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三一口语九级 问题Dreams and nightmares1. Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them. That is depends on when do I dream, if i dreamed a dream when i was about to awake, there was a big chance for me to remember it.Most people have never failed to be impressed by a dream , which someone is chasing after you, but you cant run and spin around. Have you ever dreamed that before.2. What was your nicest dream that you can remember? The best dream i have ever dreamed was winning the lottery, guess what did i do after that(well ,sounds like an illusion). I immediately brought myself a nice house in the area of Beijing north third ring road without hesitate. So if you were me, what might you do in dream.3. Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past. When i was a little girl generally in my teenage .I have usually dreamed that i was standing at a cliff or the top of a waterfall ,suddenly i just autonomously jumped off just like i was committing a suicide. The most amazing thing was i didnt dead but fell to the ground gently.4. Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past. The same answer to Q 35. How do you interpret(解释) a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it? In my opinion ,dream is a reflection of daytime emotion like a mirror ,researchers also suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat. Therefore if you suffer a lot at day, you will get the chance to have a bad dream or even nightmare at night.So i believe in scientific interpretation .6. Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it? To be honest, i will turn for help of books on dream interpretation like when i couldt find reason why i feel so bad(unpleasant,illness) about that dream. Although it is concerned to be superstition,actually there is no harm instead of entertainment to me. As long as i am not obsessed with dream interpretation , it will be all right. 7. Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares? In fact i dont dream a lot maybe i am old. Cause i have been told that abundant dreams will be occurred during ones teenage since the body is growing up .I sometimes will have bad dreams or even nightmares when i am utterly worn out at daytime.8. Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like? Whats the worst nightmare youve ever had? Of course i have had nightmares and i think everyone had the same experience. The worst nightmare which impressed me most was that i was walking alone in a countryside road, which was quite and broad with hardly anybody. Suddenly, i found myself was followed by someone horrible cause i can barely saw his face clearly. I told myself “Just ran fast and found somebody for help.” but i couldnt running away instead of spinning around. The guy was more and more close to me and i thought :woops, what should i do otherwise i would be caught , then i woke up in terrify.10. Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future? Sorry ,i didnt hear before and what about you?11. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a dream? What do you think about it? I heard that before, of course people who believe dream can foretold the future might say Lincoln did predict his own death, just didnt realize it. Actually, before his death, Lincoln did received several assassination warnings. In addition, one attempted assassination also put him in danger. Thus we can conclude that this foresaw thing is nothing but Lincoln dreamed what he worried about during the day. Do you agree with me ?12. Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why/Why not? Have you ever dreamed about dead friends or relatives? How was it? How did you feel? Well, although i havent dreamed dead people before,i dont think it predict some good or bad signals. The best way to explain such thing is your miss bring them to your dream. It is really superstition to think that way.13. There is a movie called The Cell with Jenifer Lopez - It is about dreams - Have you ever watched this film? Would you like to see it? Why/Why not? I didnt watched it before, but i would like to watch this film right away after the test. Since the movie is starred by Jenifer and the director is famous too, there would be something valuable to see. Do you ever watched it before,can you tell me some wonderful parts about it?14. Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brains way of cleaning out information? Well in my opinion i would like to say that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat,which can help us filter bad emotions rather than cleaning out information. Remember that we can even recall things happened years ago though dreams,which means those memories are just frozen in the bottom of our heart. As soon as some stimulations, those memories will as vivid as happened yesterday .15. Some people say that dreaming about losing money means that you will receive it. Have you ever heard this? What other sayings about dreams do you know? Sorry, i havent heard it before. But i do heard some stuff about tooth, which told by books, if tooth feel very loose in your dream,that maybe means the body of your relatives like your parents may go though some problems.17.Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain. “We wake up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr, William. Thus ,there are adequate reasons to believe bad dreams do affect my moods. But this influence is momentary and i will figure out some solutions like preparing myself to embrace a new day. The unpleasant feeling will gone right away. If the feeling is a positive, i will keep moving on and work harder to pursuit the value of life and finish my goal. It is the state of mind ,but not a nightmare affect our mood. Do you agree with me?复习完dream。Crime and punishment1. Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?As far as i know, The Xicheng and Dongcheng districts are considered to earn the best public security. However, there is not a concrete district have a worse security. Crimes are more likely to be committed at the boundary of two districts. Because these places are the blind areas of public security.2. Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?well ,actually i cant figure out such a place precisely, but there is something in common between places which are horrible to visit. Think a little bit, you will find out those places are all dark without street lamps and barely anybody. So that means i will never walk alone in the night let alone dark streets. 3. Are there problems with drugs where you live?Sorry, I dont know exactly. I havent notice that before.4. Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark?As i was saying, i really afraid of walking in dark street with barely anyone ,especially i am alone. But to walking outside after dark depends on what kind of street i am walking on. I wont feel apprehensive on a noise street with a great many huge malls and people.5. Do you always lock your house? How about your car?If i get a car ,i definitely will lock it up considering the bad public security in china. 6. Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how??7.Do you drink and drive(酒后驾车)?I dont get a car except a drivers license. It is know to everybody that drunk driving may bring about horrible disaster,which cause property damage even your life .So i wouldnt let it happen after drinking, whats more i hardly drink wine unless under important occasion. But this warning do help to some businessmen.8.Do you know anyone who has been mugged(行凶抢劫)?Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?Have you ever witnessed a crime?Unfortunately, my mother is a victim of mugging. Things go back to my highschool year. That was a cold rainy day, my mom was walking me to the school, suddenly my moms shoulder was tapped by some guy, after momentarily puzzled we came to realize that my moms gold earrings had been pulled out. But it was too late that the mugger already ran several blocks away. We called the cops and reported the case but it was in vain. They still havent found the earrings till now.10.Do you think abortion is a crime?Yes it is. Abortion is equal to sentenced the baby to death. As a matter of fact, people who has an abortion is the same like commit a murder.11.Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain. Do you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns?Yes it is,our country has already published expressly regulation(明确规定) which against the citizens ownership of guns. The only function of a gun is to kill. The more instruments of death and injury can be removed from our society, the safer it will be. If carry guns were legal in our society, guess what would happened? Legal ownership of guns by law-abiding(守法) citizens would be understand. However when legally held guns were stolen and end up in the hands of criminals, inevitably tragic deaths would occurred. So gun control has great meanings, which make sure our safety and public security in order.12. Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?They should be put into the drug rehabilitation center instead of jail. People who engaged in drug trafficking should be punished heavily and put into jail. I dont know that quite well, but in my opinion the relative department should take strict supervision on the prescription of drugs which may produce addiction .13. Do you think police TV dramas(警匪片)are realistic?I dont think so cuz reality is far from ideal, let alone some police tv dramas which highlight heroine of the leading role.14.Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea, can it prevent crime in your country? Why or why not? Its taken for granted that a person who is convicted of murder should pay with his or her life. However, there exists a world-wide movement for the abolition ,bln of the death penalty. The abolitionists argue that the death penalty is not only inhuman but also unscientific. Those in favor of capital punishment are motivated only desire for revenge and retaliation r,tlen报复. Capital punishment does not deter. Therere numerous miscarriages流产 of justice, especially in capital cases. A civilized state should uphold 支撑, not violate 违反, the sanctity 神圣of human life.15.How do some people decide to commit a crime? The desire for material gain (money or expensive belongings) leads to property crimes such as robberies, burglaries, white-collar crimes, and auto thefts. The desire for control, revenge, or power leads to violent crimes such as murders, assaults, and rapes. These violent crimes usually occur on impulse when emotions run high. Property crimes are usually planned in advance. 16.Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?In my opinion, the punishment for juveniles should be lighter than adults. considering their physical and phycological immature, it is necessary and reasonable to give them opportunities in order to ensure them realize the mistakes and behave well in the future.16. Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?Of course the crime rate will decrease. Cuz human society is an increasing improvement procedure in terms of civilization, technology and so on. There are sufficient reasons to believe that less crime will occur due to the great progress in material and cultural.17. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?Compared with western countries,China is relative stable one with brave and diligent people. Somebody said ,what Chinese should worried about is food security instead of personal security. Because we might be killed by food poisoning but a gun. Kinda laughing,right?In that way,it is quite safe to stay in China.18. Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?Of course prison works to some degree, there are plenty time and space for a prisoner to self-examination what he have done. He might realize the evil things someday from daily prisons education. He would miss his family and parents so much that he decide to behave well and get rid of prison as soon as possible. Therefore ,so far ,prison is referred to an effective punishment.19. Is child abuse a problem in your country?As far as i know, it sometimes happen in China,but quite few than western countries. Recently, several rapes have occurred in middle school and the victims were all juveniles,which took sever attention of public. Therefore ,relative department should enhance supervision to prevent such tragedy happen again.20. Is bribery a crime?Bribery is not a crime in terms of law but is one considering moral.Habits and obsessions1.Do you have any bad habits? (Do you bite your nails? Do you over sleep? Do you sleep on the sofa? Do you sleep in your clothes? Do you eat late at night? )What bad habits bother you the most? Does your mother or father have any bad habits? What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do they bother you? Yes ,of course ,everyone has some bad habits. Eating disorder maybe the one which hunted and bothered me for years. I have an obsession with cakes ,all kinds of cakes precisely. I will eat them all as soon as i buy them. Since the sweet is harmful to our tooth and accelerate caducity加速衰老, it is really urgent for me to get rid of it,maybe the best way is stop buying them. Well ,luckily i havent find out yet, let alone something unusual and bother me.2. What are some good habits to have? (healthy eating habits,.)What good habits do you most admire? How can you develop a good habit? Well, my most admired good habit is also about eating. I have formed a healthy eating habit thanks to my four years college life. Cause our college is famous for its bad 食堂食物。Till now on ,i still fond of vegetables and fruits and seldom have soft drinks. You know, that is really a good habits to be reserved. So that means my good habits is actually formed passively.3. What are healthy eating habits?What are bad eating habits? You had better to eat slowly , take more vegetables and less meats. Try to focus on plain food and stay away from fried one. Youd better not drink soft drinks unless there is something important like birthday party or official occasion. So if your eating habits is opposite to the above, then you should pay attention.4. What are good study habits? What are bad study habits? Listen carefully and white notes when you in class. Do exercise and review the lesson you have learned,meanwhile, preview the new one before class. If you do as the above exactly ,you can have fun with your friends.5.Where do we learn our habits? Do children learn bad habits at school or at home? We form such habits under the circumstance around us ,which maybe is a best friend or something that always happen. I think both ways may accounts, cuz children spend lots of time on school as much as on home. Besides, habits formed need to frequent repetition or physiologic exposure.6.Is it easy or difficult to get rid of a bad habit? Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit? It is kinda hard to get rid of a bad habit ,cuz it takes a long time to form one ,same way around you should take a great effort to get rid of one too. Actually i am working on my eating disorder. i believe in myself that i will successfully overwhelming it although it takes time.7. Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? Do you spit on the street? Do you throw rubbish on the street? Do you smoke at public places? Do you sleep in class? Are you extremely lazy? Luckily i dont think i acquire the bad habits above. 8. Do you cut people off in the middle of their stories and conversations? You know that is a really bad behavior and disrespect to others. So if you are a listener ,then be a good one and try to focus on what others saying instead of cutting them off.9. Do other peoples bad habits get on your nerves(让你感觉紧张或不舒服)? Well it can be, especially someone smoking in public. I am kinda sick of the smog and smell of smoking. The most important is smoking not only damage smokers health but also others who breath the smog.the only thing i can do is go far away from the guy. 10. Is always coming late a bad habit? Nope ,i dont agree, cuz if there are persistent efforts and strong willpower one can earn success let alone getting rid of a bad habit.Technology1. When did you first use the Internet and how often do you use it?Who uses the Internet the most in your family? I came to know the internet since i was in highschool and i can surf the internet only on weekend. You know there are great many homeworks and huge pressure in highschool. My parents just play games on the net. I not only consider the net as entertainment but also a tool. I spend much more time on the net in order to enrich myself. What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet? Hacker, computer virus .2. Have you ever bought something using the Internet? (online shopping)Of course ,i am kinda crazy about shopping on line. I have brought many kinds of things including food, cloth ,cosmetic and so on. It is very exciting when you receive the package ,although the waiting process is quite though and you have to keep finding a suitable shop before you purchase something.3. How can the internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this? There are many kinds of way to learn english though the net .You can watch english TV shows, videos and movies. While the most useful way still is regularly communicate with native speaker. All of this can be found on the net, only if you take heart on it.4.How can the Internet be improved? Well ,sorry i havent get such expertise, so i dont have the right to comment on it.5. How many phone calls do you usually receive and make in one day? Are you worried about radiation from you cell phone? Well ,thats depend on what thing i lately busy with. If i work hard on study then there couldnt be lots of phone calls. On contrary if i focus on my association then different phone calls from different people will be received. Every cell phone has different dosage of radiation which we cant control. So the best thing we can do is dont put cell phone near our bed. That can prevent radiation from damage our brain during we sleep.6. What cell phone do you use? Are you happy with it? Does it ever bother you when people use their cell phones? My cell is Apple, to tell you the truth i am not quite satisfy with it although it is Apple. Cuz there are still some bugs in its operating system as well as some cost apps which are useful to students. Manufacturer should constantly improve the application of cellphone in order to provide consumers best service. 7. What is cloning? What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloning? What are the ethical concerns about cloning? Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single parent, bypassing the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent. Advantages: clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possibly be cured in the future in the hope of further ap


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