourth quarter.a. the delivery ofb. your deliveryc. deliverd. delivery17.We _ your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.a. go overb. have readc. refer tod. check up18. We would like to express our satisfaction _ receiving the first order and _ prompt shipments of the goods.a. to, confirmb. with, confirmingc. at, confirmd. in, confirming19.The goods under Contract No. 1548 left here _.a. in a good conditionb. in good conditionsc. in good conditiond. in the good condition 20.As arranged, we have effected insurance _ the goods _110% of the invoice value _ all risks.a. of, at, withb. for, in, againstc. on, for, againstd. to, at, cover III. Fill in the blanks.1. We offer you 1,000 tons of wheat _ US$156 _ ton _ the usual terms.2. The best we can do is to _ a reduction of 3% _ our quotation.3. _ receipt of your _ enquiry, we shall send our quotation sheet by fax.4. Thank you for your prompt remittance of the balance _ our account _ the China Bank.5. The quality of the goods is not in _ with that of your sample.6. The 7 Cs principles of writing business letters include _, _, _, _, _, _ and _.IV. Translate the following1. Completed bids must be received by the International Tendering Company before 12:00 a. m. on October 15, 20_ _ (Beijing time). Bids received after that date and time, or bids which are not accompanied by a bid bond furnished one day before the bid opening as provided for in the Bidding Conditions, will not be accepted.2. Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders that the said drafts shall be honored on presentation.V. Write a letter in English covering the following contents.1. 收到了对方发来的418号合同项下的60箱瓷器。2. 经检验发现有5箱严重损坏,系包装不当所致。3. 提出索赔美元。Exercise 2I. Translation.1. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) net operating income(2) deferred payment(3) P. O. D(4) business standing(5) D/O(6) discount(7) open policy(8) demand draft(9) with particular average(10) arbitration2. Translate the following into English.(1)标准出口包装(2)确认书(3)仓至仓条款(4)清洁提单(5)指定银行(6)宽限期(7)牛市(8)期权(9)经营租赁(10)即期汇率II. Choose the correct answer.1. If there were any delay in delivery, we would cancel the order and reserve the right to _ a claim against you.a. haveb. give c. lodged. get2. Please quote us your lowest price, CIF London, including our 5% _.a. commissionb. consignmentc. committeed. consignature3. We can _ you that our products are superior in quality and reasonable in price.a. ensureb. surec. assured. insure4. Unfortunately, we cannot immediately send you a full range of samples _.a. free of paymentb. with paymentc. free of charged. without charge5. We believe that you will agree that the prices, which are all _ of CFR London, are very competitive.a. exclusiveb. inclusivec. maded. come6. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, _ our final confirmation.a. under the conditionb. with respect toc. subject tod. with reference to7. If our client _ the sample, we can get from him a large order.a. approves ofb. confirms ofc. informs ofd. aware of8. We are in _ of your letter dated 22nd April.a. positionb. favorc. receiptd. lack9. _ you wish to make enquiries concerning our financial standing, you may refer to the ABC Bank.a. Wouldb. Couldc. Pleased. Should10. We have the pleasure of _ your letter of Oct. 6.a. confirming b. confirmc. acknowledgingd. acknowledge11. Had you contacted us earlier we _ your request to the full.a. would comply withb. will comply withc. would have complied withd. would compliance with12. We prefer to buy from you, because you do business with all countries, big or small, _ equal basis.a. onb. forc. ind. with13. As you are aware that the growing demand for the above commodities has doubtlessly resulted _ increased prices.a. forb. inc. withd. from14. Please rush you L/C; otherwise shipment will _.a. delayb. be delayingc. delayedd. be delayed15. As you are _ the market for table cloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation. a. inb. onc. enteringd. at16. We trust you will pay our draft _.a. on presentationb. on purposec. on representationd. on demonstration17. We are waiting _ your reply _ our letter.a. in, ofb. for, toc. of, ofd. with, to18. The packing must be strong enough _ rough handling.a. withstandb. withstandingc. to withstandd. to be withstood19. We are afraid that we have to charge more for the designated packing, as it _ extra labor and cost.a. calls onb. calls offc. calls ind. calls for20. The Fair was cancelled because most of the members _ the date.a. objected tob. object forc. subjected tod. agree onIII. Translate the following letter into English.敬启者:我方现寻购棉纺织品,因为该产品在本地市场需要量很大。现得知你公司为上述商品的出口公司,因此若能提供有关该商品的伦敦到岸价格、折扣以及交货期等详细情况,我方将不胜感激。如有产品目录,也请寄来若干份。对你方费心之处顺致谢意,同时我们保证,对你方的报盘将一定认真考虑。我们希望这将成为你我双方长期互利贸易关系的良好开端。 谨上IV. Fill in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter.敬启者:从7月30日来信中得悉贵方接受我方6月18日的报盘,甚为高兴。兹确认向贵公司出售KKK牌白色男式T恤衫500打。大号、中号各一半。价格每打100美元CIF纽约。2打一纸盒,十纸箱装一标准出口纸箱。由我方按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险。20_ _年9月由上海港口运往纽约,允许转船和分批装运,运输标志由我方选定。以不可撤销的即期信用证付款,信用证必须在装运前30天到达我方。按照惯例,信用证议付有效期为最后装运期后15天在中国到期。兹随函将我方7月8日在上海所签第SSB-9574号售货确认书一式二份寄给你方,望查收。请会签并退回我方一份。此致纽约第一服装公司 中国纺织品进出口公司 上海丝绸分公司 经理 谨上 20_ _年7月8日China National Textile Import & Export CorporationShanghai Silk Branch上海中山东一路十七号17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E. 1) SHANGHAI, CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMATIONTo Messrs. 日期 Date 编号 No. 签约地点 Signed at 兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:(1)商品:Commodity:(2)规格:Specification:(3)数量:Quantity:(4)单价:Unit Price:(5)总值:Total Value:(6)装运期:Time of Shipment:(7)包装:Packing: (8)装运口岸和目的地:Loading Port and Destination:(9)唛头:Shipping Marks:(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment: by 100% value confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight with transshipment and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers days before the month of shipment, with shipment validity arranged till the 15th day after the month of shipment, and remain valid for negotiation in the loading port until the day after the shipment validity.(11)保险:Insurance: 买 方 卖 方The Buyers The Sellers中国纺织品进出口公司上海丝绸分公司China National Textiles Import & Export CorporationShanghai Silk Branch 请在本合同签字后寄回一份Please sign and return one copy of this ConfirmationV. Write a letter to urge the establishment of L/C for the Sales Confirmation in Question IV since the date of delivery is approaching.Exercise 3I. Translation.1. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) exclusive territory(2) shipping mark(3) profit and loss(4) payable on receipt(5) remittance(6) confirmation of purchase(7) inventory(8) F. A. S.(9) tender(10) T. P. N. D.2. Translate the following into English.(1)空白背书(2)凭单据付款(3)记名提单(4)商品交易所(5)品质证明书II. Choose the correct answer.1. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the _ by accepting the offer to transform the offers promise into a contractual obligation.a. offererb. offereec. firm offerd. non-firm offer2. We learn from ABC Co. that you are producing for export hand-made gloves _ natural leathers.a. in varietyb. in a variety ofc. various ofd. in various kinds of3. We are _ to your commercial office in Beijing, from whom we learned that you are a leading importer of electric goods in your area.a. indebtedb. engagedc. indeedd. debted4. It is essential that you _ competitive prices.a. quotingb. quotec. makingd. make5. If your prices and qualities are satisfactory, we will place a _ order on you.a. considerateb. considerablec. muchd. few6. We are pleased to place with you an order for the following items on the _ that they will be supplied from current stock.a. understandingb. understandc. termsd. stock7. The shipment was delayed because you had failed _ the necessary space.a. to orderb. orderc. bookd. to book8. This price will remain _ for ten days from the date of the letter.a. valuableb. validc. invaluabled. good9. _ a limited supply is available at present, we would ask you to act quickly.a. Becauseb. Asc. On account ofd. Since10. _ the balance, we will advise you of the position in a few days.a. Concernb. Regardsc. Regardingd. With11. The offer is _ confirmation.a. madeb. bound toc. subject tod. used for12. Now, with our stock _, the maximum we can supply is 50 tons.a. diminishb. diminishedc. diminishingd. being diminished13. Our future offers will include your 2% commission _.a. unless informedb. unless otherwise informedc. unless otherwise statedd. unless otherwise state14. Im sure that this quality is superior _ that.a. fromb. toc. thand. for15. If you renew your offer for a further five days, we believe we can put the business _.a. offb. onc. throughd. in16. We will consider _ your terms of payment.a. acceptedb. to acceptc. acceptingd. accept17. It _ that we very much appreciated your support you have extended us in the past.a. is necessaryb. is importantc. goes without sayingd. goes without doubtful18. We regret to say that there is no stock _ for your order.a. preferableb. considerablec. possibled. available19. We have already notified the insurance agent at our end _.a. of the lossb. in the lossc. with the lossd. without the loss20. Our manager says hed rather you _ tomorrow instead of today.a. had comeb. camec. have comed. comesIII. Put the following into a fax message in English.敬启者:我们及时地收到了你方为我方第S-133号订单所寄装运单据,并于“总统”号轮抵达青岛时提取了货物。对你方迅速执行订单,深表谢意,一切似乎都是正确完好的,只是第3号箱有问题。很遗憾,打开货箱时,发现货物缺少五台。现寄上我地检验检疫局出具的证明,请贵方查询,并希望尽快回复。 谨上IV. Write a letter of acceptance for the following order.PURCHASE ORDER No. BD/188Messrs: China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Corp, Shaanxi Branch 130 LianHu Road, Shaanxi, ChinaWe confirm our agreement on purchase of the following goods:Description: A-I Grade Canned Beef of the following three specifications:A. 250 GM net weightB. 350 GM net weightC. 500 GM net weightQuantity: (Case) A. 500 B. 400 C. 400Packing: By standard export case of 120 cans each.Unit Price: CIF net New York per case in U. S. dollars A. 36.20 B. 40.50 C. 50.60Payment: 100% by irrevocable letter of credit opened immediately through First National City Bank, N. Y. , and drawn at sight.Delivery: For Items A and B: Prompt shipment For Item C: One month after receipt of L/CRemark: In addition to the ordinary shipping documents, please also submit Certificate of Origin for each shipment. BD Co. Ltd.V. Translate the following into Chinese.CARRIAGE PAID TO( named place of destination)“Carriage paid to” means that the sellers pays the freight or the carriage of the goods to the named destination. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered to the carrier, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered into the custody of the carrier.“Carrier” means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of carriage, by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.If subsequent carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination, the risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the first carrier. The CPT term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term may be used for any mode of transport including multimodal transport.Exercise 4I. Translation.1. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) bona fide holder(2) advice of charge(3) certified invoice(4) deferred payment(5) documentary bill(6) Free of Particular Average(7) C. I. F. I.(8) F. A. A.(9) open policy(10) mail transfer2. Translate the following into English.(1)品质鉴定证明书(2)同业折扣(3)保兑的、不可撤销信用证(4)循环信用证(5)形式发票(6)货运单据(7)付款交单(8)议付银行(9)人力不可抗力(10)托收II. Choose the best answer.1. We enclosed our official order for 40 cases, _ you will note that the shipment is to be effected in September.a. from whichb. about thatc. about whichd. which2. This offer will remain _ until July 30, 20_ _.a. firmb. stillc. effectivenessd. conditionery3. We have been in business since 20_ _, and therefore have wide experience in all the _ we handle.a. goodb. thingsc. linesd. buying4. Please inform us _ your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures.a. ofb. inc. aboutd. for5. We wish to buy _ tea and coffee cups and sauces of different shapes.a. qualityb. quantityc. cheatingd. choice6. We can assure you that all your orders will _ our immediate attention.a. giveb. comec. payd. receive7.We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us _ to our mutual benefit.a. will developb. will be developedc. may have developedd. has developed8. Your letter of May 7th _ to the Import Company has been passed on to us for attention.a. addressingb. has comec. addressedd. came9.We hope you will _ our claim.a. fully settleb. full settlec. be fully settlingd. have seen10.You will be responsible _ of the goods in transit.a. of the lossb. of the lostc. for the losed. for the loss11.Im afraid that this shipment was not _ your own standard.a. against tob. forc. up tod. because of12.Upon examining your first delivery, we find that it does not contain the _ which we ordered.a. assortmentb. terms of paymentc. shipmentd. letter of credit13.Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, we claim _ them _ recover of the loss.a. for, onb. on, forc. of, ford. on, against14.The report of survey revealed that the damage is _ improper packing.a. contributed tob. becausec. because ofd. attributable to15.Shipment is to be made during May to July _.a. in three equally lotsb. in three lots each timec. in three equal lotsd. in equal three lots16.We _ very much obliged if you will _ shipment as soon as possible.a. will be, likeb. shall be, effectc. shall be, have effectedd. would be, do17._ heavy commitments, we cannot advance shipment of your order.a. Becauseb. For thatc. Owing tod. Thanks to18.We regret to say that the prices you have bid are too low to _.a. not acceptb. be acceptablec. be acceptingd. be unacceptable19.The additional charge will be _ your account.a. inb. ofc. ford. with20.When you _ an agent, it is usual to _ the appointment in writing.a. need, makeb. have, doc. want, maked. appoint, makeIII. Translate the following into English.敬启者:贵方5月23日函悉,谢谢。我方已仔细研究了你方对我方衬衣报价的意见。虽我方想满足贵方要求,但抱歉不能按贵方要求降价,因为我方价格是经过精确计算的。即使我方价格与其他供应商的价格不同,那也是因为我方产品的质量远远超过贵处其他外国牌子,从我方购货,贵方肯定会获利。然而为有利于贵方在此行业发展业务,我方准备给贵方3%折扣,条件是你方起订量达到两千打。如果此建议可以接受,请早日告知你方定量。 谨上 20_ _年5月3日IV. Write an English letter, offering substitute, according to the following information.Sellers Name: Shanghai Five Stars CompanySellers Address: 187 Nanyang Road, Shanghai, ChinaBuyers Name: Mulsen


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