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三年级英语下册第一单元测试题姓名 班级 成绩一、连线(10分) friend 老师 cat 澳大利亚USA 今天 Canada 加拿大student 学生 Australia 女孩teacher 美国 girl 中国today 朋友 China 猫二、找出下列选项中与其他两个不同类的单词(10分) ( ) 1. A.China B. UK C. USA ( ) 2. A. cat B.panda C. bag( ) 3. A. pupil B. student C.teacher( ) 4. A.she B.he C.friend( ) 5.A.hand B. leg C. pen三、给下列句子找出对应的释义。(10分)( ) My name is Zhang Peng. A.这是我的朋友。( ) Where are you from? B.我来自山东。( ) This is my friend. C.我的名字叫张鹏。( ) We have two new friends today. D.你来自哪里?( ) Im from Shandong. E 我们今天有两个新朋友。四、观察下列图片并正确相应单词。(10分) 请正确在下面的四线三格中默写出26个字母。(大小写)(26分)读句子,选择恰当的答语。(12分)( ) 1. -Nice to see you again! -_ A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too.( ) 2. -Where are you from? -_ A. Im from Canada. B. My name is Mike.( ) 3. -We have a new friend today! -_ A. Welcome! B. Good morning!( ) 4. -Whats your name? -_ A. Im from Canada. B. My name is Mike( )5.-ZhangPeng is a_and Sarah is a_ A.girl, boy B.boy, girl( )6.-Hi,Im Amy.I am from_UK. A. a B. the C. / 七、看图,连线。(8分) China Canada Australia USAThis is Mr Pan.Hes a teacher.( )Shes a teacher.( )八、Read and tick.(读一读,选一选,在正确句子后的括号中划)(8分) This is Amy.Shes from the UK.( )Shes a teacher.( )This is Sarah.Shes from the USA.( )Hes a student.( ) This is Mike.Shes from Canada.( )Hes a student.( ) 十一、Read and tick.(读一读,勾划出与句子意思相符的图片)(6分)1. This is Mr Liu. Hes a teacher. 2. This is Miss Wang. Shes a teacher. 3. 3. This girl is Niuniu. Shes a student. Shes from China。 小学三年级英语下册第一次月考试题学校 姓名 得分 一、将相应的内容用线连起来。(12分)1. China A. a. 2. mother B. b . woman3. Canada C. c. USA D. d . 5. Australia E. e. 6. grandfather F. f. man判断下列图文是 否 相符。(10分) 1. I am from China . 2. Sarah is a girl. 3. The man is my father. 4. Amy is from the UK. 5. She is a teacher. 三、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在题前括号内。(10分)()1.Aboy Bgirl Cteacher()2.Ateacher Bstudent Cfriend()3.AI Byour Che()4.ACanada BChina Cwelcome()5.Apupil Bman Cwomen四、判断每组画线部分读音是“”否“”一致。( )1. ten pen ( ) 2. leg she ( ) 3. seven pencil ( ) 4. hand dad五、将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号里。(12分)( )1、 from the USA A. I B . Im C. I m( ) 2 Welcome to school A . book B. back C. black( ) 3 Whos that man? _ _Shes my English teacher B. Hes a teacher C. Shes a girl. ( )4. Grandmother is _ mother. A. my B my sisters C mothers ( )5 I a girl. A . am B. is C. are( )6 Wu Yifan and I boys. A . am B. is C. are六、从B栏中选择A栏的答语。(16分) A B ( )1.we have two new friends today. A. Yes she is. ( )2.Nice to see you again . B. Shes my mother. ( )3.Is he your father? C. welcome. ( )4.Where are you from ? D. Nice to see you ,too. ( )5.lets play a game! E. Hes my brother. ( )6.Is she your mother? F. No he isnt. ( ) 7. Whos that woman? . Im from Canada. ( ) 8. Whos that boy ? H. OK. 七、根据情境选一选。(30分)( )1.如果你想知道对方是哪个国家的人,你应问: A.Whos that woman? B.Where are you from?( )2.如果你把Amy介绍给你的爸爸,你应说:Amy,This is my dad . B.Dad ,This is Amy. ( )3.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:A.Hi, Im Bai Ling. B. Hi, This is Bai Ling.( )4、朋友来你家做客时,应该说: A、 welcome . B、Hi,Im Mike.( )5、再次与别人见面时,应说:A、Nice to see you again . C 、Nice to meet you.( )6、当班上来了新同学,你要表示欢迎时,该说: A、Welcome. B、Whats your name? C、Goodbye.( )7、如何表达“我来自美国。” A、Im from USA. B、Im from the USA.( )8、当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,应说: A Who is the woman? B . Whos the man? ( )9、当你对事实表示怀疑时,可以说: A Really ? B Great. ( )10、 当别人问你:Who is the man 时,你不应回答: Hes a teacher B. Shes a doctor(医生) 八、完成对话。(6分)A. Yes she is.B.Hes my brother. C.No he isnt. Hes my teacher.Cheng Jie: whos that boy? Amy: Cheng Jie: Is she your mother? Amy: Cheng Jie: Is he your father? Amy: 三年级下Unit 3单元测试 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。8%( ) 1. A. big B. boy C. bag( ) 2. A. legB. longC. like( ) 3. A. bearB. brotherC. big( ) 4. A. shortB. tallC. small( ) 5. A. monkeyB. elephantC. giraffe( ) 6. A. fatB. cat C. that( ) 7. A. thinB. this C. that( ) 8. A. teacherB. todayC. tail二、 听音,圈出你认为符合录音内容的图片。10%1 2 A B A B3 4 4 B A A B A B c Om三、听音,判断下列图片是否正确,对的打“”, 错的打“”。 四、听音,把下列单词所缺的字母补充完整。10%1s ake 2. sm ll 3. g l 4. kan ar 5. e come 6. toda 五、听音,按你听到的顺序给下列句子标上序号。12%( ) Wow! Its so big! ( ) Come on, Mike. Look at the giraffe. ( ) Look at that elephant! ( ) Oh, its so tall.( ) Ha, it has a short tail!( ) It has small eyes and big ears.Writing Part(笔试部分)50%六、找出不同类的单词。5% ( ) 1. A. pandaB. duckC. tall( ) 2. A. smallB. studentC. short( ) 3. A. eyeB. earC. tail( ) 4. A. fatherB. motherC. children( ) 5. A. shortB. fatC. big七、看图,将下列单词所缺字母补充完整。10%1m lk 2. h nd 3. s x 4. p n 八、选择填空。15%( ) 1I have bird, monkey and elephant. They are small. A. an; a; a B. a; a; an ( ) 2Look at the . Its brown. It has a long tail. A. bear B monkey( ) 3Look! The is tall. The is short. A. giraffe; bear B. bear; giraffe ( ) 4The is big. The is small. A. duck; elephant B. elephant; duck ( ) 5- Look at the panda. Its black and white. - Yes. . A. And it has a small body and a long tail. B. And it has a big body and a short tail.( ) 6-Look at that rabbit. -It has a tail and ears. A. short; long B. long; short( ) 7-Come here, children! Look at the elephant. - Wow! It has eyes and ears. A. big; small B. small; big( ) 8- Guess! It has a fat body and a short tail. www.Xkb1.co M- Its a .- Yes! A. bear B.giraffe( ) 9Wow, your bird is so big. But (但是 ) my bird is .big B. small ( ) 10Look at that cat. Its not thin. Its . A. fat B. thin 九、读句子, 把相符图片的编号写在括号内。10% A B C D F ( ) 1. Be short. Be short. Be short,short,short! ( ) 2. Long, long, long! Make your arms long. ( ) 3. Short, short, short! Make your arms short. ( ) 4. Big, big, big! Make your eyes big. ( ) 5. The cat is big. The mouse is small. 十、阅读理解, 正确的写“ T ”, 错误的写 “ F ”。10% Jack: Come on, Sarah! Look at the pandas. Sarah: Oh, theyre so cute! I like them. Jack: I like the monkey! It has a long tail. Sarah: Yes. And it has a big mouth. Jack: Look! The monkey is eating bananas! Its so funny! HaaSarah: Yes, and its cute, too.( ) 1. Sarah likes pandas.( ) 2. Jack likes pandas.( ) 3. The panda has a long tail.( ) 4. The monkey has a small mouth.( ) 5. The monkey is eating bananas. 最新版三年级下册英语单元测试题(Unit 4) Name: _ Mark:_听力部分听录音,把你听到的单词写在下面的四线格内。(11分)根据录音顺序,将序号写在图片下面括号里。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )听音完成单词,根据录音内容,将下列单词补充完整。(10分) b_dy m_lk _range pencil b_x d_g四、根据你所听到的录音,回答问题。(10分)( )1. A. Its the fish. B. Its the panda. C. Its the dog. ( )2. A. Hes my brother. B. Shes my mother. C. Shes my sister.( )3. A. Im from China. B. Im China. C. Thank you. ( )4. A. Its on the desk. B. Its in the desk. C. Its on the chair. ( )5. A. Its in the box. B. Its in the bag. C. Its under the map.笔试部分找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)( )1、A、boat B、ball C、car D、toy ( )2、A、chair B、desk C、book D、cap ( )3、A、fat B、tall C、cat D、thin( )4、A、long B、short C、small D、red( )5、A、in B、on C、under D、where六、选择a e i o写到横线上,再把单词和对应的图画连一连。(24分)七、看图回答问题,选择正确的答语。(15分)八、根据汉语意思,选择相应的英语(10分)1.( )我的书包在哪里呀?A:Where is my book? B:Where is my bag? C:Where is my penil?2. ( )在你的铅笔盒里吗?A:Its in your penil box. B: Is it in your desk? C:Is it in your penil box?3. ( )他在你的书桌里。A:Its on your desk. B: Is it in your desk? C: Its in your desk.4. ( )我们一起回家吧!A:Lets go to school! B: Lets go home! C: Lets paint!.5. ( )玩开心点儿!A:Have a good time! B: Good bye! C:See you! 最新版三年级下册英语单元测试题(Unit 4) Name: _ Mark:_听力部分听录音,把你听到的单词写在下面的四线格内。(11分)根据录音顺序,将序号写在图片下面括号里。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )听音完成单词,根据录音内容,将下列单词补充完整。(10分) b_dy m_lk _range pencil b_x d_g四、根据你所听到的录音,回答问题。(10分)( )1. A. Its the fish. B. Its the panda. C. Its the dog. ( )2. A. Hes my brother. B. Shes my mother. C. Shes my sister.( )3. A. Im from China. B. Im China. C. Thank you. ( )4. A. Its on the desk. B. Its in the desk. C. Its on the chair. ( )5. A. Its in the box. B. Its in the bag. C. Its under the map.笔试部分找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)( )1、A、boat B、ball C、car D、toy ( )2、A、chair B、desk C、book D、cap ( )3、A、fat B、tall C、cat D、thin( )4、A、long B、short C、small D、red( )5、A、in B、on C、under D、where六、选择a e i o写到横线上,再把单词和对应的图画连一连。(24分)七、看图回答问题,选择正确的答语。(15分)八、根据汉语意思,选择相应的英语(10分)1.( )我的书包在哪里呀?A:Where is my book? B:Where is my bag? C:Where is my penil?2. ( )在你的铅笔盒里吗?A:Its in your penil box. B: Is it in your desk? C:Is it in your penil box?3. ( )他在你的书桌里。A:Its on your desk. B: Is it in your desk? C: Its in your desk.4. ( )我们一起回家吧!A:Lets go to school! B: Lets go home! C: Lets paint!.5. ( )玩开心点儿!A:Have a good time! B: Good bye! C:See you! PEP小学英语三年级下册单元测试题Unit 5 Do You Like Pears?学校 姓名 班级 评分 (时间:40分钟)Listening Part (50分)一、听音,按录音所读的顺序,给下列字母标号。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听音,选出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母。(10分)( )1. A.orange B.oranges C. hello ( )2. A.some B.come C.home( )3. A.peach B.pear C.bear ( )4. A.fruit B.four C.for( )5. A.eleven B.elephant C.seven ( )6. A.BEG B.DEP C.DPG( )7. A.JFQ B.JEQ C.IEC ( )8. A.dbp B.bdq C.dqp( )9. A.gmn B.jmn C.jnm ( )10.A.sure B.super C.thanks三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。(10分) () () () () ()四、听对话,用大写字母给下列图标号。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听音,用大写字母给下列句子标号。(8分)( ) Lets have some peaches.( ) OK!( ) Yes, I like them very much.( ) Do you like pears?六、听问句,选择正确的答语。(8分)新课 标第 一网( )1. A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.( )2. A. Shes my sister. B. Shes my mother. C. Hes my brother.( )3. A. Sorry, I dont like. B. No, thanks. C. Sure.Here you are.( )4. A. Watermelons. B. Twelve. C. I can see.Writing Part (50分)一、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。(8分) Model: A B C a b c 1. J 2. P 3. 4. r 二、看图,写出下列单词中所缺的字母。(6分) amburger ag ouse eep encil axi三、看图,把下列各种水果的序号填在( )内。(10分)A. pear B. apple C. grapes D. bananas E. peachxk b1.c om四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分) ( )1. Lets have some peaches. A. I have four.( )2. How many bananas do you have? B. Sure. Here you are.( )3. Whos this boy? C. Nice to meet you.( )4. This is my friend. D. OK.( )5. Can I have an orange, please? E. Hes my brother.五、看图,选出与图意相符的句子或对话,将序号填在( )内。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. P Q R S T, pour the tea. 2. I like watermelons. 3. I have seven rulers.4. - Whos that woman? - Shes my mother. 5. - Do you like bananas, Chen Jie? - Sorry, I dont like bananas.六、照例子,把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子,将序号填在横线上。(6分)Model: Do you pears like (?) ? 1. some fruits Have (.) 2. are you from Where (?) 3. This my mom is (.) PEP小学三年级英语下册Unit Six How Many?单元测试题学校: 姓名: 班级: 评分: (时间:40分钟;满分:100分)Listening Part (27分)一、听音,圈出你所听到的大写或小写字母。(10分)k F e G d O s C x P H u Q z W i A y T v二、听音,选出录音所读的单词、字母或数字,在( )内打“”(5分)1. monkey( ) 2. eleven( ) 3. twenty( ) mouse ( ) seven ( ) welve( ) 4. jeep ( ) 5. 17( ) jump ( ) 7( )三、听音,按照录音所读的顺序,用大写字母(A-L)给下列单词标号。(12分)1. doll ball balloon crayon ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. mom dad man kite ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. green great black bird ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Writing Part (73分)四、按字母表顺序,补全下列的大小写字母.(5分)Aa ( ) Cc Dd ( )Ff Gg ( ) Ii Jj( )Ll Mm( ) Oo Pp ( )Rr ( ) Tt ( ) ( )Ww Xx Yy( )五、选出不同类的一项。(10分)( )1. A. me B. that C. this( )2. A. see B. bird C. fish( )3. A. how B. bag C. where( )4. A. in B. look C. on( )5. A. my B. I C. your六、看图片,选单词。(12分)A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. nineteen E. fifteen F. eighteen( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. 七、 看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线。(12分)kite ice-cream balloon fish kangaroo bird 八、计算小能手。(10分)Anine Bfour C. nineteen Deighteen Etwelve( )1. twosix ( )4. eighttwo ( )2. teneight ( )5. nineteenten ( )3. twentyone 九、看图,根据图意选出正确的句子,将序号填在( )内。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. How many crayons do you have? - Eighteen.B. I have thirteen books.C. J J J, jump, jump, jump.D. Lets fly the kite.E. How many balloons do you have? - Fifteen.十、火眼金睛,选一选。(14分)( )1. pens do you see? ThreeA. How many B. How much( ) 2.How many do you see?A. kites B. a kite( ) 3. my new bag? Oh, how beautiful !A. Look B. Look at ( ) 4. How many books you have? I have 12.A. is B. do ( ) 5. you have? I have 11. A. How pens many do B. How many pens do( )6. I have 13 A. pens B. pen( )7.6 and 9 makes .A. fifteen B. thirteen


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