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Craft Training Certificate 技能培训认证CRAFT TRAININGCERTIFICATE技能培训认证ASSESSMENT CRITERIA评估标准Guide Notes to Assessment 评估指南Detailed Descriptions 详细描述N.B. Tutors must use these descriptions when assessing craft training. These notes may be referred to if further clarification of any of the areas is required.注意:导师需要运用这些描述来评估技能培训。如果任何方面需要进一步解释,可以参考这些指南。T-DENOTES TRAINER 培训员L-DENOTES LEARNER OR LEARNERS 学员RATINGS 评分I.STRUCTURE 结构This section identifies the key behaviours expected at certain times in the session. 本部分将判定课程中某些时刻要求达到的关键行为ATTENTION - BEFORE any instruction is given T must gain attention of L请注意:在给予学员任何指示之前,培训员必须先吸引学员的注意力WHAT 内容+2:T clarifies precisely what is about to be learned培训员清楚准确地讲述了要学习的内容+1:T states what is about to be learned; further clarification required培训员讲述了要学习的内容,但需要更清楚些 0:T mentions briefly what is about to be learned培训员简要提及要学习的内容-1:T makes no mention of what is about to be learned培训员没有提及要学习的内容-2:T makes misleading statement of what is about to be learned培训员对要学习的内容的陈述令人误解INTEREST 兴趣+2:T says or does something very likely to create Ls interest in the task 培训员所说或所做很容易引发学员对任务的兴趣+1:T says or does something likely to create some interest for L in the task 培训员所说或所做容易引发学员对任务的兴趣 0:T says or does something hardly likely to create Ls interest in the task 培训员所说或所做不大能够引发学员对任务的兴趣-1:T says/does nothing to create Ls interest in the task培训员没有说/做来引发学员对任务的兴趣-2:T says/does something likely to distract L, or which is irrelevant to the task 培训员所说或所做容易分散学员的注意力,或者与任务根本不相关NEED 需要+2:T gives clear statement of personal benefits to L培训员清楚陈述了对学员个人的好处+1:T gives vague statement of personal benefits to L培训员模糊陈述了对学员个人的好处 0:T gives statement which implies personal benefits to L培训员暗示了对学员个人的好处-1:T gives statement of benefits to other parties (e.g. company, customers etc.) but not to L; or T makes no mention of benefits培训员陈述了对其他方面(例如公司或客人等)而非对学员的好处;或者未陈述对学员的好处-2:T mentions benefits which might confuse or discourage L培训员所提及的好处使学员产生迷惑,或者使学员气馁BREAKDOWN - breaks down into manageable portions all L must learn in this session分步讲解把学员需要学习的内容分解成容易讲解的步骤DEMONSTRATION 示范+2:T demonstrates very clearly all the key points where appropriate培训员非常清楚地示范了所有适当的要点+1:T demonstrates clearly most of the key points where appropriate培训员清楚地示范了大部分适当的要点 0:T demonstrates quite clearly the key points where appropriate培训员比较清楚地示范了适当的要点-1:Ts demonstration is confusing or T omits appropriate parts of demonstration培训员的示范使学员产生迷惑或者培训员忽略了一些适当部分的示范-2:T does not demonstrate培训员没有进行示范EXPLANATION 解释+2:T clearly establishes an explanation of key points:reasons/standards/hygiene/safety etc. 培训员对要点的解释很清楚:原因,标准,卫生与安全等等+1:T clearly establishes an explanation of most key points; omits some relevant information培训员对大部分要点的解释很清楚;忽略了一些相关信息 0:T establishes an explanation of few key points, should improve clarify and increase number of points covered培训员对少数要点进行了解释,应该提高解释的清晰度,增加解释一些要点-1:T makes inadequate effort to establish an explanation of key points培训员对要点的解释不充分-2:T makes a number of statements which are confusing培训员的一些陈述使得学员产生迷惑MENTAL INVOLVEMENT (QUANTITY OF QUESTIONS)学员的参与(提问的质量)+2:T at every opportunity invites and allows L to give explanation, ideas, suggestions, opinions etc. (i.e. T asks at least one teaching question for every standard)培训员自始至终都邀请并允许学员给出解释,自己的观点,建议和看法等等(例如:对每一个标准,培训员都提出至少一个教学性问题)+1:T mostly invites and allows L to give explanation, ideas, suggestions, opinions etc.培训员频繁地邀请并允许学员给出解释,自己的观点,建议和看法等等 0:T occasionally invites and allows L to give explanation, ideas, suggestions, opinions etc.培训员偶尔邀请并允许学员给出解释,自己的观点,建议和看法等等-1:T only invites L to repeat information already given (i.e. T only asks testing questions)培训员只是邀请学员重复已讲述过的信息(例如:培训员只提问检测性问题)-2:T does not invite/allow verbal participation by L培训员没有邀请学员以口头形式参与PRACTICAL INVOLVEMENT 技能操作参与+2:T requires L to be practically involved at all times as appropriate培训员自始至终都要求学员在合适时间参与技能操作+1:T requires L to be practically involved at most times as appropriate 培训员频繁地要求学员在合适时间参与技能操作 0:T requires L to be practically involved at some times as appropriate培训员有些时候要求学员在合适时间参与技能操作-1:T requires L to be practically involved at inappropriate times and/or part of task not practised by L培训员要求学员在不合适地时间参与操作而且/或者学员没有参与部分技能操作-2:T does not require L to be practically involved培训员没有要求学员参与技能操作N.B. when part of task not practised by L (i.e. a mark of -1) applies , T should not also be penalised in Staging if the staging is appropriate.请注意:如果学员没有参与部分技能练习(例如给-1分),那么在分段层次不恰当时,培训员不应该在“分段层次”中再次扣分CHECK - After covering all relevant content T must check that L understands and can carry out tasks to standard, unaided.检查在所有内容讲述结束后,培训员必须检查学员是否理解,而且可以独立按标准完成任务VERBAL CHECK口头检查+2:T questions L to check recall and understanding of knowledge content: all key points covered培训员提问学员以检查学员的记忆和对知识内容的理解:所有要点都被检查到+1:T questions L to check recall and understanding of knowledge content: most key points covered培训员提问学员以检查学员的记忆和对知识内容的理解:大部分要点被检查到 0:T questions L to check recall and understanding of knowledge content: few key points covered培训员提问学员以检查学员的记忆和对知识内容的理解:少数要点被检查到-1:T questions L to check recall but not understanding or check is confusing培训员提问学员以检查学员的记忆,没有检查其是否理解或者检查使学员产生迷惑-2:T does not ask L any questions to check learning培训员没有提问学员任何问题来对学习进行检查PRACTICAL CHECK技能操作检查+2:T requires L to perform whole task unaided: ensures all task covered successfully as demonstrated培训员要求学员独立示范整个任务过程:保证所有的任务都被成功示范+1:T requires L to perform whole task: points out or coaches any omission/error培训员要求学员示范整个任务过程:指出忽略的部分或错误或者对此进行指导 0:T requires L to perform whole task unaided: any omission/error not pointed out培训员要求学员独立示范整个任务过程:没有指出忽略的部分或错误-1:T requires L to perform only part of task, key steps omitted培训员要求学员示范部分任务过程,忽视了主要步骤-2:T does not require L to perform task培训员没有要求学员示范任务II.TECHNIQUES技巧运用This section examines the technical quality of key behaviours本部分检测了在培训关键部分技巧运用的质量QUESTION WORDING问题措辞+2:Ts questions are clearly worded, require appropriate amount of thought by L培训员的问题措辞清晰,使得学员有合适程度的思考+1:Most of Ts questions are clearly worded, require appropriate amount of thought by L培训员的大部分问题措辞清晰,使得学员有合适程度的思考 0:Some of Ts questions are clearly worded but require more/less thought than appropriate培训员的一些问题措辞清晰,但需要学员更多/更少的思考-1:Ts questions are unclear and are not likely to improve learning (or no questions to assess)培训员的问题措辞不清晰,不大能够提高学习效果(或者没有提问)-2:Ts questions are unclear and are likely to confuse learner培训员的问题措辞不清晰,而且很可能使学员产生迷惑STAGING分段层次+2:T breaks session into stages with appropriate amount of learning in each培训员把内容分阶段展开,每阶段都有合适的信息量+1:T breaks session into stages with slightly more/less learning than appropriate in some培训员把内容分阶段展开,有些阶段的信息量稍多或稍少 0 : T breaks session into stages with slightly more/less learning in most培训员把内容分阶段展开,大部分阶段的信息量稍多或稍少-1:T breaks session into stages with too much/too little learning in each stage培训员把内容分阶段展开,每个阶段的信息量都过多或过少-2:Session consists of inappropriate stages (one stage only/very small steps)培训员展开的阶段不太合适(只有一个阶段或很少的步骤)SESSION STRUCTURE 课程结构+2:Session follows 3-phase structure: appropriate time spent on each phase课程按照清晰可辨的三阶段结构;每个阶段所使用的时间都很合适+1:Session follows 3-phase structure: appropriate time spent on two phases课程按照清晰可辨的三阶段结构;在一或两个阶段所使用的时间合适 0:Session follows 3-phase structure: inappropriate timing (on two or three phases and/or Practical Check before Verbal Check)课程按照清晰可辨的三阶段结构;在两个或三个阶段所使用的时间不合适而且/或者在口头检查之间进行了技能操作检查-1:Session lacks any one of the three phases课程缺少三个阶段中的某一个-2:Session lacks recognisable structure课程缺少明晰可辨的结构LOGICAL逻辑性N.B. This area applies to the Breakdown phase only请注意:本部分仅适用于“分步讲解”阶段+2:All information is in logical sequence所有信息的讲解都有逻辑性+1:Most information is in logical sequence大部分信息的讲解有逻辑性 0:Information is in somewhat illogical sequence; some points at wrong time信息的讲解有些没有逻辑性;一些要点的讲解时间不对-1:Much information is in illogical sequence大部分信息的讲解都没有逻辑性-2:Information is in illogical and confusing sequence信息的讲解没有逻辑性,使学员产生迷惑III.INTERACTION互动This section is concerned with the attitude the trainer appears to have towards the learner, as indicated by the interaction between them, based on feelings more than structure本部分是检测在结构的基础上,通过培训员与学员的互动活动中所显示出来的培训员对学员的态度PACE/LEVEL 节奏/水平+2:Pace and level are right; no adjustment needed节奏和水平都合适,不需要任何调整+1:Pace or level are right: T needs to adjust one at times节奏或者水平合适:培训员需要不时地调整某一方面 0:Pace and level are not quite right: slow to adjust节奏和水平都不太合适:培训员的调整不及时-1:Pace and level wrong: little attempt at adjustment节奏和水平都不合适:很少试着进行调整-2:Pace and level wrong: no adjustment节奏和水平都不合适:没有进行调整TRAINERS RESPONSE 培训员的回应+2:T always gives positive reaction, gives maximum useful feedback: most points built upon培训员总是给予积极的回应,最大可能地给予有用的反馈;大部分要点有扩展+1:T usually gives positive reaction, gives some useful feedback: little or no building培训员通常给予积极的回应,给予一些有用的反馈;很少或几乎没有扩展 0:T sometimes gives positive reaction: gives little useful feedback培训员有时给予积极的回应,很少给予有用的反馈-1:T never gives any useful feedback培训员几乎不给予任有用的反馈-2:T does not react except to criticise: puts L down除了批评之外,培训员没有给予回应,使得学员很气馁ENTHUSIASM 热情+2:T indicates enthusiasm and commitment to the task 培训员表现出对任务的热情与投入+1:T indicates modest amount of enthusiasm and commitment to the task培训员表现出对任务的适度热情与投入 0:T indicates little enthusiasm to the task培训员表现出对任务的少许热情-1:T indicates disinterest/apathy to the task培训员表现出对任务的不感兴趣或冷漠-2:T indicates antipathy to the task培训员表现出对任务的消极反感IV.PREPARATION 准备This section is concerned with the trainers preparation for training本部分是关于培训员对培训课程所做的准备工作This will be based on three ratings only and a minimum of 0 will be required检测分数只有以下三个,“0”为最低要求+:T prepares fully room, all necessary material, equipment etc.培训员充分准备了培训教室,必须的材料和设备等等0:T prepares most of necessary items: session not adversely affected by omission to prepare necessary items培训员准备了大部分的须物品:课程并没有因为缺少的物品而受到负面影响-:Session adversely affected by inadequate preparation由于缺乏准备,课程受到了负面 ASSESSMENT SHEET 评估表NAMEDATE 日期TOPIC 题目StructureA(-2-10+1+2-2-10+1+2-2-10+1+2What(Need(Interest(+3B(Demonstration(Explanation+8(Mental Involvement(Practical Involvement(+3(CVerbal Check(Practical Check(+1TechniquesQuestion Wording(Staging+3(Session Structure(Logical(InteractionPace/Level(Trainers response+2(Enthusiasm(-0+-0+-0+Preparation0Assessment Decision(Tick One)Please sate what action to be takenRecommended PassFurther AssessmentOther ActionSigned by TutorSigned by Delegate


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