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Unit 7 what does he look like ?词语:Short hair 短发 blonde hair 金发curly hair 卷发 two pair of glasses两幅眼睛is/ has tall高个子is /has of medium heignt中等个子Tell jokes 讲笑话 tell stories讲故事tell a lie 撒谎Popular songs,popular music流行的good-looking漂亮的句型Do you know I have a new friend in class five?你知道我在5班有个新朋友吗?Do you know主句I have a new friend in class five宾语从句比较:Tall 多指比一般的高,常指人、树、建筑等的高,不指山高,形容高,细长反义词shortA tall man,a tall pineHigh 多指物体和位置的高,不指人;还可指抽象的高,如物价、温度、速度、品质等,指山高用high,反义词lowHigh fever, high standardPut on 穿上,戴上,强调动作He Put on his coat and went outWear表示穿着,戴着,强调状态,in 有时可以和wear互换!He is wearing blue trousers。Have on 穿着,带着,与wear同义,指状态,其后可以接衣服,帽子,鞋等的名词,类似的有be in。The children had nothing on那些孩子什么都没穿。She is in red coat!A little bit 有点儿A little 后跟不可数名词 a bit of 后跟不可数名词Stop doing 停止做某事Stop to do 停下来去做某Person无性别之分,数目不多There are only three persons in the room。People 人们,只有复数形式,指多个人There are many peopleMan 泛指男人Man is stonger than woman.Beard指满脸的络腮胡The old man has a beardMustache 指嘴上短而小的胡子That young man has a mustacheRemember doing记得做过某事Remember to do记得去做某事No more =not any more 表示数量或程度不再增加We wont go there any moreNo longer=not any longer表示时间或距离不再延长Mr.wang no longer lives hereYou cant stay here any longerSo many 跟可数名词So much跟不可数名词语法:形容词的用法做定语:She is a beautiful girl做表语:The game is quite interesting做宾补:We must keep the classroom clean多个形容词的排列顺序:当名词有两个以上的形容词修饰时,通常有一定的规则,不得随意调换!(1) 基本顺序:限定词 + 表示观点的描述形容词 + 形状、大小、长短、高低 + 年龄、新旧 + 颜色 + 国际、地区 + 物质、材料 + 中心词限观形龄色国材口诀:县官行令色国才(2) 大小、形状、描述性,年龄、颜色后跟定,产地、材料和用途 ,先后顺序已排清An expensive new Japanese sports carUnit8 Id like some noodles词汇Tel -telephone ,电话,fax-facsimile,传真,ad-advertisement,广告句型:1、Id like some noodlesId like =I would like 相当于want 但比want委婉,有时like可以用love替换。Would的三种句型:Would like sthWould like to do sthWould like sb to do sth2、what kind of noodles would you like?A Kind of 一种All kind of 各种各样的What kind of 哪一种Kind of 有一点,稍微3、Hed like a small /medium/large bowl of noodles.数量a变bowl可以为复数比较:Big,large,huge,greatBig多指面积范围,重量,程度,体积或强度A lagre box 指大,未必重a big box 重、大Big problem重要问题On the last day I made a big decisionLarge侧重三维量值,强调体积,修饰人指个子大,此外它可以表示容量,面积,范围,程度,能力和数量方面的大Do you want a large size ,or the small size?Huge是常用词,用于具体的人或物时,指体积或数量大得超过一般的情况;用于抽象事物时,作巨大的、无限的A huge elephant ,The great wall looks like a huge dragon,Great指体积、数量或程度,其程度远超过一般的标准,指面积、体积或范围,往往有强烈的感情色彩。Work hard and youll make great progressAnd 与or 的区别I dont like onions ,green tea or porridge。我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。Or 和,或者,还是,或是Get up ,or you wil be late for schoolAnd和or 作连词,连词并列成分,意为 “和”,and 一般用于肯定句,or 用于否定句、疑问句中,两者不能代换,如果3者以上,and 和or 用于最后两个,前面的用逗号隔开。He likes fish and beef.他喜欢鱼和牛肉He donest like fish or beef.Also,too,as well ,either,与as well as 表示也Also较正式,紧挨动词,用于实义动词前,系动词后He also plays basketball.Too多用于口语中,位置通常在句末;也可用句中,前后加逗号。简答句中too位于代词宾格之后He is a worker,too.I want to eat an apple.me, tooas well多用于口语中,只用于句末。He plays the guitar as well。Either 用于否定句中,位于句末,意为“也”He was not there eitherAs well as作为连词,意为“也”,用来连接两个并列部分。I like tv plays as well as movies语法:名词单数变复数1、 一般+s, books2、 以s,x,sh,ch+es, boxes,watches3、 以f或fe 结尾的把f变成v,+es , knives,leaves4、 以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为I ,+es, families家庭 babies婴儿5、 部分不规则的名词Men, teeth, feet, deer, sheep6、 以o 结尾的有些加s,有些加-es,如:Potatoes, tomatoes, radios, zoos7、不可数名词的复数 two cups of tea , a bottle of orange,thre bottles drinkMany ,much 分别修饰可数与不可数名词,a lot of ,lots of ,some , any既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数。Unit9 how was your weekend?词组1、Play 与球类连在一起不加冠词,play tennis 打网球 play valleyball 打排球乐器guitar ,piano,violin,erhu,pipa前要用the2、Practice English 练习英语3、Ask sb sth =sak sb about sth问某人某事Have fun doing sth 做某事开心4、科目:Chinese语文English 英语 Math 数学Physics 物理Politics 政治 biology生物art 美术 computer 计算机History 历史 chemistry 化学 geography 地理music 音乐 PE 体育5、动变名词加 -erPlay- player 运动员 write- writer作者 sing- singer 歌手 drive -driver 司机 teach- teacher 老师 worker- worker 工人 build builder 建设者 train trainer 训练员动变名词加 -orVisit- visitor参观者 invent- inventor发明家 act actor 男演员Practice doing sth 练习做某事 finish doing sth 做完某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事Mind doing sth 介意做某事 keep (on )doing sth 一直做某事6、Did 助动词do的过去式,weekend周末,weekday上班、上学的日子7、Ereryone 指人,相当于everybody不定代词“每人,人人”,作主语,谓语用单数Every one即可“指人”亦可“指物”可与of连用句型1、Its time三大句型Its time to do sth 是作的时候了Its time for + 名词,该做某事了Its time for sb to do sth 某人该做某事了Its time for you to go home.2、What about your friend,carol ?你的朋友卡罗尔呢?3、What did you do last weekend?4、How was your weekend,ming?你的中周末过的怎么样,明?辨析1、介词:On ,in,atOn 介词,表示时间,在某一天的上午、下午、晚上或星期、节日等时间名词的前面。On Monday evening 在周一的晚上On the afternoon 在星期一的晚上in可以表示在年、月、季节、上午、下午、晚上等时间名词前,in还可以表示在之后,后接一段时间的状语从句,即用于将来时。In summer 在夏天 in 2006 在2006年In june 在六月 in the evening 在晚上Ill come back in two days.我将两天后回来。At 表示时间,用于具体的时刻名词的前,意为“在几点钟”,或用于某些固定的短语中。At 7:00 在七点 at night 在晚上 at times 有时 at noon 在中午2、学习Learn,studyStudy for 为学习I studied for the (science /math )test . 我为准备科学/数学考试而学习Learn/study 表示学习,有时可以互换Learn 侧重于结果,“学会,学到”,而study 侧重过程He studied hard and at last learned the language.他努力学习,最后终于学会了这门语言。Learn初级的学习和模仿,study是高深周密的研究He learn English over the raido.他通过收音机学习外语He is studing the math problem.他正研究数学题向某人学习learn from sbWe must help each other and learn from each other .我们必须相互帮助、互相学习。3、Test ,exam,quizTest 小的测试,“测验、小考、检验”We have to take a test in English every week.我们每周一次英语考试Exam 的完整形式examination,通常指正式的“考试”,如期末考试,入学考试等The students are busy preparing for the final exam.学生正忙于为期末考试做准备。Quiz 小的“检验,测验”,特指事先无准备的,随时进行的The teacher gave us a five minutes quiz.老师给我们进行了一个5分钟的小测验。4、Pay,spend与take,costPay “花费”,主语是人,人“花费”金钱,常用于pay some money for sth .句型Spend 主语必须是人,称用于 spend time/money on sth./( in ) doing sth句型Take 作“花费”用于“时间”,主语物,常用于it takes sb .some time to do sth 句型Cost 作“花费”用于“金钱”,主语物。How much did you pay for the book?这本书花费你多少钱?I spend ten yuan on/in buying the book . 我买这书花了10元钱。It took me half an hour to draw the picture.=I spend half an hour on/in drawing the book . 画这幅画花了我半个小时。5、比赛Game,match英国人多用match ,美国人多用 game比赛项目不同,用词也不一样如摔跤、拳击等项目用match,如棋类、桥牌等比赛用game,game的复数可以做“运动会”,特别是大型的Olympic games 奥运会 Asian games 亚运会The kids also played computer games . 孩子们在玩电脑游戏。6、Watch sb do sth 与Watch sb doing sthWatch sb do sth看见某人作某事,所做的事情是经常性的、或已经作过的。Watch sb doing sth 观看某人正在做某事,强调事情正在进行。7、Look for 强调寻找的动作Find 强调结果Im looking for my pen.我在找我的钢笔。I found my pen .我找到我的钢笔了。语法:一般过去时态一、一般过去时是过去发生的事情,其时间和状态都表示过去。动词过去式的构成:1、 一般加直接加-ed ,如wanted,played2、 不发音字母e结尾的直接加 d, hoped, lived3、 重度闭音节双写最后一个辅音字母加- ed ,stopped4、 以辅音字母加-y结尾的单词先将y变I 加- ed,studied,worried5、 不规则的动词was, were,had,did ,went等二、表示过去的某个时刻发生的动作或状态My farther worked in shanghai last year.我爸爸去年工作在上海。I often went to school on foot 我过去通常去学校步行When he got home ,he had a short rest.三、与时间状语连在一起: a moment ago 刚才 yesterday 昨天 last night/week, the day before yesterday 前天,just now 刚刚四、过去式的形式疑问句,有was ,were的提到句首;没有借助于助动词did,句中动词要用原型否定句直接在was ,were后加 not ,没有was ,were 的用助动词did 后加-not ,动词要用原型。特殊疑问句也要用过去的时态来问,具体的结构与一般现在时态的一样。


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