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教师资格证培训总结(仅供参考,并非官方权威)考察点:一说课讲课(时间:25分钟,时间分配:说课5分钟左右,讲课15到20分钟)评分标准及考察能力:1实践教学目的的能力,分值阶段 1513 129 85 5教学目标明确,符合大纲。2掌握教材的能力 2017 16-13 12-9 9- 考察处理教材,突出重难点,创新能力3组织课堂的能力20-17 16-13 12-9 9-组织协调、交流互动、信息反馈的能力4基本教学素养15分讲解深入浅出、语言准确生动、板书设计合理、教态自然大方5运用现代教学技术的能力(初高中基本忽略这一项)15分6教学效果15分学生思维积极、主动参与学习、达到预期教学目标。二、面试测评(10分钟左右)1基础知识教学目标的重难点、实现教学目标的方法手段、教学法、教育教学的改革动态。2教态举止教态亲切自然、衣着大方整洁、体态端庄从容、心理素质好3能力测评审题正确、能运用灵活的教学方法、突出重难点、调理清晰、逻辑性强。4语言能力普通话标准、语言流利亲切、生动。注意事项1 试讲、面试先后顺序以抽签或者按报到先后顺序编号,开场白时千万不能说出自己的姓名否则视为作弊。开场白范例:各位专家好,我是X号,我抽到的题目是。,请各位专家多多指点。(态度好一点,说话亲切一点就OK)2、教材教案可以带进考场。三应试的基本程序1抽取所要讲课的题目。高中讲课的部分:warming-up reading speaking grammar integrating skills (听力部分可以忽略,重点是阅读、语法等)按照已经给出的题目只有reading 和 talking 2在规定的时间内,在规定的地点单独完成教学操作,现场准备时间为25分钟(培训老师是这么说的,具体要按当时情况)3面试会涉及到得问题1 in your period what teaching method, did you use?你在课堂中运用了那些教学方法2How do you make your lesson interesting and lively?3课堂上的内容能培养学生的那些能力?4如果你没有聘上有什么想法?4说课:说课即教师对教材的宏观控制,对教材的分析把握,和对教学步骤的安排。说课不等于说教案。说课所要遵循的基本原则。 1遵循教学大纲,明确说课内容、把握上课与说课的区别和联系、正确理解教材和教案。2说课以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现教师的教学理念与步骤,强调教师在课堂上怎么做。3说课与教案内容相结合,体现可操作性,杜绝说课说了但讲课没有讲到的现象。4说课突出重难点,详略得当,体现说课的完整性。说课讲课内容1说课开始时要说明是哪个年级的,第几页,什么部分,分析重难点,高中教材的重难点是阅读和语言、语法。2要说清楚学生的知识结构,假想学生之前学了什么,本节课将会学到什么,体现连贯性。3教学方法、教具的使用(学生自己看、提问、听力、表演等)4板书设计,板书要板书什么?板书重点单词、短语、句法等。5本节课前后知识联系、有什么意图、目的,会达到什么样的结果?说课模板所选教材高中:are we endangered?1greetings Good morning, teachers!Today I am very pleased to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching idea here in this period.My topic is are we endangered? (说到题目是轻轻转身自然地把题目写在黑板上),just taken from unit 10 in sb1. This topic is made up of four parts: ( sb1 说的是senior book I )Part I is my understanding of this reading(说教材). Its an important part of this unit. Through this period the students can improve their reading skills and abilities, learn something new about the environment and realize the importance of protecting animals and plants (课程的目的和意图) In this period students should do some listening, reading, and speaking (说课堂活动)Part 2 is my teaching methods.(说教学方法) I am going to use the following methods. No 1 is scanning and skimming. No 2 is question -answer activities. No3 is reading comprehension and listening. Part 3 is my teaching aids. (说教具) I will use a tape recorder and PPT.Part 4 is my teaching aims and requirements. By reading this text, students can grasp the main ideal and learn some important language points then realize the importance of protecting the environment.(说教学目标及教学要求)Now its time to start lesson. Thank you!备课讲课:体现重点、条理清楚、逻辑清晰步骤:1Lead-in-introduction 引入2Questioning/ puzzling 设疑3Learning and researching/ exploring4. Practicing 5concluding 理出教纲,适当修改。讲课:1教态端庄,衣着整洁大方。 2专注讲课的对象,注意课堂气氛。 3语言表达清楚,口齿伶俐,语速适中。初中重点是短语,可以以生词作为引出对象,直截了当。高中:阅读理解、交流。讲课的范例(这是备课的内容,讲课的时候要把备课的内容以讲的形式讲出来)Behind the headlines_解释题目.Teaching aims and requirements 1. Making the students improve reading, speaking and listening abilities2. Let students know how a newspaper was made. 3. Make the students know what reporters always do on their daily job.4 teaching steps 教学步骤1. Lead-in How many media have known from the warming up ? (解释behind headlines 这一题目)2QuestioningWhat do these media do? Are they recorded or broadcasted?How is newspapers made?3. Exploring / researching A. Go over the pre-reading Look at the three pictures B. Scanning the passage and thinking about the following questionsQ1: How does a reporter decide to write Q2: Why do people read newspapersQ3: How does newspaper help us understand the world Q4: How do reporters report what has happened around us?Ask students go over the bold words in the passage.C. Skimming Ask the students to read the passage carefully and underline the key words.Go over the passage again/ listen to the tape.4. Practice (重点句型结构,重点语法点,explain some difficult points in the passage)5. Concluding( 回顾课文,再次总结重难点,给学生思考的余地,启发学生的思维) 例二Example 2:A city of heroes Reading aims and requirements1. Improve the students reading ability and also listening ability.2. Grasp the main idea of the passage 3. Learn some language points. Teaching steps1.Llead-in (可以设计4-5个小问题,由浅入深,将设计问题的重要的词汇短语板书在黑板上)A. What does make a city famous or great? History / culture/ relics/ events/ great person/B. Which city is the capital city of Russia?2 .Questioning (设计2-3个问题,上万课后回答问题,要符合课文内容)Q 1: why do people think St Petersburg is a great city?Q 2: Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?3Exploring A fast reading While the students are reading the passage, teacher should put up with some questions about it.Q 1: who build the St Petersburg? And when ?Q2: who destroyed St Petersburg? And when ?Q3: who rebuilt St Petersburg and how ?B. skimming Underline topic sentences of each paragraph /summarize the main idea of each paragraph.Ask the students outline some key words or phrase, structure 4Practice ( 语言的难点,重点句型)(关于Practice 的部分,还要仔细的斟酌,看是讲哪部分内容,可以问一下参加培训的同学,廖立、周芬、罗静、刘敏24号等)5. Concluding(总结:衣着大方得体,讲课声音宏亮,眼神要和评委老师交流,不能埋头盯着教案,语速适中,要有自然优美的肢体语言,讲课自然流利不做作,注意说课和讲课的关联性和完整性,讲课时涉及的问题可由浅入深,起到教育学生提高学生思品德育素质的作用)以上笔记不具有权威,仅供参考阅读、语法错误之处敬请纠正、时间仓促笔记整理得不详细、也不仔细,请谅解!整理人:李永珍 2011-6-1


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