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Unit 1 People around us一、教材分析本单元围绕着“人”的话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。Reading A以三位学生谈论他们身边熟悉的人,帮助学生了解如何进行描写身边的以及常用句式。作为初中一年级的学生,规范地向别人描述人是一种必备的能力,也是认识及评价人的一种重要手段。语法方面讲述定冠词the的用法,并培养学生在描述人中如何正确使用定冠词。具体课型、课时安排如下:单元板块课时单元总课时全书总课时Reading2.588*8=64Listening0.5Grammar1.5Speaking0.5Writing0.5More practice1Study skills/Project1Culture corner and Self -assessment0.5二、教学对象分析1. 学生升入中学已有一学期,已经基本适应了初中的学习,通过对人进行描述,让学生学会描述人并对身边的人进行初步评价,有利于开展本单元的听、说、读、写任务。2. 学生在小学阶段就已经接触过了定冠词the的用法,本单元再通过系统地复习,在学习方式上引导学生学习归纳总结。三、单元教学目标1.认知目标: 学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1.Learn to say the i, ; u sounds;词汇1. 重点词汇Person, cheerful, hard-working, patient, smart, probaly, forget, smell, care, miss, joke, laugh, remain, strict, encourage, support, successful, member, paragraph;词组:2.短语:as well, take care of, tell jokes, make fun of, be full of, be strict about, give up, wear glasses, go to school, all day and all night, say thank you to, why not do sth,disscuss with sb句型Useful sentences:1. 1as well. 2.I hope that3.Who do you like?4. I like 5.What does/did he/she look like?6.What do you like about him/her?7.I like him/her because .8.Why not do?/What about doing .?/How about doing .?9.sb spend time (in) doing sth?语法1. Learn how to use the definite article the.读(reading)1. Read three students article about the people around them.2. Read the text fluently and recite the text.3. Describe and evaluate(评价) the people around you according to the text.听(listening)1.Listen to a girl talking to her grandma about their relatives.,listen for specific information about a girls relatives.learn to how to describe a person and take down the notes,the get ready for the grammar and speaking learning.说(speaking)Describe the people you like. 写(writing)1.Write a short article about a person you love.2.Know about middle names in English.2. 思想情感目标:1)通过谈论“身边的人”的相关话题,帮助学生如何描述人并对身边的人作出适当的评价。2)结合课文的内容,引导学生如何对身边的人作出评价作谨慎交友。3. 能力发展目标:1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中正确运用连词使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。四、单元教学重点1. 学生熟练掌握重点词语,词组及句型。2指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。3指导学生归纳、总结定冠词the的用法,并在实践运用中熟练运用。4. 指导学生巩固写人的基本方法。五、单元教学难点1. 如何进行描述人。2. 定冠词the的归纳整理及运用。六、教学策略 1. 引导学生积极主动的通过预习完成可以自己学会的部分,课堂学习完成学习的重难点,通过复习及归纳总结完善单元的学习。2. 在教学中以旧带新,引导学生用正确的句子表达思想。 3. 适当补充与课文话题相关的内容,拓展学生的阅读视野。七、学习策略1初步接触略读(skimming)和找读(scanning)这两种阅读策略。2学会在阅读过程中通过上下文来猜测生词含义的方法。3关注对话中the 的正确使用,以便准确记录相关信息。八、媒体的选择与设计1充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如录音机,教师的body language、板书的作用。2适时、合理地使用多媒体,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助教学。九、各课时教学内容安排建议课时教学内容及课型教学目标及简单教学环节设计第1课时Reading A 新授课一、定位: input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予阅读学习策略的指导,读为主。二、教学设计:Step 1. Leading in 1. Ask a few Ss the following questionsQ1: What do you think of your partner?/your good friend/your parents?She is cheerful/hard-working/patient/smart/friendly/kind/brave/clever (write down some words Ss have mentioned on the Bb) 2.Get Ss to finish exercise A1 on page 2 and check the answers.(smart; .cheerful;.hard-working;patient)write down the answers on the Bb 3.Get Ss to use some words from the box above and your own words to describe the people around you.(eg: cheerful/hard-working/patient/smart/friendly/kind/brave/cleveretc)Step 2 Pre-reading1.Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the titles on page 3. Then circle the correct answers to complete the sentences below.(finish exercise B )2.Check the answers(baa)3.Ask Ss to Match the hobbies with the pictures(A1 Page 2) and talk about their hobbies in groups. Then chect the answers.4. Teach som new words by showing pictures.5.Get Ss to finish C1 and check the answers.(1.b 2a 3a 4b 5a 6a)6.Get ss to try using the new words and phrases.(finish C2 on page 4)Step 3:While-reading 1.First reading Get ss to listen to the three articles on page 3 to fill in the three people below. Then complete: D1 on page 5)2.Second readingAsk Ss to read the text carefully and finish (D2 on page 5 and then check the answers. Step 4 Post readingGroup work:Ask Ss to discuss and answer the questions in D3 on page 5with their classmates.1. What is special about your grandma/grandpa?2. What kind of person would you like to make friends with?3. What do you like about your teacher?Step 5: Language points1) key points:a) n.+with 短语:带有.的:作后置定语(拓展:1)help sb with sth 2)with the help of 3)with + 抽象名词)b) cheerful(拓展:cheer; cheerfully)c) cook(厨师); cooker(厨具)d) probable; (拓展:perhaps; maybe; probably :adv)e) as well;( 拓展:as well as)f) take care of(拓展:look after; care for, be careful about)g) in glasses(拓展:wear glasses)h) tell jokes(拓展:tell a lie, tell the truth, tell the differences, tell a story)i) make sb do sth(拓展:let sb do/have sb do)j) make fun ofk) remain(保持)v.l) be full of:充满(拓展:be filled with)m) be strict about sth(拓展:be strict with sb; be strict in sth)n) give up sth/doing stho) successful(adj)(拓展: success(名词); succeed :动词succeed in doing sth:办到/做成)2)Difficult points:a)with as prepositionb)as wellDo some related exercise words and translations.Step 7 Homework1) Go over what youve learned today.第2课时listening Saras relatives一、定位:1.input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予听的学习策略的指导。Objectives:1.Teach the Ss how to listen for specific information about a person.2.Teach the Ss how to take notes while listening to a conversation.二、教学环节设计:Step 1 Pre-listening1. Tell Ss that they are going to do some listening exercises. Ask some of the Ss what they will do before listening.2. Learn the study tips with Ss by asking Ss to read the tips on their book carefully.(Pay attention to the key words when listening.3. Ask Ss to read the table of A carefully and predict what kind of information they could fill in the blanks. Ss can discuss in groups and write down their answers with pencils.4. Ask Ss what they must pay attention to when they write. Eg: their spelling, the first letter of the word, how to write a number etc.Step 2 While-listening1. Play the recording for Ss to listen and complete the table.2. Play the recording again for Ss to listen and ask them to check their spelling.3. Check the answers and see how well they did in the prediction.Step 3 Post-listeninga) Give Ss some time and get them to summarize the skills of completing a table of information and finish the listening exercise of A and B , C in Book B. b)Get ss to finish exercise B and check the answers.c)Group discussion:inrroduce a person,and try to use the patterns of listening.(how to describe a person)Step 4: Summary ask the ss to conclude what weve learned today.Step 5 HomeworkFinish Students Times of Unit 1 listening exercise.第4课时Language冠词 the一、定位:input-based,训练各种读与说的语言微技在语言知识中的运用二、教学环节设计: Step 1 RevisionWe have learnt a lot of things in reading A, and let me see how well you know about them. Please answer the some questions about reading A.Step 2 Language ADefinite article the1.We often use a or an in front of a singular, countable noun when we mention it for the first time. Then we use the before the noun when we mention it again.2.Find some sentences using definite article the in Reading A and write them down on the blackboard:Sara found an interesting photo yesterday. The photo was of her grandpa.3.We also use the to talk about something that is the only one of its kind.Eg: The Sun is shining brightly.There were lots of stars in the sky last night.4.(Pair work)Ask Ss to read the sentences and work out the rules.Get Ss to finish the exercise A1 on page 7according to the example and check the answers.6.Consolidation-group work:After the verb play, we sometimes put the before a noun, but sometimes we do not.Get Ss to write down two some sentences including the verb play: eg:He plays the guitar/the piani/the violin.He plays basketball/football/ table tennis.Step 3 Language BUsing the with the verb play1. Show Ss some sentences using a, an, the from their textbook. Ask Ss to discuss in groups and find out the usage of a, an, Ask them to give some more examples. 2. Get Ss to work out the rules:After the verb play, we put the before the names of musical instruments, but we do not put the before the names of sports. 1).ask Ss to finish the exercise below and check the questions.Step 4 language C-Using the with a phrase to describe particular person or thing1.Presentaion:We use the with a short phrase to describe a particular person or thing. Eg:The girl with glasses is Joyces best friend.The man in the black coat is our English teacher.The Woman with long, straight hair is Mrs Zhang.The Factory near my home is very noisy.2. Consolidation: (pair work)Get ss to talk about the people in the pictures below. Use the words in brackets to help you. Add the if necessary. Follow the example(finish exercise C on page 9)S1.Whats the man playing?S2:Which man?S1:The man in the purple suit.S2:Hes playing the guitar.Step 5. Summary Summarize the usage of the and ask Ss to finish related exercises in Book B.定冠词的用法 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有那(这)个的意思,但意义较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。 1)特指双方都明白的人或物。例如: Take the medicine. 把药吃了。 2)上文提到过的人或事。例如: He bought a house. Ive been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。 3)指世上独一物二的事物,如the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth等。 4)与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。 5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面。例如: Where do you live? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。 Thats the very thing Ive been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。 6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体。例如: They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school. (指部分教师) 7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前。例如: She caught me by the arm. 她抓住了我的手臂。 8)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前。例如: the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 9)用在表示乐器的名词之前。例如: She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。 10) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。例如: the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇) 11) 用在惯用语中。例如: in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday, the next morning, in the sky (water,field,country) in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end, on the whole, by the way, go to the theatre,go to the beach/cinema, drive to the country, listen to/hear on the radio, swim in the sea, 12) 有些固定词组不用the eat breakfast have lunch go home go by car/ on footgo to school/ work go to sleep watch TVStep 6: HomeworkA.Multiple choice:1. He is _ university student and he comes from _ island in England.A. an;an B.an;a C.a;an D.a;a1. How does Mr Smith go to his office?-Every morning he takes a _ to his office.A.20 minutes walk B. 20 minutes walk C. 20 minute walk D. 20 minuteswalk3.Everyone knows _ Great Wall of _China is very famous.A.a,the B. an,the Cthe, D.,the4.There is _sin _word smile. A.a,the B. an,the Cthe, D.,the5.Ive had _ bad headache all day,so I think Ill go to _bed early.A.a, B.,the C., D.a ,the 6.What would you like for_breakfast,Tom? -Three pieces of bread with _ cup of black tea,please.A. a,a B.,the C.a,the D./,a7.-Will you get there by _ train? -No,I will take _ taxi.A./,a B.a,the C./,/ D.the,a8.Tom,s family is on _visit to _USA at the moment.A./,the B.a,the C.the,/ D.a,/9.People like to see films on _TV insead of going to _cinema.A.the,the B./,the C.the,/ D.a,a10._youngest lesder in China is _man called LuHao.A.The,a B.A,the C.A,a D.An,an2.Finish a paper.(建议收集近几年的中考题中冠词及特殊疑问句的考题)第5课时speaking一、定位:practice-based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、专项、强化性和综合性练习,多样技能结合训练, 说为主.二、教学环节设计:Step 1 Speaking A -Talk time1. RevisionQ1: Who do you like best?Q2: What does he/she look like?Q3: What do you like about him/her?/What do you think of her/him?Ask Ss to read the questions and answer the questions.2. Ask Ss how to describe a person and how to evaluate(评价) a person? 3. For A1 and A2, give Ss some time to read by themselves first, and then play the recording for Ss to imitate after it, and at last invite some Ss to read out.Step 2 Speaking B -Speak upAsk Ss to practice in pairs introducing themselves to each other first, and then choose some of them to introduce the people they like to the class. According to the example:S1:Who do you like?S2:I likeS1:What does/did he/ she look like?S2:He/Shes/was tall/short/thinHe/She has/had short/long, straight hairS1:What do you like about him/her?S2:He/she/s /was cheefrulTell Ss that when they ask or answer questions, they should pay attention to the intonation and tone.Step 3: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 4: Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.第6课时writingA person I love一、定位:output-based,结合听与读,训练多项说与写的语言微技能,并指导说写学习策略, 写为主.二、教学环节设计:Step 1 RevisionAsk Ss to read the three students articles about the people around them(Reading A) first and then remind them of the letter format.Step 2 Writing 1. Get ss to know about the format of writing a person I like:a family member/a good friend/ a teacher or a great person Paragraph 1: Who is this person? What does/did he/she look like?Paragraph2: What does/did he/she do?Paragraph3: Why do you love him/her?2.Get Ss to read the composition -My dad and have an intimate knowledge of writing a person I love3.Deal with some language points in the text:a.go to workb.sometimes(拓展:some times; sometime, some time)c.all day and all nightd.also(拓展:too, either)4.Get ss to finish the writing: A person I love according to the tips . Teacher should walk around and give some help. Ask some Ss to show their work and give some comments.Step 3 Related Writing in Book BSs finish writing in Book B. And then ask Ss to recompose their writing with their partner. Choose some writing as examples.Step 4: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 5: Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.第7课时More practiceStudy skillsCulture Corner一、定位:output-based,训练多项听说读写的语言微技能,以实际应用为主。二、教学环节设计:Step 1 More practice 1. Ask Ss to look at the photo and the title first and get a general idea of the text.2. Play the recording for Ss to listen, and ask Ss to answer the questions below Check the answers.a. When is Mothers Day in most countries?b. What do people like to do on this day?c. What does the author advise people to do on this day?3. Ask Ss to read the 3 questions. Play the recording again for Ss to finish the exercises. Check the answers.Step 2 Consolidation(group work)Get ss to finish exercise B: How do you celebrate Mothers Day? Discuss this with your classmates.Step 3 Study skillsCharts and graphsGet Ss to learn some knowledge about using line graphs and bar charts 1. Get Ss to read A and B quickly and finish the blanks of A & B.2. Provide the Ss with helps if necessary.Step 4 Culture cornerMiddle namesGet ss to learn something about Middle namesStep 5 Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 6 Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.第8课时TestHave a test about this unit.


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