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李阳标准美语发音及口语教程1A第一单元 良好的开端第1节1. Please have a seat. Please make yourself at home.2. Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health.3. Seeing is believing. I dont believe what I hear. I only believe what I see.4. Im proud to be Chinese. Im proud to be an international Chinese.5. Feel free to call me if you need my help. You have my phone number.6. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow.7. I believe you can speak good English. I believe you have the talent.8. I totally agree with you. I enjoy meeting you very much. We can do great things together.9. Im afraid I disagree with you. I have a different opinion.10. If you want to speak good English, you need to repeat, repeat and repeat. This is the only secret.特别奉献1We need to see your passport, please.Sure, here you go. Do you need to see my ID card?No, we only need your passport.特别奉献2Please feel free to call me. Please feel free to look around. Please feel free to ask questions. Please feel free to make yourself at home. Please feel free to drop by. Please feel free to eat some more. Please feel free to call me Li Yang. Please feel free to ask me any question you like.超级挑战:这次我请客Thank you for inviting me to eat. Its my treat this time. Please let me pay the bill. You can treat me next time we eat. It has been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. We should meet every week and eat dinner together.第2节1. Im finished. It was very good. It was delicious.2. The food here is terrific. I love it. Its out of this world.3. Ive just finished reading this book. It is very good.4. Please give me a minute. Let me think about it.5. I need to discuss it with my superiors.6. Chinese food is very different from Japanese food.7. Its not difficult. Its very easy.8. This pink one is very pretty.9. Its a little bit too big.10. Im sick of this weather. Im sick of this traffic. Im sick of my job. Im sick of my poor English. Im sick of waiting. Im sick of you. Im sick of your complaining. Im sick of your nagging. Im sick of .特别奉献Does it fit?Yes, it fits, but it isnt very pretty.This pink one is very pretty, but its a little bit too big.Well, this silk one isnt big. It will fit you.No, but its a little freely. 超级挑战:英语和汉语Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk about the differences between English and Chinese. English is very different from Chinese. The sounds are different, the grammar is different, and the writing is totally different. Its very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must forget about the differences, just practice correct sentences until youre used to them. The more sentences you can blurt out, the better you can express yourself. If you believe in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it, you will conquer English. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Chinese, you can speak English. 第3节1. Breakfast is ready. Eat it before it gets cold.2. When will it be ready?3. Lets get together again soon.4. Well, lets get everything ready.5. Every day and in every way, everything is getting better and better.6. We should never let our country down. We must get ready for the future.7. We have a test next Wednesday. Id better study.8. Please help yourself, make yourself at home.9. Please be my guest and have a seat.10. You are our special guest. Lets have a toast to our friendship.11. Treasure every breath. Treasure your life. Treasure your good health. Treasure everything important in life.特别奉献11. Better late than never.2. All is well that ends well.3. Better to do well than to say well.4. East or west, home is the best.特别奉献2I love to exercise. When I exercise I feel fresh and energetic.超级挑战:如何记单词Many people tell me that it is very hard to remember new words. They complain that no matter how hard they try to memorize new words they always forget them. They best way to remember new words is to practice them every day, practice them in sentences and in paragraphs. Listen to tapes and read along every day, otherwise you will forget easily. If you need my help, please call me. Were friends. Friends help each other. Lets conquer new words together.第4节1. Thats fantastic. Thats absolutely fantastic.2. What happened? Why are you so mad?3. I have a happy family. My family are always talking and laughing.4. How long have you been married?5. Thats a very bad sentence. People will get mad if you say that.6. I have to call you back. Im busy now.7. I cant stand your bad habits.8. Every moment in life matters. Live in a moment.9. Whats your action plan?10. Grab every chance to practice English. Practice is the only secret to success.特别奉献How can I improve my English?Grab every chance to practice English. This is the absolutely the fastest way to improve your English.超级挑战:我的一家人Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a little bit about my family. I have a very happy family. My dad is a great man. He has a fantastic job. My mom is a wonderful woman. She has many outstanding talents. My family loves me. My family supports me in good times and bad times. They help me form many good habits. My mom and dad always tell me if I want to succeed, I need to have good habits. We practice speaking English together every morning. We have dinner together every night. We talk about our problems. We share our joys. We exercise together. We relax together. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic.第5节1. Whats up? Nothing much.2. Hurry up! Im coming. Dont rush me.3. How can you eat so much? Thats disgusting.4. I send my parents some money once a month.5. Enough is enough. Just shut up.6. I study English just for fun. I have no pressure.7. Something must be done about it.8. Im sorry I have to change our plan. Something has come up.9. If you want to double your income, you must double your effort.10. The plan has been under discussion for a month now, but no conclusion has been reached.特别奉献Could you come for lunch?I wish I could come, but I just dont have time.Were having roast duck. Roast Duck? I love roast duck. Its going to be a wonderful lunch. Itll be lovely if you come.OK, Ill come.Good! Come at once.超级挑战:我成功的秘密Ladies and gentlemen, today Id like to sum up some of my secrets of success. The reasons why Im so successful are: I love my family, I love my job, I love my company, I love speaking English, I love challenging, I love to help others, I love life, I love the world. Im very lucky. Im a great person. My advice to you is: Study and Get Ready. Someday, your chance will come 李阳标准美语发音及口语教程1B第二单元 继续磨练第6节1. My tooth really hurts. My whole mouth hurts. I have to go to the dentist.2. Im leaving now. I have to work early tomorrow.3. Words are not for hurting other people. Words are for encouraging other people.4. Confident people never get hurt. They learn from everything.5. The situation is getting worse and worse. I dont know what to do. Can you help me?6. You can always turn to me for help. Im always here for you.7. Thats a perfect solution. Im sure itll work.8. Can I ask you a personal question? Its ok if you dont want to answer.9. Dont worry. Dont be nervous. Youre doing fine.10. The more you learn, the more youll earn. This is the truth of life.特别奉献11. First come, first served.2. The person who asks first succeeds first.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. A bird in a hand is worth two in the bush.5. Birds of the feather flock together.特别奉献2Why do you get up early every day?You know, the early bird catches the worms. I yell English every morning. No wonder you speak perfect English. Your effort is worth it. I envy you. Thanks.超级挑战:我的首次美国之行Ladies and gentlemen, I just got back from America yesterday. This is my first visit to America. Id like to say a few words about my first trip. Everything was new and fresh. I got up early to exercise in the park. I visited many interesting places. I met a lot of interesting people. I felt a little nervous. But I still talked to people. They were very friendly and helpful. I had a great first impression of the American people. This trip was the first time I had used English in real life. My English was not perfect but I survived. The more I used English, the easier it became. Im still working very hard at my English. You know, practice makes perfect. Next time I go to America, I wont feel nervous at all.第7节1. Sorry to bother you, but I have a question.2. My mother is a doctor, and my father is a teacher. We all learn English together.3. I hope the weather would get better. Im sick of this wet weather.4. Better luck next time.5. I can never remember grammar rules. Sentences are a better way to learn grammar.6. Never stop trying. Never give up. Never say impossible to yourself!7. Would you please do me a favor? Can you teach me how to pronounce this word?8. My family is going to the crazy English training camp together this summer.9. I discovered another great restaurant near my house.10. Did you ever discover who sent you the flowers?特别奉献1:disorderThe room was in a state of disorder.He suffers from stomach disorder.特别奉献2Whats the matter?Nothing, I just need a glass of water.超级挑战:母亲节快乐Ladies and gentlemen, fathers and mothers have different roles. Here is a funny joke to wish you a happy Mothers Day. Forget about the cooking. Forget about the cleaning. Forget about the laundry. Just pretend youre dad. Happy Mothers Day!第8节1. I love China. China is an amazing country. China is the future of the world.2. How about eating out tonight?3. Lets go for a walk along the river.4. China and America should always work together.5. Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half.6. Thank you for the company. I really enjoy the conversation.7. You must practice a sentence again and again until you master it.8. My father went abroad a long time ago. He has been to many countries.9. Education is very important to our nation. 10. His spoken English is second to none in this college.特别奉献1: second to none1. As a dancer, He is second to none.2. He is second to none in many subjects. He is absolutely the best student in our school.3. The service here is second to none.4. This bookstore is second to none.特别奉献2Whats your impression of China so far? China is an amazing country. China has friendly people and great food.超级挑战:中美关系Ladies and gentlemen, America is a great country, China is a great country. China and America have a long history together. Now is the right time to build a even closer and stronger relationship. China is inviting more and more experts from America to share their knowledge, at the same time America is welcoming more and more intelligent Chinese to study and work in America. Both countries can gain a great deal from each other. America and China should keep working together to build a peaceful and bright future. Thank you.第9节1. I promise. You have my word. I wont do it again.2. English is very popular in China. English is popular all over the world.3. If you try your best, anything is possible.4. Think positive thoughts, and speak positive words.5. Can you help me solve this problem?6. China has made a lot of progress in the past 20 years.7. You did a good job. You did a great job. You did a wonderful job. You did a fantastic job. You did a terrific job. You did an outstanding job.8. I have a lot of confidence in you. I know you can do it.9. Sorry to bother you. I have a problem with my car.10. Solving this problem is my top priority. Im getting it in my full attention.特别奉献1Get lost = Go away. Dont bother me. Get out of my face.特别奉献2Sorry to bother you. I have a problem.No problem. Youre not bothering me.What can I do for you? 超级挑战:迎接问题和挑战Ladies and gentlemen, Im honored to have this opportunity to talk to you. Solving problems is the top priority for government officials. We are not afraid of problems. We consider problems to be challenges. We have a lot of confidence in our ability to solve any problem. With your support and understanding we can do a great job together. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any problems, stop by our office.第10节1. You are so smart. You are so charming.2. I want to be an English speaking star. I want to speak amazing English.3. Its getting harder and harder to live without a car. I really want to buy a car.4. Would you like to come to my party? I really want you to come.5. My English is far from perfect. I have a hard time with my pronunciation.6. We must stop harming the environment. We have to work harder to take care of the earth.7. I dont have any cash with me. Can I pay by credit card?8. Youre not allowed to park your car here. You can park in the parking lot over here.9. You have a very charming personality. Im sure youll go far in your life.10. Please pardon me for interrupting you. Im sorry to bother you.特别奉献You must be very smart. Your English is perfect.Far from it, Im not smart. I just work very hard.超级挑战:我要改变我的生活I work extremely hard every day, but Im very tired. I need to work smarter, not harder. I must find better ways to do my job. I must find more time to enjoy life. I know hard work is a part of everybodys life. But I work too hard. My hard work goes too far. My hard work is ruining my health, my hard work is killing me, other people have time for fun, going to bars and going to the parties. All I do is getting in my car and go to work every day. This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start 李阳标准美语发音及口语教程2A第三单元 感觉越来越好第11节1. Its not your fault. Its all my fault. Im to blame.2. Lets walk to the office. Walking is good for our health.3. My son and daughter-in-law are visiting me this fall.4. Id like to talk to you. Do you have time?5. She looks lost in thought.6. Because of new laws our city has become cleaner and greener.7. Pride goes before a fall.8. He almost always walks to work.9. I always thought I would go abroad someday.10. The fall of the Berlin wall marked the dawn of new era in European history.特别奉献1I need to talk to you.Sure, you want to talk now? No, we can talk later.超级挑战:如何负责任Ladies and gentlemen, tonight Im going to talk about taking responsibility. Its always hard to admit something is your fault. In fact people rarely say: its all my fault. People always make excuses or say it is somebody elses fault. Its hard to solve problems because people like to blame others. Next time you make mistake, take responsibility. For a little words can make big difference. Try saying: its all my fault.第12节1. Can I have some more? This soup is really good.2. I like sports very much. I play sports every day. I am good at many sports.3. I wasnt born yesterday. Dont try to trick me.4. Its very important to read English every morning.5. My office is on the fourth floor. Its the second door on the left.6. Are you ready to order or would you like to look at the menu for a little longer.7. I was born in the northern part of China.8. The murder took place at 4 in the morning.9. I got a perfect score on my last English test.10. Good English will open the door to a great future.特别奉献Would you like to order now?No, I need a few more minutes.Ill come back later.超级挑战:世界正变得越来越小Ladies and gentlemen, more and more foreigners are coming to China. More and more people around the world are starting to learn Chinese. More and more Chinese are starting to do business and travel around the world. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. Thats why English is becoming more and more important in China. If we want to ensure a great future for China we must practice English harder than ever before.第13节1. How do I look? Do I look good?2. You push and Ill pull. Just be careful.3. We should study hard. We shouldnt waste our time.4. She is good-looking woman. She also has a good personality.5. Id like to book a table for two tonight.6. Could you take a look at this for me?7. It took me a long time to finish the book.8. Dont push yourself too hard. Relax.9. You have to put your food down.10. He pushed his chair back and stood up.特别奉献1He is full of bullshit. = He is full of nonsense.特别奉献2Where did you learn to cook? My mother is a good cook. She taught me how to cook.超级挑战:好书就像好朋友Ladies and gentlemen, today Id like to talk about books. A good book is like a good friend. You should read as many books as you possibly can. You shouldnt just take a quick look at a book. You should read it carefully again and again. There is a famous quote. A man who doesnt read books is far worse off than a man who can read books. Make books your friends and let books take you around the world. Get a book now and dive into it. Let the wisdom contained in books guide you through your life.第14节1. Thats cool. I really like your school.2. We have something really cool to show you.3. What kind of food do you like? spicy food or seafood?4. Ill be back soon. Please wait for a few minutes.5. Dont lose the opportunity.6. That news seems far too good to be true.7. Would like noodles or rice? There are many famous types of noodles in China. Do you want to try?8. Its our duty to reduce pollution and protect our environment.9. Our students want the opportunity to go to university. Thats why they choose to study so hard.10. I feel so blue. I dont know what to do.特别奉献I cant use chopsticks. I need a spoon. Your spoon wont be useful for noodles.超级挑战:是脚还是食物Ladies and gentlemen, today Id like to talk about two words: foot and food. I will never forget how shock I was the first time I came to China and my host asked me “Do you like Chinese foot?”. I was told that Chinese people like to eat all kinds of unusual food, but I never imagine that they ate their peoples own feet. Of course I replied, “No, I dont like it!”, but my host insisted that “Chinese foot is so delicious. You must at least try Chinese foot.” I told him that I would be glad to try Chinese pig foot but not Chinese foot. My host realized his mistake, and we both had a great laugh. I was so relieved that the problem was not a culture difference, merely a case of bad pronunciation. Please take my advice, and practice the correct pronunciation a food and foot, until you are sure this embarrassing situation could never happen to you.第15节1. I feel great today. Today is a great day. Its great to be alive.2. Ill meet you at the railway station. Please wait for me.3. Eat here or take away? Take away.4. My experience of learning English was very painful. I hated English and my first English teacher.5. Everyone makes mistakes. Dont worry about it. Learn from your mistakes.6. Life is an ongoing training course. You learn something new every day.7. Take care. Its raining very hard today.8. I really appreciate your patients and support.9. I am very grateful to you for your help. I owe you a lot.10. This is my favorite place in Beijing. Whats your


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