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教案设计:Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (1a-2c)教学目标1能使用used to be/do 结构描述人物。2通过听力训练,巩固used to be和used to do的用法。教学过程一、导入(lead-in):利用媒体资源中课件中的图片导入教学活动:(宋庆龄从少年到老年的照片)设计说明:名人图片能激起学生学习的积极性,特别是通过展示他们童年时的照片更能激起学生开口表达语言的热情,同时又让学生在轻松愉快的图片欣赏中复习了所学内容。二、教学SectionA -1a1投影SectionA -1a的表格,帮助学生回忆appearance和personality的含义。Fill in the chart below with words to describe people.2把学生分为若干小组,比一比,看哪个小组在规定的时间内写出属于appearance和personality的单词多。3展示一些学生熟悉并且喜欢的明星,对比他们的照片,然后让学生口头描述他们的体型与头发特征。如:-What does she look like?-She is-三、教学SectionA- lbListening 利用多媒体课件中的SectionA-1b进行下列教学活动。1让学生先看图,比较图画中人物的不同。2听第一遍录音材料,只听不填。3再听一次录音材料,在多媒体课件的人机交互程序中填空,进行检测。四、教学SectionA-lcPairwork1. 教学新词汇:used to be/do ,dark ,be interested in , sure , ect.2.利用所学词汇造句子,巩固used to be和used to do的用法。3.对目标语言进行口头交际训练,让学生转为描述他人的外表、性格变化,注意人称的换用,两人一组表演1c.对话,操练used to be / have句型.五、教学SectionA -2a, SectionA-2b,1利用多媒体课件中的SectionA -2a,让学生选择勾选。2利用多媒体课件中的SectionA-2b,再听一遍,并完成填空。3.让同桌之间分角色朗读对话。六、教学SectionA -2c让学生分组做一份调查:What did you use to eat ? What do you eat now?这部分要求学生用目标语言进行对话练习,教师巡视全班,提供必要的语言帮助,最后叫两组同学把他们的调查结果汇报全班同学。七、教学Grammar Focus 利用媒体资源中课件中语法讲解内容,给学生讲解used to 句型。说明used to 用于陈述句而Diduse to 用于一般疑问句。八、课堂检测 根据汉语提示完成句子(5分)1.I_(过去常常) have long black hair.2.Tina used to_(矮个儿的).3. Amy used to _(害怕) snakes.4.Did you _ to play the piano?I like that a lot.A.usedB.useC.be usedD.be use5.You used to be really fat,_ you? Now you look so fine.A.didB.DidntC.didntD.Did情景交际(5分)Girl:Hey,Steve! Over here! 6._ you remember me?Boy:Oh,Wow! Youre Paula,7._you?Girl:Thats right.Boy:You used to be really short,8._ you?Girl:Yeah,I wasnt very 9._.Boy:And you were always funny.Wait 10._ 11._! Did you use to 12._TV?Girl:Yes,I did.But now Im more interested 13._ sports.I play soccer and Im 14._ the swim team.Boy:Wow! People 15._ change.九、Sum upI used to be afraid of the dark.I didnt use to be afraid of the dark.Did you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.十、作业让学生写一篇短文,写出自己现在与五年前的不同情形。板书设计:Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (1a-2c)You used to be shortDid you use to be short?He used to play tennis. Did he use to have long hair?学案设计:Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (1a-2c) 教学目标1能使用used to be/do 结构描述人物。2通过听力训练,巩固used to be和used to do的用法。教学过程1a. Fill in the chart below with words to describe people. lbListen and fill in the blanks.Mario used to be_. He used to wear_.Amy used to be_. She used to have_.Tina used to have _and _hair.2a. Listen and check() _shy _ serious_friendly _ funny_ outgoing _ quiet2bListen and fill in the blanks. Paula: Hey, Steve! Over here! Dont you remember me?Steve: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you?Paula: Thats right.Steve: But you used to be really_, didnt you?Paula: Yeah. I wasnt very _.Steve: No, you werent. But you were always _. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?Paula: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in _ . I play soccer and Im on the swim team.Steve: Wow! People sure change.学生分组做一份调查:What did you use to eat ? What do you eat now? ActivityPastNowEat.ReadWatchon TVDoat school八、课堂检测 根据汉语提示完成句子(5分)1.I_(过去常常) have long black hair.2.Tina used to_(矮个儿的).3. Amy used to _(害怕) snakes.4.Did you _ to play the piano?I like that a lot.A.usedB.useC.be usedD.be use5.You used to be really fat,_ you? Now you look so fine.A.didB.DidntC.didntD.Did情景交际(5分)Girl:Hey,Steve! Over here! 6._ you remember me?Boy:Oh,Wow! Youre Paula,7._you?Girl:Thats right.Boy:You used to be really short,8._ you?Girl:Yeah,I wasnt very 9._.Boy:And you were always funny.Wait 10._ 11._! Did you use to 12._TV?Girl:Yes,I did.But now Im more interested 13._ sports.I play soccer and Im 14._ the swim team.Boy:Wow! People 15._ change.十、作业用所学的used to be/do句型写一篇短文,介绍自己现在与五年前的不同情形。板书设计:Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (1a-2c)You used to be shortDid you use to be short?He used to play tennis. Did he use to have long hair?


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