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2015第一轮复习【普陀区】1、Common 常识 common practice 常见病 common diease=ordinary diease 对某人是常见现象be common to sb 和某人有共同语言/共同之处 have sth in common with sb2. Include包括某人/某物 including sb/sth=sb/sth included exclude排斥;排除 3、true 的确 IVs true that+句子 符合于:适合于 be true of=be true for 对某人来说听起来是真实的ring true 真实的;逼真的 be true to life,实话告诉你to tell you the truth=to be honest=honestly speaking 实现come true=realize=carry out4、work1)当work解释为“作品”时,是可数名词 一件艺术品a work of art 两件艺术品two works of art2)当works解释为“工厂”时,单复数形式相同=plant一家工厂 a works 两家工厂two works3)当work解释为“工作”时,是“不可数名词” 开始工作 get down to work 算出:解决;制定 work out 理解work out=make out=figure out4、calm 安静下来做某事calm down to do sth 安静/安顿下来做某事 settle down to do sth 认真开始做某事get down to doing sth5、 身心健康 physical and mental health 使某人身体强壮 make sb physically strong 心理健康psychological health 身心发展develop physically and mentally 锻炼身体take physical exercise6、characteristic (a)有特征的;有个性的 characteristics (n)性格:特征:特色 character (n)性格;人物:品格 有特征 characterize*在性格上:在人物上 in character 7、(1) prove证明;证实(普通用语)当prove解释为“证明是:证实,无被动语态Prove+a=prove to be+a=turn out (to be)+a当prove解释为“证明;证实,有被动语态Prove+n/句子 2) illustrate证明证实(用插图或例子)8、很多1)下列各组词修饰“可数名词”a number of 很多 the number of的数量a variety of 各种各样的 a great many=a good many 很多2)修饰“不可数名词”A great deal of 大量的:很多an amount of 很多大量的 a large amount of=a huge amount of=huge amounts of3) “可数”与“不可数”皆可A lot of=lots of a quantity of大量的 a large quantity of=large quantities ofPlenty of=sums of9、进球得分 score a goal 10、Interest 有趣的 n+of interest=interesting+n 带着浓厚兴趣 with great interests 为了的利益 in the interest of=for the good/benefit of 对感(趣 show/have/feel/take interest in=be/become interested in 对 失去兴趣 lose interst in 唤起某人的兴趣 arouse one! interest in sth众所周知 As is known to us alljnterest in the best teacher. 11、enter 在的入口处 (house room hall 等) at the entrance ofAt the entrance to+n/doing 在(cinema theatre park 等公共场所) 报名参力n enter for=sign up for 进入大学 enter university 进入 gain entry to+n/doing12、face 保全面子 save one9s face 而临:面对 be faced with=face我们面对的问题the problems facing us而向南方面带微笑脸上有皱纹打在某人脸上当着某人的而=the problems that/which we are faced with =the problems that/which we are faceface south=face to the south wearing/with a smile on ones face with wrinkles in ones facehit sb in the face to ones face7给某人一个而子 give sb a face面对面失去信心做某事 lose face in doing sth=lose confidence in doing sth13、survive+n从中幸存下来(不加介词!)survivor幸存者:生存者survival幸存的:幸存:生存14、spread (spread spread)传播(无被动!) spread=get round/around=get about 阻 ih的登延 prevent the spread of sth=prevent sth from spreading15、along 与某人相处融洽get along well with sb 在某方而进展顺利 get along well with sth 沿着walk along the street 一起along with=together with16、question问某人问题 ask sb a question=ask a question of sb询问;质疑某人就某事提问某人不可能的亳无问题的16、 liveput sb to the question question sb on sth out of the question=impossible out of question1)活的(a)(指物) 一条活鱼a live fish2)向做现场直播televise sth live to living (a)有生命的(既可指人也可指物)(n)谋生*生物 living things3)生动活泼的(a) lively4)5)6)7)活着的人 靠谋生 活捉某人 还活着people alive=living people make a living by doing sth catch sb alivebe alive17、benefit1) benefit=do good to=be good for=be beneficial to=be of benefit to2)从得益 benefit from3)使某人受益匪浅 benefit sb a lot18、mean在很吝啬绝不打算做本打算做某事用的手段.用和平手段be mean aboutby no means=at no time=in no case=on no account=in no shape=under no circunstances mean to do sth=plan to do sth=intend to do sthhad meant to do sth=meant to have done sthby means ofby peacuful means无意间伤害某人感情 Don,t mean to hurt sb =Don9t mean to hurt ones feelings【注】当means的单复数形式相同,手段;方法521、ability在某方面有更好的才能,尽所能本领高强的人22、A) notice注意到某人做了某事注意到某人在做某事注意到某人被做某事notice sb do sth notice sb doing sth notice sb done sth 通讯手段 a means of communication 已经尝试过各种手段 Every means has been tried =AII means have been tried19、Remember remember doing =remember having done 记得曾经做过 forget doing =forget having done remember to do sth记得去做某事代某人向某人问好 remember sb to sb=pay/give/send one9s regards to sb=extend ones compliments to sb 20、try try out尝试:试用 try on 试穿 try sb 审判某人*判处某人死刑 sentence sb to death try ones luck (at sth) 碰运气have a better/good ability in sth to the best of ones ability a man of great ability忽视吸引某人的注意张贴布告B) neglect (无意的)take no notice of=ignore (故意忽视) escape ones notice put up a notice废寝忘食 neglect ones meal and sleep 23、experience=go through=under go 从中体会到乐趣 experience a lot of fun in sth24、出版 come out=be published=be turn out=be brought out25、absorb=take in absorption(n) 取其精华,弃其糟粕 absorb the good and get rid of the bad be absorbed in=absoeb oneself in=be employed in=employ oneself in=apply oneself to+n/doing=be lost in=lose oneself in=put ones heart into doing sth 干扰人体对的吸收 interfere with the bodys absorption of sth26、figure数字人物轮廓 figure out=make out 辨认 figure out=understand=get at善于计算27、28、restore regain knowbe good at figures恢复(恢复秩序、原状) 重新获得:恢复 因而闻名 be known for=be famous for=be noted for=becelebrated for 作为而闻名be known as 被某人所知be known to 了 解know about 听说know of=hearof 向某人做自我介绍 make oneself known to each other =introduce oneself to sb做某事而不至于做某事 know better than to do sth29、agree同意某人的话某人适应某物A和B相一致agree with sb=agree with what sb says sth agrees with sbA agrees with B=A fits in with B称职be fit for ones office同意agree to+n 就达成一致agree on 达成协议 reach an agreement 30、申请的岗位 apply for a position of 坚守岗位stick to one9s post/position 坚持目标 stick to one9s goal 社会地位soical position=social status31、whereas=while 尽管32、某人对的喜欢 ones fondness for【宝山区】beg 求助于某人 beg a favour of sb=ask a favour of sb =turn to sb for help=ask sb for help2、 turn 在之交时 在转折点上,上交 围绕运转 背叛 翻转 翻开新的一页at the turn ofat the turning point turn in turn around turn against turn over turn a new leaf 对视而不见turn a bind eye to+n/doing =be bind to+n/doing 对充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to+n/doing不理睬某人轮到某人做某事、It过了一段时间后,过了一段时间后, 挡路:妨碍 将要做某事为铺平道路还有很长的路要走 还有很长时间 正在进行中*在修理中在治疗中 生活方式 倒塌:崩溃 以建设性的方式 在某种程度上 有某人自己做的方法 走向 蜿蜒而行 打开血路径直7、quality 优质的 在质量方面 保持优良品德8、direction采用新方法向四面八方向反方向=be deaf to+n/doing到了某人该做某事的时候了 Its one turn to do sth由某人决定做某事轮流;交替 in turn=by turns tum不带冠词的名词*成为一名老师 turn teacher=become a teacherturn away from sb It is ones turn to do sth某人会做某事It will be /seems一段时间他画。”句子 某人做了某事It was/seemed+一段时间+before句子(did)某人做某事有一段时间了It is/has been+一段时间*since (did)4、在特殊场合 on special occasions +5、寻找 search for=hunt for=look for=be in search of=be after=pursue6、wayget in ones way挡住了某人的路阻挡了某人前进的步伐get in the way=interfere on the way to+n/doing pave the way forthere is still a long way to gounder wayunder repairsunder treatment a way of life give way=collaspe=break down=fall in in a constructive wayin a way=to some degree=to a certain degree have ones own way to do sth=have ones own way of doing sthmake ones way towind ones way fight ones way all the wayn+of fine qualityin qualitykeep fine qualitiestake new direction in all directions=in every direction in the opposite direction遵照说明书9、在于位于目的在于:旨在follow the directions=follow the instructions lie inaim at瞄准aim sth at不在于:而在于 lie not in sth,but in sth1。、有点的气质 something of+a/an +n11、 A、 adopt采用某人的观点养子adopt ones idea adpoted sonEg His adopted son has something of a teacher.7养父B、 adept某方面的专家adpotive fatherbe adept in/at=be an expert in/at【高考模拟卷六】1、 employ=hire 聘用;雇用 dismiss=fire 解雇:开除2、be isolated=be lonely 感至叼&独3、Assistant 助手4、Sorry 为某人而感到惭愧 feel sorry for sb 向某人道歉 say sorry to5、Help 忍不住做cant help but do=can9t help doing不得不做=have to do 不f在帮助cant help to do=can9t help do sth 帮助某人摆脱 help sb out of 在某方面帮助某人 help sb with sth 对某人是一大帮助 be a great help to sb6、Miss 一个失踪的女孩 a missing girl=a lost girl 一个遗漏的单词a missing word 发现某人/某物不见了 find sb/sth missing=find sb/sth lost=find sb/sth gone 7、Apart 分开居住live apart 拆散:拆开take apart 分辨:辨认tell apart 把 A 和 B 区分开来 tell A apart from B=know A apart from B =distinguish A from B 除了apart from=except for=in addition 崩溃fall apart8、invest 投资 把资金投资在 方面 invest money in sth9、Blame 为某事而责备某人 blame sb for sth=blame sth on sb 为 而受到责备 be to blame for对负责(意外事故)10、每当的时候whenever*句子=every time句子11、failure 对某人来说是一大失败 be a failure to sb.对某人来说是一大成功 be a success to sb 停电power failure 心力衰竭heart failure12、Readyr乐意做某事be ready to do sth 非常乐意做某事 be only too ready to help others 13、Prefer 更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿意做某事prefer to doing sth=would rather do sth than do sth=would do sth rather than do sth14、Refer涉及:指代:参考;查阅 refer to 关于 referring to=dealing with=considering=concerning=regarding=respecting=as regards. 鉴于: 关于 in/with reference to=inAvith respect to 15、Get让某人理解某事 认真开始做某事 恢复:康复 对生气16、通车17、 Lack缺乏沟通缺乏短缺18、 Pour蜂拥而入倾盆而下.从涌出19、Promiseget sth across to sbget down to doing sth get over=recover from get away with=get cross with be opened to the trafficlack of communicationslacking communication be lacking in/ lack=be short ofpour intopour down pour out of允诺:预示着 promising (a)有希望的:有前途的 promise+n/to do预示着做某事 许下的诺言 make a promise that 句子20x Image 图像 能想象得到的imaginable 富于想象的imaginative 想象力丰富的:虚构的imaginary21、Worse 使事情更糟糕to make matters worse 每况愈下go from bad to worse22、smooth光滑的:流畅的:顺利的顺利做某事 do sth smoothly23、 Excape 为引起某人的注意escape onel notice 逃脱做某事escape doing sth 逃脱某人;挣脱某人 escape from doing sth 死里逃生have a narrow escape=narrowly escape9


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