PEP小学六年级英语下册Grade 6 Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip教案

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Grade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip一、教学内容 第一课时:Read and say。二、教学目标1、 能读懂 Readandsay 部分的对话,完成两项有关旅行日程安排的练习。2、能熟练掌握并运用be going to 句型询问并回答他人和自己的旅行安排。三、教学重难点本课时的教学重、难点是让学生在具体情景中熟练运用begoingto 句型询问和回答相关信息。四、教学准备中国地图和各地风景图、录音机、录音带、单词卡片等。五、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song: What Are You Going to Do?2. Play a brainstorm game.PPT上的weekend一词,让学生看着尽可能多地用英语说出能想到的周末活动,如:do my homework, visit grandparents, go fishing等。2、Free talk用学生学过的句型“What are you going to do on the weekend?”提问。T: The weekend is coming. What are you going to do this weekend?S: Imgoing toStep 2 Presentation1.在学生了解彼此周末打算干什么以后,教师让学生猜测老师周末打算做什么,自然地呈现更多本课的生词和重要短语。在师生交流的过程中,教师鼓励学生尽可能多地运用不同句型进行提问。如:T:Can you guess: What am I going to do this weekend?S1: I think you are going to S2: Are you going to .S3: Maybe you are going to(PPT 呈现教师周末打算做的事情)T: Yes, Im going to take a trip. Im going to Kunming.(手指PPT中的民族舞蹈、石林图片) Im going to see folk dances and visit Stone Forest.(教师领读folk dances,Stone Forest。)Step 3:Read and say1.学生看动画,听录音,回答问题。T: Boys and girls, we are talking about our weekends. Zhang Peng and Mike are talking about their holidays. Please watch the cartoon, and try to fill in Mikes trip schedule.Where to go?What to do?When to go?How to get there?2.听完录音后,教师让学生分组讨论以上的问题3.学生自读课文,通过自主学习发现问题,并尝试解决问题。设计意图:此环节目的是培养学生自主学习的意识、发现问题的习惯,以及解决问题的能力,帮助学生摆脱依赖教师直接呈现语言点的传统学习方式。4.学生跟读录音。Step 4:Extension1、PPT呈现祖国各地风貌的图片,让学生初步感知各地自然风光、民俗风情及地名。给学生布置采访任务:T: Its a good season for a trip. Where are you going? What are you going to do? Please plan your holiday and interview your classmates.Where to go?What to do?When to go?How to get there?(教师鼓励学生根据表格的问题,进行小组问答。)2.写作教师要求学生根据采访的结果开展写作训练。My holidaySummer holiday is coming soon. Im going to 用实物投影学生所写的内容,并选2、3组展示。Step 5 Summary 引导学生总结。Step 6 Do some exercises.1. Listen to the passage and put the pictures in right order. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. Finish the sentences, choose the words and fill in the blanks.When Where What How Who1. _are you going to Beijing? Next Monday.2. _ are you going to Xinjiang? By train.3. _are you going with? Im going with my friend.4. _ are going to do there? Im going to eat good food.5. _are you going ? Im going to Changsha.Step 7 AssessmentStep 8 Homework写一小段话,谈谈你和家人的假期计划。六、教学板书设计Recycle 1 Lets take a trip1.Read and say be going toStone Forestfolk dancesGrade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip复备人:一、教学内容第二课时:Read and answer, Listen and write, Good to know。二、教学目标1. 知识目标1 )能够理解Read and answer 的对话。2 )能完成Listen and write的听力练习。3 )综合运用be going to 句型,there be结构和形容词比较级等语言。2. 能力目标1 ) 通过教学,培养学生观察、记忆、思维、创造的能力。2 ) 培养学生捕捉文字里的关键信息回答问题的能力,养成良好的阅读习惯。3. 情感、策略、文化等目标1 )情感态度:注重培养学生学习的愿望,鼓励学生参与实践活动。2 )学习策略:注重观察、交际功能、学会观察、提问等策略。3 )文化目标:了解机场基本设施及登机前的通告和旅游地区的文化。三、教学重难点 1. 本课时的教学重点和难点是综合运用be going to 句型,there be 结构和形容词比较级等语言。 2. 让学生能够在抓住主要复习的语言点的同时,更多联系已经学过的语言。四、教学准备 1. 根据学生活泼好动,求知欲强,争强好胜的心理特征,因此在教学方法上我展示情景图,使设计情景更加形象直观,有趣味性,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生在乐中求学。 2. 通过小组活动,培养他们合作探究精神,解决问题的能力及相互沟通的能力。 3. 我还采用小组竞赛的游戏来辅助教学,根据Read and answer的内容,我分别用小白兔、小猴、小熊和小羊代表4个小组进行比赛,4个小动物各自带着backpack奋发前进,到本节课结束时,看哪组能以最快的速度到达目的地就算赢。这样则可以调动学生的学习积极性和培养他们团结合作,奋发向上的精神。并激发学生之间良性的学习竞争意识,使学生更好的投入到教学的每个环节中。 4.通过自评、师评、小组互评,激发学生的学习积极性,有益于学生树立自信心,形成继续努力学习的动力。 5.为了更好地吸引学生的注意力,提高教学效果,我准备了录音机带、投影仪、图片等教具。五、教学过程Step 1 Leading in1、Sing a song “Im going to ”2、老师提供某些城市的相关信息,学生抢答城市名称如: the Great Wall Beijing Ocean Park Hong Kong Spring City Kunming East Pearl Shanghai 根据学生的回答,教师将各城市名称贴到教师四周的墙上。3、Free talk 教师与学生根据提供的信息,进行对话 Where are you going ? Im going to ?Are we going to ?Yes, we are./ No, we arent.Step 2 Pre-task1、老师呈现情景图,旅游名胜古迹,风景优美,老师引导一些爱好旅游的学生上讲台为同学作介绍。2、图片呈现候机场对话情景,出示问题What are Kathy and Mike talk about? 学生带着问题看书和听录音。Step 3 While-task1、Ask the students to read the text again and tick or cross.( )1. Kunming is far from Beijing.( ) 2. Its very hot in Kunming.( ) 3. Kathy is going to buy some folk clothes in Kunming.( ) 4. Mikes backpack is bigger and heavier.2.Check the answers and then read after the tape.3. 教师把Read and answer中的重难点句子做成词卡,发给4个小组,请学生讨论后按正确顺序排列,看哪个小组完成得又对又快,先完成的小组能赢得前进的机会。 Kunming is three hours by plane. Kunming is known as “Spring City”, Its usually sunny and warm4、Check the answer5. 引导学生完成课本练习“Answer the questions.”5、教师出示对话情景片段,让学生模仿Read and answer 给它配音。6、Present “Group work”.T: Yin Yun is going on a big trip this summer holiday. Where is she going to ? Guess S:Guess教师让学生四人小组分别说出某人或自己讲要去哪里,将会以怎样的交通方式,将要干什么等,让其他三个同学猜猜。Step 4 Post task1、请各组代表上台表演,评出最佳拍档。2、Listen and write.3、Good to know .通过老师讲解和课件图示,让学生进一步了解机场基本设施及登机前的通告。Step 5 Do some exercises.1. Listen and tick or cross. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、阅读短文,判断对错。Step 5 Assessment and summary.Step 6 Homework.6. 用英语说说你在暑假打算去什么地方,干什么。7. 写一篇一般将来时的小作文。(不少于30个单词。)七、教学板书小 组 竞 赛Recycle 1 Read and answer课 件Spring City-KunmingGrade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip!复备人: 一、教学内容第三课时:Read and answer Lets sing二、教学目标3. 能够用一般过去式连贯表达一段发生过的事情。4. 理解Read and answer的内容,并能完成相关练习。5. 学唱歌曲“I Went on a Holiday”。三、教学重、难点分析 本课时的教学重点和难点是用一般过去时连贯叙述一段事情。教师要在正确示范的基础上引导学生进一步熟悉、掌握这一语法现象。四、教学准备1. 教学方法:1)以旧带新,兴趣导入。本课教师将在free talk中通过一些图片唤起学生前面所学的知识,同时设下疑问,激起学生的阅读兴趣。2)循序渐进,把握文本主要内容。通过一些简单而有趣的练习,让学生逐渐把握文本的主要信息,完成阅读任务。3)学以致用。本课将通过某些教学环节(如free talk中的口语交流、看图写作),让学生的知识能学以致用。2. 课前准备:8. 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。9. 教师准备一些图片和句条。五、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1.教师放歌曲“I Went on a Holiday”,学生跟唱。2.Free talk(1)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:T:Holiday is fun for us.Where did you go on the holiday?How did you go there?What did you do there?(2)Look and say教师投影或是贴出以下图片,随后展开对话。 T: Look at John/Amy/Sarah. Where did he/she go on the holiday? What did he/she do?Ss: Step 2 PresentationRead and answer(1)教师说:“Now we know about their holidays. What about Mikes? ”教师投影呈现Mike的dairy,并提出问题:“Where did he go on his holiday? ”让学生带着问题阅读文本,然后尝试回答该问题。(2)教师放课文录音,学生静听两遍后完成Read and tick or cross部分的练习。Read and tick or cross.1) a) Mike lost his backpack in the hotel.b) Mike lost his backpack in the taxi.2)a) Mike went to the police station. b) Mike went to the hospital.3)a) Mikes backpack was heavy. b) Mikes backpack was small.4)a) The policeman found the backpack. b) The taxi driver found the backpack.5)a) Mike had a great day. b) Mike had a good and bad day.(3)教师呈现三张图片和一些句子,让学生给图片排序,并把相应的句子贴在图片旁,先完成的小组派代表上台展示。Pictures: Sentences:Mike and his dad took a bus to the police station.Mike and his family went to Kunming on the holiday.Mike lost his backpack in the taxi.The taxi driver found the backpack.Mike was excited to have the backpack again.(4)学生再阅读课文,提出不明白的句子,师生一起解惑答疑。其中可能会涉及到“good news”和“bad news”这两组词,教师解疑后请学生讲几条bad news,鼓励全班大胆设想。(5)学生小组讨论完成Good news and bad news game。Step 3 Consolidation and extensionWriting教师给各小组不同组合的图片,让学生根据图片给出的信息讲讲自己过去所做的事情。 Taiwan Hong Kong Great Wall教师投影出部分学生的作文,进行批改和评讲。Step 5 Summary Step 6 Do some exercises.1.Listen to the passage and tick or cross.( ) 1. I had a happy holiday with my friends last National Day.( ) 2. I visited six cities in our country.( ) 3. I went shopping and eat tasty food in Changsha.( ) 4. We went to Sichuang by plane.( ) 5. We were so tired but happy last National Day.2. Read and answer the questions.Step 7. Assessment.Step 8 Lets sing教师放歌曲“I Went on a Holiday”的录音,略讲歌词大意,学生跟唱。Step 9 Homework1. 用过去式写一篇小作文。2. 完成以下练习:写出下列单词的过去式。run _ go _come _ wait _say _ tell _take _ have _六、教学板书设计Recycle 1 Lets take a trip1Read and answer小组竞赛 Where did Mike go on his holiday? He went to Kunming.Grade Six Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip!一、教学内容:第四课时: Read and write and Lets chant二、教学目标: 1.能够综合运用所学句型,特别是一般过去时描述自己的旅行闻。 2.能听懂,说唱Lets chant 内容。三、教学重难点: 1.重点:综合运用所学语言特别是一般过去时描述自己的旅行闻。 2.难点:教师雪综合学生的生活经验,运用多种方法帮助学生建构语言体系。四、教学准备:录音机、磁带、本课时的动词卡片和旅行活动图片、地名卡片若干。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1.播放歌曲 I went on a holiday,师生同唱歌曲。2. Play a game: 看图快速说短语。 3.教师拿出一张旅游相片,介绍自己去过哪里旅游的经过。Eg: I went to Shenzhen last winter holiday. I took a bus to there. I went shopping. 4.让学生小组讨论,说说自己去过哪里旅游。Step 2 Presentation1) 教师提问学生:Where did you go on your holiday? What did you do there?教师和学生互相交流的同时创设情景:Mike and Kathy had a trip. They want to write postcards to their friends. Lets help them.要求学生在阅读短文的同时回答以下问题: ( 1 )Where did Mike go ?( 2 )What did Kathy do on Tuesday?( 3 )How did Kathy feel on his holiday?10. 把方框里要选择的单词抽出来,进行认读游戏。11. Show a postcard from Mike, 引导学生完成短文。4. 教师进行讲解,然后检查。5.出示单词“food”,学生联想学过食物的单词引出课文中的单词。6. Show a postcard from Kathy, 引导学生完成短文。7. 教师进行讲解,然后检查。Step 4 Practice. 1.请A学生说出自己旅行的过程。再让其他学生进行简单复述。 2.其他学生向A学生体问题:Where did you go? What did you do ?等。 3.Let chant. 播放Let chant录音,学生说唱。Step 5 Production.出示一张明信片,要求学生写写自己去旅游的经历。然后展示给全班同学看。Step 6 Exercises 一、听录音,填空。My name is Amy. I _ busy last weekend. I visited _ grandma on Saturday morning. It _ her birthday. We _ noodles together. In the evening, we _ TV. On _ morning, I played_ _ my friends. In the afternoon, I_ my clothes _cleaned my _.Can you tell me what you did last weekend? Did you have a _ weekend, too?二、读短文,填单词。六、教学板书设计Where did you go on your holiday?I went to .What did you do there?I .Grade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip!一、教学内容第五课时:Read and answer.二、教学目标1、能听懂、会说本课时的对话,并能在情景中进行运用。能完成文后画路线图和填写旅行日记两个任务。2、能口头、笔头简单描述路径。三、教学重难点本课时的教学重点和难点是使学生充分理解并会朗读对话;培养学生获取对话中的关键信息,在地图和旅行日记中再现文字中所叙述情景的能力。 四、教学准备1、教学方法:情景教学法、视听法、小组合作等2、为了更好地吸引学生的注意力,提高教学效果,我课前还准备了对话部分的教学挂图及Mike和Kathy回宾馆的路线图;教师准备一个大的旅行包;录音机、录音带、投影仪等辅助设备。五、教学过程Step Warm up1、Sing a chant全班起立,齐唱课本59页 Lets chant.(师生一起拍手唱)2、Free talk:(会话形式多样,如:师生;生师;生生)e.g.: Good morning boys and girls! How are you today? What day is it today? Whats the date today ? Whats the weather like today?3、Revision for the class教师或某一名学生发指令,全体学生做动作,如:“Turn left/ right. Go straight. Put your book near/ in front of / behind the desk.”等。Step . Presentation 1、T: Boys and girls. What did you do on your holiday? S1: I went to take a trip.师生对话引出课题并板书:Recycle 1. Lets take a trip! Read and answer2、教师演绎,背着旅行包,向学生说:“Im going to take a trip on my holiday. What do I need to prepare?” 教师引导学生说出需要的物品。如:sunglasses, umbrella,clothes,map 等。教师出示map 并带读。T:“ Why do I need a map?” 并提示学生:“When we visit a new city. We may get lost. So the map is useful.”3、教师利用投影出示Mike and Kathy的头像。T: Look! Who are they? P: They are Mike and Kathy. T: “Yes. Youre right.” T: “ Mike and Kathy got lost in Kunming. They had no maps. What should they do?” 提示学生回答:“Go to a policeman and ask for help.” 教师带读policemanpolicewoman 后提出任务:“Now youre the policemen and policewomen. Lets help Mike and Kathy.” 教师利用投影出示任务,让学生带着任务边听Read and answer对话录音边思考。Quistion1. How can Mike and Kathy get to the Holiday Hotel?Quistion2. Where is the hotel? Quistion3. Wheres the cinema? Quistion4. Wheres the bus stop?4、组织学生以四人小组为单位,共同合作,讨论问题,教师给予巡视和辅导并解决任务。5、教师利用投影出示Read and answer 对话部分的教学挂图和Mike and Kathy 回宾馆的路线图,让学生以四人小组为单位阅读对话,并完成标注三个场所和画路线图的任务。教师提供词条hotel, cinema, post office.请一名学生在路线图上摆出正确位置,其余学生则完成在学生用书上画路线图的任务。教师巡视,对有困难的学生及时给予帮助和指导,然后校对。6、模仿朗读对话。T: “Good job! Now, lets have a race. 看看谁的朗读与录音的最相近,和它成为twins. Now, lets read after it.”播放课文录音,学生以多种形式模仿朗读,如集体模仿,分角色模仿等。7、学生朗读完后,然后完成填写Mike的旅行日记的活动,学生同桌互相讨论、交流。教师校对答案。8、活学活用:最佳“故事大王”活动教师提供若干词语和一个话题,让学生根据所给话题将词语组织成故事,如:post card, flower, grapes, sun, policeman, bank, hotel , hot. 主题为A trip.将全班分成两大组选出“故事大王”代表该组参加小组间比赛,然后评选出最佳“故事大王。”Step . Summary and Assessment 12. 引导学生小结。13. 评价:学生评价最喜欢的教学环节- 评选出优秀小组和个人。Step . Do some exercises一、 Listen and choose 听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,把编号写在括号里。( ) 1.A. On summer holiday. B. In summer. C. On my grandparents birthday.( ) 2.A. By plane. B. By train. C. By bus.( ) 3.A. At the cinema. B. In Holiday Hotel. C. At the No.1 bus stop.( ) 4. A. Its next to the cinema. B. Behind the cinema. C. The policeman didnt know.二、Read and choose. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文意思选择正确的句子补全对话,并把正确答案的编号写在相应的横线上。A: Excuse me. We are visitors to this city. We are lost.B: 1. A: 2. B: Its near the bank.A: How can we get to the bank.B: 3. A: 4. B: Sure, if you like. Its not far.A: 5. B: Good luck.1. Thanks for your help.2. Where is the bookstore?3. You can take the No.2 bus.4. What are you looking for?5. Can I go on foot? B. Step V. Homework1、听录音、朗读并背诵Read and answer部分的对话。2、做金牌学案的配套练习。六、教学板书设计:Recycle 1 Lets take a trip!Read and answer小组竞赛图 You can the No.26 bus. Get at the post officeThe hotel is just the cinema. south from the post office.Go Youll the cinema. Turn . Its in the bank.Grade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip!一、教学内容:第六课时:Listen, match and write Lets find out Story time二、教学目标:6. 能够掌握Mike的旅行活动中所设计到的动词过去式。7. 能够听、会认,并可以分辨出旅游用品的词汇和音标。8. 培养学生尊重少数民族文化,热爱祖国河山的高尚情操。三、教学重、难点:14. 进一步巩固学习动词的过去式分词,引导学生结合情景正确理解,运用动词的过去分词。15. 旅游用品词汇能够熟记并可以根据音标拼读单词。四、教具及相关资料的准备:2) 录音机和相关录音带。3) 课本59页听音部分单词卡片,正面单词,背面音标。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1、播放Lets chant,学生跟读。2、教师提问:What did you doseebuy on your holiday?学生回答。Step 2 Preview1、学生准备一张纸,教师板书动词原形,学生直接写过去式,两分钟时间,写完收到组长手里。动词:do see read take are look say come have watch clean sing buy go eat row 组长收完,教师请学生订正答案。4) Lets find out出示Mike图片,学生大胆设想: What did Mike do on his holiday?学生回忆所学的动词短语的过去式,接着学生打开课本60页,教师提问:What did Mike do?教师提问个别学生。然后小组活动,同桌进行问答:What did Mike do ? He took picture-抽查几组后,让全体学生把书上的空填上,并订正答案read: read , buy: bought , take: took , eat: ate , see: saw , climb: climbed , go: went , learn: learned .Step 3 PresentationListen, match and write1、教师提问:Mike bought presents in Kunming. What did he buy ?Can you guess?教师出示有音标的词卡,让学生说完后把卡片翻过来,看单词拼写。2、完成listen and write 练习。放录音,让学生听录音,看词和音标,写出单词。16. Group work教师提供若干城市名称,提问:Youre going to visit-.What are you going to buy?17. Lets play(趣味操练)活动:组句子 教师告诉学生做“组句子”的游戏,给每个学生发一小张纸,指定一些学生,如:第一组学生在纸上任意写一个动词式动词短语;第二组学生写任意一个名字;第三组学生写表示过去的时间;如:yesterday, last week, last holiday;第四组学生写地点,如:in Beijing in the park at home等。让学生分四类将小纸条上交。教师指定四名学生抽纸条,“时间,地点,人物,做什么”各抽一张。教师带领学生将词语组成句子:如Mary went shopping in Kunming yesterday.组成的句子可能符合情理更可能滑稽可笑,教师要引导学生正确对待,不可以随意乱写。如:Tom went swimming in the sky yesterday morning.Step 4 Story time.1、提出问题:What did Zoom and Zip do ?,学生带着问题看VCD。2、Check the answers.3、Watch again and role play.Step 5 Summary引导学生进行小结。Step 6 Do some exercises.一、 Listen, number and match.二、 看图写小作文。写写你在假期做过的事情,25个单词左右。_Step 7 Assessment.评价优秀学生和有进步的学生。Step 8 Homework1、读书59页到60页,家长签名。六、板书设计 Recycle 1 Lets take a trip.小组评价表read buy see climb read bought saw climbed22


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