人教版高中英语课件:unit 3 reading 教案

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Unit 3 Travel journal Period 2: Reading JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG 1. Teaching objectives:1)To develop students reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on.2)To learn to enjoy the fun of travel and appreciate the beautiful sceneries in the world.3)To Learn about some useful words and expressions in the text.4)To learn geographical information about the Mekong River.2.Teaching important points:Use the given expressions to describe their traveling3. Teaching difficult points: To decide what to take before a trip.4.Emotion goals:There are so many beautiful places in China and in the world. We should love our country and love nature.5. Teaching method: Task-based teaching6Teaching aids: CAI7. Teaching procedures: Step I warming-up1. Play a song to catch students attention. Moon river, wider than a mile;Im crossing you in style some day;Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker;Wherever youre goin, Im goin your way;Two drifters, off to see the world;Theres such a lot of world to see;Were after the same rainbows; Waitin, round the bend my huckleberry friend;Moon river, and me 2. Play a guessing game with the students, and ask them to name some rivers. 1. This river is the longest one in China. ( )2This river is called our mother river.( )3This is the famous river in Guangdong Province.( )4This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries.( )Step II Pre-readingLook at the title of the passage on page18 Journey Down The Mekong and guess what it is about.Step III While-Reading1. skim the text to decide which is the main idea of the passageA. The author and his sisters plan about their winter holiday.B. The experience during the author and his sisters trip in Qinghai.C. The author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip.D. anecdotes(轶事)that happened during their trip.2. Read and find the main idea of each paragraph: Paragraph 1:_Paragraph 2:_Paragraph 3:_3. Read the text carefully and answer the following questionsParagraph 1Q1:Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?Q2:What is their dream?Q3:Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?Paragraph 2True or False?n ( ) 1. Wang Wei insisted she organize the trip, because she knows the proper way to get to the places.n ( ) 2. Once Wang Wei has decided something, nothing will change her mind.n ( ) 3. Wang Wei feels worried when she learns about the difficulties of the trip.Can you use some adjective to describe Wang Wei?Determined careful shy energetic (full of energy) stubborn brave unreliable helpfulParagraph 3: Preparation :What can you see along the Mekong 4.Lets learn some geographical terms. glacier waterfall plain valley rapids delta 5. Fill in the blank.6.Summary_ _ middle school, Wang Kun and his sister had_ _ taking a great bike trip. After _ _ college, with cousins they finally got the _ to take the trip. Once Wang Wei had _ _ _ _, nothing could change her mind. Finally, they agreed to start their journey at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. From the atlas they learnt that the Mekong begins in a Glacier on a Tibetan mountain. At first it is small and the water is _ and _. As it enters Southeast Asia, its _slow and at last it flows into the _ _ _.Step IVPost-readingDisscussion: Imagine you are going on the bike trip with Wang Kun and Wang Wei. What will you take for your trip? List your important things, and give your reasons.Step V HomeworkLearning Paper for Unit3 Travel Journal Period 2 Reading:Journey Down The Mekong Learning aims:1. 锻炼使用阅读技巧,如从题目中预测文章大意、找关键词、快速浏览等。2. 学会享受旅游的乐趣并会欣赏世界各国的美景。3.学习课本中的有用词组。4.学习关于湄公河的地理特征。Warming up: 1. 欣赏歌曲 Moon river, wider than a mile;Im crossing you in style some day;Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker;Wherever youre goin, Im goin your way;Two drifters, off to see the world;Theres such a lot of world to see;Were after the same rainbows; Waitin, round the bend my huckleberry friend;Moon river, and me 2.猜一猜1. This river is the longest one in China. ( )2This river is called our mother river.( )3This is the famous river in Guangdong Province. ( )4This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries.( )Practice:1.请看文章题目Journey Down The Mekong, 预测这篇文章是讲什么的?2.快速浏览全文,请选出这篇文章主要意思。 A. The author and his sisters plan about their winter holiday. B. The experience during the author and his sisters trip in Qinghai. C. The author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip. D. anecdotes(轶事)that happened during their trip.3. Read and find the main idea of each paragraph:通读全文并找出文章段落大意。 Paragraph 1:_ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_4. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions细读全文,回答下列问题。Paragraph 1Q1:Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei? Q2:What is their dream?Q3:Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?Paragraph 2True or False?n ( ) 1. Wang Wei insisted she organize the trip, because she knows the proper way to get to the places.n ( ) 2. Once Wang Wei has decided something, nothing will change her mind.n ( ) 3. Wang Wei feels worried when she learns about the difficulties of the trip.Can you use some adjectives to describe Wang Wei? 请用一些形容词来描述王薇。determined careful shy energetic (full of energy) stubborn brave unreliable helpfulParagraph 3: Preparation :What can you see along the Mekong1. Lets learn some geographical terms(地理术语).2. Fill in the blank. 填空。5.Summary_ _ middle school, Wang Kun and his sister had_ _ taking a great bike trip. After _ _ college, with cousins they finally got the _ to take the trip. Once Wang Wei had _ _ _ _, nothing could change her mind. Finally, they agreed to start their journey at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. From the atlas they learnt that the Mekong begins in a Glacier on a Tibetan mountain. At first it is small and the water is _ and _. As it enters Southeast Asia, its _slow and at last it flows into the _ _ _.6. Disscussion. Imagine you are going on the bike trip with Wang Kun and Wang Wei. What will you take for your trip? List your important things, and give your reasons.7. Homework. 7


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