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2010000020100000103401103401班班aNon-woven fabricNon-woven fabric非织造布非织造布1.Overview Non-woven fabric is one that does not require Non-woven fabric is one that does not require spinning weaving into fabrics, textile fiber or spinning weaving into fabrics, textile fiber or filament or randomize a set, form the fiber network filament or randomize a set, form the fiber network structure, glued and then by mechanical, thermal or structure, glued and then by mechanical, thermal or chemical methods such as reinforcement. It directly chemical methods such as reinforcement. It directly by using polymer chips, staple or filament fiber by using polymer chips, staple or filament fiber network forming method and consolidation technology network forming method and consolidation technology with soft, breathable and a flat structure is the with soft, breathable and a flat structure is the formation of new fiber products.formation of new fiber products.1.1.概述概述 非织造布是一种不需要纺纱织布而形成的织物,只是将纺非织造布是一种不需要纺纱织布而形成的织物,只是将纺织短纤维或者长丝进行定向或随机排列,形成纤网结构,然织短纤维或者长丝进行定向或随机排列,形成纤网结构,然后采用机械、热粘或化学等方法加固而成。它直接利用高聚后采用机械、热粘或化学等方法加固而成。它直接利用高聚物切片、短纤维或长丝通过各种纤网成形方法和固结技术形物切片、短纤维或长丝通过各种纤网成形方法和固结技术形成的具有柔软、透气和平面结构的新型纤维制品。成的具有柔软、透气和平面结构的新型纤维制品。2. Main use of non-woven fabric 2. Main use of non-woven fabric (1) health cloth gown, protective clothing, (1) health cloth gown, protective clothing, disinfecting cloth masks, diapers, sanitary napkin, disinfecting cloth masks, diapers, sanitary napkin, etc;etc;(2) home decorating cloth WALL CLOTH, table cloth, (2) home decorating cloth WALL CLOTH, table cloth, bed sheets, bed spreads;bed sheets, bed spreads;(3) clothing cloth lining, interlining, flakes, (3) clothing cloth lining, interlining, flakes, shaped cotton, synthetic leather bottom of cloth;shaped cotton, synthetic leather bottom of cloth;2.2.非织造布的主要用途非织造布的主要用途(1 1)医疗卫生用布:手术衣、防护服、消毒包布、口罩、尿)医疗卫生用布:手术衣、防护服、消毒包布、口罩、尿片、片、 妇女卫生巾等;妇女卫生巾等;(2 2)家庭装饰用布:贴墙布、台布、床单、床罩等;)家庭装饰用布:贴墙布、台布、床单、床罩等;(3 3)服装用布:衬里、粘合衬、絮片、定型棉、各种合成革)服装用布:衬里、粘合衬、絮片、定型棉、各种合成革底布等;底布等;(4) industrial fabrics: filtering materials, (4) industrial fabrics: filtering materials, insulating materials, cement bags, cloth insulating materials, cement bags, cloth coated with coated with geotextilegeotextile, and so on;, and so on;(5) agricultural fabric: fabric, seedlings, (5) agricultural fabric: fabric, seedlings, irrigation, crop protection insulation irrigation, crop protection insulation curtain;curtain;(6) other: space cotton, insulation materials, (6) other: space cotton, insulation materials, linoleum, tea bags, cigarette filters, bag, linoleum, tea bags, cigarette filters, bag, etc.etc.(4 4)工业用布:过滤材料、绝缘材料、水泥包装袋、)工业用布:过滤材料、绝缘材料、水泥包装袋、土工布、包覆布等;土工布、包覆布等;(5 5)农业用布:作物保护布、育秧布、灌溉布、保)农业用布:作物保护布、育秧布、灌溉布、保温幕帘等;温幕帘等;(6 6)其它:太空棉、保温隔音材料、吸油毡、烟过)其它:太空棉、保温隔音材料、吸油毡、烟过滤嘴、袋包茶叶袋等。滤嘴、袋包茶叶袋等。3. Development prospects 3. Development prospects From the perspective of international From the perspective of international environment, still a large expansion in environment, still a large expansion in international markets and opportunities. As end of international markets and opportunities. As end of 2007 Cap expires in 2008, the EU-China textiles 2007 Cap expires in 2008, the EU-China textiles Sino-US textile quota restrictions by the end of Sino-US textile quota restrictions by the end of the end, Chinas textile quota-free era is the end, Chinas textile quota-free era is approaching, approximately 60% per cent share of approaching, approximately 60% per cent share of the global textile market fully open, will bring the global textile market fully open, will bring tremendous opportunities to the Chinese textile tremendous opportunities to the Chinese textile trade. trade. 3.3.发展前景发展前景 从国际环境看,国际市场仍有较大拓展空间和机遇。随着从国际环境看,国际市场仍有较大拓展空间和机遇。随着20072007年底中欧纺织品设限到期、年底中欧纺织品设限到期、20082008年底中美纺织品配额设年底中美纺织品配额设限结束,中国纺织品无配额时代即将来临,约占全球纺织品限结束,中国纺织品无配额时代即将来临,约占全球纺织品市场市场60%60%以上份额地区全面开放,将会给中国纺织品贸易带来以上份额地区全面开放,将会给中国纺织品贸易带来巨大机遇。巨大机遇。 The world economy in the coming The world economy in the coming years will be to rise, will surely years will be to rise, will surely promote the growth of international promote the growth of international trade, the growth of Chinas textile trade, the growth of Chinas textile and clothing exports will bring a and clothing exports will bring a favourablefavourable international market international market security.security. 而未来几年世界经济仍将处于上升区间,而未来几年世界经济仍将处于上升区间,必将促进国际贸易的增长,这将给中国纺织品必将促进国际贸易的增长,这将给中国纺织品服装出口增长带来有利的国际市场保障。服装出口增长带来有利的国际市场保障。THANK YTHANK YOOUU!


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