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毕业设计毕业设计开开 题题 报报 告告课 题 名 称 宁武至神池一级公路设计 院 系 城市建设学院 专 业 班 土木 1107 姓 名 王 世 海 评 分 指 导 教 师 华中科技大学武昌分校华中科技大学武昌分校学生毕业设计开题报告学 生 姓 名王世海 学 号20111222241专业班级土木 1107 系别城市建设学院指导教师凌平平职称讲师 课题名称宁武至神池一级公路设计1 课题设计的目的和意义1.1 课题设计的目的 培养自己的综合运用所学知识,结合实际独立完成课题的工作能力。对自己的知识面,掌握知识的深度,运用理论结合实际去处理问题的能力,实验能力,外语水平,计算机运用水平,书面及口头表达能力进行考核。提高计算、绘图、查阅文献、使用规范手册和编写技术文件及计算机辅助设计计算等基本技能,使我们了解生产设计的主要内容和要求。熟练道路设计规范及细节,同时毕业前培养好的态度和习惯,踏实做事的精神,很有好处。1.2 课题设计的意义 本次一级公路全长接近 5 里,途径阳方口工矿镇,进入神池县。这条道路极大的方便了两县人民的生产生活,大大缩减了所需消耗的时间和成本,典型是方便、快速,并且连通沿线所有地方,其中包括麻峪村、三岔村、上温岭等村庄,利用效率极高。第二,因为方便快捷低成本,使得交通运输便利,各行各业会迅速发展,极大的吸引招商投资等,绝对是会提高人们生活水平。同时也会带动旅游业的发展,税收等等也都会大大增加,所谓取之于民用之于民,受益于人民,政府也随时方便管理周边村庄,人民安居乐业。2 课题设计的主要内容2.1 线性设计道路平面线形设计,是根据汽车行驶的力学性质和行驶轨迹要求,合理地确定平面线形三要素的几何参数,保持线形的连续性和均衡性。并注意使线形与地形、地物、环境和景观等协调。由于线形要素的确定是以设计速度为依据的,因此,对车速较高的道路,线形设计还应考虑汽车行驶美学及驾驶员视觉和心理上的要求。2.2 路线纵断面设计沿道路中心线纵向垂直剖切的一个立面。它表达了道路沿线起伏变化的状况。道路纵断面设计主要是根据道路的性质和等级,汽车类型和行驶性能,沿线地形、地物的状况,当地气候、水文、土质的条件以及排水的要求,具体确定纵坡的大小和各点的标高。为了适应行车的要求,各级公路和城市道路中的快速路、主干路及相邻坡度代数差大于 1%的其他道路,在纵坡变更处均应设置竖曲线,因而,道路纵断面设计线是由直线和竖曲线所组成。2.3 路线横断面设计公路横断面的组成和各部分尺寸要根据设计交通量、交通组成、设计车速、地形条件等因素确定,在满足交通、环境、公用设施管线敷设及排水要求的前提下,经济合理的确定各组成部分的宽度以及相互之间和位置与高差,尽量做到用地省、投资少、使道路发挥其最大的经济效益和社会效益。2.4 路基边坡稳定性支挡或防护结构设计为保证路基、路堑边坡的稳定性,就影响边坡稳定性的因素,从地质条件、气候环境条件及边坡高度等方面进行了分析,提出了不同的防护措施。防护类型的选择应综合考虑工程地质、水文地质、边坡高度、环境条件、施工条件和工期等因素的影响,对于路基稳定性不足和存在不良地质因素的路段,应注意路基边坡防护与支挡加固的综合设计。路基支挡结构设计应满足在各种设计荷载组合下支挡结构的稳定、坚固和耐久;结构类型选择及设置位置的确定应安全可靠、经济合理、便于施工养护;结构材料应符合耐久、耐腐蚀的要求。这有赖于路基边坡支挡设计理论与坡面防护技术。2.5 路面结构组合设计 给设计指标、设计要求及设计资料,结合有关设计规范,分别计算和确定沥青混凝土路面和水泥混凝土路面的累计当量轴次及各结构层材料、厚度等,完成路面结构设计。并对不同结构材料与交通量组成路面层做进一步的对比优化,大程度的满足强度和耐久性的多方面要求。2.6 路基路面综合排水设计路的众多因素之中,水是主要的自然因素。水的作用会加剧路基路面结构的破坏,加快路面使用性能的恶化,缩短道路的使用寿命。因此公路排水是公路工程的重要组成部分,以确保路基具有足够的强度与稳定性。在施工时要校核全线路基排水系统的设计是否完备和妥善,必要时应予以补充或修改,应重视排水工程的质量和使用效果。设置施工现场的临时性排水措施,消除路基基底和土体内与水有关的隐患,保证路基工程质量,提高施工效率。也修建必要的路基路面排水设施.2.7 桥梁的总体布置方案地形图上发现会有很多地势高低不平的位置,有河流也有高山,但是设计路线绕过去会比较很不符合实际设计情况,所以会设计若干桥梁来适应环境,与环境相协调,桥位、水文、地质、气象资料来作为依据设计,当然对环境也有诸多破坏,得权衡利弊,以求各方面利益最大化。2.8 各项工程数量计算及统计工程量是工程造价的关键工作,工程量计算的精度和快慢程度也极为重要,是工程之本。2.9 简述施工方案 方案如下:a.道路施工测量,包括测量设备设置、设置坐标控制网及水准点,测量设备设置。b. 场地清理,对原有地形上所有不符合设计高程的位置都进行清理。c.道路工程,包括路面土方开挖,路面基层施工。d.雨季施工措施:雨季将采取划小施工段落,增加平行施工工作面。保证路面排水系统畅通。另外应注意掌握雨季气象质料。施工前和施工中经常与气象台联系。总之,一切严格按照设计图纸进行规范施工。3 课题设计的研究方法1.1 道路选线根据道路的性质、任务、等级和标准,结合地形、地质、地物及其它沿线条件,综合平、纵、横三方面因素,在实地或纸上选定道路路中线平面位置。一般方法:实地选线;纸上选线;自动化选线道路选线原则:对路线方案作深入、细致的研究,在多方案论证、必选的基础上,选定最优路线方案; 在保证行车安全、舒适、迅速的前提下,做到工程量小、造价低、营运费用省、效益好,并有利于施工和养护;处理好选线与农业的关系,少占田地;路线与周围环境、景观相协调; 弄清工程地质和水文地质的影响; 选线应重视环境保护。对于高速公路和一级公路,由于其路幅宽,可根据地形,合理采用上下行车道分离的形式设计。根据所给地形图选线,共选得三个方案,如下,附方案图:方案一:此条方案选取的线路全长 2 公里有余,圆曲线半径选取的较大,和相邻的缓和曲线相结合具有很好的视线美和曲线条美,衔接平缓,并且尽量没有占山地、丘陵等地质不良地段,少占农田,并且路线近村而不进村,比较方便群众生活。 宁武到神池一级公路设计路线一方案二:此条线路的交叉点只有 2 个,路线 2 公里不到,线路短才选取此条线路,但圆曲线半径不大,路况曲线要素勉强满足条件,其实用性不好,故而不选取此条线路二。宁武到神池一级公路设计路线二方案三:此方案依然是开始的圆曲线半径不大,而且线路很长,近 2.3 公里,而且经过高压潮绕线,施工增加难度,安全性降低,不过坡度很平缓,挖填方不大,与方案一相比还是方案一利民,平曲线与直线配合较好。宁武到神池一级公路设计路线三1.2 平纵横设计a证行车安全和平顺。即要要遵守线规的各项规定。 b.资金。设计时必须根据设计线的特点,分析设计路段的具体情况,综合考虑工程和运营的要求、通过方案比较,正确处理两者之间的矛盾。 c.满足各类建筑物的技术要求,还要保证它们协调配合、总体布置合理。 1.3 路基与路面设计考虑到宁武至神池一级公路主要位于平原地区,人口密集,房屋建筑密集,并有旧路和河流出现,并且本路段地质状况较好,该项目所经地区以粘土为主,并有花岗岩等岩类,但埋置深度较深。土壤主要有白砂土、黄砂土、泥砂土、泥土。本地区属位于中国亚热带和暖温带的过渡带上,四季分明,冬寒夏热,秋凉春早,日照充足,降雨丰沛。 需对地基进行处理,此路段为一级道路,出于对行车速度、环保性、承载力和成本等多方面的考虑和要求,这里我们选用水泥混凝土路面,可以满足设计的路面要求。4 实施计划第七学期第二十周到第二十一周 熟悉设计任务、调研、外文文献翻译第八学期第一周到第二周 进行开题报告撰写、开题答辩第八学期第三周 公路平面图设计第八学期第四周 公路纵断面图设计第八学期第五周 公路横断面图设计第八学期第六周 边坡稳定性验算、支挡结构物设计及不良地基处理设计第八学期第七周 公路排水及防护工程设计第八学期第八周 公路路面结构计算及绘图第八学期第九周 公路其他构造物和交通工程设计第八学期第十周 完成毕业设计说明书、计算书和图纸(或论文)初稿第八学期第十二周 根据指导意见对初稿进行修改,完成定稿第八学期第十三周 到第十四周答辩资格审查第八学期第十五周 进行毕业设计/论文答辩5 主要参考文献1公路工程技术标准(JTG B01-2003).北京:人民交通出版社,2003.2公路水泥混凝土路面设计规范(JTG D 40-2011)北京:人民交通出版社,2011.3公路路线设计规范(JTG D20-2006)北京:人民交通出版社,2006.4公路路基设计规范(JTG D30-2004).北京:人民交通出版社,2004.5公路沥青路面设计规范((JTG D50-2006).北京:人民交通出版社,2006.6公路排水设计规范(JTG/T D33-2012).北京:人民交通出版社,1994.7Robert F.Baker,Handbook of Highway Engineering,Van Nostrand Reinhold,1993.8邓学钧.路基路面工程M.北京:人民交通出版社,2005.9孙家驷.道路勘测设计M.北京:人民交通出版社,2005.指导教师意见指导教师签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见:组长签字: 年 月 日教研室审查意见:教研室负责人签字:年 月 日院系审查意见:院系负责人签字: (公 章)(此表由学生填写,指导教师、答辩小组、教研室、院系签署意见) 年 月 日毕业设计外 文 文 献 翻 译院 系 城市建设学院 专 业 班 级 土木工程 1107 姓 名 王 世 海 原 文 出 处 城市建设理论研究 2011 年 09 期 评 分 指 导 教 师 华中科技大学武昌分校20 15 年 1 月 10 日关于关于 SBSSBS 改性沥青配合比设计及施工技术的探讨改性沥青配合比设计及施工技术的探讨摘要在良好的设计配合比和施工条件下,SBS 沥青能使沥青路面的耐久性和高温稳定性明显提高。本文将根据南二路的施工试验情况,简要讲述 SBS 改性沥青的施工技术要求。一、SBS 改性沥青概述SBS 改性沥青是在原有基质沥青(AH-70)的基础上,掺加 2.5%、3.0%、4.0的 SBS 改性剂,改性后的沥青,与原沥青相比,其高温粘度增大,软化点升高。在良好的设计配合比和施工条件下,沥青路面的耐久性和高温稳定性明显提高。在SBS 改性沥青生产过程中进行了大量的室内试验,生产后对其技术指标进行了现场实验,实验结果表明,外掺 3.0%SBS 的改性沥青,软化点、针入度等指标均满足改性沥青规范要求,可用 SBS 改性沥青做沥青混合料的配合比设计。二、SBS 沥青混合料的配合比设计为了使设计的混合料能够达到实施效果,需要从材料要求、施工工艺、质量控制标准和质量控制方法等诸多方面提出以下要求,希望能够引起注意。(一)、原材料要求1-1 粗集料:用于改性沥青混合料面层的粗集料,宜采用碎石或碎砾石,其粒径规格和质量要求均应符合公路沥青路面施工技术规范(JTJ032-94)的规定1.粗集料应洁净、干燥、无风化、无有害杂质,且具有一定硬度和强度。2.粗集料应具有良好的颗粒形状,破碎砾石用于高速公路、一级公路时,应采用大砾石破碎,并至少应有两个以上的破碎面。3.对于抗滑表层粗集料应选择硬质岩(中性或基性火成岩) 。由于硬质岩石与沥青的粘接力存在着较大差异,粗集料与沥青的粘附性应不小于 4 级。对于 35mm石屑部分由于含量较低,并且该部分对沥青混合料形成嵌接结构有一定的作用,建议用硬质岩石屑(玄武岩) 。1-2 细集料细集料包括人工砂、天然砂。沥青路面面层宜采用人工砂作为细集料,细集料应洁净、干燥、无风化、无有害杂质,有适当的颗粒组成,并与改性沥青有良好的粘附性,天然砂由于质量变化大(大部分为中粗砂) ,形状较圆滑,与沥青的粘附性差,对沥青混合料影响较大。对于高速公路、一级公路沥青混合料,天然砂的含量不宜超过 20,可用 0-3mm 的石屑粉代替天然砂。1-3 填充料用于改性沥青混合料面层的填料应洁净、干燥,其质量应符合公路沥青路面技术规范规定的技术要求。1.改性沥青混合料填充料宜采用强基性岩石(石灰岩、岩浆岩)等增水性石料经磨细得到的矿粉,矿粉要求干燥、洁净,不宜使用混合料生产中干法除尘的回收粉。2.采用水泥、消石灰粉做填料时,其用量不宜超过矿料总量的 2%。3.对于沥青表面层混合料不推荐使用在混合料生产排回收粉,当塑性指数小于4 且亲水系数小于 0.8 时,经过试验可以部分的使用,回收粉用量每盘不能超过矿粉总量的四分之一。(二) 、沥青混合料配合比设计:改性沥青混合料的配合比设计,应遵循公路沥青路面施工技术规范中关于热拌沥青混合料配合比设计的目标配合比、生产配合比及试拌试铺的三个阶段,确定矿料级配及最佳改性沥青用量。2-1 级配沥青混合料配合比设计级配应采用贝雷法进行设计,级配选择原则:AC-13I 型混合料 2.36mm 以下筛孔通过量应取级配下限以达到密实、嵌挤。2-2 粉料比小于 0.075mm 含量的多少对沥青混合料体积指标和路用性能影响很大,混合料级配中小于 0.075mm 的含量必须考虑粗集料本应含有的粉尘部分。要求矿粉含量不超过沥青含量,小于 0.075mm 部分与沥青含量之间的比值即粉料比应存在 11.2之间,对沥青面层混合料矿粉含量宜取 4.55。2-3 注意事项:改性沥青混和料的设计过程中以下问题上引起注意。A.混和料的拌合和击实温度应根据改性沥青路面施工技术规范和根据沥青胶结料的粘温关系曲线进行确定,进行室内配合比设计时的拌合、击实温度应与拌合厂拌合温度、现场碾压温度一致。建议温度见下表:改性沥青的试验和施工温度:温度密级配沥青混合料拌合温度不小于 160;初压温度不小于 150;复压温度不小于 140;终压温度不小于 120。B.试验取样和拌合时要保证沥青胶结料的均匀性,应将制备好的胶结料拌合均匀后进行取样和混合料的制备。C.混合料体积指标的测定要统一,对于密级配沥青混合料试件密度的测定应统一采用表干法。D.改性沥青混合料的水稳定性应符合以下两个指标要求,达不到要求时应采取抗剥落措施:(1)、采用“沥青混合料马歇尔稳定度试验”方法测定的 48h 浸水马歇尔稳定度试验残留稳定度不应小于 80%。(2)、采用“沥青混合料冻融劈裂试验”方法测定的劈裂强度比不应小于 80%。三、SBS 沥青混合料的施工SBS 沥青是一种以弹性塑胶类改性沥青,正确使用可以显著提高沥青面层的抗车辙性能,增加耐久性,增加抗老化能力,延长公路的寿命。与 AH-70 基质沥青相比,SBS 沥青的粘度和软化点显著增加,SBS 沥青的运输储存和路面面层施工有一些与基质沥青不同的要求,只有正确使用才能达到预期效果。1.拌合、运输的技术要求为保证沥青混合料的质量更稳定,沥青用量更准确,宜采用间隙式拌和机拌和。拌和必须均匀,只有 SBS 沥青改性剂完全分散在沥青中,才能充分发挥其效能,对于密级配(AC-13I)混合料,应做到拌合后的混合料均匀一致,无细料和粗料分离及花白、结成团块的现象。由于 SBS 改性沥青混合料的施工温度要求较高,建议拌合温度控制在 160,运输车必须加盖篷布或其它保温材料,防止结合料表面结硬,为确保摊铺连续以及平整度大小符合技术规范要求,必须保证摊铺机前至少两辆车等待卸料,决不能出现摊铺机等车的现象。其余要求应满足改性沥青路面施工技术规范的技术要求。2.摊铺的技术要求SBS 沥青混合料在摊铺时应尽量连续不断的施工,以减少摊铺机和压路机的停顿,应尽量减少橫缝,提高其面层平整度。为提高路面的平整度,表面层宜采用摊铺前后保持相同高差的雪橇式摊铺厚度控制方式。由于 SBS 沥青粘度较大,粘附力强,用部分摊铺机的后雪橇是胶轮式结构,胶轮易粘附混合料细颗粒,影响平整度,所以摊铺机后雪橇是胶轮式结构的必须改成钢滑靴式结构。摊铺速度应控制在 2 米/分钟,做到缓慢、均匀、连续不间断地摊铺,禁止随意变换速度或中途停顿。提高摊铺过程中的预压密实度。改性沥青 SBS 混合料在高温状态下主要是靠粗集料的嵌挤作用,可适当提高夯锤振捣频率,使剩余压实系数减少,初压的痕迹也极小,进而确保路面的最终平整度。3.碾压的技术要求对于密级配型混合料,其适宜的碾压温度范围是 130150,其最终碾压温度不低于 110。SBS 沥青混合料的压实工艺本着以下原则进行:按照“紧跟、慢压、高频、低幅”“碾压八字方针进行碾压,压路机必须紧跟摊铺机的后面,只有在高温条件下碾压才能取得更好的效果,压实速度控制在 45km/h。碾压速度均衡,倒退时关闭振动,方向要逐渐地改变,不许拧着弯行走,对每一道碾压起点或终点可稍微扭弯碾压,消除碾压接头轮迹。决不允许在新铺沥青混合料上转向、调头、左右移动位置。突然刹车或停车休息,通过南二路第一、二合同段 SBS 沥青试验段,确定的压实工艺为 DD110 或 DD130 压路机 23 档各碾压 3 遍,即初压 1 遍,高频低幅振动碾压 2遍,终压 2 遍。特别注意:施工时若发现压路机粘轮时,用洗衣粉水较好。4.SBS 里沥青混合料的质量控制对于沥青面层混合料,现场的压实效果应采用空隙率和压实度双向控制。空隙率计算所需的最大理论密度以每天实测为准,测试按照“沥青路面混合料最大相对密度(真空法) (T071193) ”进行。现场沥青混合料空隙率为 3%6%。表面层沥青混合料压实度的检验,以实测芯样为准。 The SBS modified pitch ratio design and discussion of construction technology The summary under good design match ratio and executions, SBS pitch can make the durability on the pitch road surface and high-temperature stability obviously improve . In this paper, according to south road construction test, the paper briefly narrates the requirements for the construction of the SBS modified asphalt.First, SBS modified pitch summarySBS modified asphalt is the original matrix asphalt (AH - 70), on the basis of adding 2.5%, 3.0%, 4.0% of the SBS modifier, the modified asphalt, compared with the original asphalt, increase the high temperature viscosity, higher softening point. Under the condition of good mixture ratio design and construction, the durability of the asphalt surface and high temperature stability is improved obviously. In the process of the SBS modified asphalt production to a large number of indoor test, after the production of its technical index has carried on the field experiment, the experimental results show that the additive 3.0% SBS modified asphalt, softening point and penetration index can satisfy the requirements of modified asphalt specifications, available SBS modified asphalt mixture ratio design of asphalt mixture.Second, the match ratio of the asphalt mixture of SBS is designedIn order to make the design of mixture effect can be achieved from material requirements, construction technology and quality control standards and quality control method and so on many aspects put forward the following requirements, hoping to attract attention.(1)the raw materials are requiredCollect the materials thickly by 1-1: Used for modified asphalt mixture surface of the coarse aggregate, appropriate USES gravel or crushed gravel, its particle size specification and quality requirements shall be in accordance with the technical specification for construction of highway asphalt pavement (JTJ032-94) 1.The coarse aggregate should be clean, dry, no weathering, no harmful impurities, and has a certain hardness and strength. 2. The coarse aggregate should have good particle shape, broken gravel used in highway, first class roads, should use big gravel breakup, and should have at least two or more broken face. 3.For coarse aggregate should choose the anti-slide surfaces of hard rock (neutral or basic igneous rocks). Because of the hard rock and there are big differences between asphalt sticky relay, coarse aggregate and asphalt adhesion should be no less than 4. For 3 to 5 mm stone chips part due to the low content, and the part of the structure of asphalt mixture formation scarf have certain effect, suggest using hard rock (basalt).Collect the materials thinly by 1-2Asphalt pavement surface appropriate USES artificial sand as fine aggregate, fine aggregate should be clean, dry, no weathering, no harmful impurities, have proper granulometric composition, and modified asphalt has good adhesion, natural sand due to the change of quality (mostly in the coarse sand), shape is smooth, and poor adhesion of asphalt, a larger impact on asphalt mixture. For highway, highway asphalt mixture, the content of natural sand should not be more than 20%, 0-3 mm stone chips powder can instead of natural sand.Pack the material by 1-3Packing of layer should clean dry mixture for modified asphalt , specification requirement that quality should Accord with the regulations of “asphalt road surfaceTechnical specification of the highway” its.1, Modified asphalt mixture filling material appropriate USES strong base rock (limestone and magmatic rocks), etc. Add water stone fine grinding of mineral powder, kuangfen requires a dry, clean, unfavorable use mixture of dry dust recycling of powder production. 2, The cement and hydrated lime powder stuffing, its dosage shoulds not be more than 2% of the total mineral aggregate. 3, For asphalt mixture surface layer is not recommended to use in production line of recycling powder mixture, when the plasticity index of less than 4 and hydrophilic coefficient is less than 0.8, the tested part can use, recovery of ore powder dosage per disk cannot be more than a quarter of the total. (2)Asphalt mixture match ratio is designedThe mix proportion design of asphalt mixture, the mixture ratio design of modified asphalt mixture, which should be followed in technical specification for construction of highway asphalt pavement of hot mix asphalt mixture design goal of mix proportioning, production shop and try mixing of three phases, to determine the mineral aggregate gradation and the best dosage of modified asphalt. 2-1 Gradation asphalt mixture gradation bailey method should be adopted for design and gradation selection principles: AC - 13 below 2.36 mm through mesh type I mixture amount shall be graded lower limit is close-grained, embedded in order to achieve. 2-2 Powder than how much content of less than 0.075 mm of road asphalt mixture volume index and influence is very big, the mixture gradation must consider content of less than 0.075 mm in coarse aggregate part should contain the dust. Ash content does not exceed the asphalt content, part and asphalt content is less than 0.075 mm than the ratio between the powder should exist between 1-1.2, the mixture of asphalt layer kuangfen YiQu 4.5-5%. 2-3 Precautions:The following problems in the process of the design of the modified asphalt mixture material on attention. A, mixed material mixing and compaction temperature should be according to the modified asphalt pavement construction specification and according to the asphalt cement viscosity-temperature relationship curve to determine the mixture ratio design of indoor mixing, compaction temperature should be consistent with the mixing temperature, mixing plant field rolling temperature. Recommended temperature as shown in the table below: Modified asphalt test and construction temperature: Temperature dense gradation asphalt mixture mixingTemperature of not less than 160 ; Initial pressure temperature is not less than 150 ; After pressing temperature is not less than 140 ; Pressure temperature not less than 120 .B when sampling, testing and mixing to guarantee the uniformity of asphalt cement, preparation of good cement should be evenly mix sampling and preparation of mixture. The determination of C, mixture volume index to unity, for the determination of dense gradation asphalt mixture specimen density should be unified the table dry. D, the water stability of modified asphalt mixture should conform to the requirements of the following two indicators, can not meet the requirements when spalling measures should be taken:(1), using the asphalt mixture Marshall stability test method for determining the 48 h immersion Marshall stability test residual stability should not be less than 80%. (2), using the asphalt mixture freeze-thaw splitting test method for determining the cleavage strength should not be less than 80%.Third, the SBS asphalt mixture construction of SBS Asphalt is an elastic plastic modified asphalt, the correct use can significantly improve the anti-rutting performance of asphalt road surface, increase the durability and increase the anti-aging ability, extend the life of the road. Compared with AH - 70 matrix asphalt, the SBS asphalt viscosity and softening point increased significantly, the transportation of the SBS asphalt storage and there are some different from the matrix asphalt road surface construction requirements, only the correct use can achieve the desired effect.1,mix the specification requirement shut, transportingTo ensure the quality of asphalt mixture is more stable, asphalt dosage is more accurate, appropriate USES clearance mixer mixing. Mixing must be uniform, only the SBS asphalt modifier completely dispersed in the asphalt, can give full play to its effectiveness, with dense gradation mixture (I) AC - 13, should be after mixing the mixture of uniform, fine and coarse material separation and grey, forming a mass phenomenon. Because of the SBS modified asphalt mixture construction high temperature requirement, suggest the mixing temperature control at 160 , the carrier must build tarpaulin or any other thermal insulating materials, prevent hard binder surface, in order to ensure the continuous and paving flatness size conform to the requirements of the technical specification, must ensure that at least two cars waiting for unloading before paver, must not be, the phenomenon of the paver waiting for a bus. The rest of the requirements shall be satisfy the requirements of the modified asphalt pavement construction technical specification. 2,the specification requirement pavedpaving the technical requirement of SBS in asphalt mixture paving should be continuous construction as far as possible, to reduce the paver and roller pause, should try to reduce the horizontal seam, to improve the surface roughness. In order to improve the pavement smoothness, surface layer should adopt the sled type of paving the same elevation difference before and after paving thickness control mode. Due to large SBS asphalt viscosity, adhesion strength is strong, with some after sled is rubber-tired structure of paver, roller easy adhesion mixture of fine particles, affect the flatness, so after the paver sled is a rubber-tired structure sliding boots must change to steel structure. Paving speed should be controlled in 2 m/min, do it slowly, uniform, continuous uninterrupted paving, ban transform speed or stop at will. Improve the preloading compactness in the process of paving. SBS modified asphalt mixture under high temperature condition is mainly rely on embedded squeeze effect of coarse aggregate, can be appropriately increase rammer vibrating frequency, reduce the residual compacting factor, the trace of the initial pressure and tiny, further ensure the final pavement roughness. 3,the specification requirement rolled The proper rolling temperature range is 130 to 150 , its final rolling temperature is not lower than 110 . The SBS asphalt mixture compacting process in line with the following principles: according to keep up with, slow pressure, high frequency, low-rising rolling of eight lines rolling roller must keep up with the back of the paver, only under the condition of high temperature rolling can achieve better effect, compaction speed control in 4 to 5 km/h. Rolling speed is balanced, back when close the vibration, the direction to gradually change, no twist curved to walk, for each rolling start or finish a bit twisted rolling, eliminate the rolling wheel track joint. Must not be allowed on the new layer asphalt mixture about steering, switching, mobile location. All of a sudden braking or stop to rest, through the first and second contract section of SBS asphalt south road test section, determine the compaction process for DD110 or DD130 roller 2-3 gear rolling 3 times each, namely 1 times at the beginning of high-frequency low-rising vibration rolling 2 times, 2 times. Special note: if found during the construction of roller sticky wheel, better with detergent water,4. the quality control of the asphalt mixture of SBSTo one floor of mixture asphalt, the debulk result of the scene should adopt the spacerate and press the solidity to control two-wayly.It is subject to that survey every day to calculate the largest density of theory needed in space rate, is it go on according to” asphalt road surface mixture heavy relative density test (vacuum law) (T0711-93) most to test. The on-the-spot asphalt mixture space rate is 3%-6%.One layer of Surface presses the inspection of the solidity, that survey the core kind serves as the standard.


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