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窗体顶端一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干 How are you feeling today? _.选择一项:A. I am beter. B. I am bad. C. I feel a little sad. 反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“表达情感”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方今天的心情如何。因此对方应该向第一说话人描述自己的心情,答语应用I feel a little sad. (我感到有点悲伤。)来回应,所以选选项“I feel a little sad.”。题目2正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干You blame me for that, dont you?No, _.选择一项:A. I do. B. of course not. C. you dont. 反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“责怪别人”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人在责怪对方说话的语气像是在责怪自己,如果对方完全没有责怪别人的意思,那么答语应该用:No, of course not. 所以选选项“of course not.”。题目3正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干You should stop _ others down and learn from them.选择一项:A. putting B. turning C. writing 反馈你的回答正确译文:你应该停止奚落他人而是向他们学习。解析: turn sb. down 意为“拒绝某人”, write down 意为“记下”, put sb. down意为“奚落、贬低某人”,所以只有选项“putting”符合题意。题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干She is due to _ a speech on the social work tomorrow.选择一项:A. deliver B. do C. conduct 反馈你的回答正确译文:她明天做一个关于社会工作的演讲。解析:词组deliver a speech,意为“发表演讲”,do 和conduct 不能与speech 搭配组成词组,所以本题的正确选项是deliver。题目5正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干As one of family members, Lisa also pays a _of the rent, electricity and phone bills.选择一项:A. stock B. part C. share 反馈你的回答正确译文:作为一名家庭成员,Lisa也分摊房租、电费和电话费。解析:三个选项都是名词。其中part表示“部分”;stock表示“股票”;share本意表示“某人(应得或应承担的)一份”。因此pay a share of the rent, electricity and phone bills表示“支付房租、电费和电话费中自己应该分担的那一部分”,所以本体的正确选项是share。题目6正确获得50.00分中的50.00分标记题目题干二、阅读理解:阅读文章,匹配段落大意。(共50分)Shashis Speech at a Wedding1.In the 2012 film English Vinglish, Shashi leaves her home in Pune to visit her sister who lives in New York. She is there for 5 weeks to help plan the wedding for her niece. 2.At the wedding, Shashi delivers a beautiful speech in English, which is not her native tongue. This speech is particularly lovely because the wisdom she shares about life, marriage and family comes from her heart.3.“Meera . Kevin . This marriage is a beautiful thing. It is the most special friendship of two people who are equal.4.Life is a long journey. Meera, sometimes you will feel you are less. Kevin, sometimes you will also feel you are less than Meera. Try to help each other to feel equal. It will be nice. 5.Sometimes married couples dont even know how the other is feeling. So . how will they help the other? Does it mean the marriage is finished? No. That is the time you have to help yourself.6.Nobody can help you better than you. If you do that, you will return back feeling equal. Your friendship will return back. Your life will be beautiful.7.Meera . Kevin . maybe youre very busy but have a family . son . daughter. In this big world it is your small little world. It will make you feel so good.8.Family . family can never be . never be . never be judgmental. Family will never put you down, will never make you feel small. Family is the only one who will never laugh at your weaknesses. Family is the only place where you will always get love and respect.9.Thats all Meera and Kevin. I wish you all the best. Thank you.”操作提示:通过下拉选项框选择正确答案。Para.2 回答 正确获得2.00分中的2.00分; Para.4回答 正确获得2.00分中的2.00分;Para.5 回答 正确获得2.00分中的2.00分; Para.7回答 正确获得2.00分中的2.00分; Para.8回答 正确获得2.00分中的2.00分选项:A. The couple should help each other.B. Family always gives you love and respect.C. Shashi delivers a beautiful speech at the wedding.D. Your family makes you feel so good.E. It is nice to help each other feel equal.窗体底端


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