高考英语 单句语法填空专练无答案2

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单句语法填空专练 1. The frightened mother held out her umbrella _ (defend) her son and _ (she) against the fierce dog.2. As soldiers, they must try their best to defend their country from _ (attack) by enemies.3. The information his elder brother offered is of great _ (valuable), which saved our company _ bankruptcy(破产).4. It is said that the professor has a _ (value) collection of stamps and paintings.5. There is no doubt _ we deserve _ (help) those in need, for sometimes helping others is helping_(we).6. In many countries, you will have to make an _ (appoint) if you want to see a doctor.7. At one point, he was so much _ (good) than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game _ (stop) him.8. There is no point _(persuade) him. He will never change his mind as long as he determines _ (do) something.9. In his early thirties, he took _ (possess) of the beautiful house and _ (marry) the beautiful woman.10. _ (base) on a true love story in Shanghai in the early 20th century, the film is highly welcomed by the public.11. I was about to leave the store _ something in the corner drew my attention.12. The recent event draws our attention _ the psychological health of middle school students.13. In 1987, Jordan became only the second player _ (score) more than 3,000 points in a season.14. If necessary, I will make some adjustments _ the _ (origin) plan.15. With too many troublesome problems _ (settle), we had to stay up until midnight.16. Her family was _ poor that she couldnt afford _ (buy) a dress which was _ (suit) for the occasion.17. As we got closer and closer, we could hear the waves _ (beat) on the shore.18. An _ (extreme) low body temperature can cause the heart _ (beat) so slowly _ a pulse (脉搏)may be difficult to find.19. _ (beat) black and blue, the poor little boy found _ difficult to move a single step.20. In the last ten years, the place _ (develop) from a fishing village into an attractive tourist center.21. In fact, the new policy will contribute _ the _ (develop) of the local small businesses.22. The two friends were sailing down the river _ a huge wave upset the boat.23. Our arrangements for the whole week _ (upset) by an unexpected visitor.24. At that time, she was so upset that she was at _ loss who to turn to _ help.25. _ (look) back on my senior years, I think of all the wonderful things that have happened.26. To be honest, we had fun_ (hunt) wild animals in the mountainous areas in those days.27. In Britain, the relationship between teachers _ students are quite informal, but the teachers may have problems _ discipline (纪律).28. _ is a pity that he didnt get the opportunity _ (work) in that famous foreign company.29. I wonder _ you would mind _ (open) the window _ (let) the fresh air in.30. The fact _ some countries are still suffering _ poverty is really a big problem to the world.31. _ he made a foolish mistake again made his father angry.32. In his letter, he said he was eager _ (know) everything about me in China.33. At that time, he was so eager _ success _he put all his money in stocks (股票).34. With so much homework _ (do), he cant hang out with friends at weekends. 35. It is necessary that he _ (feed) some fresh fruits and vegetables to the little boy from time _ time.36. The little boy _ (feed) the black cat with some sausage, but it refused _ (eat).37. The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will _ (reward) in the end.38. As _ matter of fact, his latest book _ (intend) for children under 5 is very popular.39. Some years later, the woman learned that an unknown person intended _ (give) her money every month.40. _ he has retired, he still shows concern _ the development of the company.41. People all over the country are _ (concern) about the present situation in Wuhan.42. As far as I am _ (concern), people _ spread rumors about the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) should be seriously punished.43. If he goes on like this, he will be a man _ accomplishes nothing in life in the end.44. _ hearing the frightening news, everyone in the city got into a panic.45. _ the thought of the present situation in Wuhan, we cant help _ (feel) nervous and worried.46. The boy had hardly spoken these words _ the old man hit him _ the head with the soup spoon.47. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen _ the doorbell _ (ring) again.48. They _ (panic) and ran back to their boat _ moment they heard the strange noise from the forest.49. All the approaches _ the palace _ (guard) by thousands of soldiers, and nobody was allowed _ (pass).50. The best approach to _ (solve) the problem is to meet the demands _ (make) by the workers.51. Spring Festival is approaching and many people in the small town are busy _ (prepare) for it.52. It is reported that the number of tourists to this seaside city _ on the decline, which is _ (worry).53 . _ (obvious), his influence declined after he lost the _ (elect).54. In the past five years, the number of staff in this foreign company _ (decline) to 200.55. The new teacher impressed the students with his _ (humorous) and enthusiasm.56. To be honest, we _ (impress) by his courage rather his skills at that time.57. As a result of his fluent English and rich experience, he made/ left a deep impression _ the employer.58. As senior three students, we should take full advantage _ every minute to do something meaningful rather than _ (waste) it.59. In fact, we have worked side _ side for about ten years.60. Every evening, they were walking along the river bank shoulder _ shoulder.61. As we all know, theory and practice should go hand _ hand.62. They stood face _ face, _ (stare) at each other for a long time.63. At that time, they had no choice but _ (go) from door _ door, _ (sell) their products.64. The band _ consists of three young and handsome boys is popular _ the teenagers all over the country.65. Another medical team _ (consist) of ten doctors and twenty nurses has been sent to Wu Han.66. He is _ smart that he can always come up _ good ideas.67. _ my point of view, we should devote more time, energy and money _ vocational education(职业教育).68. For many years, the professor has devoted himself to _ (study) the origin of cancer.69. We must make sure that the development of industry should be _ harmony with the environment.70. _ (raise) money on the Internet can not only help those in need _ (get) through the hardships but also be helpful in creating _ harmonious society.71. It was a fat but healthy man _ hit Oliver on the head with a soup spoon. 72. When was it _ the homeless boy was frozen to death.73. By the time she was ten, she _ (learn) to play three musical instruments.74. It is the first time I _ (be) to such an amazing seaside city.75. It was the last time we _ (see) him training together with us.7


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