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六年级英语上册第一单元测试题六年级英语上册第一单元测试题总分:100分 时间:45分钟姓名:_ 成绩:_一、读一读,写出相应的交通灯涂色。(6)1. lok! Its th_ lg, so wmustwai2. lok! Its t_ lgt, so we musstop. 3. look!Its the _ight, owe cango.二、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) . A ship B. ligh C.subay D.plane( ) 2. A.rd .l C.gree Dcuntry( ) 3. A. ow Bwait .stop D.o( ) 4Ahn .HangzhouC.Astralia D.Enland( ) . A.metime .usualy C.here .often三、读一读,配一配。(5%) 1a . ship . b . trin 5 plan ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A . C. D 四、读一读,选一选。(1%) ( ) .Usull Igo toschool n_. .bie B. foo C.pane ( )2 _o yo g t schoo? A.ow B. Who .Wher ( )3.I Englan and Austraa, driverdrivon te _side fte road. A eft B.right C. sriht( )4._at a yellowlit.A. top . Wt C o( )5If ougo y a, byik ornoot, ou must ko he _. A. raff ligh B. taffic C. affic lt ( )6Can I go n fot? A. Ye, you can. B.I g ter n foot. ( )7. Lok at h traffic igts A.e usp. B. Its not fa.( )8.Ho can I gtto he uprmarke? AYou an get there bybi. B. Ys ,you can.( )9当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说:. ts goto he zo. B. How do you g the zo?( )1.当你询问别人怎样去Ausrali时,应该说:. Do you g tAutala by plan? B. Hwdo ouo to Aurai? 五、把图与相应的句子用线连接起来。(1%)1 .Igoto Beijing by lan. 2 .I g o te zoo by bs3 .I o to the bok store bysba4 . go to the permrke bybie. go to solofoot六、看图,写出单词或词组。(6%)七、读一读,选一选。(4%)( )1.Youcan goytrai. ( ).Yu an stright.( )3. o t a green igt. ( )4.I go to sclby us.A. B C. 八、选择适当的单词完成对话。(6%)hr, how, n foot,near ,bus ,go oA:Ls _the p hi mornin.B:rea!B_do wg t thepark?A:Its esy Come o mhomeby _.:OK. t _s th park?:It_myome.We cango _.九、选择正确的句子。(0%)( )1. 想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问: A. How do yug o schol? B. ow an I go t chool?( ) 2 想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:A.o do y goto thepar? B. Hw an go the park?( ) 3. 别人跟你说“Thak u!”,你应该这样回答: A.ure wlcome. B. O. ( )4. “我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问: . C I o on fot? B. Can by bike? ( ) . 想知道别人的名字可以这样问: A How are yu ? B Whas yu name ?十、连词成句。(10%).to, , yu,soo, How,g_?N 1, ca, u,b, , bus,te_.t, , scol,I,ot, sully, on_4.Usually,bus, Me, , goe_.5.ark, t,Ho, , gt,can,Zhngsha_?十一、连线成句。(10%)1 How do you the traffic lights.2. Wait by bike.3. Look at go to the USA?4. Sometimes I go at a yellow light.5. How can I get to the zoo?十二、按要求完成下面的句子。().A elo lightmans_. Th ree coor of th traffi ligtsre red_.3 Can you go to aay plae? (作肯定回答。)_ I go to scho bysua.(对划线部分提问。) _十三、阅读理解, 正确的打“”,错误的打“F”。(%)M. Grn:ood morning,Mr. Wu! How do yo uualygoo work?Mr. W: I usual go wok y ke. But omtime I g on fot I ike walkng.Mr.Gr:Wakingis good.Lo atthesun.Its aine day for alkingday.MrWu: hat rig. nd the i oday isnce a clenWha abut ou? Do youofno towo by e?Mr.Gren: Yes, butn today.M. Wu: Whynot?. re: Mybike is okn ( )1.omtims r. Wuoesto on fot.( )2.M W liks ridin( ).Mr. Greoten go wrkbbike.( )4.The eahris nice an clen today.( )5. .Ws ik s roken。ep六年级英语上册第一单元测试题(考试时间:40分钟 满分:10分)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考生编号:_ 听力部分(30%)一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。(5%)str srt HIKHJKbap bad 3. AJGKAHGKnmlmnl 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。(5%)1. 2 . . 5. bustrainship三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把代表该单词的字母序号写在右边括号里。(0)A B ( )gostopwaitA B ( )green lighttraffic lightstraffic rulesA B C ( )green lightred lightyellow lightA B ( )fastfarnearA B C ( )四、下面5个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“”,不相符的图片下打“”。(10%)1 .( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5 ( ) ( ) 笔试部分(70%)一、仔细观察,把下面的字母组合大写形式改成小写形式,小写形式改成大写形式。(%) 1. UP . j d 4.KY .M二、仔细观察,按字母表顺序填充字母,注意用小写形式书写。(10)1 2 . h j e m4. 5 6. r v y 三、看图片,圈出正确的单词。()AwaitBgoAby bike Bby busAby trainBby ship1. 2 Atraffic lightsBtraffic rules4 5. Aby planeBby subway四、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) 1A ship B. igt C.suway D. plane( ) 2. A.red .yell Cgren Dcountr( ) 3 A. hw Bwat Ctop D.go( ) . A.hin B.angou C.Autra D.ngad( ) 5. A.somee B.usually .hee D.often五、看图填词。(5)1. I goto Beiin . ( train ;by bus)2. Lokt the (taffirule; rfic lights )3 at a re liht. (Go; Wait) 4Gohee (by plne;by sp)5.Letgo othe par . (on fo; y bike)六、选择正确的句子。(5%)( ) 想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问: .Hwdo you goo schoo? B. How cn go t school ?( )2. 想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:. o do ougo o the par? . H cn I g to t park?( ) . 别人跟你说“Thank o!”,你应该这样回答: A.Youre wcom. B k. ( ) . “我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问: A. Can I goonfoot ? Can I y bik? ( ) 想知道别人的名字可以这样问: A. ow are ou ? B. Whts or nam ?1 How do you the traffic lights.2. Wait by bike.3. Look at go to the USA?4. Sometimes I go at a yellow light.5. How can I get to the zoo?七、连线成句。(10%)八、排列句子,注意标点符号。(5%) 1.goschoolodohowtoyou bus gobyItoHangzhou 2.canthebusNo.5 gobyyoutoBinjiang parkcanIhowget4.rulesrememberthetraffic5九、阅读理解。(10%)Today is Bett birthda. Somefrens illgo to Betys he. Thyare Luc,om,Maryn ac.Bety:Helo,Lcy! ow dou go o myhe?u: go to your hm y bikeecuse itsner.etty: owaout yo ,T?m:I o te y bu .etty: Wc busan yuta ?Tm: can tae t No.1 uBtt:How oyoo tom home,y?Mary: Oh, My home is quite a from yors. go tere bycr. Mfater s fre tda. Hecn tke me ter.ety:Do yucom to y ome by bikor onoot, Jack?Jack:Oh, I go thre o fot.( )1 Whose bihdays it? A. IsBts Its Mays. C.ItsLus( )2Hw de Tm o Bty ome? A.Bycr. . Bybus. C. Bybie( )3.Is Mryshom frrom Betty ? . Ys, t s. B Ye,it snt. C., tisnt.( )4H dosJak got Bettys oe? .n fot. BBy bie. C.by r ( )5.Howman iens goto Bty hoon oot ? A. Two. B. One. C.hree.PP六年级(上)英语单元测试卷第一单元二、笔试部分5、Write the word(写单词)1%6、Wrie theotes(看图,照样子标注)1%7、Redan choose(读句子,选择适当的内容填空)1%(1) Ho do (you/ your) gotEngland?(2)Myshol s nar m oe. It is not (eaar).()ts go t e bu top (on/b) fo.(4) Ourclsroo iso the (two/ecod) flo.(5) Se you (n/at) ocock.8、Read ndatch(句子搭配)(10%) A ow d ogo to the suparet? . re, you like. B.n I go on fot? .Its nar a fas od hop C. Whee syur hme? c.Igo thre y th No. 5 bs. D Look at thefic ghs. d. u an gt there fo. I n far E. How cnI gt tthbookstor? e.We must stop.9、读句子,根据句子意思从、C中选择正确的选项填空(0%)( )(1) How she got h par?A. is . oe C do( )(2). e g o h USA A. by sh B buy sip C. at shi( )(3). If he traic lgtis yellow,we must . go B. wit C. stop( )(4). In Cin, divers dive h ideof the road.on; left B. in; ght . on; rigt( )(5). W cn go to shol fooA y B. o . i( )(6). at a reenliht.A Go B top( )(7). Ingland, driver driveon te side te rod.A. right B. left ( )(8). 你告诉别人打算骑自行车去周游世界时,应该说:A I goig go arud worldbca.B Imoing ther like.C. Im gog ogo aoud he world b bike( )(9).当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:Doou go to ustraia y ple.B. Ho do yogo to Atalia.C. Where s Astrali?( )(1). It eas . A. by bke B. nobikes10、阅读理解并填空)(4%)rles, , ihts, soeies, b, wai, edI m a uivetysdents Ilie rdig. Every week, toXin-hua Btr. sualy go ter bus, bu o b bie I know therff arehe same n everycounr. Mens stop.Yelow en and geen men g But o trafic are difert. In Autra, people go nthe lft de othe rad, but i China we goon therihtsi. Iyou go t Ausralia, rememb it.EP小学英语六年级上册第一单元测试题()EP小学英语六年级上册第一单元测试题一. 填入所缺字母,并写出相应的中文意思:n plne tr ff c t ns beshpbwyhwstp 二.选择填空:1.Iusual goto ch oot.A.b;B.t;C.on2.-is the boy? -Hs To. Ah;Bo;C.Hw3.- re you doing? -I reading. A.at; B.Whe;C.Ho4.- is on t rier? -Smeships. A.Who;.Whom;C.What.ple oyou wa,he bion r th sml ne?AWhat; Wih; .Who6 - an go to Shnghai/ -You n o by pln. .Were; B.How;CWat7. - is you brthe. -H tn A.How; .Were;C.Ho od8- bok d you hav? -Ihave tenA mny; B.Hw uch;.Ho三圈出每组单词中与其他不属于同类的单词1.ed light ; geen lih ; el light ;rafc rule; 2ubway; bus;bke;par3.sool; bie; park; kinerre4.Canada;traicliht; affic rule; raffc jam四对画线部分提问;1.I go colb bke.2. go toshool a 6:30.ou cn g tte par onfoot4.ms ten yars ol5.Yor ais onhe des五.连词成句:can, go, n, , schol,fo, t .o, to,p, how, the, you, go ? can, No15, go, b,u,scol, o,th,y ? 4nar, is, hme, the, my, ofic, ps 5.o, stp,can, o, s, ft,w, on,t 六.改错:.ow d ou o to ool?.I gs to Canada bypan 3.We n t theus stp nfoo.4Reemb the traffi re!5.Coe t y home by bke七.选词填空;ow t by on near g et stp t he.My oesthe hspia.2. doug to ho? to coolfot.3.Youaby . bu.4Lok h trfic lights5.How d yr mhe to ork6.y fat goesand by plne.7. t a ed ligt八判断有没有共同的读音nae pne( )pg big ( ) edih ( )teamdal ( ) pk gret ( ) fooscoo()busu ( )sop go ( ) ven ue ()fiv fih ( )


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